View Full Version : NJ - Home invasion and beating caught on "nanny cam".

06-25-13, 10:39
Watching this makes me infuriated, obviously. However, I hope it provides the stimulus for some good conversation and something to show your more naive loved ones. Home invasions happen, they're real, they're violent and people need to develop the necessary mindset, training and a plan to deal with one should the occasion arise.


Truth be told the woman's very lucky things didn't get a lot worse.

06-25-13, 10:45
You know my answer, Irish :D


06-25-13, 10:47
Watching this makes me infuriated, obviously. However, I hope it provides the stimulus for some good conversation and something to show your more naive loved ones. Home invasions happen, they're real, they're violent and people need to develop the necessary mindset, training and a plan to deal with one should the occasion arise.


Truth be told the woman's very lucky things didn't get a lot worse.

I just saw this flying around FB. She is very lucky, and its definitely a needed wake-up that our homes aren't always as safe as we'd like them to be.

06-25-13, 10:49
You know my answer, Irish :D


Me too bro! I'm a huge fan of having a canine in the house. Preferably one that'll tear a massive hunk of flesh out of the bad guy!

06-25-13, 10:49
Words fail me.

I hope that POS gets hung by his balls.

06-25-13, 10:51
Me too bro! I'm a huge fan of having a canine in the house. Preferably one that'll tear a massive hunk of flesh out of the bad guy!

And that you have :cool:

06-25-13, 10:56

But I thought the police would protect us?

06-25-13, 10:57
So disturbing.. Public hangings need to be brought back. With all the tax waste that is one way to cut back.

06-25-13, 11:00
THAT is why you don't open the door unless you're expecting someone (and you still need see who is on the other side of the door). THAT is why even in my own home I ALWAYS have a firearm on me, or within reach. THAT is why you educate your wife and children about the evil that does exist in this world.

I can not express how angry this makes me...

All of these limp wristed authoritarian liberals think guns are un-needed??? They are out of touch with reality.

I hope this turd is caught and does serious time for agg assault, home invasion, ect, ect,

06-25-13, 11:09
I agree with you JDUB, but the perp kicked down a dead bolted door, FYI.

06-25-13, 11:16
I am absolutely sick to my stomach.

06-25-13, 11:27
Agreed on the dog thing.

And people think I'm crazy for not removing my carry gun the minute I get home

ETA: question for you legal wizards, are repeated and deliberate blows to the head grounds for an attempted murder charge in NJ?

06-25-13, 11:51
That tape made me want to throw up. I hope folks use this as a motivation to train wives and loved ones in firearms and home centric scenario training.

06-25-13, 11:54
So disturbing.. Public hangings need to be brought back. With all the tax waste that is one way to cut back.

the evolution of punishment. for some reason as societies evolve "punishment" has to become more "sanitary."

06-25-13, 11:57
My God! If that woman had a gun in the house and used it, why I can't but help to think of the tragic outcome that might have occurred. Guess she's lucky that she didn't because she might have been stigmatized for the rest of her life as a murderer! At least now all she has to do is live with the fact that she's a racist since I'm sure she'll say the home invader was a man of a different color than she is. And she opened herself to arrest and charges for assault since it's obvious that she threw herself onto his fists and feet and drug him to the basement door in an attempt to throw him down the stairs. Guess we should be thankful that this fine young man is still free to continue his wonderful life, spreading love and happiness to all those who cross his path.

**Above is the Politically Correct review of the movie.**

06-25-13, 12:00
I would hate to be pegged as a racist so I won't go further

But I hate how our society is devolving

06-25-13, 12:06
I hope they decide to arm themselves and publicize it.

06-25-13, 12:08
F*ck that mo*^$^er$^@!er and every single ba$*ard out there making excuses for the animals. Everybody's so fu*king worried about offending someone we've completely but*)#%&ed ourselves.

That woman and countless others pay the price for our weakness as a society every day but no one gives a moth^&$uc( so long as their ok for the day. What a joke.

Pork Chop
06-25-13, 12:11
F*ck that mo*^$^er$^@!er and every single ba$*ard out there making excuses for the animals. Everybody's so fu*king worried about offending someone we've completely but*)#%&ed ourselves.

That woman and countless others pay the price for our weakness as a society every day but no one gives a moth^&$uc( so long as their ok for the day. What a joke.

Your passion mirrors mine on this. How far we've fallen. :(

Mauser KAR98K
06-25-13, 12:12
I hope they decide to arm themselves and publicize it.

Nope, they got ADT. :confused:

06-25-13, 12:13
That tape made me want to throw up. I hope folks use this as a motivation to train wives and loved ones in firearms and home centric scenario training.

My thoughts as well. If this doesn't drive it home I'm not sure what will.

06-25-13, 12:18
Nope, they got ADT. :confused:

They're decent. But merely another layer in security. Dog, security system, flood lights, guns (in trained hands) are all necessary IMO for comprehensive home security.

06-25-13, 12:18
^My thoughts too, ADT would have done squat in preventing that. Hopefully they at least reinforced the door.

06-25-13, 12:49
To say that I am angry, is an understatement.

That's where I'll leave it. Truly damned disgusting!

06-25-13, 13:00
Paula Dean said it 30 years ago !

We really need to bring back public stockades and hangings etc....

Put him in the stocks and let the public deal with him !

06-25-13, 13:14
Stocks?? Screw the stocks. Linch his sorry ass by the nearest tree capable of bearing his weight.

Wife often wonders why I always carry at home. We no longer live I the days of heavy doors that can stop anyone from getting in. They are just like the government. A facade to make you feel safe.

06-25-13, 13:14
I agree with you JDUB, but the perp kicked down a dead bolted door, FYI.

Ok, that's where my G27 would come out to play...that's always on my person.

Again, that's why you need to be aware and prepared.

06-25-13, 13:20
Stocks?? Screw the stocks. Linch his sorry ass by the nearest tree capable of bearing his weight.

By his reproductive organs. I would say balls, but that person didn't have balls after he started to beat up on a woman in front of her kid.

But overall, this is why I'm a huge proponent of gun control.

Both hands in a firm grip, squeeze the trigger and don't slap it. And remember, two to the chest and one to the head always makes your target dead.

06-25-13, 13:29
Stocks so folks can come up and smack his helpless head till he is dead ! Let it take hours or days better yet !

06-25-13, 13:34
This happened in a town I know very well and work close to. It's a NYC commuter town w/ big money and NYC liberal ways. It's also 10 minutes from Newark. They, these savages, come up to "shop" everyday.

This lady actually had her baby sleeping upstairs in addition to the 3yr old on the couch. She didnt scream in fear of waking up the baby. Thank God this didn't go the rape route...

There is zero gun culture in these liberal NYC suburbs.

06-25-13, 13:59
The video sickens me as well. BUT, I think it's a good reminder. To simply OWN a firearm may not have protected this woman. The POS was an animal, and had zero hesitation in his attack. Were this woman to feebly retrieve a gun that she didn't know how to USE, it could easily have ended with the perp shooting her with her own weapon. Goes to show that training is a necessary aspect of owning a gun. To me, at least.

06-25-13, 14:05
Stuff like this makes me so angry. On so many levels and for so many reasons.

Angry at both the people who would do this sort of thing to anyone- especially a woman- and also people who do not take their defense seriously enough to train and prepare for these situations.

My wife and I ALWAYS- repeat- ALWAYS have a knife, flashlight and a handgun W/extra mags on our person or within arms reach (Carbine/mags as well when at home- in every dang-o room/area); except when on the occassional unpleasent trip to government buildings.

Any man not teaching his wife & children to defend themselves and arming them to be prepared to do so is an idiot in my book. Same goes for single individuals as well- if you aren't taking the initiative to be prepared to defend yourself; you are just plain stupid.

06-25-13, 14:23
I always have a good 10.5" leaning on the couch. Come on in, Deshantriay! Just make sure I can get coroner pics to post on M4. ;)

06-25-13, 14:30
Thugs feel emboldened to do things like this in places where they know there is little chance of being shot.

This is a VERY good example of why you should have weapons of some sort stashed in various places around your home. Even if it is a baton, knife or some sort of club....if you are not near your firearms or caught when not carrying...you can fight someone off.

I have such items stashed in every corner of my house and even in the garage. Mostly out of sight and out of reach of small kids....but items I can get to quickly and deploy against an attacker and debilitate them enough to get away, crawl to the pistol or take them out of the fight.

I guess since it is black on white....this is not a hate crime..eh?

In NJ....he will probably walk.


06-25-13, 14:35
This happened in a town I know very well and work close to. It's a NYC commuter town w/ big money and NYC liberal ways. It's also 10 minutes from Newark. They, these savages, come up to "shop" everyday.

This lady actually had her baby sleeping upstairs in addition to the 3yr old on the couch. She didnt scream in fear of waking up the baby. Thank God this didn't go the rape route...

There is zero gun culture in these liberal NYC suburbs.

The video is all over FOX news and I assume other news outlets. I'm sure the liberals are reconsidering and rethinking their anti-gun laws and assault weapons ban thought process after viewing that video.

06-25-13, 14:36
The video is all over FOX news and I assume other news outlets. I'm sure the liberals are reconsidering and rethinking their anti-gun laws and assault weapons ban thought process after viewing that video.

Ha! I doubt that.

