View Full Version : Syrian Rebels More Like Beasts

06-30-13, 17:23

Syrian "rebels" behead Catholic Christians. How f'n "lovely" (sardonism or extreme sarcasm).


"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-30-13, 17:34
more folks should see stuff so they know the truth about what these so called peaceful muslims are really about !


Syrian "rebels" behead Catholic Christians. How f'n "lovely" (sardonism or extreme sarcasm).


"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-30-13, 17:46
A lot of thoughts....

****ing barbaric savages

Simple solution; "Rule 556"

Even simpler solution; W88

Gee, I'm sure glad we "chose" the "right" side in this mess

06-30-13, 18:00
more folks should see stuff so they know the truth about what these so called peaceful muslims are really about !

Doubt it would do much for people. The idea of "its not happening here" would be peoples first thought

While Im working in Dubai, I listen to the local radio news and they always talk about beheadings in some of the worlds hot spots. It shocked me at first when I heard that kind of news on foreign radio, but not anymore

06-30-13, 18:08
That will teach them not to mess with Sasquatch.

Seriously though, for a bunch of barbarians who hate the western world, they sure like their smartphones.

06-30-13, 18:21
Doubt it would do much for people. The idea of "its not happening here" would be peoples first thought

While Im working in Dubai, I listen to the local radio news and they always talk about beheadings in some of the worlds hot spots. It shocked me at first when I heard that kind of news on foreign radio, but not anymore

yeah I hear ya :)

my cousin is on a 5 year contract in Dubai about over I imagine but he was flying commercial for Dubai Air ?

I think his views have changed since living there for sure !!!

06-30-13, 18:44
This sickens me greatly. Our country has no morale compass at all for supporting these beasts. And people say the US never supported Al Queda. This should make people question everything, but sadly they won't.

06-30-13, 18:53
Wow, never seen anything like that in my life. It's very different knowing its real, and not a movie. One would have to be nothing short of beast to do such a thing to another human being.

06-30-13, 19:04
Aren't McCain and a large portion of the Republican Party in Washington all about these guys?

Here's my solution: Stop intervening in all conflicts, focus our time and attention inside our own country. Keep the strongest military on the planet and use it only defensively. Let all of these people struggle on their own.

06-30-13, 19:58
Peaceful, moderate Muslims. Yea right! I wonder what McCain would think about these heathens if he were there watching it in person?

Crow Hunter
06-30-13, 21:27
Should have expected that to happen.

From what I understand the Syrian Christians are by and large allies of the Alawite's who are all on the side of Assad.

I would imagine the Sunni rebel "freedom fighters" would happily behead any Alawite or Shiite they could get their hands on.

I really don't understand the thought process behind killing someone for their religion. Much less someone that is for all intents and purposes the SAME religion. I am sure that will go down well in the afterlife....:suicide2:

06-30-13, 21:50
I really don't understand the thought process behind killing someone for their religion.

What? No Jehovah Witnesses ringing doorbells in your neck of the woods? :D



Crow Hunter
06-30-13, 21:57
What? No Jehovah Witnesses ringing doorbells in your neck of the woods? :D



What? Don't you want copies of the Watchtower?


06-30-13, 22:16
im not gonna watch the vid but some people commented that some of the rebels are speaking russian?


06-30-13, 22:24
I avoid anything with the two words "beheading" and "liveleak" at all cost.

06-30-13, 22:32
im not gonna watch the vid but some people commented that some of the rebels are speaking russian?


Didn't pick up Russian but some of these beasts come from the Caucasus - Chechnya, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Kosovo - places the West with Saudi Arabia and Qatar co-opted the radical Sunni movement with money, weaponry and Christian targets.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

06-30-13, 22:33
Should have expected that to happen.

From what I understand the Syrian Christians are by and large allies of the Alawite's who are all on the side of Assad.

Everyone was on Assad's side except the violent Muslims, because Assad apparently kept the peace. Just like in Egypt, Libya, and Iraq. And we have our hands in the overthrow of them all. Lots of blood on our nation's account. Sad.

06-30-13, 22:46
I'm sure the Syrians will welcome Americans with open arms, receiving our gift of democracy with a spontaneous eruption of peace and goodwill while embracing religious tolerance towards one another, and the lamb will lie down with the lion.

And, yet, the uneasy feeling we've been here before persists.

