View Full Version : Have You Ever Been Shot At?

07-02-13, 23:59
Hey All,

Since we all seem to have an opinion about everything on this board I thought I would start this poll. I am a firm believer that no-one no matter their background can accurately asses their ability in any given situation until they are actually faced with said situation.

Society could create a perfect on paper A+, highly trained surgeon, but if he collapses under pressure or faints at the sight of blood what good is he?

So, with that in mind here is the poll: Have you ever been shot at by someone who wanted to kill you? Not a ND, or an AD, or training, or a friend that ****ed up... Have you been downrange of an attacker who shot your way trying to hit you?

Just answer Yes or No.

*Please keep your answer in mind in the future when you chip in with your comments about how someone in a story you read on the internet should have responded to their given situation.

07-03-13, 01:53
Sadly yes.

07-03-13, 05:30
Can I assume the question means as a civilian or Leo, not oconus?

07-03-13, 05:36
Yes, in Afghanistan (if that counts).

07-03-13, 07:31
Yes, OCONUS, hopefully won't happen this time around. Been shot at/ towards non maliciously as well, some people get tunnel vision when they see game animals, in this case it was a group of deer running with me between them and him. Was able to drop a large doe despite it.

Army Chief
07-03-13, 07:56
Not in civilian life, no. I am, after all, a very peaceable fellow.

Down range, I've had folks take armed exception to my driving through their AO with a helicopter (especially at night), and of course, I've enjoyed more than my share of rockets aimed at my tent, but I learned not to take such things personally. ;)


07-03-13, 08:02
2X; neither was fun.

Army Chief
07-03-13, 08:03
I almost shot Watrdawg with Freedom's Guardian's Benelli M4 last night, but that was purely by accident, and shouldn't really count.

No, not really; that said, I did get schooled a bit on the operating characteristics of the gun. I wasn't terribly familiar with the unique loading sequence employed on the M4, and (inevitably) came away from the experience realizing that I have a pretty significant hole in my scattergun collection. ;)


07-03-13, 08:06

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07-03-13, 08:33
Of course it counts if you were in a war zone.

07-03-13, 08:39
Regrettably, I have CONUS/OCONUS. Even have a few reminders that the kids see on their dear old dad. I suppose I'll have to tell them one day. They are getting too old to still believe they are birth marks.

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07-03-13, 10:41
Not when I was on active duty. The first and only time I was shot at was when I was in the Guard. Hurricane Andrew, middle of the night, working a check point in the middle of a huge intersection. Some random shots were taken at me. I can confirm that you cannot dig into asphalt to get to cover.

Army Chief
07-03-13, 10:45
Not when I was on active duty. The first and only time I was shot at was when I was in the Guard. Hurricane Andrew, middle of the night, working a check point in the middle of a huge intersection. Some random shots were taken at me. I can confirm that you cannot dig into asphalt to get to cover.

I didn't take those shots, but I was probably in the Huey hovering just over the road signs, looking under my goggles and trying to figure out where the heck we were at. ;)


07-03-13, 11:08
I didn't take those shots, but I was probably in the Huey hovering just over the road signs, looking under my goggles and trying to figure out where the heck we were at. ;)

:lol: We were on the ground trying to do the same thing. When I got down there the next morning I looked and said "Man this looks like pictures of Hiroshima." Then I heard all the reports of Homestead getting it the worst and giving thanks that we weren't there. Of course I didn't realize that we were in Homestead.

William B.
07-03-13, 11:35
Yes, but not in a civilian/CCW capacity.

07-03-13, 12:15
Yes, a few times, fortunately only took a bit of shrapnel one time.

07-03-13, 12:26
Yes, in Afghanistan (if that counts).

Fortunately, in my case, that particular set of idiots couldn't it the broad side of a barn.

Joe R.
07-03-13, 13:10
Yes. From about two yards away. All my good luck was used up when he missed.

07-03-13, 14:27
No, couple of close calls with friendly fire but no shots aimed at me.


07-03-13, 14:29

But I believe it was to intimidate. I was a senior in High School. Vowed right then and there "never $##@# again..."

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

07-03-13, 14:39
Yes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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07-03-13, 15:08
Yes, on the streets.

07-03-13, 16:35
Yes ....still remember the sound as two bullets flew past me while I was running away.

07-03-13, 16:41

07-03-13, 16:43
Yes. Direct fire (small arms) and indirect fire from rockets and mortars that targeted our camp.

Another yes in CONUS.

07-03-13, 16:50
No, not in my entire 25 years of service, before or since have I ever been the intended recipient of a shot fired in anger, and gladly admit it. I'm one of the lucky ones.

07-03-13, 19:06
Took fire and had several rounds penetrate the doors on a thin skinned vehicle I was riding in. You could smell the gunpowder from those rounds after they hit.

