View Full Version : A candid article about the real intent of gun control - in Uruguay

07-02-13, 23:38
Looks to be a Chinese newspaper. The article does not sugarcoat the true intent of gun control. Too bad our hoplophobes here in the US are not so candid.


07-03-13, 04:27
Interesting. The NGO pushing for gun-control is funded by the Europeon Union, calling their proposal an "action for a democratic security policy; towards a natinal plan of civilian disarmament."

Furthermore, Uruguay's gun-ownership laws "need to be aligned with internatinal standards" to send the message that "firearms are not a right of the people, but a tool of the state for specific actions."

Well, that's comforting. :rolleyes:

At least they've got the balls to put their agenda right out in plain sight for all to see, unlike the anti-gunners here in the U.S. of A.

07-03-13, 10:16
What??? I'm shocked. You mean those people living in utopia don't have the people's best interests at heart?? You guys need to get with the program... Re-education program that is.

07-03-13, 10:52
Interesting. The NGO pushing for gun-control is funded by the Europeon Union, calling their proposal an "action for a democratic security policy; towards a natinal plan of civilian disarmament."

Furthermore, Uruguay's gun-ownership laws "need to be aligned with internatinal standards" to send the message that "firearms are not a right of the people, but a tool of the state for specific actions."

Historically, to murder its own population. Those who ignore history...

Alpha Sierra
07-03-13, 11:07
We're in for a hell of a fight

07-03-13, 15:19
I hope Uruguayan gun owners have a powerful lobbying group.

07-03-13, 19:08
I hope Uruguayan gun owners have a powerful lobbying group.

They'll vote from the rooftops.

07-04-13, 00:27
How does the text of that article not scare the hell out of any sane person?

07-04-13, 06:42
How does the text of that article not scare the hell out of any sane person?

What is scary about it?

The group in that article is no different than the Brady Campaign or MAIG.

Although it is certainly interesting to see such "plain talk" come from an organization with an agenda like that (where MAIG and Brady at least thinly hide the fact that they do not support that the 2A is a legitimate civil right), their particular socio-political view that they are trying to push isn't any more scary than the crap we see from similar NGOs in the US.

07-04-13, 08:02
We did it in Iraq and Afghanistan. Modern governments must control and they do this through prohibitions.