If this administration and the current cabal of congressional chickenhawks egging them on decide to step into this shit hole, I hope they drown in it. Unfortunately, Washington pols seem to always find somebody else to do their dirty work and pick up the tab. The mind reels while the stomach turns.

07-01-13, 06:05
Peaceful, moderate Muslims. Yea right! I wonder what McCain would think about these heathens if he were there watching it in person?

Mcstain apparently hasn't learned anything from experience.

07-01-13, 06:13
Some beheading of a Catholic priest in Syria, a little riddling with bullets of teenage girls in Pakistan...

"[Islam] is, as a fact, the most formidable and persistent enemy which our civilization has had, and may at any moment become as large a menace in the future as it has been in the past…. It has always seemed to me possible, and even probable, that there would be a resurrection of Islam and that our sons and grandsons would see the renewal of that tremendous struggle between the Christian culture and what has been for more than a thousand years its greatest opponent."
- Hilaire Belloc 1938

There is in Islam a paradox which is perhaps a permanent menace. The great creed born in the desert creates a kind of ecstasy of the very emptiness of its own land, and even, one may say, out of the emptiness of its own theology. . . . A void is made in the heart of Islam which has to be filled up again and again by a mere repetition of the revolution that founded it. There are no sacraments; the only thing that can happen is a sort of apocalypse, as unique as the end of the world; so the apocalypse can only be repeated and the world end again and again. "
- G.K. Chesterton

"I studied the Kuran a great deal ... I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammed. As far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world, and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion infinitely more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself."
- Alexis de Tocqueville

"In the seventh century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab of the lineage of Hagar [i.e., Muhammad], the Egyptian, combining the powers of transcendent genius, with the preternatural energy of a fanatic, and the fraudulent spirit of an impostor, proclaimed himself as a messenger from Heaven, and spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth. Adopting from the sublime conception of the Mosaic law, the doctrine of one omnipotent God; he connected indissolubly with it, the audacious falsehood, that he was himself his prophet and apostle. Adopting from the new Revelation of Jesus, the faith and hope of immortal life, and of future retribution, he humbled it to the dust by adapting all the rewards and sanctions of his religion to the gratification of the sexual passion. He poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy; and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind. THE ESSENCE OF HIS DOCTRINE WAS VIOLENCE AND LUST: TO EXALT THE BRUTAL OVER THE SPIRITUAL PART OF HUMAN NATURE (Adams himself used capital letters here)… Between these two religions, thus contrasted in their characters, a war of twelve hundred years has already raged. The war is yet flagrant… While the merciless and dissolute dogmas of the false prophet shall furnish motives to human action, there can never be peace upon earth, and goodwill towards men."
- John Quincy Adams

Alpha Sierra
07-01-13, 06:14
Is it possible to be so sick of this that one doesn't care any more?

07-01-13, 06:38
Guys, it is NOT all of Islam.

Educate yourselves. Please.

There are sects that are - literally - like reptiles, as shown.

One key that seems to be lost on some is that WE have been arming and training the various jihadists and seem to have co-opted the devils for our own geostrategic goals.

And then we scratch our heads wondering why they despise us. C'mon.

Oh, well.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

07-01-13, 06:53
Guys, it is NOT all of Islam.
Yes, I think actually it is. It is not all muslims, but it is Islam itself.

Educate yourselves. Please.

But in fact I have. Quite extensively actually. I have studied the history, "theology" and philosophy of Islam at university. And I have read those who have studied far more extensively than even I have. What more would you have me do?

07-01-13, 06:54
Here's my solution: Stop intervening in all conflicts, focus our time and attention inside our own country. Keep the strongest military on the planet and use it only defensively. Let all of these people struggle on their own.
I'd vote for that!

07-01-13, 06:55
Guys, it is NOT all of Islam.

sure.. I wont call every Muslim a terrorist, but every terrorist has been a Muslim

I've read the books, I've sat thru briefings and I've chit chatted with many a Arabs...I'm still not sold on "islam is about peace" theory

07-01-13, 07:11
Mcstain apparently hasn't learned anything from experience.

I don't agree with a lot of what the Senator has been doing lately but butchering his name is not only not funny, it is disrespectful of an American war hero who nearly died multiple times and suffered years of torture.

Disagree all you want, but he has earned the right to be addressed by his proper name.