I don't get worked up when bad things happen to Blue staters. You make your bed.... :confused:

06-25-13, 14:45
The video is all over FOX news and I assume other news outlets. I'm sure the liberals are reconsidering and rethinking their anti-gun laws and assault weapons ban thought process after viewing that video.

I seriously doubt the libs are rethinking anything. They will hold this up as a win and proves the efficacy of their laws because nobody got shot.

Never mind this ass gasket broke into this womans home and proceeded to beat the crap out of her because he knew there was no one and nothing to stop him.

Way to go NJ, we're all so much safer.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

06-25-13, 14:47
I seriously doubt the libs are rethinking anything. They will hold this up as a win and proves the efficacy of their laws because nobody got shot.

Exactly. Thank the laws that the young man wasn't injured. :rolleyes:

Alpha Sierra
06-25-13, 14:53
My bet is that woman was OKEE-DOKEE with all sorts of draconian gun control measures, as are the overwhelming majority of NJ residents.

If so, hard to muster sympathy for those who not only choose to be helpless, but want to force everyone else to be so.

Alpha Sierra
06-25-13, 14:55
I guess since it is black on white....this is not a hate crime..eh?

It's impossible to have black-on-white hate crime. It does not fit the progressive definition of such.

06-25-13, 14:57
If so, hard to muster sympathy for those who not only choose to be helpless, but want to force everyone else to be so.

AMEN. I'm getting to where I like it actually. :D

06-25-13, 15:00
With a 3 yr old in the house the gun has to locked up or rendered safe in some way...no???

Alpha Sierra
06-25-13, 15:02
AMEN. I'm getting to where I like it actually. :D

My heart turned stone cold on November 4 of 2008. I have zero empathy for anyone I know or suspect to be a progressive, or even voted for liberals.

Alpha Sierra
06-25-13, 15:03
With a 3 yr old in the house the gun has to locked up or rendered safe in some way...no???

No. My child is 11 and every single day of her life there has been at least one firearm in condition one and readily available without the need to open any locks in the house. Often there has been more than one.

06-25-13, 15:06
The police will investigate, hopefully arrest this bucket of snot quickly, being fully mindful of HIS rights, don't want to violate those now do we. Then he'll get a fair trial, again, HIS rights will be paramount. Then he'll get a nice prison sentence where he'll enjoy A/C during summer, comfy heat in winter. Cable TV, 3 squares a day. All the modern comforts.

Meanwhile this womans life is shattered. Think she'll ever be the same after this? Highly doubt it.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

06-25-13, 15:06
The video is all over FOX news and I assume other news outlets. I'm sure the liberals are reconsidering and rethinking their anti-gun laws and assault weapons ban thought process after viewing that video.

liberals are saying good thing she did not have a gun or she and her kids would have been shot with it !!

and waiting for a few to say
why didn't she just pee herself and ask nicely for him to leave !
we need to do more for colored folks so they don't need to to do this !

06-25-13, 15:07
With a 3 yr old in the house the gun has to locked up or rendered safe in some way...no???

I'd prefer to have one loaded, in a holster, on my hip. No matter where you go the gun is safe, and so are you.

06-25-13, 15:08
liberals are saying good thing she did not have a gun or she and her kids would have been shot with it !!


06-25-13, 15:10
I wonder if he is on welfare ?

I wish we could pass a new law if you are on welfare and caught in a crime you loose all your welfare rights and you have to pay back what you had gotten !!!!

and hold them to it !!!

06-25-13, 15:14

at least some of the ones I have heard ?

you cant make this stuff up !!!

06-25-13, 15:14
Yeah yeah I know most of you guys would be ok but there's no housewife out there who's carrying condition 0 while changing diapers and making lunch. And any housewife including yours has zero chance when this gorilla kicks in the front door while she's in the common area.

06-25-13, 15:32
and waiting for a few to say
why didn't she just pee herself and ask nicely for him to leave !
we need to do more for colored folks so they don't need to to do this !

He's just misunderstood really. It's not his fault. SOCIETY failed HIM.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

06-25-13, 15:33
Yeah yeah I know most of you guys would be ok but there's no housewife out there who's carrying condition 0 while changing diapers and making lunch. And any housewife including yours has zero chance when this gorilla kicks in the front door while she's in the common area.

some do I know that for sure :)

and no sometimes you cant avoid it ?

but you can put on a outside opening metal security door (same for all doors) near impossible to kick down front windows put something in front making it harder to get in as quick giving you reaction time or film the windows if you live in a high enough crime area

sad that we have to armor our homes to keep criminals out but then again thats why the english built castles thats why in Central America they do the homes the way they do so its not something new its been going on for ever to protect one self

problem really is many do rely on the police and think they are safe all the time
and as said many believe they dont need a gun

if she had a simple security door chances are this would not have happened

what I want to know and whats not known yet is why did he choose this home ? I do think there is something more to this than a simple home invasion as it seems most of the time its to get drugs or drug money
and it very well could be just purely he did not care and wanted something ?

the guy no matter what deserves to be put down for this !!!

we shoot bears who break into food lockers more than once cause we realize they will come back and do it again we need to start doing this to all criminals !

06-25-13, 15:35
Edit - I'm pretty sure I was chosen completely at random. Possibly due to being a corner house and the types of vehicles we have in the driveway, but certainly not because of drugs or company we keep. -Edit

My wife knows where the guns are and how to use them. But she's he no match for this sack of shit if he just busted in.

Having been through an attempted home invasion, I cannot stress enough the importance of solid doors, peep holes, heavy duty locks on the windows, etc.

I pretty much always have a gun on me at home or very close by. I typically have a rifle nearby as well. I'm not overly concerned about me, but when I'm not home, I am concerned for my wife and kids.

Just yesterday my 3yo boy opened the door for some electric co salesman while my wife and I were out back. He and my 8yo daughter were playing on the iPad and computer upstairs and heard the door but we didn't. I've spent so much time with them on this and I bought for sure he'd never go to the door. But he probably expected my sister in law, his grandmother or a friend of mine and he got excited. Completely my fault but nothing is guaranteed. I forgot to lock the second deadbolt that is much higher and only had the handle locked.

There are too many horror stories out there like that family that was murdered and one of the kids was dropped off by a friend's Mom during the home invasion. Then the Dad in Ct, etc.

My job revolves protecting people. I see dumb shit all the time. It's so much worse though when I see it in my own home.

06-25-13, 15:35
Yeah yeah I know most of you guys would be ok but there's no housewife out there who's carrying condition 0 while changing diapers and making lunch. And any housewife including yours has zero chance when this gorilla kicks in the front door while she's in the common area.

Reality rears its ugly head.

A dog is the answer.

06-25-13, 15:38
A Good sized Dog is definitely a great start...

06-25-13, 15:41
You would think a certain amount of appropriate stimulus, in this case getting almost beat to death, would drive any logically thinking person to rethink their previous position, but sadly, you guys have a point. You reap what you sow. They wanted this liberal utopia under glass, then when someone breaks the glass and effs up their world, they wonder what happened, then still won't get it. I think of my extremely liberal sister and there is no amount of common sense or logic to sway her from her rainbow/butterfly chasing views. The liberal brainwashing has been thorough and complete. The lesson learned should be that one should not be so solidly and blindly convicted to an ideology that it makes you stop thinking and ignore basic instincts, especially the one about self preservation.

06-25-13, 15:41
Yeah yeah I know most of you guys would be ok but there's no housewife out there who's carrying condition 0 while changing diapers and making lunch. And any housewife including yours has zero chance when this gorilla kicks in the front door while she's in the common area.

My wife carrys condition 0 except when in bed, or at government buildings/airports. My sister in law does as well; she has 4 kids; ages 1-7.

So- yeah there are housewives out there who do. I doubt my wife & sister-in-law are the only one in this world who do so either...

Either of them would have shot that dude in the chest and head post haste if this happened in one of our homes.

"No chance" turns into a good chance if the right training/preperations and access to firearms is planned ahead of time...

ETA: A dog is a must have. Both for scenarios such as this and if you are not home at all. We have a Pitt Bull.

06-25-13, 15:42
Yeah yeah I know most of you guys would be ok but there's no housewife out there who's carrying condition 0 while changing diapers and making lunch. And any housewife including yours has zero chance when this gorilla kicks in the front door while she's in the common area.

Sobering. And correct.

06-25-13, 15:44
With a 3 yr old in the house the gun has to locked up or rendered safe in some way...no???

Why? What's the point of even owning one then? By all means, put it in a location that is inaccessible tot he child and/or their friends. But what is the point of even owning a gun for self-defense when you are just going to put it in a place that is inaccessible when you need it the most?

06-25-13, 15:45
We have a 100lb white-ish lab that is the heaviest sleeper in the house! I really want a true guard dog that is bred then trained for it.

I hope they catch this sack of spent nut, but who knows. I've been carjacked then had an attempted home invasion. The carjacking ended in a shot being fired, blood and teeth inside the vehicle when it was recovered, an ATM photo of shitbag #1 and a plain clothes officer that recognized him from the north side projects..... But nothing ever came of it.

I got the plate number of the car after chasing them down after being confronted with a crowbar.... Nothing ever came of it.

I hope to God they find this piece of shit because the next one will likely get it even worse.

