View Full Version : Mesa AZ idea of FREEDOM !!!

06-30-13, 18:00
OK this is kinda sad but funny in a this is what freedom is today :)

not my definition of Freedom ~

http://xanthotech.com/gallery/d/9434-2/freedom.jpg (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=411028185676931&set=a.251720754941009.53638.224249687688116&type=1&theater)

06-30-13, 18:02
That is hilarious.

06-30-13, 18:18
for sure made me chuckle :)

06-30-13, 19:00
Well that seems about right in this day and age.

06-30-13, 19:58
In this situation, the sign does not constitute an actionable warning. It has no legal effect because...

ARS 44-229 (http://www.azleg.gov/FormatDocument.asp?inDoc=/ars/4/00229.htm&Title=4&DocType=ARS)

B. A person shall not carry a firearm on the licensed premises of an on-sale retailer if the licensee has posted the notice prescribed in subsection A of this section.

C. It is an affirmative defense to a violation of subsection B of this section if:

1. The person was not informed of the notice prescribed in subsection A of this section before the violation.

2. Any one or more of the following apply:

(a) At the time of the violation the notice prescribed in subsection A of this section had fallen down.

(b) At the time of the violation the person was not a resident of this state.

(c) The licensee had posted the notice prescribed in subsection A of this section not more than thirty days before the violation.

I doubt very seriously that sign has been there for more than 30 days. To any would be travelers to Arizona, see subsection (b) above and avoid the city of Mesa at all costs. There is NOTHING within the city limits worth two ****ing bits unless your into crack whores or fire chiefs who are into farm animals.

06-30-13, 21:23
To any would be travelers to Arizona, see subsection (b) above and avoid the city of Mesa at all costs. There is NOTHING within the city limits worth two ****ing bits unless your into crack whores or fire chiefs who are into farm animals.

I can vouch for this.

The whole metro Phoenix area is getting increasingly Californicated. I've come to prefer the more rural parts of the state, but the cities are growing every year.