07-01-13, 07:37
educate yourself about why they despise us !!!
they just have whatever excuse they want read your history when Christians said we would share our holy lands 1500 some years ago is when it started and they decided they wanted it all to there own and not share

through out history when they would destroy churches and build there mosques on the ruins as a means of conquering

do your history of the Marine hymn and its lyrics and read up on the Barbary wars when they would capture our people hold them for ransom ! over 200 years ago !!

yeah scratch your head a bit more !!! and do educate yourself please !

they despise us cause that is their religion if you are not one of them you are to be conquered killed or slaved !!! it's that simple
and again it has been going on longer than we have been a country so again yes please do educate yourself !
very few dont feel this way sure they wont be a terrorist but they understand and are OK with it
and sure maybe half the .2 of them that live in the US does not feel that way at all so OK and maybe about half of the .2 that live in UK dont feel that way so you have about .2 total of them OK lets give them the benefit of the doubt maybe even %1 do not feel that way ! again a very small % and yes they are good people in that teeny tiny % of them sadly they are not enough to do anything about the rest of them

head over to Syria and stop in a few other muslim countries tell them you are from somewhere else than the US but build a church and hand out Bibles see how long you last ! then you will understand their tolerance

Guys, it is NOT all of Islam.

Educate yourselves. Please.

There are sects that are - literally - like reptiles, as shown.

One key that seems to be lost on some is that WE have been arming and training the various jihadists and seem to have co-opted the devils for our own geostrategic goals.

And then we scratch our heads wondering why they despise us. C'mon.

Oh, well.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

Alpha Sierra
07-01-13, 07:51
Guys, it is NOT all of Islam.

Educate yourselves. Please.

Are you ever open to the possibility that you could be wrong?

07-01-13, 08:09
Is it possible to be so sick of this that one doesn't care any more?

Yeah, 'cuz I'm right there with ya.

07-01-13, 08:40
Unless I'm mistaken, the book of Quran encourages the slaying of non-Muslims. I believe that as long as Islam is around and has followers that they will be at war with non-Muslims. The only way it will ever stop is if one or the other is completely eradicated- which will never happen.

07-01-13, 08:55
Should have expected that to happen.

From what I understand the Syrian Christians are by and large allies of the Alawite's who are all on the side of Assad.

I would imagine the Sunni rebel "freedom fighters" would happily behead any Alawite or Shiite they could get their hands on.

I really don't understand the thought process behind killing someone for their religion. Much less someone that is for all intents and purposes the SAME religion. I am sure that will go down well in the afterlife....:suicide2:

Kinda like the Baptists going after the Methodist isn't it. Or the different opinions of what happens when during the rapture with Evangelicals. I have seen one "debate" almost come down to a fist fight over some of the finer points.

Crow Hunter
07-01-13, 09:45
Kinda like the Baptists going after the Methodist isn't it. Or the different opinions of what happens when during the rapture with Evangelicals. I have seen one "debate" almost come down to a fist fight over some of the finer points.

I agree.

I don't understand it either. I don't understand why the Protestants and the Catholics fought wars historically. (Other than people in power using religion as a means of expanding their power) I am a born and raised Southern Baptist that has a great admiration for the Buddha married to a girl who was raised in a very strict Church of Christ household who believed anyone that isn't a member of their church is a pagan. You should see her mother when I mention the Buddha. But we haven't come to blows yet.:D

I do, however, think there are Muslims out there that are not out to kill all the infidels. I had a very sweet and beautiful Indonesian Muslim girl who used to "take care" of me when I was in college. She would bring me food and sit with me and eat and we would talk about religion and lots of other things. I would often flirt with her and she would laugh and say if she hugged me that she would have to marry me.

She had a cousin that was there with her and he would often tell me that I should come to Indonesia and work when I graduated. He even offered to put me up in his families home until I could find somewhere to live and he knew I was a Christian as did she.

So I think it can be done. I think the problem is with the leadership using rhetoric to attempt to expand their power base.

Personally, if I don't agree with you about religious matters, I just won't attend your religious services. I just can't fathom why others aren't like that.

07-01-13, 09:54
Tolerant Muslims.

...always followed by the one guy, saying "but...but that is not the views of ALL Muslims"



07-01-13, 13:45
These are the people we are funding. That's right folks, people that cut out enemies hearts and eat them, behead people, and God knows what else....

Its outrageous, disgusting.....

How many RPG's and small arms have we given these psychos?