06-25-13, 15:45
Yeah yeah I know most of you guys would be ok but there's no housewife out there who's carrying condition 0 while changing diapers and making lunch. And any housewife including yours has zero chance when this gorilla kicks in the front door while she's in the common area.

You'd loose that ASSumption. :rolleyes:

06-25-13, 15:48
I'd like to lose that assumption, and while I know my wife would die (or kill) for our family, the reality is she's just not as prepared as I am. She can handle the guns fine, but she has to get one first. Between the kids and summer classes online, she has her hands full

I know a lot of women who should be more prepared than most being married to cops, elite soldiers, contractors, EP guys etc., and I can't think of any carrying around the house.

Now, when I'm home there's a loaded Glock sitting in the living room out of reach of the kids and typically a rifle close by with a mag near the Glock.

The reality, that those having been through it can attest to, is that this shit happens so fast, there's very little time to react. Take a woman with little training, and unless hey have time to process it, I'd say most will not react in time.

( note the lack of confrontational tone and cute little emoticons in my posts that are so common in GD that are a quiet little "**** you" - not my thing guys. GD is one of those few places on m4c where people make guesses and talk shit to those with actual experience because it doesn't fit their opinion)

06-25-13, 15:57
You would think a certain amount of appropriate stimulus, in this case getting almost beat to death, would drive any logically thinking person to rethink their previous position, but sadly, you guys have a point. You reap what you sow. They wanted this liberal utopia under glass, then when someone breaks the glass and effs up their world, they wonder what happened, then still won't get it. I think of my extremely liberal sister and there is no amount of common sense or logic to sway her from her rainbow/butterfly chasing views. The liberal brainwashing has been thorough and complete. The lesson learned should be that one should not be so solidly and blindly convicted to an ideology that it makes you stop thinking and ignore basic instincts, especially the one about self preservation.

Your post reminded me of my older sister. She is such a liberal idiot.

She is in a line of work where she is constantly around dirt bags, has had several guns/knives pulled on her, been beaten pretty bad once- I cannot for the life of me get her to carry a knife- let alone a gun. I did get her some pepper spray and she does carry that- but know that is not enough protection...

I finally had a small breakthrough with her a few years ago when I asked her to come along with me to the range a few times so she can understand how a pistol operates and at least be somewhat educated in its implementation/use, if the safety is on or off, if a magazine is inserted or not, etc.

She did finally understand the merit of at least having the basic knowledge to be able to manipulate a weapon- if for instance there wa a struggle and she could get the gun in her hands.

She still won't carry though. It pisses me off and makes me worry about her to no end.

Liberalism is a mental illness...

06-25-13, 15:59

06-25-13, 16:09
I'd like to lose that assumption, and while I know my wife would die (or kill) for our family, the reality is she's just not as prepared as I am. She can handle the guns fine, but she has to get one first. Between the kids and summer classes online, she has her hands full

I know a lot of women who should be more prepared than most being married to cops, elite soldiers, contractors, EP guys etc., and I can't think of any carrying around the house
Now, when I'm home there's a loaded Glock sitting in the living room out of reach of the kids and typically a rifle close by with a mag near the Glock.

The reality, that those having been through it can attest to, is that this shit happens so fast, there's very little time to react. Take a woman with little training, and unless hey have time to process it, I'd say most will not react in time.
( note the lack of confrontational tone and cute little emoticons in my posts that are so common in GD that are a quiet little "**** you" - not my thing guys. GD is one of those few places on m4c where people make guesses and talk shit to those with actual experience because it doesn't fit their opinion)

This is easily remedied by training and preperation.

I don't mean this in a snarky or confrontational way at all; just pointing out that preparing for this and training for this and then having access to a frirearm will give your wife- anyones wife or self a better chance in these scenarios.

It does take time, effort and money- but is ALL too worth it in my eyes.

They do exist, I assure you- although they are quite a small minority I am also quite sure. My wife and sister-in-law carry condition 0 almost all the time- very few exceptions.
None of us will be 100% immune to being taken by surprise and potentially F'd up given certain circumstances, but we may train to be as best prepared as possible- just in case.

06-25-13, 16:16
Double tap

06-25-13, 16:17
You have to have the will to fight. Many do not. Though for the women, at least, who refuse to learn how to use weapons for defense, I cannot fathom how they would be against it while watching their children be harmed.

That is not it, however. They refuse to take the necessary prerequisites to truly keep themselves safe. Many also have a false sense of security by just having a pistol. Like my brother, he bought a 1911 and very rarely fires it. Though from what I heard of self defense stories they are generally successful- even when the person is not some Elite Tactical Operator.

Do most people, however, have the sense that when shooting someone the bullet may go through the person and hit what is behind? You all know where I am going with this.

What is more: what is YOUR reaction under stress? Fight or Flight? For some people it is Flight. In a house, especially with your children, Flight is not all that possible. Now, you have no idea what to do. You start thinking of how to escape. When you need to think about how to neutralize the threat.

If you Fight, what is your reaction? If you are military/police I am sure it is to grab your firearm of choice. Or if you are civilian, and take classes to understand the use of weapons in defense. Or do you naturally want to fight hand to hand?

I noticed this with myself. And I am worried about it, which is why I am seeking firearm training in classes now. One night my brother and I heard someone walking in the backyard. With my adrenaline going, my first natural thought is to fight and wrestle the guy. That is what I train 5-6 days a week to do. So my instinct and what I am most at home with is fist fighting, wrestling and grappling in particular. I know, that I know how to grapple, and what people do when you grab them, therefore that was Fight response. It was not to grab AR-15.

I am not sure what we heard since the "foot steps" that we heard stopped after the initial two, then all was quite, I checked, and no one was there. It sounded like no animal walking though.

So defense comes down to: what is natural reaction to a threat?

06-25-13, 16:45
Double tap

And a sweet tac reload.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

06-25-13, 16:54
Double tap

I agree 100%. The problem is that most won't commit to it or at least won't carry around the home even though they understand the need. Frustrating to say the least.

06-25-13, 16:54

Did I miss the picture of the drawing of the perp? Why not show it?

You get dressed, you put your gun on. You get ready for bed, you take it off. Before I carried, I thought I would be taking the holstered gun on and off, but it is just easier to put it on and keep it on.

06-25-13, 16:59
I think a lot of folks are not thinking this through and thinking that since they have a hammer, everything must be a nail. And of course, these same guys are certain that their wives who apparently carry 24/7, could fight through a sudden attack from this 210lb guy, draw, and shoot him.

If your wife works on drawing and shooting during ground fighting, AWESOME. I live in the real world and realize that nothing replaces a toothy, defensive dog for this sort of thing.

Here come the "what if" comments. My rebuttal (http://www.pantagraph.com/news/beloved-german-shepherd-saves-woman-from-sexual-assault/article_e739eff2-9a4a-5fc0-8e38-48933861458b.html). A dog gives the woman time to act. A "beware of dog" sign will often make the perp find a softer target.

Meanwhile, I haven't seen any AARs of someone's wife here taking SouthNarc's ECQC......

06-25-13, 17:00
Did I miss the picture of the drawing of the perp? Why not show it?

You get dressed, you put your gun on. You get ready for bed, you take it off. Before I carried, I thought I would be taking the holstered gun on and off, but it is just easier to put it on and keep it on.

No, they didn't show it.

06-25-13, 17:21
I think a lot of folks are not thinking this through and thinking that since they have a hammer, everything must be a nail. And of course, these same guys are certain that their wives who apparently carry 24/7, could fight through a sudden attack from this 210lb guy, draw, and shoot him.

If your wife works on drawing and shooting during ground fighting, AWESOME. I live in the real world and realize that nothing replaces a toothy, defensive dog for this sort of thing.

Here come the "what if" comments. My rebuttal (http://www.pantagraph.com/news/beloved-german-shepherd-saves-woman-from-sexual-assault/article_e739eff2-9a4a-5fc0-8e38-48933861458b.html). A dog gives the woman time to act. A "beware of dog" sign will often make the perp find a softer target.

Meanwhile, I haven't seen any AARs of someone's wife here taking SouthNarc's ECQC......

Re-read my post- I stated- "A dog is a must have".

Absolutely a dog is a must have, for SO many reasons.

Any household without a dog is MUCH more vulnerable to a lot of bad situations.

I've got a well trained 87lb American Pitt Bull Terrier- good luck if you break into my house.

My wife hasn't taken "southnarcs ECQC" course- but that doesn't mean we haven't trained with the guidance of proffessionals for several scenarios to be prepared more so than just buying a gun and putting it in a drawer...

I never said anyone was completely immune to being surprised and getting the bad end of the situation- in fact I clearly stated the oppossite.

06-25-13, 17:23
THCDDM4, I didn't address you specifically but you might read up on the course, nonetheless. Good for you for not thinking a gun will fix all problems.

Interview with SouthNarc (http://ballisticradio.com/2013/06/17/podcast-ballistic-radio-episode-15-june-16-2013/)

06-25-13, 17:29
THCDDM4, I didn't address you specifically but you might read up on the course, nonetheless. Good for you for not thinking a gun will fix all problems.

Interview with SouthNarc (http://ballisticradio.com/2013/06/17/podcast-ballistic-radio-episode-15-june-16-2013/)

The way you used "Wife" and "carry 24/7" it seemed to be directed at me. No worries.

