View Full Version : Now Obama Has Been Caught In A Massive European Spy Scandal

06-30-13, 14:16
It appears we have been spying rather extensively on our allies, particularly Germany. The news is breaking all over Europe and they are very unhappy with the United States today.

The European Union warned that if the report is accurate, it will have tremendous repercussions.

"I am deeply worried and shocked about the allegations," European Parliament President Martin Schulz said in a statement. "If the allegations prove to be true, it would be an extremely serious matter which will have a severe impact on EU-US relations. On behalf of the European Parliament, I demand full clarification and require further information speedily from the U.S. authorities with regard to these allegations."


Most major networks are now front running this story as of midafternoon. And yes, I know we spy of friends here and there, but not like this. Can see that I was sick on election day for a reason.



06-30-13, 14:26
Between us, the EU, the Russians, and the Chinese ...


Pissed? Yeah, me too. Shocked? Hardly.

06-30-13, 14:27
No one paying attention for the past twenty years would be surprised in the least...

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-30-13, 14:33
Shocked? Hardly.

Have you read about the extent of the operations? I posted three links, can you read each and still say you are not surprised by the scope and nature involved? And remember this involving our allies.

06-30-13, 14:41
Der Spiegel said it had "in part seen" documents from Snowden that describe how the National Security Agency bugged EU officials' Washington and New York offices and conducted an "electronic eavsdropping operation" that tapped into a EU building in Brussels, Belgium.


06-30-13, 14:46
Have you read about the extent of the operations? I posted three links, can you read each and still say you are not surprised by the scope and nature involved? And remember this involving our allies.

Shit, they're doing it to us, their own citizens.

Post 9/11, we sold our soul to the devil, all in the name of "safety and security." Still feeling safe and secure?

06-30-13, 14:51
We have what, 5 scandals going on right now with the current administration? I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.

06-30-13, 15:06
There are uncounted dozens of scandals under this scumbag...if any one of them had been under a republican we'd be talking about impeachment right now. I'm so unsurprised even when you look at the scale of the operations going on that it really is almost comical. Benghazi, Fast N Furious, all the little scandals associated with his sideshow friends/czars/administration employees getting caught doing illegal shit, the IRS, Obamacare, all the surveillance, the Secret Service soliciting prostitutes, the insane spending by all government departments on parties, social events, "conferences", the scandals of administration employees getting charge cards and blowing them on porn and personal expenses...Eric Holder himself being a total 1984-esque monster...And I'm sure I'm forgetting plenty more!
Lets get a list going of all the bag shit he has done...If there isn't a legitimate impeachment case to be had against this guy then I'm the queen of England.

06-30-13, 15:10
Shit, they're doing it to us, their own citizens.

Post 9/11, we sold our soul to the devil, all in the name of "safety and security." Still feeling safe and secure?

I understand, but the situation here in America is spinning out of control under a leftist president elected on promises to reign this crap in. It becomes even more frustrating when you consider the often vicious liberal media is actually downplaying a problem they normally take tremendous issue with, this even though they know they themselves have been targeted and the intrusions are confirmed to be much worse than those under Bush.

It's now like they're all so damn evil and entwined that any semblance of a positive end game is all but long, long lost. Where they have us headed is anyone's guess, which should be of great concern to all (except the 50% of our fellow citizens paying no attention whatsoever).

Honestly, think of the damage done to our standing in the world the past two weeks alone. Truly immeasurable.

06-30-13, 15:43
A conservative president managed to take the goodwill and support extended by virtually the entire world in the aftermath of 9/11 and, in eight quick years, leave office with America's international reputation in tatters. So we ushered in a liberal president who promised to restore our standing within the world community. Utterly petrified by the possibility of being politically crucified should another attack occur on his watch, this president has perpetuated and amplified the draconian security measures enacted under the prior administration.

Folks are welcome to blame one party or the other. Frankly, when it comes to eviscerating the Bill of Rights, it looks like a push to me.

06-30-13, 17:53
Have no fear gents the latest season of Honey Boo Boo will be here shortly... Then everything will be back to normal.

Crow Hunter
06-30-13, 21:16
A conservative president managed to take the goodwill and support extended by virtually the entire world in the aftermath of 9/11 and, in eight quick years, leave office with America's international reputation in tatters. So we ushered in a liberal president who promised to restore our standing within the world community. Utterly petrified by the possibility of being politically crucified should another attack occur on his watch, this president has perpetuated and amplified the draconian security measures enacted under the prior administration.

Folks are welcome to blame one party or the other. Frankly, when it comes to eviscerating the Bill of Rights, it looks like a push to me.

Excellent commentary!

06-30-13, 21:31
Excellent commentary!

It really isn't so great. Obama, his administration and his policies are not a result of either Bush (are democrats seriously still evoking his name in 2013??) nor the noble desire to protect Americans from terrorism only. Sorry but that spin job is worse than Jay Carney on one of his better days.