But instead of worrying about our Government aiding these monsters, we're going to bitch about religion. How about this, who gives a shit? I don't care what is in the quran, old testament, new testament, book of morman, torah, ect , ect.

What I do care about is the fact that our Federal Government is financially supporting and supplying these "rebels" with arms. These "rebels" are cut from the same fabric as the people we've been fighting for OVER TEN DAMN YEARS IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES.....and NOW WE'RE SUPPORTING THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cant you people see the forest for the trees? Can you not put 2 and 2 together?????????? Apparently NOT.

Go back to doing exactly what the power structure wants you to do, focus on religion and bitch about muslims, instead of realizing we are supporting radical groups in the take over of several countries in a volatile region (Egypt, Syria, Libya)

07-01-13, 15:19
These are the people we are funding. That's right folks, people that cut out enemies hearts and eat them, behead people, and God knows what else....

Its outrageous, disgusting.....

How many RPG's and small arms have we given these psychos?

But instead of worrying about our Government aiding these monsters, we're going to bitch about religion. How about this, who gives a shit? I don't care what is in the quran, old testament, new testament, book of morman, torah, ect , ect.

What I do care about is the fact that our Federal Government is financially supporting and supplying these "rebels" with arms. These "rebels" are cut from the same fabric as the people we've been fighting for OVER TEN DAMN YEARS IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES.....and NOW WE'RE SUPPORTING THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cant you people see the forest for the trees? Can you not put 2 and 2 together?????????? Apparently NOT.

Go back to doing exactly what the power structure wants you to do, focus on religion and bitch about muslims, instead of realizing we are supporting radical groups in the take over of several countries in a volatile region (Egypt, Syria, Libya)

I'm right there with you man. Pissed of my tax dollars are funding terrorists/hate groups in other countries.

It is disgusting and wrong we are financially supporting these groups and arming them to the teeth to destabalize the region. And for what exactly?

Especially seeing as we are bankrupt ourselves and printing monopoly money to keep the charade afloat.

I cannot believe people don't care about this stuff. But 99% do not- they have a six pack, a telescreen, a guaranteed paycheck/handout from a monster hydra headed government run amok; so who cares as long as things are "easy"?

07-01-13, 15:58
Okay let's supply them with munitions. Big live munitions dropped from the sky. Bring back carpet bombing.

07-01-13, 16:13
Considering they burn down all churches ?

Maybe we just smart bomb every mosque in the middle east !
Give them a taste of their own medicine modern style

Okay let's supply them with munitions. Big live munitions dropped from the sky. Bring back carpet bombing.

07-01-13, 16:20
I used to work with an Iranian Christian. He left Iran when the Shah fell from power. We don't win wars and war without profit is a waste, so don't go there.

07-01-13, 16:21
I'm right there with you man. Pissed of my tax dollars are funding terrorists/hate groups in other countries.

It is disgusting and wrong we are financially supporting these groups and arming them to the teeth to destabalize the region. And for what exactly?

Especially seeing as we are bankrupt ourselves and printing monopoly money to keep the charade afloat.

I cannot believe people don't care about this stuff. But 99% do not- they have a six pack, a telescreen, a guaranteed paycheck/handout from a monster hydra headed government run amok; so who cares as long as things are "easy"?
The New world order , is why we are removing the rulers of certain countries.

07-01-13, 17:41
The New world order , is why we are removing the rulers of certain countries.

That's apparently over many people's heads...

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

07-01-13, 17:46
sure.. I wont call every Muslim a terrorist, but every terrorist has been a Muslim

I've read the books, I've sat thru briefings and I've chit chatted with many a Arabs...I'm still not sold on "islam is about peace" theory


I am not sold that ANY group of humans "is about peace" - especially us.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

Bubba FAL
07-01-13, 19:30
It's all just craziness - Shia and Sunni trying to exterminate each other over who was the rightful successor to Mohammed (pig excrement be upon him). Then there's the tribal hatred that predates Islam. All satanically evil.

The only thing we should be doing in Syria is aerial spraying of pig blood over the entire lot. See how willing they are to kill each other off when they're rendered unclean!

07-01-13, 21:49
In this particular part of the world I advocate fencing it in. Giving free working visa's to anyone that wants to go there as a contractor. Selling weapons if you want to, and just letting them all kill each other. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, doesn't matter to me. Let them finish what they've ween working on for thousands of years.