I just read a bit about it and I am interested in getting both my wife and I in it. Just gotta find the time and money...

A gun is just another tool. There is no universal tool for everything- unless of course you have a sonic screwdriver :D

I am not trying to come off as over confident in what would happen to my wife or myself in a scenario such as this- not at all, I am just pointing out that with a bit of training, the right state of mind, access to a firearm- you've got an exponentially better chance of coming out on the good end of these type sof scenarios. Add a dog into the mix and you have an even better chance.

Having a well trained dog is one of the best tools in just about any scenario I could imagine; having said dog and a good background in training and access to a firearm at all times is even better.

Didn't mean to come off as confrontational- if you took it that way. Take care LL.

06-25-13, 17:32
I wish she could have gut shot the bastard.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-25-13, 17:32
thanks for that bit of info :)
had not read much more than what I saw on the news

corner house easy mark just as good as anything for a looser like this
have to wonder if the guy knew guns might have been in the home and she was helpless ?

Edit - I'm pretty sure I was chosen completely at random. Possibly due to being a corner house and the types of vehicles we have in the driveway, but certainly not because of drugs or company we keep. -Edit

My wife knows where the guns are and how to use them. But she's he no match for this sack of shit if he just busted in.

Having been through an attempted home invasion, I cannot stress enough the importance of solid doors, peep holes, heavy duty locks on the windows, etc.

I pretty much always have a gun on me at home or very close by. I typically have a rifle nearby as well. I'm not overly concerned about me, but when I'm not home, I am concerned for my wife and kids.

Just yesterday my 3yo boy opened the door for some electric co salesman while my wife and I were out back. He and my 8yo daughter were playing on the iPad and computer upstairs and heard the door but we didn't. I've spent so much time with them on this and I bought for sure he'd never go to the door. But he probably expected my sister in law, his grandmother or a friend of mine and he got excited. Completely my fault but nothing is guaranteed. I forgot to lock the second deadbolt that is much higher and only had the handle locked.

There are too many horror stories out there like that family that was murdered and one of the kids was dropped off by a friend's Mom during the home invasion. Then the Dad in Ct, etc.

My job revolves protecting people. I see dumb shit all the time. It's so much worse though when I see it in my own home.

06-25-13, 17:57
While horrendous to watch this video, its just another day in any random city. My labrador who does 'not' like strangers sleeps at attention. While BG is dealing with her thrusting fangs, I have ample time to utilize my weapon that I keep at the ready. Even when showering my handgun sits arms length away inside the magazine rack in case Autumn starts alerting me to problems. While best laid plans can be beat, I feel well enough prepared and sleep well...:happy:

06-25-13, 18:00
thanks for that bit of info :)
had not read much more than what I saw on the news

corner house easy mark just as good as anything for a looser like this
have to wonder if the guy knew guns might have been in the home and she was helpless ?

Sorry about that, was talking about my house during my home invasion!

06-25-13, 20:19
Ahhhhhhh OK no worries
Thought that was something I missed :)

Bummer for sure you guys got hit

Sorry about that, was talking about my house during my home invasion!

06-25-13, 22:14
It's already been covered, but it would have been very difficult for many men or women to deal with that shitbag if he just burst through the door, catching the people inside completely unaware.

Layers in the security and defense of the home are absolutely critical. Every layer allows you to slow down the attacker and gain time to react. If you don't carry a gun on/near you, time will allow you to get to it. Plus, the more layers, the greater the deterrence.

For those who are inclined to own them, large dogs are a great first line of warning and defense.

There are other potential devices to prevent someone kicking in your door. A few years ago something like this was mentioned in the Disaster Prevention subforum: http://kickproof.com/
I haven't used that particular device, but I did use 4" screws to affix the strike plates deep into the studs.

The other thing that will slow down a kick-style home invasion is a security door. They usually open outwards, so good luck trying to kick them in. For higher security, I spent a fair amount over the generic low end Home Depot line of security doors.

3M window film for the windows has already been mentioned. Shutters might also buy the defender some time.

06-25-13, 22:16
Double tap

Double tap? No way jose.....keep pulling the trigger until the threat has stopped gurgling....

06-25-13, 22:48
A Good sized Dog is definitely a great start...

Would these count?


Combined weight is 230 lbs. Both are, shall we say, ill tempered when it comes to uninvited house guests...;)

06-25-13, 23:16
This video infuriates me, almost sick. I wish I could get 5 minutes in a room alone with this guy. Brain matter between the knuckles type of wall to wall counseling.

06-25-13, 23:42
May step on some toes here but watching that video I got the distinct impression that this guy ENJOYED beating up this seemingly well to do middle class mom. Like he was taking out his anger and deprived life directly onto her.

He has been beaten down in life. He deserves better and who is this freaking white girl to have all this stuff and not let me have some of it. I don't mean to go political with this post.....share the wealth and all but I can't help but think that watching that a$$hole on video.

He just seemed to enjoy it too much. Like it was more than just a robbery. Sick.


06-25-13, 23:43
May step on some toes here but watching that video I got the distinct impression that this guy ENJOYED beating up this seemingly well to do middle class mom. Like he was taking out his anger and deprived life directly onto her.

He has been beaten down in life. He deserves better and who is this freaking white girl to have all this stuff and not let me have some of it. I don't mean to go political with this post.....share the wealth and all but I can't help but think that watching that a$$hole on video.

He just seemed to enjoy it too much. Like it was more than just a robbery. Sick.


I thought the same. Like he wasn't there for anything else..

06-25-13, 23:50
My neighbor thought it strange my AR was lying against the table on the back porch while grilling out the other day. This video is a reason why I do.

LL, yeah have to get another dog. :)


06-26-13, 03:35
While horrendous to watch this video, its just another day in any random city.

Pretty much.

The average law abiding citizen has not the faintest inkling as to the brutality of the real world until out of nowhere an oxygen thief such as this one comes crashing through their life on some random afternoon. Most go about their day just like every day before, they live in a bubble filled with false senses of security. If you live in a gated community or apartment complex here is a clue, if the pizza delivery boy can get in ANYONE can.

As for securing the castle’s keep there has to be multiple layers in order to have an effectual defense. I’d start with the physical and psychological barriers; reinforced door frames (1” of soft wood is NOT security), solid doors, high end grade 1 professional locks (not the big box store variety or the OEM one that came on your industry standard domicile), 180° peepholes, door bars, on your front and back doors. Don’t neglect the door between your garage and your house. Speaking of garages zip tie the emergency release on your garage door opener, if your power goes out its easy enough to cut off:

Breaking into a Garage in 6 Seconds (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMz1tXBVT1s)

Get a security system; alarms, door chimes, window and door sensors . . . the whole bit. Be sure to place a sign and or some window decals for the alarm company, K9 signs may also prove to persuade a potential threat to seek a softer target. Video surveillance systems have come a long way and are becoming more economical. There are even apps for your phone so you can view your home remotely why you are away.

K9's that are trained for the role, breed specific, become a "dog person". Firearms that are readily available, ready to rock, and not locked away in some safe in another part of the house. Get trained on them if this has not already been done.

06-26-13, 05:13
Not anymore than Jews who survived the Holocaust or had their entire families wiped out vote for gun restrictions here in the U.S.

Some people don't get it and never will.

The video is all over FOX news and I assume other news outlets. I'm sure the liberals are reconsidering and rethinking their anti-gun laws and assault weapons ban thought process after viewing that video.

06-26-13, 05:25
Not anymore than Jews who survived the Holocaust or had their entire families wiped out vote for gun restrictions here in the U.S.

Some people don't get it and never will.

Man ain't that the truth. No offense to Roger but it will never be a matter of one graphic beating changing the tides. Plus they'll either say that she wouldn't have had time to get her gun, she would have been fine with no more than seven rounds or that the attacker could have disarmed and then shot her.

While I'm sure the unspeakable incident will spur gun sales, primarily to or on the behalf of women, it will have no effect on any of those on their respective libertard missions.

06-26-13, 06:57
I would hate to be pegged as a racist so I won't go further

But I hate how our society is devolving

Scum bags come in all colors.

06-26-13, 08:16
"Collectivism is a doctrine that holds that the individual has no rights, and the ultimate standard of value is the group to which 'he belongs.' Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors. Racism claims that the content of a man’s mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man’s convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman’s version of the doctrine of innate ideas -- or of inherited knowledge -- which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science. Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men. Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination."
-- Ayn Rand
(1905-1982) Author
Source: Racism, The Virtue of Selfishness, 126

06-26-13, 08:22
May step on some toes here but watching that video I got the distinct impression that this guy ENJOYED beating up this seemingly well to do middle class mom. Like he was taking out his anger and deprived life directly onto her.

He has been beaten down in life. He deserves better and who is this freaking white girl to have all this stuff and not let me have some of it. I don't mean to go political with this post.....share the wealth and all but I can't help but think that watching that a$$hole on video.

He just seemed to enjoy it too much. Like it was more than just a robbery. Sick.


Guess I'll step on some toes too and say that as I watch that video the enjoyment you pointed out I noticed too but not for the reasons you listed. None of us know the whole story here but watching the way he beat her gave me the impression that she knew him and probably owed him or whoever he worked for money for drugs or whatever.
Obviously I could be wrong but I have seen that scenario too many times to simply dismiss the possibility.