06-30-13, 21:42
If the Government was spying on us or anyone I am sure they would tell us on TV.

06-30-13, 21:45
It really isn't so great. Obama, his administration and his policies are not a result of either Bush (are democrats seriously still evoking his name in 2013??) nor the noble desire to protect Americans from terrorism only. Sorry but that spin job is worse than Jay Carney on one of his better days.

Your animus towards the Obama administration is blinding you to the reality of the situation.

06-30-13, 21:56
Your animus towards the Obama administration is blinding you to the reality of the situation.

Actually my friend if you are really still content to blame both Bush and happenstance for what Obama is today then it just may be you who's judgement is a teeny-weeny bit altered by loyalty.

06-30-13, 22:12

06-30-13, 22:32
Actually my friend if you are really still content to blame both Bush and happenstance for what Obama is today then it just may be you who's judgement is a teeny-weeny bit altered by loyalty.

I blame Bush for what Bush did. I blame Obama for what Obama is doing. Each is responsible for the misdeeds of their individual administrations.

My point is not to blame one and absolve the other. It is to point out the continuity in policies between what we have been duped to believe are two of the most politically disparate administrations in modern history. The words are very different, yet, curiously, the end result seems very much the same. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, the can of economic/fiscal reform gets kicked further down the road, and individual freedoms continue to be eroded.

That said, I'm going to give myself a time-out here as there seems to be more than enough bickering in GD without me adding more fuel to the fire.

06-30-13, 22:41
I blame Bush for what Bush did. I blame Obama for what Obama is doing. Each is responsible for the misdeeds of their individual administrations.

My point is not to blame one and absolve the other. It is to point out the continuity in policies between what we have been duped to believe are two of the most politically disparate administrations in modern history. The words are very different, yet, curiously, the end result seems very much the same. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, the can of economic/fiscal reform gets kicked further down the road, and individual freedoms continue to be eroded.

That said, I'm going to give myself a time-out here as there seems to be more than enough bickering in GD without me adding more fuel to the fire.

Great analysis.

The "Left-Right", "Democrat-Republican" paradigm has to die. It's blinding the Hades out of people who could otherwise be more effective.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-30-13, 22:51
Great analysis.

The "Left-Right", "Democrat-Republican" paradigm has to die. It's blinding the Hades out of people who could otherwise be more effective.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

Agreed fully.

06-30-13, 22:53
It really isn't so great. Obama, his administration and his policies are not a result of either Bush (are democrats seriously still evoking his name in 2013??) nor the noble desire to protect Americans from terrorism only. Sorry but that spin job is worse than Jay Carney on one of his better days.

I miss the days when I got a PM from you giving me a thumbs up for criticizing those who try to find tinfoil, conspiracies, or intentional malice in everything that goes on government wise. :(

06-30-13, 23:02
People of the world -- look at Berlin!
BHO - 2008

Apparently they didn't get it.

06-30-13, 23:33
Great analysis.

The "Left-Right", "Democrat-Republican" paradigm has to die. It's blinding the Hades out of people who could otherwise be more effective.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

Totally agree. It is like the party system is purposely put there to keep people busy while the invisible hand is in action.

07-01-13, 08:47
I miss the days when I got a PM from you giving me a thumbs up for criticizing those who try to find tinfoil, conspiracies, or intentional malice in everything that goes on government wise. :(

I appreciate that (I think) but what does it mean in the context of the discussion? Like far too many leaning left Dave responds to my clarifications that Obama has gone way above and beyond Bush with and essential "nobody's perfect" and I'm saying that isn't nearly good enough, especially considering he is a progressive liberal who was elected on the premise of reducing such activities.

Where is the outrage? Where have you hidden your principals and why?

07-01-13, 15:47
Have you read about the extent of the operations? I posted three links, can you read each and still say you are not surprised by the scope and nature involved? And remember this involving our allies.


and our allies do it too. isn't it abundantly clear that we live in a world where all nations are constantly gather intel on every other nation?

07-01-13, 15:58
Safety, if you think I'm not pissed, you are misreading me. I simply have reached the point where I think our political leadership, regardless of party, are capable of doing anything to further their interests with complete disdain and utter disregard for the people they were elected to govern.

I voted for Bush and got ****ed.

I voted for Obama and got ****ed again.

Lesson learned.

07-01-13, 16:23
Yes people in this country are that ignorant.

07-01-13, 20:01
People need to really evaluate there political loyalties. For examply I generally agree with most conservative republicans.

However if the "republicans" continue to vote what I would consider "unrepublican" I have to at some point ask myrself..."am I really republican?"

My point being, that a party/group isnt defined by what its ideals are but by what its actions are. With that I can say that I am most assuradly NOT republican ( nor democrat).