Of course I also advocate offering free visa's out for women and children who wish to have nothing to do with it.

07-02-13, 00:46
I agree.

I had a very sweet and beautiful Indonesian Muslim girl who used to "take care" of me when I was in college. She would bring me food and sit with me and eat and we would talk about religion and lots of other things.

You had a very interesting definition of being "taken care of" in college...

Crow Hunter
07-02-13, 07:44
You had a very interesting definition of being "taken care of" in college...

My wife says girls always "take care of" me by "babying" me.

Marianna (the Indonesian girl) didn't have to do that, she and I worked in the same building on campus from 3:30pm until everything shut down. There was a gormet chef on staff and he would fix meals for guests and he would fix enough for the staff too. Because I worked downstairs at the front desk, I didn't always know when it was going on. So she would always bring me down food and sit and eat with me.

There was a French girl whose apartment I would go to after the 7:00 class that would fix me crepes and tea for breakfast then at night there were a couple of girls that I would go and visit when the dorms were loud that would fix me supper with cupcakes and let me sleep on the sleeper sofa, including "turn down service".


07-02-13, 08:02
I don't agree with a lot of what the Senator has been doing lately but butchering his name is not only not funny, it is disrespectful of an American war hero who nearly died multiple times and suffered years of torture.

Disagree all you want, but he has earned the right to be addressed by his proper name.

Yes, he endured and survived horrible torture but his true character was exposed upon his return. I judge him based on how he treated his devoted and faithful wife after he came back....

07-02-13, 08:09
I don't agree with a lot of what the Senator has been doing lately but butchering his name is not only not funny, it is disrespectful of an American war hero who nearly died multiple times and suffered years of torture.

Disagree all you want, but he has earned the right to be addressed by his proper name.

McCains service during the Vietnam war was definitely honorable. His service to his country now and in the recnt past is dishonorable and disrespectful to the values we hold as true now. I'm sorry but I have no respect for a man whose actions now are damaging this country.

07-02-13, 08:28
My wife says girls always "take care of" me by "babying" me.

So you were the guy 'friend' .....?

Crow Hunter
07-02-13, 08:51
So you were the guy 'friend' .....?

Not the gay "friend" that discussed clothing and interior decorating, if that is what you mean.


07-02-13, 09:10
Yes, he endured and survived horrible torture but his true character was exposed upon his return. I judge him based on how he treated his devoted and faithful wife after he came back....

If you're going to dislike someone based on previous infidelity decades ago, your list must be pretty damn long. And if so, who is someone's character that you do approve of?

You guys don't seem to make the distinction between disagreement with someone's actions and petty, childish disrespect that only make YOU look bad. Playing silly games with a person's name is juvenile.

I disagree with what he's been doing too. But I'll voice it reasonably and respectfully, like an adult. The man has EARNED the right to be addressed by his proper name. If you're not willing to give him that minutiae of respect then in my opinion, it shows your lack of character and maturity. Why on earth would someone respect you, your opinion, your voice when you can't even bring yourself to say someone's name correctly?

McCains service during the Vietnam war was definitely honorable. His service to his country now and in the recnt past is dishonorable and disrespectful to the values we hold as true now. I'm sorry but I have no respect for a man whose actions now are damaging this country.

Exactly what has he done that is dishonorable and disrespectful and what values do we hold as true now?

07-02-13, 10:49
Screw the rebels. We need to stop meddling in ALL affairs in the Islamic wold. They essentially all hate and wish to subjugate the West; why should we care about their fate.

07-02-13, 11:53
My wife says girls always "take care of" me by "babying" me.

Marianna (the Indonesian girl) didn't have to do that, she and I worked in the same building on campus from 3:30pm until everything shut down. There was a gormet chef on staff and he would fix meals for guests and he would fix enough for the staff too. Because I worked downstairs at the front desk, I didn't always know when it was going on. So she would always bring me down food and sit and eat with me.

There was a French girl whose apartment I would go to after the 7:00 class that would fix me crepes and tea for breakfast then at night there were a couple of girls that I would go and visit when the dorms were loud that would fix me supper with cupcakes and let me sleep on the sleeper sofa, including "turn down service".


It means you're living correctly. I've always managed similar no matter where I go. Nothing sexual though relationships could possibly have been built. I'd rather have them as friends forever and be highly appreciative of whatever they provided and do whatever reasons.

