View Full Version : Atlanta and tickets

06-25-13, 23:04
It's been announced that Atlanta P.D. raises will be tied to ticket revenue. I can't think of a worse public relations idea. Cops already catch enough crap from the public when issuing citations. Now what's going to happen?

06-26-13, 08:06
You do realize most agencies already do this everywhere else and in the state of Georgia there is a portion of all traffic tickets written state wide that go into a retirement program any sworn Officer can join. On top of the fact that most every departments budget and City/County whatever jurisdictions budget comes from traffic tickets. Its the same with park atlanta who is a private company, how do you think they pay their employees? So really this is nothing new, Atlanta was behind the times and it is not causing an increase in the fines associated with traffic tickets.

06-26-13, 10:59
You do realize most agencies already do this everywhere else and in the state of Georgia there is a portion of all traffic tickets written state wide that go into a retirement program any sworn Officer can join. On top of the fact that most every departments budget and City/County whatever jurisdictions budget comes from traffic tickets. Its the same with park atlanta who is a private company, how do you think they pay their employees? So really this is nothing new, Atlanta was behind the times and it is not causing an increase in the fines associated with traffic tickets.

I had no idea that it was commonplace for police officers to have a direct financial incentive for writing more tickets. Heard of meeting quotas and generating revenue for the municipality, but never this.

By the way you look familiar.

06-26-13, 11:03
It's been announced that Atlanta P.D. raises will be tied to ticket revenue. I can't think of a worse public relations idea. Cops already catch enough crap from the public when issuing citations. Now what's going to happen?


06-26-13, 11:08
I saw this 6/25 on MSN.

06-26-13, 14:34
Been like that for years. Just defined in more legalese so the PD's don't have to handle the PR mess associated with it. Traffic and parking violations are money makers for the city and department. If they were t nobody would be doing it.

06-26-13, 14:59
Also for Atlanta it is going to finance pay increases and or steps for Officers, which were promised anyway and have been on hold for like eight years. All it is is saying that instead off all the money made from traffic citations going to other things a small percent will go to financing the budget for paying officers. Trust me when I say the number of citations written will not increase due to this also if you think you were in the right go to court and fight it. Also it is more of a overhaul of the City Court adding much needed Judges to handle the case load already there and replace retiring judges. It's not a system were we would get paid more based on writing tickets, trust me the guys making the most in any police department haven't written a ticket or arrested anyone in years and maybe did in the brief (six months or less) time they were on the street until they sold their souls lol. Street cops who stay on the streets don't get pay increases except for cost of living maybe and possibly steps which is in a yearly increament(2-10 years, meaning a step every five years for example. )

Safety hit, where did you see a pic of me?? Shoot me a pm.