View Full Version : Is There Already a National Gun Registry?

Doc Safari
07-01-13, 15:29

Monday, 01 July 2013 16:01 NSA Surveillance Database: Backdoor to a National Gun Registry?

A large group of mostly Democratic U.S. senators penned a letter to National Intelligence Director James Clapper asking if the NSA had created a national gun registry by keeping all electronic business transactions in a permanent database. And the NSA just might have done this, contrary to existing law.

The 26 senators stated in the June 27 letter penned by Ron Wyden's office:

We are troubled by the possibility of this bulk collection authority being applied to other categories of records. The PATRIOT Act's business records authority is very broad in its scope. It can be used to collect information on credit card purchases, pharmacy records, library records, firearm sales records, financial information, and a range of other sensitive subjects. And the bulk collection authority could potentially be used to supersede bans on maintaining gun owner databases, or laws protecting the privacy of medical records, financial records, and records of book and movie purchases.

07-01-13, 15:32
Great. Just F*cking Great.

07-01-13, 15:33
I would be stunned if the NSA or Homeland Security hadn't compiled some form of database tracking gun and ammunition sales, as well as concealed carry permit holders, etc.

Army Chief
07-01-13, 15:41
A national gun registry? Sounds great -- sign me up! I'd like a KAC SR-15E3 CQB SBR, a Colt Rail Gun and a HK-45c.

Oh, wait ... I thought we were talking about adapting one of those Williams-Sonoma type pre-wedding deals for general gift-giving occasions.

For the record, my idea is better.


07-01-13, 15:43
Of course such a database exists. It seems rather naive to me to think otherwise given the fact that the technology exists to create one, the government has the intent and that is one of their major goals.

Especially when you factor in that targeting "terrorists' would definitely give them the cache to search through gun purchases/purchasers to find matches to known terrorist databases.

Why not just get all the info they can and put it into a database to be used at a later date?

With the new clasification of terrorists by DHS & other .gov agencies being tea Party members, religous people, veterans, constitution loving americans, anti-authoritarian, etc, etc, etc) why wouldn't they collect all the info they could for use at a later date- you know just in case, and for the children?

We are beyond the pale folks; and I think SOME people are finally awake and comforatble enough to come to terms with it instead of scoffing it off as tin foil and believeing the fantasy that the government is our friend- head firmly in the sand.

If the last few years and all of the criminal activity of our Gummint that has come to light hasn't opened your eyes to the bigger picture -you are effing blind or asleep at the wheel.

With all we have been privy to- just imagine the depths of what we have no clue about...

07-01-13, 16:37
The New American is the best magazine to inform us about what is really happening in the news. I plead all who read this post to study the magazine . The John Birch Society has been diligent about informing all who will listen the threats to the Constitution of the United States. I first learned of the john Birch Society during my senior year in high school[1970] And The John Birch Society has always been spot on with news the main stream corporate owned media hides. http://www.thenewamerican.com/economy/commentary Study up!!! Sent $$$ to the John Birch Society. Read the Voring Index to learn how your favorite politician wastes your money and ruins the country

07-01-13, 16:39
A national gun registry? Sounds great -- sign me up! I'd like a KAC SR-15E3 CQB SBR, a Colt Rail Gun and a HK-45c.

Oh, wait ... I thought we were talking about adapting one of those Williams-Sonoma type pre-wedding deals for general gift-giving occasions.

For the record, my idea is better.


can i get a panini maker to go with my 10 pack of PMAG40s? :D

07-01-13, 17:08
I reel like Captain Renault who just walked into Ricks and is in shock to find gambling going on. Seriously, is anyone really surprised that there isnt a DB of some sort regarding firearms ownership out there some where?

Doc Safari
07-01-13, 17:13
I reel like Captain Renault who just walked into Ricks and is in shock to find gambling going on. Seriously, is anyone really surprised that there isnt a DB of some sort regarding firearms ownership out there some where?

Personally, I have believed for years that they are not even throwing out the "proceed" NICS checks.

The significant thing in all of this is that TPTB are finally either being forced to admit what we've known all along, or are caught red-handed with no way to obfuscate.