07-03-13, 19:15
No thank goodness. Closest I ever came was a guy held a gun on me and my friend. Told us to do what he said or he would shoot then fired a shot out my car window to show it was loaded.

07-03-13, 19:40

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07-03-13, 19:44
Does it count if you were in an aircraft at the time?

07-03-13, 20:03
Hey All,

Since we all seem to have an opinion about everything on this board I thought I would start this poll. I am a firm believer that no-one no matter their background can accurately asses their ability in any given situation until they are actually faced with said situation.

Society could create a perfect on paper A+, highly trained surgeon, but if he collapses under pressure or faints at the sight of blood what good is he?

So, with that in mind here is the poll: Have you ever been shot at by someone who wanted to kill you? Not a ND, or an AD, or training, or a friend that ****ed up... Have you been downrange of an attacker who shot your way trying to hit you?

Just answer Yes or No.

*Please keep your answer in mind in the future when you chip in with your comments about how someone in a story you read on the internet should have responded to their given situation.

No and I work VERY hard at keeping it that way for as long as humanly possible.

Not quite sure why that has anything to do with expressing my opinion on how I think someone else should or should not have acted. Just cause someone has been shot at before doesn't give them special insight. That would make gangbangers SME's and IMO they aren't unless we're talking about being an SME in gang life.

07-03-13, 20:07
Yes. Random while my partner and I jumped out of our car on a vehicle stop.

It wasn't from occupants of the car though. Random ghetto shit.....

07-03-13, 21:42
Yes. Random while my partner and I jumped out of our car on a vehicle stop.

It wasn't from occupants of the car though. Random ghetto shit.....

Random ghetto shit... Lol sounds like everyday of my childhood.

Taz you are correct. Getting shot or shot at doesn't give you special insight. What it does give you is experience of applied learning and training. Everyone has a plan till you get hit. I always consider, (barring exigent circumstances like war) that the escalation of violence or force to be a loss for both parties involved. Only difference being one gets to walk away.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

07-03-13, 21:51
Yes on the street. Yes for rocket and mortar attack at various fobs got pretty effin close.

07-03-13, 22:51
During 03 invasion got shot at by snipers, artillery, BMP, RPG, mortar, AKs, some sort of MG, a Nagant pistol and an Enfield rifle.

During my 05 tour we took little small arms fire but quite a bit of rockets and mortars.

Nothing state side yet.

07-03-13, 23:04
Yes unfortunately also hit, lucky for me it was in my arm where fragments still call home.

07-03-13, 23:04
Not maliciously no, but I have been shot.

07-03-13, 23:17
Yes. Twice.

07-03-13, 23:24
Oh I forgot that I had a Nasty Guard convoy shoot at our convoy one morning. Apparently they couldn't recognize 5 humvees driving down the road.

07-03-13, 23:58
Had a revolver pressed against my forehead during a robbery at the store where I worked as a teenager. Even counted the chambers and noted the hollow points... The dude was big, sweaty, and his finger was most definitely on the trigger. Does that count?

During the L.A. Riots, everybody was shooting at everybody. I'm pretty sure some of that lead was intended for me, but I didn't stick around to find out.

I've been shot with sims too. Learned some good lessons there...

Does that get me in your club now? Am I allowed to have, and state an opinion?

Do I know everything? Hell no.
Do I know some things about some things? Yes. Yes I do. So does everyone else.

07-04-13, 01:53
Shot at, no. A kid dropped the hammer on a Beretta 92 from about 10 feet away on me. He didn't have a round chambered and didn't know how to run the pistol. Luckiest day of my life. We played ring around the rosy, using my truck for cover, because I was a dumb ass without a gun that day.

07-04-13, 05:49
No. Thank goodness.

07-04-13, 07:57
Shot at, mortared, rocketed, and IEDed. Just lucky I guess.

07-04-13, 08:12
Just cause someone has been shot at before doesn't give them special insight. .

Yes it does, you learn about yourself, the men with you, and your training.

07-04-13, 08:45
Yes. On more than one occasion unfortunately. I've also had a knife thrown at me, an improvised grenade tossed at me, and been hit in the chest with a blowgun. :D

diving dave
07-04-13, 11:29
Yes... In 2001 working as LEO.. He missed I didn't. He survived, doing 2 life sentances now

07-04-13, 11:51

But it was more negligent than malicious.

We were camping in desert in the Farmington, New Mexico.

This was BLM land, so you werent supposed to have guns.

Sometime in the morning, some idiot up on the hill started unloading what was probably a 10/22 on a target further down the hill.

We were in the valley at the bottom of the hill beyond his target and could not see the shooter through all the brush.

