View Full Version : It takes a special kind of idiot to run NYC.

Mauser KAR98K
06-28-13, 21:07

Really? Really...?

06-28-13, 22:01
"Mayor Bloomberg will urge Gov. Cuomo to veto legislation that would legalize the sale of sparklers outside New York City, arguing that terrorists could resort to using even kiddie fireworks to ignite a bomb. And that’s a risk not worth taking, City Hall officials said."

There really is no end to that man's stupidity.

06-29-13, 01:23
Matches are next.

I also hear rumors that gasoline may be extremely flammable, let's say if a certain quantity of it is set off in the stairwell of a cheap nightclub in NYC....

Gasloline and matches ban can't be far behind...

Mauser KAR98K
06-29-13, 01:32
Matches are next.

I also hear rumors that gasoline may be extremely flammable, let's say if a certain quantity of it is set off in the stairwell of a cheap nightclub in NYC....

Gasloline and matches ban can't be far behind...

Nah, I think they will do flour. Put it in a bad, shake, and light a match, instant bomb. Flour is the next WMD.

06-29-13, 01:38
Yes, let's also not forget corn starch.

06-29-13, 01:41
In order to prevent the next terror attack in NYC we need to ban air, after all terrorists need air so they can live and carry out their diabolical schemes.