07-01-13, 18:37

07-01-13, 18:41
That was frickin hilarious. I agree and maybe we should get you to run the NSA.

A national gun registry? Sounds great -- sign me up! I'd like a KAC SR-15E3 CQB SBR, a Colt Rail Gun and a HK-45c.

Oh, wait ... I thought we were talking about adapting one of those Williams-Sonoma type pre-wedding deals for general gift-giving occasions.

For the record, my idea is better.


Crow Hunter
07-01-13, 19:16
I have NO DOUBT.

A case that I am aware of, completely unrelated to firearms whatsoever (computer crime), resulted in members of Homeland Security showing up along with the FBI carrying a list of firearms and requesting to see them by make and model. I am not sure if serial numbers were requested or not, but I plan on finding out.

This was the very first thing that was asked about after identity was confirmed. The person involved was not even home and was outside the residence when contact was initiated. (So no fear of him going for a weapon, the house was locked and he was outside of it).

I am sure they have even more data than that.:mad:

07-01-13, 20:05
This clandestine secret shadow government that was built under the patriot act is not something I will even begin to recognize as my government or be afraid of these people. If they want to come for me then it will be a fight they started. It's about time we take out the garbage. This secret database, secret courts, secret laws are not what I fought and bloodied my hands for in defense of our country.

I am sure I don't stand alone on this but if I do well, then I guess I do. Can't even get a congress critter to even send an autobot email back on the subject. Everyone is running scared it seems from this group of thugs and bullies.

07-01-13, 20:10
A national gun registry? Sounds great -- sign me up! I'd like a KAC SR-15E3 CQB SBR, a Colt Rail Gun and a HK-45c.

Oh, wait ... I thought we were talking about adapting one of those Williams-Sonoma type pre-wedding deals for general gift-giving occasions.

For the record, my idea is better.


I find your ideas interesting, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

07-01-13, 20:14
Time to start "buddy-buying" identical guns, then swapping them to one another in the parking lot?

"No, sorry Mr. ATF Agent, I sold that rifle. No, I can't recall his name."

07-01-13, 23:02
That was frickin hilarious. I agree and maybe we should get you to run the NSA.

Yes, the National Snack Agency would be an awesome compliment to the National Gun Registry. :D

Doc Safari
09-05-13, 16:20

The National Rifle Association joined the American Civil Liberties Union's lawsuit on Wednesday to end the government's massive phone record collection program.

In a brief filed in federal court, the NRA argues that the National Security Agency's database of phone records amounts to a "national gun registry."

In its filing, the gun-rights group claims that the NSA's database would allow the government to identify and track gun owners based on whether they've called gun stores, shooting ranges or the NRA.

"Under the government’s reading of Section 215, the government could simply demand the periodic submission of all firearms dealers’ transaction records, then centralize them in a database indexed by the buyers’ names for later searching," the NRA writes.

09-05-13, 16:27

When's the last time the NRA and ACLU ever agreed on anything?

That right there speaks volumes.

09-05-13, 16:28
I would be stunned if the NSA or Homeland Security hadn't compiled some form of database tracking gun and ammunition sales, as well as concealed carry permit holders, etc.

Well of course that's why they're so hot to regulate private disposition of firearms: all that fancy high-tech capturing of your firearms purchases don't mean squat if you could have legally sold the gun in the parking lot on your way home from the store.

"Oh yeah, that Colt 6920? Well, I liked it, but as I was headed home after filling out the 4473 and passing the NICS check, this pleasant middle-eastern gentleman came up to me in the parking lot and made me an offer I couldn't refuse."

"What's that, did I get his name? No, he showed me what looked like a valid state ID, but I don't recall any of the specific info. I have no reason to believe he was prohibited from owning a firearm. If he were, he'd be in prison, right?"

09-05-13, 18:31
So many warm and fuzzy feelings...


09-05-13, 23:36
When's the last time the NRA and ACLU ever agreed on anything?

That right there speaks volumes.

Bipartisan Campaign Reform/McCain-Feingold Act, IIRC. (Which was signed into law in 2002.)