06-26-13, 08:24
May step on some toes here but watching that video I got the distinct impression that this guy ENJOYED beating up this seemingly well to do middle class mom. Like he was taking out his anger and deprived life directly onto her.

He has been beaten down in life. He deserves better and who is this freaking white girl to have all this stuff and not let me have some of it. I don't mean to go political with this post.....share the wealth and all but I can't help but think that watching that a$$hole on video.

He just seemed to enjoy it too much. Like it was more than just a robbery. Sick.


I thought the same. Like he wasn't there for anything else..

My first thought was that this was not a simple break-in, but retribution for some reason- and not in a societal way, but a personal way. I thought the perp 'knew' the people. Like it was an enforcer of some sort 'tuning' up some people. After seeing the interview, and the fact the people went to the cops, seems to indicate that my theory is wrong- Maybe the wrong house?

Random things happen- randomly, but this guy is really odd- and a true sociopath.

Go ahead, throw me in my basement.... I'll be back in a minute ;)

06-26-13, 09:34
Guys...the shitbird did not know her and vice versa. I kinda wanna LOL.

Happens everyday...animal breaks in and either the house is unoccupied and he/they go about their business, someone is home and they flee w/out any further or they proceed to tie up/tape the victims or in this case beat a female and then go about their business.

"ASSumption"...love it

06-26-13, 09:44
Guys...the shitbird did not know her and vice versa. I kinda wanna LOL.

Happens everyday...animal breaks in...

Never thought for a moment that he knew her either. To make such an assumption initially is likely a defense mechanism of sorts for those that find it too hard to accept at face value. I've dealt with animals like that numerous times living in this region and each and every one had not the slightest hint of either conscience or remorse.

06-26-13, 09:50
Never thought for a moment that he knew her either. To make such an assumption initially is likely a defense mechanism of sorts for those that find it too hard to accept at face value. I've dealt with animals like that numerous times living in this region and each and every one had not the slightest hint of either conscience or remorse.

Nobody is defending his actions or refusing to see him for the dirtbag he is. I was simply pointing out that I have seen enough situations like this happen where the people did know each other and it was about retribution for something that I cant be so quick to rule it out. Like I said none of us know the situation and can only go on what we have been told. The ASSumption is being too quick to rule out all possibilities when conducting an investigation.

06-26-13, 09:56
Some people don't get it and never will.

That's it. And I feel no sadness for them being naturally selected out of the gene pool.

06-26-13, 10:01
The "ASSumption" is quoting another member here from couple pages back ;)

06-26-13, 10:05
That's it. And I feel no sadness for them being naturally selected out of the gene pool.

You have not the slightest clue as to her views on firearms or whether or not she had her firearm in her home. But that doesn't matter because once again you're absolutely delighted someone in a blue state is suffering, in this case an innocent woman and her children.

06-26-13, 10:16
In reference to Jaxman's post about this guy enjoying it....

During our attempted home invasion, when I confronted the first guy, he turned towards me and got this creepy shit-eating grin like "I going to enjoy this" then raised his crowbar and charged me.

He wasn't expecting my smile in return, but I'm almost certain he was going to enjoy beating on me with that crowbar.

06-26-13, 10:23
You have not the slightest clue as to her views on firearms or whether or not she had her firearm in her home. But that doesn't matter because once again you're absolutely delighted someone in a blue state is suffering, in this case an innocent woman and her children.

Except there is a better than 60% chance that she doesn't and she is anti gun.

06-26-13, 10:26
In reference to Jaxman's post about this guy enjoying it....

During our attempted home invasion, when I confronted the first guy, he turned towards me and got this creepy shit-eating grin like "I going to enjoy this" then raised his crowbar and charged me.

He wasn't expecting my smile in return, but I'm almost certain he was going to enjoy beating on me with that crowbar.

As some members here know I had a horrific run in with a guy that looked a lot like this guy but taller. It all started because of an incredibly loud radio blasting obscenities in the immediate vicinity of children playing, including my son.

Long story short my attempt to have the radio lowered ended up in probably the brawl of my lifetime (and I've had a few) in which I was litteraly fighting not just to win but for my life. He was as heartless, disrespectful and viscous as any man anywhere could be, even enjoying the crying children around him.

Thank God I'm no pushover myself and I managed to keep things even until we were both exhausted and the police finally arrived. Then the savage terrorized my son and my ex in what was then her apt in Camden Co causing both me and the police to return several times until she thankfully moved at the end of the month.

Anyway Jon glad you made it through ok, in fact likely much better than I.

Edit: Oh I forgot to add that a number of black teenagers came out at the time, but of course instead of trying to diffuse the situation for the sake of the kids they cheered and whooped it up like it was the spectacle of the year.

06-26-13, 10:28
Except there is a better than 60% chance that she doesn't and she is anti gun.

Good. Keep up the hard ass attitude and maybe find some more clips of women being beaten by men in the northeast for your enjoyment.

06-26-13, 10:34
Wait so some of you take pleasure in this mother's beating by a animal cause she's potentially anti-gun??? Go shake hands w/ this savage cause that's pretty much on par w/ his morality compass.

Pretty ****ed up...

06-26-13, 10:44
Wait so some of you take pleasure in this mother's beating by a animal cause she's potentially anti-gun??? Go shake hands w/ this savage cause that's pretty much on par w/ his morality compass.

Pretty ****ed up...

I have seen people make similar comments about it and that makes me sick. That could have been my wife who just couldn't get to her gun in time. Would she have "deserved it" because she wasn't carrying while taking care of the kids?

06-26-13, 10:57
As some members here know I had a horrific run in with a guy that looked a lot like this guy but taller. It all started because of an incredibly loud radio blasting obscenities in the immediate vicinity of children playing, including my son.

Long story short my attempt to have the radio lowered ended up in probably the brawl of my lifetime (and I've had a few) in which I was litteraly fighting not just to win but for my life. He was as heartless, disrespectful and viscous as any man anywhere could be, even enjoying the crying children around him.

Thank God I'm no pushover myself and I managed to keep things even until we were both exhausted and the police finally arrived. Then the savage terrorized my son and my ex in what was then her apt in Camden Co causing both me and the police to return several times until she thankfully moved at the end of the month.

Anyway Jon glad you made it through ok, in fact likely much better than I.

Edit: Oh I forgot to add that a number of black teenagers came out at the time, but of course instead of trying to diffuse the situation for the sake of the kids they cheered and whooped it up like it was the spectacle of the year.

Glad you made it through as well. People egging it on really pisses me off.

I was carjacked in 99, thrown in the trunk (trunk area of a 4-runner) and ended with one of the two guys being shot in the face. The passenger looked like this guy a bit and was about that size, maybe a little bigger. The driver was close but not as big. Both were sweating profusely, especially the driver, and you knew they were drug addicts. They had this insane look in their eyes.

The passenger had the gun and was also playing with a piece of wire. A terrifying day for a 19yo! I've learned a lot since then, that's for sure. So the next time a bad situation came, I was very much prepared.

People love to tell everyone else what they would do in these situations, but until it happens, you have absolutely zero ****ing idea. People are too quick to judge based on what they think they should have done.

I'd love to think my wife would have handled this appropriately, but sometimes things jus happen too fast. To judge how someone handled a situation when the one judging has never been through that type of situation is ignorance at its best. Just like we see someone with no professional experience judging what a cop should have done.

Thankfully this thread has at least been someone decent compared to most others. More suggestions on how to prevent this type of thing than judgment of the mother that was attacked.

I can't agree more with layered security. A dog if possible, an alarm system with signs on the doors and windows ( not a huge deterrent but it layers in), security doors, heavy duty main doors and a solid understanding of how the hell to fight inside your home and how to fight with little to no light.

I hope some of us can learn from this video and work with our wives and kids on how to survive this stuff. How to react.

06-26-13, 11:00
Wait so some of you take pleasure in this mother's beating by a animal cause she's potentially anti-gun??? Go shake hands w/ this savage cause that's pretty much on par w/ his morality compass.

Pretty ****ed up...

I agree.

06-26-13, 11:10
You have not the slightest clue as to her views on firearms or whether or not she had her firearm in her home. But that doesn't matter because once again you're absolutely delighted someone in a blue state is suffering, in this case an innocent woman and her children.

Delighted? No.

Sad to watch it happen, but glad it was caught on nanny cam.

06-26-13, 11:13
As some members here know I had a horrific run in with a guy that looked a lot like this guy but taller. It all started because of an incredibly loud radio blasting obscenities in the immediate vicinity of children playing, including my son.

Long story short my attempt to have the radio lowered ended up in probably the brawl of my lifetime (and I've had a few) in which I was litteraly fighting not just to win but for my life. He was as heartless, disrespectful and viscous as any man anywhere could be, even enjoying the crying children around him.

Thank God I'm no pushover myself and I managed to keep things even until we were both exhausted and the police finally arrived. Then the savage terrorized my son and my ex in what was then her apt in Camden Co causing both me and the police to return several times until she thankfully moved at the end of the month.

Anyway Jon glad you made it through ok, in fact likely much better than I.

Edit: Oh I forgot to add that a number of black teenagers came out at the time, but of course instead of trying to diffuse the situation for the sake of the kids they cheered and whooped it up like it was the spectacle of the year.