BTW, the Muslim women who were not overly dogmatic that I knew were similar. Just hope their his ands appreciate them for it...

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

07-02-13, 13:20
Not sure of many follow geopolitics but the whole "Syria thing" is about a proposed natural gas pipeline between Iran-Iraq-Syria and on into Europe versus another proposal: Qatar & Saudi Arabia-Syria-Turkey. It all relates to the stalled Nabucco Pipeline.

Syria's "issues" began right after inking the agreement on 6/25/11 regarding the construction which was/is to start [sometime between] 2014 [and 2016 timeframe].

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

07-02-13, 13:25
If you're going to dislike someone based on previous infidelity decades ago, your list must be pretty damn long. And if so, who is someone's character that you do approve of?

Men who don't shirk commitments to honor. Personal as well as professional.

You guys don't seem to make the distinction between disagreement with someone's actions and petty, childish disrespect that only make YOU look bad. Playing silly games with a person's name is juvenile.

I agree that it is stupid and useless which is why I don't do it or support it beyond someone's 1st Amd right to say stupid shit.

I disagree with what he's been doing too. But I'll voice it reasonably and respectfully, like an adult. The man has EARNED the right to be addressed by his proper name. If you're not willing to give him that minutiae of respect then in my opinion, it shows your lack of character and maturity. Why on earth would someone respect you, your opinion, your voice when you can't even bring yourself to say someone's name correctly?

Fair enough.

Exactly what has he done that is dishonorable and disrespectful and what values do we hold as true now?

McCain is a disappointment and many here will disagree with his politics, but he's earned his point of view as much as anyone.

People like Nancy Pelosi or Pres. Obama however, who have never sacrificed for this country ... well ... that is a different story altogether.

07-02-13, 13:34
General Benedict Arnold was an American hero too... until he wasn't.

200+ years for that example David? I hardly think the comparison is equal. Let me know when McCain gets in bed with Haj.

I'm not saying he's right with his recent stuff. I'm saying he's earned the right to be called by his correct name, a courtesy I would extend to most anyone.

07-02-13, 13:35
McCain is a disappointment and many here will disagree with his politics, but he's earned his point of view as much as anyone.

People like Nancy Pelosi or Pres. Obama however, who have never sacrificed for this country ... well ... that is a different story altogether.

I won't argue one bit.

ETA: it didn't copy the whole quote/your counter points but I agree with those too.

07-03-13, 00:33
Guys, it is NOT all of Islam.

Educate yourselves. Please.

There are sects that are - literally - like reptiles, as shown.

One key that seems to be lost on some is that WE have been arming and training the various jihadists and seem to have co-opted the devils for our own geostrategic goals.

And then we scratch our heads wondering why they despise us. C'mon.

Oh, well.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

Please list all the "reptile" sects for us so that we may be exalted in your "enlightenment". After all, we wouldn't want to besmirch the wrong sect. ;)

I don't agree with a lot of what the Senator has been doing lately but butchering his name is not only not funny, it is disrespectful of an American war hero who nearly died multiple times and suffered years of torture.

Disagree all you want, but he has earned the right to be addressed by his proper name.

The Manchurian Candidate? :rolleyes:

Okay let's supply them with munitions. Big live munitions dropped from the sky. Bring back carpet bombing.

If we must arm someone, let's arm the Syrian archdioceses and let the bishops decide who Jesus would carpet bomb. :D

07-04-13, 08:37
Never forget who we are fighting, or what drives them, nor who supports them, never forget!

07-04-13, 11:50
Please list all the "reptile" sects for us so that we may be exalted in your "enlightenment". After all, we wouldn't want to besmirch the wrong sect. ;)

If we must arm someone, let's arm the Syrian archdioceses and let the bishops decide who Jesus would carpet bomb. :D

The Takfiris are the group or are part of the group that is being dumped into Syria - with YOUR tax dollars.

The Wahhabbists and Salafists, Al Nursi though the last one is a group not a religious sect.

YOUR gov't has co-opted ALL of the major jihadists groups and is using them to destabilize the Middle East.

One thing that is lost on the vast anti-Semites (yeah, Arabs are descendants of Shem per Biblical accounts) is that Jews, Christians and Muslims lived peaceably in Iraq prior to our invasion and Christians and Muslims are under the Israeli's boots in Palestine and there is a large population of Jews in Iran. Obviously, from the video we know there are Christians in Syria. A lot of them. Villages have been genocided by FSA "rebels" but that's no discussed in US nightly news.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

07-04-13, 15:21
VooDoo6Actual shared these with me . . .