07-01-13, 20:43
No one paying attention for the past twenty years would be surprised in the least...

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

Hell i'd go back 60 years. Every president has done it. This one just got caught

07-02-13, 08:54
Hell i'd go back 60 years. Every president has done it. This one just got caught

<---- DU is that way. Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

07-02-13, 09:11
Hell i'd go back 60 years. Every president has done it. This one just got caught

No offense to you personally, but this type of attitude is why the public is dangerously complacent. Not to mention that in your haste to minimalize the situation you completely and totally ignore the magnified and amplified scope of the activity.

Personally I find it astonishing and wonder what on earth it would take anymore to drive Americans into the streets demanding government accountability. They do anything and everything they want and the best we have shown in response as a nation is a semi-talented ability to bitch about it on a blog or forum.

07-02-13, 09:24
Personally I find it astonishing and wonder what on earth it would take anymore to drive Americans into the streets demanding government accountability. They do anything and everything they want and the best we have shown in response as a nation is a semi-talented ability to bitch about it on a blog or forum.

Bread and circuses.

07-02-13, 09:34
No offense to you personally, but this type of attitude is why the public is dangerously complacent. Not to mention that in your haste to minimalize the situation you completely and totally ignore the magnified and amplified scope of the activity.

Personally I find it astonishing and wonder what on earth it would take anymore to drive Americans into the streets demanding government accountability. They do anything and everything they want and the best we have shown in response as a nation is a semi-talented ability to bitch about it on a blog or forum.

I'm minimizing anything. Its the damn truth. What makes you think i'm i'm not pissed about it as well huh? I don't see you out of the streets protesting so don't give me shit about it.

07-02-13, 09:35
<---- DU is that way. Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

Ok while i'm out there i'll send in the truth and he can try to talk some sense into you.

07-02-13, 10:08
Safety, if you think I'm not pissed, you are misreading me. I simply have reached the point where I think our political leadership, regardless of party, are capable of doing anything to further their interests with complete disdain and utter disregard for the people they were elected to govern.

I voted for Bush and got ****ed.

I voted for Obama and got ****ed again.

Lesson learned.

You ACTUALLY voted for Obama?!

07-02-13, 10:22
I'm minimizing anything. Its the damn truth. What makes you think i'm i'm not pissed about it as well huh? I don't see you out of the streets protesting so don't give me shit about it.

All right all right don't get upset. Plus my point was that instead of thinking "I have seen enough and am thoroughly outraged" you said "Every president has done it. This one just got caught". Once again, this ignores not only the severity of Obama's hypocrisy but also the size and scope of the operations.

07-02-13, 10:29
This article clarifies things I can't. Please take a moment to read it:

"The truth is that phone companies have this data on every customer. I got mine because, in 2009, I filed a suit against T-Mobile for the release of all the data on me that had been gathered and stored. The reason this information had been preserved for six months was because of Germany’s implementation of a 2006 European Union directive.

All of this data had to be kept so that law enforcement agencies could gain access to it. That meant that the metadata of 80 million Germans was being stored, without any concrete suspicions and without cause.

This “preventive measure” was met with huge opposition in Germany. Lawyers, journalists, doctors, unions and civil liberties activists started to protest. In 2008, almost 35,000 people signed on to a constitutional challenge to the law. In Berlin, tens of thousands of people took to the streets to protest data retention. In the end, the Constitutional Court ruled that the implementation of the European Union directive was, in fact, unconstitutional.

In Germany, whenever the government begins to infringe on individual freedom, society stands up. Given our history, we Germans are not willing to trade in our liberty for potentially better security. Germans have experienced firsthand what happens when the government knows too much about someone. In the past 80 years, Germans have felt the betrayal of neighbors who informed for the Gestapo and the fear that best friends might be potential informants for the Stasi. Homes were tapped. Millions were monitored."


07-02-13, 10:49
Great analysis.

The "Left-Right", "Democrat-Republican" paradigm has to die. It's blinding the Hades out of people who could otherwise be more effective.

They are but two cheeks of the same ass.

As much as I hate to quote him Submariner said it best: "there isn't a dimes difference between the two parties." M4arc

07-03-13, 00:38
We have what, 5 scandals going on right now with the current administration? I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the roar of the Zimmerman trial. Jay Carney has to be thanking his lucky stars for that particular circus at the moment. :(

07-03-13, 04:11
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the roar of the Zimmerman trial. Jay Carney has to be thanking his lucky stars for that particular circus at the moment. :(

And, as previously noted by Voodoochild, the season premiere of Honey Boo-Boo is just two weeks away.

07-03-13, 11:12
Excuse me but Obama is not, nor will he ever be "caught in a scandal" in his lifetime.

This guy can do whatever he wants and nobody will do jack shit about it and he will shoulder none of the blame.