And if you'd had shot that guy in self defense you'd be on trial or already in jail because of their witness testimony.

06-26-13, 11:16
I have seen people make similar comments about it and that makes me sick. That could have been my wife who just couldn't get to her gun in time. Would she have "deserved it" because she wasn't carrying while taking care of the kids?


Regardless of political or religious views, it is still a 120 lb woman against a 210 lb shitbag. I'm not making the jump to "they're taking pleasure in seeing a 'blue stater' get a beating" but to say that you don't have any compassion for another human being getting beat in a very lobsided fight is pretty damn low.

And I also agree that 99.9% of women wouldn't handle that situation very well at all. Even with some very good training, women (in general) just don't have the fight/combat mindset that guys do. They are driven by emotion and that gets in the way of aggressive action. Most women just simply don't put the emphasis on being prepared for a fight like alot of "gun forum type of guys" do.

06-26-13, 11:17
Wait so some of you take pleasure in this mother's beating by a animal cause she's potentially anti-gun??? Go shake hands w/ this savage cause that's pretty much on par w/ his morality compass.

Pretty ****ed up...

My thoughts exactly.

06-26-13, 11:18
I was carjacked in 99, thrown in the trunk (trunk area of a 4-runner) and ended with one of the two guys being shot in the face. The passenger looked like this guy a bit and was about that size, maybe a little bigger. The driver was close but not as big. Both were sweating profusely, especially the driver, and you knew they were drug addicts. They had this insane look in their eyes.

The passenger had the gun and was also playing with a piece of wire. A terrifying day for a 19yo! I've learned a lot since then, that's for sure. So the next time a bad situation came, I was very much prepared.

Wow. May I ask how you managed to escape and can I assume you did the shooting?

People love to tell everyone else what they would do in these situations, but until it happens, you have absolutely zero ****ing idea. People are too quick to judge based on what they think they should have done.

Isn't that the truth. Had a bunch of people tell me this was a bad idea and that was stupid and I should have done XYZ with most having no real idea what took place or how bad it was. I've also had a shooting incident from when I was 19 that I discussed here and almost everybody knew what I could have done better.

06-26-13, 11:18
We have a 100lb white-ish lab that is the heaviest sleeper in the house! I really want a true guard dog that is bred then trained for it.

I hope they catch this sack of spent nut, but who knows. I've been carjacked then had an attempted home invasion. The carjacking ended in a shot being fired, blood and teeth inside the vehicle when it was recovered, an ATM photo of shitbag #1 and a plain clothes officer that recognized him from the north side projects..... But nothing ever came of it.

I got the plate number of the car after chasing them down after being confronted with a crowbar.... Nothing ever came of it.

I hope to God they find this piece of shit because the next one will likely get it even worse.

If you are serious about the dog, there are a handful of breeds to consider. The GSD and its sister breed the Belgian Malinois are perhaps the most practical. I have a 70 lb female GSD and consider her the Colt 6920 of dogs - quick as a rabbit, hyper-vigilant, able to run 8 miles like its nothing, does not like strangers, etc.

However, there are a couple of breeds that take home protection (and level of owner responsibility) to the next level, and the Caucasian Ovcharka is a prime example.


Check out this video to see their protection instincts.


06-26-13, 11:18
And I also agree that 99.9% of women wouldn't handle that situation very well at all. Even with some very good training, women (in general) just don't have the fight/combat mindset that guys do. They are driven by emotion and that gets in the way of aggressive action. Most women just simply don't put the emphasis on being prepared for a fight like alot of "gun forum type of guys" do.

You can say the same about plenty of men though. With the continued pussification of America, the men are becoming more feminine and soft every year.

06-26-13, 11:24
You can say the same about plenty of men though. With the continued pussification of America, the men are becoming more feminine and soft every year.

100% agree.

I think we can all agree that personal responsibility and taking safety into your own hands is a lost concept, and pathetically so, but at the same time, MOST of us would intervene in an obvious lobsided fight where the chance of loss of life is high. At least I know I couldn't sit back and watch just because they didn't take safety into their own hands...

06-26-13, 11:25
I'm not making the jump to "they're taking pleasure in seeing a 'blue stater' get a beating"

And I don't do so easily or with pleasure. But if you reference post #41 you'll see the following in regard to: "If so, hard to muster sympathy for those who not only choose to be helpless, but want to force everyone else to be so".

Response: "AMEN. I'm getting to where I like it actually."

This is not the first time the indicated member has expressed such opinions. I love the guy overall but it stings when he says this shit.

06-26-13, 11:26
However, there are a couple of breeds that take home protection (and level of owner responsibility) to the next level, and the Caucasian Ovcharka is a prime example.

So, you've owned one?

06-26-13, 11:27
If you are serious about the dog, there are a handful of breeds to consider. The GSD and its sister breed the Belgian Malinois are perhaps the most practical. I have a 70 lb female GSD and consider her the Colt 6920 of dogs - quick as a rabbit, hyper-vigilant, able to run 8 miles like its nothing, does not like strangers, etc.

However, there are a couple of breeds that take home protection (and level of owner responsibility) to the next level, and the Caucasian Ovcharka is a prime example.


Speaking of dog breeds for protection, and I don't want to derail this thread since I think there's an older thread out there on this, but how would you rate a lab for protection? I know a GSD would be better, but I've been told plenty of stories about labs doing some decent protective work.

06-26-13, 11:33
And I don't do so easily or with pleasure. But if you reference post #41 you'll see the following in regard to: "If so, hard to muster sympathy for those who not only choose to be helpless, but want to force everyone else to be so".

Response: "AMEN. I'm getting to where I like it actually."

This is not the first time the indicated member has expressed such opinions. I love the guy overall but it stings when he says this shit.

Gotcha, I missed that one. In that case I would say that that's a bit out of line from my way of thinking. I think he's a better guy that what that one line would indicate though...

06-26-13, 11:33
Sensei, thanks for the video and pics. I'm very serious about it but we have a 100 pound white/yellow retriever now.

06-26-13, 11:42
I think he's a better guy that what that one line would indicate though...

So do I. He's frustrated about what he has seen take place, much of it originating from my region and casts resentful blame on the entire populace. To some extent I can empathize with that, especially because I'm one of those being the most heavily oppressed in the stated regard. It's like being a hardworking, honorable black man in the inner city where far too many of those around you are destroying what it is that you care about most and endangering your welfare. You can't say that everyone is bad because you know you aren't and you're hardworking friends aren't, but you still have to acknowledge the obvious around you. Ideally anyway.

But there is a line. First we are not all anti's for one thing. There are millions and millions of gun owners in the northeast alone and you can't just throw that fact out the window. Plus under no circumstance should that horror show of a video become pleasurable to any sane man. So with that his frustrations, while justified, could be better tempered.

06-26-13, 11:43
Wow. May I ask how you managed to escape and can I assume you did the shooting?

Yes, I was.

I'll PM you when I'm back on my computer instead of the phone. I know I've posted about it here before but I have no idea where!

06-26-13, 11:47
I can see markm's point of view and I don't think he means anything sadistic, more like opportunistic.

Fact - There are many people who want to get rid of guns and make everyone unarmed, because it makes them feel safe.

These are the same people who generally expect the government/police to protect them and also live in a fantasy world where they'll never be the ones hurt, raped, robbed, assaulted, or murdered. And as long as these people continue to live in that fantasy world and push their fantasy onto us, the worse off we ALL are. Actually seeing the brutality of this man beat up a woman and the speed at which it happened, might get some airheads to finally wake up. Sometimes there's not enough time to wait for law enforcement, sometimes there's not enough time to even call 911, and in those moments you had better be prepared.

06-26-13, 12:02

Speaking of dog breeds for protection, and I don't want to derail this thread since I think there's an older thread out there on this, but how would you rate a lab for protection? I know a GSD would be better, but I've been told plenty of stories about labs doing some decent protective work.

It would be a gamble as opposed to simply just buying a proven breed (not the latest Russian YouTube sensation breed). A gamble against long odds. If you want a protection dog, get a protection dog. Ask 68w about his 3 yrd old GSD he adopted.

06-26-13, 14:03
It would be a gamble as opposed to simply just buying a proven breed (not the latest Russian YouTube sensation breed). A gamble against long odds. If you want a protection dog, get a protection dog. Ask 68w about his 3 yrd old GSD he adopted.

The video of the Russian breed horse makes me think it unsafe to urban use. The Russians didnt breed and use those thing cause they wanted a controlled animal. They wanted an animal that would destroy anything in its sphere of influence. Having lived in that kind of environment I'm 99% positive that by the time you got to the dogs patrol area you were someplace where you shouldn't have been and in their eyes needed to be ****ed up. Not ideal for suburban living. Looking at the guy trying to control that dog makes me feel like he and his pet are a threat to his neighbors.

In our civilian lives we want an animal that can protect us in our time of need without killing the Girl Scouts selling cookies or the neighbors kids who are out playing catch in the front yard.

06-26-13, 14:48
It would be a gamble as opposed to simply just buying a proven breed (not the latest Russian YouTube sensation breed). A gamble against long odds. If you want a protection dog, get a protection dog. Ask 68w about his 3 yrd old GSD he adopted.

I hear you loud and clear, LL. My wife has always owned labs, and I've always wanted one, but after seeing this home invasion video, the GSD may have just gotten the nod. It was always a very close second to the lab anyway, so it's not like we're making any real compromise.