We heard the shots and could see the rounds impacting the dirt about 20 yards in front of us.

We got the hell out if there ASAP.

07-04-13, 11:59
Yes. Direct fire (small arms) and indirect fire from rockets and mortars that targeted our camp.

Another yes in CONUS.

Ill take small arms over well aimed rockets and mortars any day

07-04-13, 14:40
No never shot at, but Parents were, I was robbed at gun point though

07-05-13, 13:17
shot at several times, hope it never happens again. I would miss you guys.

07-05-13, 13:20
shot at, never hit!!!!

07-05-13, 18:05
It says a lot about this board when more people answer "yes" than "no".

07-05-13, 18:47
Incoming indirect fire a few times. Outgoing 155's from about 100 yards woke me up the night the ground war started. I thought the world was ending. Scary Shit! Thank God it was outgoing! Closest was a slam fire round from a burned up Dragonov. A fellow Marine was kicking at the charging lever in an attempt to free up the action. Not really sure why other than boredom. Round hit 6-8 inches from my foot. :mad:

07-05-13, 18:48
Indirect fire several times.

07-05-13, 20:36
Yes. On more than one occasion unfortunately. I've also had a knife thrown at me, an improvised grenade tossed at me, and been hit in the chest with a blowgun. :D

Damn.... there are several of you here that I think I would just offer my seat on the bus to you just so I could get real far away.....

07-05-13, 20:48
Yep. CONUS. In NJ of all places...I thought with all those strict gun laws, my safety would be guaranteed :sarcastic:

It shocked me how long it took me to realize what as going on, relatively speaking. A second or two most likely, but it seemed like forever. "The ****..? What the hell was that? Shit. Are they shooting?!! No can't be. Crap, yep they are."

Pork Chop
07-05-13, 21:20
Yep. CONUS. In NJ of all places...I thought with all those strict gun laws, my safety would be guaranteed :sarcastic:

It shocked me how long it took me to realize what as going on, relatively speaking. A second or two most likely, but it seemed like forever. "The ****..? What the hell was that? Shit. Are they shooting?!! No can't be. Crap, yep they are."

Same here. 6 rounds incoming. Took me till the 3rd one went over our heads till I realized what the hell was happening. Took all of 3 or 4 seconds, but felt like slow motion. Certainly not a sound you forget.

That was a long time ago, before I was switched on.

07-05-13, 21:25
Yes it does, you learn about yourself, the men with you, and your training.

I would have to agree with you on this one. I would assume (since I never have been) that until you are in that situation you wouldn't truly know how you'd react. Having said that, I'm perfectly glad to let everyone else share that experience and I'd just as soon not be included...because if it happens now, it most likely means my wife and daughter are in danger too, so I'll pass. also not going to talk smack in M4C like I have, either...

07-06-13, 09:42
In CONUS, as a paramedic, I recall making myself as small as I could hiding behind a tree halfway between my bus and the dude's house. Scared as shit, unarmed. Then overseas in the employ of Uncle Sam, and recall that being able to shoot back was very empowering.

You do learn about yourself and your teammates.

07-06-13, 10:58
In CONUS, as a paramedic, I recall making myself as small as I could hiding behind a tree halfway between my bus and the dude's house. Scared as shit, unarmed. Then overseas in the employ of Uncle Sam, and recall that being able to shoot back was very empowering.

You do learn about yourself and your teammates.

The ability to return fire is comforting.

How big was the tree? I know I'd hide behind even a small one. :D And I'm a pretty big guy.

07-06-13, 17:17
The ability to return fire is comforting.

How big was the tree? I know I'd hide behind even a small one. :D And I'm a pretty big guy.

I am having visions of Tom Arnold in True Lies trying to hide his big ass behind that skinny light pole :)

Funny as hell !!!


07-06-13, 17:29
It shocked me how long it took me to realize what as going on, relatively speaking. A second or two most likely, but it seemed like forever. "The ****..? What the hell was that? Shit. Are they shooting?!! No can't be. Crap, yep they are."

That was the rookie's reaction I was with.

He's looking around and I'm dragging him behind a car, "wtf is going on?" "Figure it the **** out."


07-06-13, 17:43
That was the rookie's reaction I was with.

He's looking around and I'm dragging him behind a car, "wtf is going on?" "Figure it the **** out."


:laugh: I don't doubt it! This was in 06, I think I was 19. Definitely didn't have my shit together.

07-06-13, 19:10
I am having visions of Tom Arnold in True Lies trying to hide his big ass behind that skinny light pole :)

Funny as hell !!!


I forgot about that movie. But that is exactly what I was picturing.

