View Full Version : Senators Ask if NSA Collected Gun Data

06-28-13, 15:56
Senators are questioning whether the National Security Agency collected bulk data on more than just Americans’ phone records, such as firearm and book purchases.


06-28-13, 16:24
My reading list alone would get me interned in a re-education camp.

What do you think they do with all the data mined from your CC. Anyone here ever order ammo, parts, mags, etc. online?

06-28-13, 16:32
considering most lefties think 100 rounds is a arsenal ! I wonder when they see some orders for 2000-5000 rounds and up ?

My reading list alone would get me interned in a re-education camp.

What do you think they do with all the data mined from your CC. Anyone here ever order ammo, parts, mags, etc. online?

06-28-13, 18:39
Gentlemen, we are all most likely considered terrorist if for no other reason than we own AR's and other like firearms, ammunition and spare parts for said weapons, and many here have even invested in training. We frequent forums with like minded individuals and even if we have never expressed publicly a desire to violently overthrow the current government, we are guilty by mere association and assumption. Get used to it.
To answer the question. This is my opinion; we know the ATF has collected data, and in doing so ignored the law. What makes you think that a shadow agency who essentially only answers to POTUS (if that) would have any qualms in doing the same on a much larger scale.

06-28-13, 19:18
Gentlemen, we are all most likely considered terrorist if for no other reason than we own AR's and other like firearms, ammunition and spare parts for said weapons, and many here have even invested in training. We frequent forums with like minded individuals and even if we have never expressed publicly a desire to violently overthrow the current government, we are guilty by mere association and assumption. Get used to it.
To answer the question. This is my opinion; we know the ATF has collected data, and in doing so ignored the law. What makes you think that a shadow agency who essentially only answers to POTUS (if that) would have any qualms in doing the same on a much larger scale.

Well said No.6

06-28-13, 19:52
Well said No.6
+1 on that. Its only going to get worst.

06-29-13, 05:34
It would not surprise me at all. I was told by friends in the know to be carefull of what I said on the phone and that was in 2010.


06-29-13, 07:05
Much of this is simply common sense, but it also has some helpful tips.


Alpha Sierra
06-29-13, 09:27
It's a good time to start living the cash-mostly life and use the mail to communicate sensitive information

06-29-13, 09:40
It's a good time to start living the cash-mostly life and use the mail to communicate sensitive information

Too late.

We were warned well over a decade ago and it was met with derision.

Yet another case of the "this is ridiculous" crowd being proven wrong: a decade late and $100 million short syndrome.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

Alpha Sierra
06-29-13, 10:05
It is never too late to drop off the radar

06-29-13, 10:18
It is never too late to drop off the radar

Yes, but everyone has been categorized, already.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."