06-26-13, 14:52
So, you've owned one?

We have one in our family (local in-laws). I care for it 3 months out of the year on my in-laws property while they are out of the country. It was acquired for the purpose of guarding the rural property while they are away. This is a high maintance dog that cannot be kenneled and, for obvious reasons, cannot have a pet sitter. For example, it took a period of socialization before it would accept food from me without aggression. I would not trust it in a traditional neighborhood with kids.

I also have a personal GSD and Great Dane.

06-26-13, 14:53
We have one in our family (local in-laws). I care for it 3 months out of the year on my in-laws property while they are out of the country. It was acquired for the purpose of guarding the rural property while they are away. This is a high maintance dog that cannot be kenneled and, for obvious reasons, cannot have a pet sitter. For example, it took a period of socialization before it would accept food from me without aggression. I would not trust it in a traditional neighborhood with kids.

I also have a personal GSD and Great Dane.

Kinda like recommending a .460S&W for a guy that needs a G17 or M&P.

06-26-13, 14:58
We will never not have a Malinois or GSD, ever, never, ever. I consider ours an essential part of our layered security system and I have no doubt he will straight **** up anyone who threatens one of my family members in any fashion.

06-26-13, 16:29
In our civilian lives we want an animal that can protect us in our time of need without killing the Girl Scouts selling cookies or the neighbors kids who are out playing catch in the front yard.

Well they shouldn't be in your front yard :)

06-26-13, 16:38
I think I am just going to get a gorilla or a lion ?

I do think a German Shepard would be nice but I am severely allergic to them ?

I like the idea of having a thicker door made say 2.5 inches thick then with a very thin skin on the outside and a layer of steel on your inside side with spikes going out so when they kick in the door they end up with 2 inch spikes in their foot or body if they bump it :)

06-26-13, 16:45
Look around at other breeds that shed less (Malinois, long hair GSD, or Dutch Shepherd), Honu. Can you alleviate your symptoms until they go away (this happens, I know from personal experience with horses) with over the counter Allegra or Zyrtec?

06-26-13, 17:05
Look around at other breeds that shed less (Malinois, long hair GSD, or Dutch Shepherd), Honu. Can you alleviate your symptoms until they go away (this happens, I know from personal experience with horses) with over the counter Allegra or Zyrtec?

we have a Basenji :) no allergies at least she alerts us when anyone is near the house they are very insane loyal and very good at being alert etc..
they dont bark but they have this insane baroo noise they can make that almost kinda makes you think you have a hyena or something :) or some kinda caged animal :)

would like a larger dog like a GS for protection and they are nice dogs the friends that have had them they are cool cause they are so smart and can be a mellow dog that seems to put up with a lot from kids even ! but I cant be around them :( sad cause I love dogs !

but sadly cant just take pills wont do it for me ? but I am kinda extreme case ? even went through years of shots 2x once younger once older

thanks for the ideas though :)

my parents neighbors had two of these dogs might be the same kind from Russia ? some kinda strange doberman bull mix things ? but trained killing dogs basically and they totally stuck to his property never walked over to my parents but if anything went on his property they would kill it ! so neighbors dogs or cats were being killed and lucky no kids were attacked but forgot what happened he had to put them down cause something did happen ? I think they turned oh him or something strange with a member of the family ?

agree dogs like that stay way GS and other dogs who have long history are GTG ! :)

Ed L.
06-26-13, 17:55
Look around at other breeds that shed less (Malinois, long hair GSD, or Dutch Shepherd), Honu. Can you alleviate your symptoms until they go away (this happens, I know from personal experience with horses) with over the counter Allegra or Zyrtec?

Or maybe a Giant Schnauzer--since they don't shed and are supposed to be hypoallergenic, or more correctly less allergenic.

At one time they were used as working dogs, and some still are. But they are not very common.

Maybe we need a dog for home defense thread in the general section where most people will see it.

06-26-13, 18:57

Feel free to discuss the break-in, security strategy, dog breeds, and defensive tools, etc.

But I do not wish to see any more "she/they/liberals/bluestaters deserved this". You are all intelligent folks, and this is a classier place than that. Blaming an innocent is not our style.

And if you think for a minute that our opponents on gun rights don't come looking here for quotes to use, you are living in fantasy world. I never hand ammunition to my opponents, and neither should any of you. We're smart, let's act smart.

06-26-13, 23:40
Kinda like recommending a .460S&W for a guy that needs a G17 or M&P.

I never recommended the breed and only mentioned it as one end of the spectrum. My recommendation has always been either the GSD or BM as the most practical choice for most families. However, the Caucasian Mastiff would be my choice if I lived in remote areas of the country - particularly cold mountainous regions.

Another point to consider is that breed alone does not make a guard dog. Sure, you will read stories about untrained dogs performing heroic acts to protect their owners. However, these are but case reports, and the vast majority of working breeds will not perform under pressure unless trained - no matter what their owners think. It's kind of like buying a G17 for CCW and never shooting it.

06-26-13, 23:44
Very interested thread as it reminds me when I was car jacked like Jon and didn't have a gun on me. It was a feeling I wouldn't what to have again. Do we have a home security thread where we can discuss this more in depth?

06-27-13, 01:27

Speaking of dog breeds for protection, and I don't want to derail this thread since I think there's an older thread out there on this, but how would you rate a lab for protection? I know a GSD would be better, but I've been told plenty of stories about labs doing some decent protective work.

A good rule of thumb is that dogs are generally rated on an inverse scale of protection vs. companionship instincts. The dogs with strong protection instincts often require relatively more training for socialization and companionship. Dogs with strong companionship instincts usually need extra training to be effective guard dogs. For example, the Caucasian Shepherd (Orvcharka) that I mentioned tips the scale heavily toward protection; so much so that no amount of training would allow me trust it in a neighborhood with kids. In terms of Labs, they are very heavy in the companionship instincts and would generally need more training for protection than a GSD.

Personally, I see the GSD and Belgian as the best choice for most families who want protection in an suburban environment. Despite strong protection instincts, even these dogs need training to be reliable protectors. It is a rare dog that will not be distracted by food given to it by a stranger without training. The breed, like a firearm, is only part of the equation.

If you decide to go with either a lab or a shepherd, I hope that you will consider a rescue. On the other hand, any dog bred purely for protection such as a Caucasian should come from a reputable breeder who can make sure that you know what you are getting into with the dog.

06-27-13, 05:56
And if you'd had shot that guy in self defense you'd be on trial or already in jail because of their witness testimony.

I'm sure they may have embellished the tale somewhat but the only thing to be discussed (from MY perspective) is what happened prior to the brawl.

If the guy outweighs him and was getting the best of him and he fears for his safety and/or life... AND HE DID NOT INITIATE the violence then he's clear.

What I do not like us that one is not compensated for the financial burden - nor would anything come of the perjury.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-27-13, 07:32
What I do not like us that one is not compensated for the financial burden - nor would anything come of the perjury.

Yup, I wish we had some European style laws on this.

06-27-13, 18:57
Ex boyfriend ???

06-27-13, 19:57
Ex boyfriend ???

My money is on random thug, i.e. career criminal. This was NOT his first strong arm robbery.

06-27-13, 20:28

Feel free to discuss the break-in, security strategy, dog breeds, and defensive tools, etc.

But I do not wish to see any more "she/they/liberals/bluestaters deserved this". You are all intelligent folks, and this is a classier place than that. Blaming an innocent is not our style.

And if you think for a minute that our opponents on gun rights don't come looking here for quotes to use, you are living in fantasy world. I never hand ammunition to my opponents, and neither should any of you. We're smart, let's act smart.

Oky. I have a quote for them.


06-28-13, 21:07
Shitbird arrested...


06-28-13, 21:10
Shitbird arrested...



06-28-13, 21:43
My money is on random thug, i.e. career criminal. This was NOT his first strong arm robbery.

Yup, called it.

Custis is a career criminal with 12 felony convictions and a long record dating back to the early 90s. He was most recently jailed in connection with a string of burglaries across New Jersey in March 2011. He served 10 months in jail and was released in December, according to court records.

Another shining example of our "Justice System". The oxygen thief needs a dirt nap like two decades ago.

06-28-13, 21:50
12 felony convictions ?
on your 4th you meet the firing squad ! no more people like this around !

06-28-13, 22:11
12 felony convictions ?
on your 4th you meet the firing squad ! no more people like this around !

I will gladly donate the bullet for this guy.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

06-28-13, 22:14
First degree attempted murder? Bravo!

06-28-13, 23:03
If you're not an experienced dog person forget the Malinois, Dutch Shepherd, Ovcharka, Fila Brasilera, etc.

If you ARE an experienced dog person then SOME examples of SOME of these breeds could work for you.

Beware of the liability though.

Look at a good bloodline Airedale, too. Very energetic like the "Dirty Mal" so they aren't for everyone.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-28-13, 23:09
12 felony convictions ?
on your 4th you meet the firing squad ! no more people like this around !

4th? You're generous. What happened to three strikes? These are felonies after all.

06-29-13, 01:28
What happened to three strikes?

Call me old fashion but after your first homicide, sexual assault, aggravated assault, aggravated robbery, and or kidnapping your existence should be null and void.

Just saying . . .