Thomas M-4
07-07-13, 01:29
Yes two times one of the times the near sighted shit for brains unloaded a full magazine of 9mm I think they found 12-13 spent cases in the grass. The first shot kissed the skin on my eyebrow cutting it open. Today it looks like a shaving cut on my brow:rolleyes:
I was in the house while he was hiding in the bushes never heard the first shot I saw a hole in the glass and first thought was WTF some body threw a rock at the window.

07-07-13, 02:35
Yes. Iraq and AFG. Not like some of you guys have had though. They were all just typical shoot-hope-run BS.

07-07-13, 03:13
Yes two times one of the times the near sighted shit for brains unloaded a full magazine of 9mm I think they found 12-13 spent cases in the grass. The first shot kissed the skin on my eyebrow cutting it open. Today it looks like a shaving cut on my brow:rolleyes:
I was in the house while he was hiding in the bushes never heard the first shot I saw a hole in the glass and first thought was WTF some body threw a rock at the window.

So... you basically got shot in or near the face.

That's pretty hardcore, bro.

Thanks for your service. (Directed at everybody in this thread.)

Thomas M-4
07-07-13, 03:45
So... you basically got shot in or near the face.

That's pretty hardcore, bro.

Thanks for your service. (Directed at everybody in this thread.)

I don't think I would say that. The EMT didn't even take me to the ER they just washed it out and taped it up. At first I thought what the hell is my eye watering up for kept rubbing my eye to try to clear it up finally looked at my hand and they is blood on it. To me it looks like I cut my brow while saving a unibrow :o

07-07-13, 08:17
I forgot about that movie. But that is exactly what I was picturing.

In hindsight I suppose our reaction was pretty funny, making myself into a ball of flesh about the size of a basketball. I have no clue how big the tree was (or wasn't), but I do remember thinking that even if it was a giant redwood or sequoia it wasn't big enough.

07-07-13, 15:39
No, but I have had a gun held to my head during a home invasion.

07-07-13, 16:42
Jesus. I figured there would be a decent amount with all of the military here, but I never would've guessed there were so many members with CONUS incidents.

07-07-13, 17:13
Jesus. I figured there would be a decent amount with all of the military here, but I never would've guessed there were so many members with CONUS incidents.

My guess is a lot of guys are here because this has happened to them.

It 'checked' me and hit me with the reality that shit can go sideways anytime, anywhere. No one is immune.

07-07-13, 21:58
It does say a lot about this board that more people have answered yes then no.

To everyone that answered no I hope you keep it that way.

I was chased through BLM land with a lady friend of mine when I was 18 and shot at five times, all five zipped within inches of my head. This altercation ended in a physical nitty gritty hands on altercation between me and said asshole and me and my friend walked away from the situation. It was a malicious attack on the part of the asshole, he was drunk, he showed up out of nowhere on a dirt road and proceeded to stalk us through the desert for about an hour. Thankfully we survived. Thousands of acres of wide open desert can be a lonely place, especially when you know it like the back of your hand, but obviously not as well as your assailant...

Anyway I didn't start this thread to belittle anyone. I started this thread because I read a lot of "I would have done that", and I hear it a lot at my second job, and I always wonder if the person doing the talking has ever actually been in a real world situation that is not training but is one of those "moments of terror". You learn a lot about yourself in an emergency, and it doesn't invalidate another's opinion if they haven't been through something similar, but it is a personal knowledge that one carries with them for the rest of their life.

I don't ever wish for someone to have their theories challenged in the real world. Honestly I wish we only ever had to use our firearms for sports and leisure.

Anyway thanks for responding everyone. I didn't think it was fair to not offer my story too since I started the damn thread.

07-07-13, 22:34
I know exactly what you mean. That's why any time a topic like this or whether or not I'm scared to be in the military or anything along those lines comes up, I always try to preference my response with "I'd like to think" or "I'd hope." I am also a firm believer in not knowing what the hell you're going to think, do, or even be able to do in said situations unless you've BTDT.

07-08-13, 11:54
Yeah. No fun. Wasn't armed at the time, thank you stupid college rules. It wasn't just once either, it was a rather long ordeal and he fired at me a few separate times over the course of the evening. I wasn't able to get to campus security (not that they could have helped) and ended up downtown, late at night, without access to a phone because everything was closed...Finally took refuge in a nightclub...being 19, it took some convincing at the door before the bouncer let me in. Really. Really. Sucked.

07-08-13, 20:46
In hindsight I suppose our reaction was pretty funny, making myself into a ball of flesh about the size of a basketball. I have no clue how big the tree was (or wasn't), but I do remember thinking that even if it was a giant redwood or sequoia it wasn't big enough.

Well not really funny but I pictured myself trying to take cover behind a small tree like in true lies.

07-08-13, 23:26
Yes, in Iraq.

Alex F
07-09-13, 08:46
I voted.