View Full Version : Olympus has fallen

06-29-13, 00:44
decided to watch it ?


Kinda bummed was hoping for a good action flick not a complete waste of an idea for a good action flick and my time !

06-29-13, 00:46
Ok decided to watch it ?


Kinda bummed was hoping for a good action flick not a complete waste of an idea and time !

It's crap. Why couldn't they just pull the network cables from the NSA server room that housed the thing? They knew it was going to be used against them like half the movie.

06-29-13, 01:01
:) yup
I feel bad for wasting my time :)

It's crap. Why couldn't they just pull the network cables from the NSA server room that housed the thing? They knew it was going to be used against them like half the movie.

06-29-13, 01:31
Well in case you didn't get enough just this weekend Whitehouse Down (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2334879/) was released in theaters. Yes, studios rip each other off . . .

06-29-13, 01:40
I thought it was alright for entertainment.

I will prepare for the shock, however, I never heard of Red Dawn before the recent movie came out.

The previews started off strong with the evasion, then it got, well, stupid.

So it is not uncommon for movies nowadays to ruin totally good ideas. Also, it is not uncommon for studios to rip each other off.

White House Down looks stupid.

06-29-13, 02:12
Well in case you didn't get enough just this weekend Whitehouse Down (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2334879/) was released in theaters. Yes, studios rip each other off . . .

OH at least I got some entertainment from the movie in form of you pointing me to that one ;) hahhaha

OH MAN I know hollywood lets show how are elite services are complete idiots and are about as tactical as a 7 year old playing COD
and lets copy it rename it :) hahahahahah OH

06-29-13, 02:13
the only thing good about this Olympus has fallen is the good guy shoots people ! and does not wound them and turn his back ? and well lets see hmmmm what else ? nothing that is the only good part :)

I like Gerard Butler as a actor to bad about this flick :(

I thought it was alright for entertainment.

I will prepare for the shock, however, I never heard of Red Dawn before the recent movie came out.

The previews started off strong with the evasion, then it got, well, stupid.

So it is not uncommon for movies nowadays to ruin totally good ideas. Also, it is not uncommon for studios to rip each other off.

White House Down looks stupid.

06-29-13, 08:32
Still better than Jamie Foxx as the black president in WH Down.

06-29-13, 09:52
Watching it now, WH still under attack, it's just a popcorn movie. Some of y'all have much too high expectations for movies like this. I do like how they used the garbage trucks.

06-29-13, 09:58
Still better than Jamie Foxx as the black president in WH Down.

They had to go with Fox because Morgan Freeman had a scheduling conflict...

Straight Shooter
06-29-13, 10:03
You know, I got to thinkin...and this is just me....but I wouldn't give a damn if it REALLY happened.
Would yall? Im curious.

06-29-13, 10:06
decided to watch it ?


Kinda bummed was hoping for a good action flick not a complete waste of an idea for a good action flick and my time !

It was a fun summer romp. If you approached it expecting an Oscar-winner, I'm not surprised you were disappointed.

06-29-13, 10:06
Watching it now, WH still under attack, it's just a popcorn movie. Some of y'all have much too high expectations for movies like this. I do like how they used the garbage trucks.

Exactly. With movies like this you just gotta check your brain at the door and not expect any realism. It does what it's supposed to do: provide entertainment. Nothing more.

06-29-13, 10:40
Exactly. With movies like this you just gotta check your brain at the door and not expect any realism. It does what it's supposed to do: provide entertainment. Nothing more.

That Hydra6 is one badass AAA. LOL

06-29-13, 14:36
You know, I got to thinkin...and this is just me....but I wouldn't give a damn if it REALLY happened.
Would yall? Im curious.

Yes I would. It's an attack on the office and country as it is on the man. And as much as I disagree with certain politicians, they're still Americans. Plus, there are a LOT of military stationed in the WH for various reasons from Joint Chiefs all the way down to grunts and everything in between. They'd all be killed as well.

You're pretty cold, dude, saying you wouldn't give a damn if dozens if not hundreds of Americans were killed by a terrorist group on American soil.

06-29-13, 15:09
Apparently the movie White House Down is a love-letter to President Obama. Apparently the bad guys are disgruntled ex-mil guys, "militia" types, and racial supremacists. All teamed up with the defense industry.


06-29-13, 15:17
Apparently the movie White House Down is a love-letter to President Obama. Apparently the bad guys are disgruntled ex-mil guys, "militia" types, and racial supremacists. All teamed up with the defense industry.


:lol: . . . now thats more like it. After all vets returning home are potential domestic terrorists same as those white conservative gun owners.

06-29-13, 15:18
Watching it now, WH still under attack, it's just a popcorn movie. Some of y'all have much too high expectations for movies like this. I do like how they used the garbage trucks.

agree stale popcorn though :) hahahaha

I am usually very good at giving movies slack :) I like the die hard series etc..

but to me if you are going to have secret service agents all get mowed down by someone with a assault rifle the way they showed ? all standing around etc.. at least make it a good fight scene not a stupid one :) and our jet fighter pilots are a little better than it showed ? again could have done it better IMHO thats all :)

I guess dont show the strong side to be SO STUPID caught or surprised yes stupid no !

they could have done a better job IMHO at least I do know its a movie so I watched the whole thing but will never watch it again for sure !!

06-29-13, 15:23
I am not sure I would want it to happen I dont want anything to happen ? but
part of me thinks a forest fire can be really good for the forest and allow it to come back stronger with less disease and rebuild itself
sometimes you need to tear down a building to start over

sadly yeah I think we are in kinda a tear down and rebuild stage ! especially in recent of whats happening
no more nukes ? OK we will give up ours first ! OK Russia your turn !

and speaking of Russia there reboot is kinda interesting to watch what they are doing this time around !

that all being said I dont think we need a major attack for a reboot our current admin is doing what he planned run this country into the ground drive it off the road whatever you want to say so we wont need a war or attack for it to collapse !

You know, I got to thinkin...and this is just me....but I wouldn't give a damn if it REALLY happened.
Would yall? Im curious.