06-29-13, 02:16
I will gladly donate the bullet for this guy.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

would rather use a edge on him ! bullets are to good for this guy

06-29-13, 02:17
Call me old fashion but after your first homicide, sexual assault, aggravated assault, aggravated robbery, and or kidnapping your existence should be null and void.

Just saying . . .

agree any attack on another person like that and you lost it

06-29-13, 02:34
would rather use a edge on him ! bullets are to good for this guy

Sheriff of Nottingham:"Locksley! I'll cut your heart out with a spoon!"

Guy of Gisborne: "Why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe?"

Sheriff of Nottingham: "Because it's DULL, you twit. It'll hurt more."


06-29-13, 06:34
Sheriff of Nottingham:"Locksley! I'll cut your heart out with a spoon!"

Guy of Gisborne: "Why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe?"

Sheriff of Nottingham: "Because it's DULL, you twit. It'll hurt more."


hahaha that is a good one :)

I was kinda thinking in the style of Mississippi burning movie and the big black guy who was going to cut some parts off that KKK guy :)

06-29-13, 12:31
Done. And done.


06-29-13, 13:08
12 felony convictions ?
on your 4th you meet the firing squad ! no more people like this around !

Please say your running for president:neo:

06-29-13, 13:16
If you're not an experienced dog person forget the Malinois, Dutch Shepherd .

The right kind of dominant person can handle these dogs with a clear head though lacking in experience. However, most Americans think dogs are children or people and that doesn't work with K9 breeds. I wouldn't touch the Filas or Ovcharkas with a 10' pole.

Ed L.
06-29-13, 21:17
Don't Malinois & Dutch Shepherds need a lot of regular exercise and activity? If not given this exercise, don't they get destructive in the house and start chewing and tearing things up?

I ask because there are some people who might be interested in the breeds who are not big on exercising them other than walking them for 5 blocks once or twice a day and letting them out in the back yard.

06-30-13, 12:50
Don't Malinois & Dutch Shepherds need a lot of regular exercise and activity? If not given this exercise, don't they get destructive in the house and start chewing and tearing things up?

I ask because there are some people who might be interested in the breeds who are not big on exercising them other than walking them for 5 blocks once or twice a day and letting them out in the back yard.

Absolutely. They have the energy of a terrier, the drive of a Pit Bull but with the territorial nature of the herding breeds.

This is especially true of the working strains of the breeds mentioned.

A GSD is GENERALLY less hyper but just as dominant.

They are not for amateurs and those who have swallowed the Disney hype thinking a dog is a 2 yr old and all it does is cute. These dogs WILL bite under the proper circumstances and the law will not smile at you if it does.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-30-13, 12:54
The right kind of dominant person can handle these dogs with a clear head though lacking in experience. However, most Americans think dogs are children or people and that doesn't work with K9 breeds. I wouldn't touch the Filas or Ovcharkas with a 10' pole.

Some may be able to get thru it okay but they'd have to understand dog behavior and their breed's tendencies, too. I just don't wish to give everyone the idea that they can pick one up and not potentially have problems.

I would not touch a Fila, either. The bulldog breeds have the highest threat thresholds - except for the 100+ lb Fila. Go figure. Something is WRONG with that breed.

The Ovcharka is not for me, either. Never met one, I don't know any owners. From the photos I've seen they are too much for me. Cute as pups, though.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-30-13, 15:17
Some may be able to get thru it okay but they'd have to understand dog behavior and their breed's tendencies, too. I just don't wish to give everyone the idea that they can pick one up and not potentially have problems.

I would not touch a Fila, either. The bulldog breeds have the highest threat thresholds - except for the 100+ lb Fila. Go figure. Something is WRONG with that breed.

The Ovcharka is not for me, either. Never met one, I don't know any owners. From the photos I've seen they are too much for me. Cute as pups, though.

We are on the same page. Don't forget about the hanging out some day :D

06-30-13, 22:44
We are on the same page. Don't forget about the hanging out some day :D

Absolutely, brother!

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-03-16, 02:18
Three years later . . .

The oxygen thief was acquitted on attempted murder, his jury was comprised of "nine Blacks and three Whites". This shit stain slammed the woman in front of her three year old, repeatedly punched her in the face and head, choked her, kicked in her in the head, and threw her down a flight of stairs in her basement. Nope, not attempted murder. This was in fact the very definition of a HATE CRIME.

Jury convicts man in 2013 'nanny cam' New Jersey home invasion beating

A jury acquitted a Newark man Wednesday of attempted murder for a brutal 2013 home invasion caught on a home security video, but convicted him of aggravated assault and other charges.


Original video from OP embedded (note the toddler on the couch watching it all and an infant was upstairs sleeping).


06-03-16, 02:31
Three years later . . .

The oxygen thief was acquitted on attempted murder, his jury was comprised of "nine Blacks and three Whites". This shit stain slammed the woman in front of her three year old, repeatedly punched her in the face and head, choked her, kicked in her in the head, and threw her down a flight of stairs in her basement. Nope, not attempted murder. This was in fact the very definition of a HATE CRIME.

Jury convicts man in 2013 'nanny cam' New Jersey home invasion beating


Original video from OP embedded (note the toddler on the couch watching it all and an infant was upstairs sleeping).


And their response was to install and ADT system? Seriously? Like a guy who kicks his way into your home cares about some noise and an average 45 minute police response? I would have a firearm on my person at all times if I lived in NJ.

Agg. assault is a joke, I've seen guys take that during a domestic over a split lip. That was way more than Agg. Assault.

06-03-16, 02:55
And their response was to install and ADT system? Seriously? Like a guy who kicks his way into your home cares about some noise and an average 45 minute police response? I would have a firearm on my person at all times if I lived in NJ.

Agg. assault is a joke, I've seen guys take that during a domestic over a split lip. That was way more than Agg. Assault.

Hell I'm in TX, live in literally the best city in the US and we're armed 24/7.

From page eight of this thread:

My money is on random thug, i.e. career criminal. This was NOT his first strong arm robbery.

Yup, called it.

Custis is a career criminal with 12 felony convictions and a long record dating back to the early 90s. He was most recently jailed in connection with a string of burglaries across New Jersey in March 2011. He served 10 months in jail and was released in December, according to court records.

Another shining example of our "Justice System". The oxygen thief needs a dirt nap like two decades ago.

Another Agg. Assault beef is nothing to this POS. They're going to keep letting this 02 thief out the revolving door until he does murder someone. But this is what Obama has said is "not a criminal but simply someone who is associated with the Justice system".

06-03-16, 16:39
Wow, what an appalling 'conviction'...

06-03-16, 18:05
BLM - says it all. He dindonuffin

06-04-16, 04:34
Three years later . . .

The oxygen thief was acquitted on attempted murder, his jury was comprised of "nine Blacks and three Whites". This shit stain slammed the woman in front of her three year old, repeatedly punched her in the face and head, choked her, kicked in her in the head, and threw her down a flight of stairs in her basement. Nope, not attempted murder. This was in fact the very definition of a HATE CRIME...

There are times when I understand vigilante justice...

Alex V
06-04-16, 07:41
I hate the state I live in. So so much.

06-30-16, 06:19
POS is sentenced to life + 5 years.


06-30-16, 07:55
Life + 5. Wtf is that supposed to mean. Are they going to lave his rotting body in GP for five years after his death as an example to the other ****tards in prison?

Does life in NJ have a parole option??

Big A
06-30-16, 08:08
Life + 5. Wtf is that supposed to mean. Are they going to lave his rotting body in GP for five years after his death as an example to the other ****tards in prison?

Does life in NJ have a parole option??

Yes, that is why they did the +5 to run consecutive to the life sentence. He could become eligible for parole after he surpasses a certain age (for instance 75) but with the +5 he will die in prison.

06-30-16, 08:11
Life + 5. Wtf is that supposed to mean. Are they going to lave his rotting body in GP for five years after his death as an example to the other ****tards in prison?

Does life in NJ have a parole option??

Explained in the article.

Wigler imposed the life sentence for a robbery charge, and ordered that Custis serve at least 85 percent of that term before being eligible for parole. Under New Jersey law, a life sentence is 75 years. Custis would have to serve at least 63 years and 9 months, or 85 percent, before he could be paroled on that charge.

However, Wigler also imposed a separate five-year sentence for a charge of endangering the welfare of a child, and ordered the five-year term to run consecutive to the life sentence.

06-30-16, 09:11
POS is sentenced to life + 5 years.


Wow, he's done this once before the time caught on camera too?! Here's hoping there's a shank with his name on it.

Alex V
06-30-16, 10:15
Now, if this woman had a firearm, she would have saved herself and the tax payers of NJ a lot of grief.

Not a knock on the victim, just calling out NJ's anti-gun culture. My wife's cousin always say "I don't need a gun, the chief of police of the town lives two doors down" Yea, buddy, how much would he have helped you if your 22yo daughter or your wife are home a lone and a d-bag like this breaks in? What a flipping tool.

06-30-16, 19:10
"Life sentence" what a ****'n joke. I love how people who get "life sentences" come up for parole AT ALL.

Put him against a wall without a blind fold and riddle him with .30 caliber projectiles . . . done and done.

06-30-16, 19:29
Agreed. It's a life sentence only until he dies.

I still think Crucifixion should come back.