FSA commander Abu Sakkar filmed cutting out and cannibalizing the heart of a Syrian soldier:

FSA terrorists chained toddler and forced to watch parents murder:

More of Barry's buddies. :mad:

07-04-13, 16:17
VooDoo6Actual shared these with me . . .

FSA commander Abu Sakkar filmed cutting out and cannibalizing the heart of a Syrian soldier:

FSA terrorists chained toddler and forced to watch parents murder:

More of Barry's buddies. :mad:

Guys, we will NEVER get out of this if we continue the lie that its one (political) part(y) or another. This is especially true with foreign policy which is controlled by...

The Council on Foreign Relations and various non-gov't organizations such as NED (State Dept), AEI, JINSA, etc., etc., ad nauseum. The president (ideally) SELLS the foreign policy to the public. He may not even be aware of the totality of geostrategic reasons. Then again, the insiders (George Bush I) WOULD know.

These guys are no more "Obama's boys" as they are yours, mine or ours.

If they belong to anyone it would be the majority stockholders and leading geostrategists of the oil & gas and defense industries. Behind these two entities lie the International Banking Cartel. Look to the City of London (sometimes called just "The City").

Not directed at anyone but also directed at "everyone" both Dems and GOPs, "Lefties" and "Righties", in general.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

07-04-13, 17:53
Guys, we will NEVER get out of this if we continue the lie that its one part or another. This is especially true with foreign policy which is controlled by...

The Council on Foreign Relations and various non-gov't organizations such as NED (State Dept), AEI, JINSA, etc., etc., ad nauseum. The president (ideally) SELLS the foreign policy to the public. He may not even be aware o the totality of geostrategic reasons. Then again, the insiders (George Bush I) WOULD know.

These guys are no more "Obama's boys" as they are yours, mine or ours.

If they belong to anyone it would be the majority stockholders and leading geostrategists of the oil & gas and defense industries. Behind these two entities lie the International Banking Cartel. Look to the City of London (sometimes called just "The City").

Not directed at anyone but also directed at "everyone" both Dems and GOPs, "Lefties" and "Righties", in general.

While Barry is a puppet his admin has backed the FSA, McCain also backs them. Party lines need not apply as in the end they toil towards the same goals.

Since you brough up London, I posted this back in '11 here in GD:

"The UK is not run by the Queen of England, the Prime Minister, nor Parliament. Instead the UK (like the US and Wall St) is run behind the scenes by their financial district the City of London, no not London proper. Even the Queen of England has to bow and ask permission of the Lord Mayor of London if she so desires to enter the city's gate, Temple Bar. Google it, I don’t' make this shit up."

07-04-13, 18:31
While Barry is a puppet his admin has backed the FSA, McCain also backs them. Party lines need not apply as in the end they toil towards the same goals.

Since you brough up London, I posted this back in '11 here in GD:

"The UK is not run by the Queen of England, the Prime Minister, nor Parliament. Instead the UK (like the US and Wall St) is run behind the scenes by their financial district the City of London, no not London proper. Even the Queen of England has to bow and ask permission of the Lord Mayor of London if she so desires to enter the city's gate, Temple Bar. Google it, I don’t' make this shit up."

Not only are you "right" you are CORRECT.


"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

07-04-13, 18:43
The Takfiris are the group or are part of the group that is being dumped into Syria - with YOUR tax dollars.

The Wahhabbists and Salafists, Al Nursi though the last one is a group not a religious sect.

YOUR gov't has co-opted ALL of the major jihadists groups and is using them to destabilize the Middle East.

One thing that is lost on the vast anti-Semites (yeah, Arabs are descendants of Shem per Biblical accounts) is that Jews, Christians and Muslims lived peaceably in Iraq prior to our invasion and Christians and Muslims are under the Israeli's boots in Palestine and there is a large population of Jews in Iran. Obviously, from the video we know there are Christians in Syria. A lot of them. Villages have been genocided by FSA "rebels" but that's no discussed in US nightly news.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

There are Jews in Iran, but not "large populations". I recently had this conversation with a visiting professor from Tehran. He stated that the vast majority of Iran's Jewish population had fled due to anti-semitism under the Ayatollah et al.