View Full Version : Obamacare employer mandate delayed until 2015 for political reasons

07-03-13, 15:02
Afterall we wouldn't want it to be a total train wreck going into the midterm elections now would we. The move doesn't surprise me considering but if people and corporations especially fall for this knowing damn well what is still coming down the pipeline then well I don't know what to really say.. Oh and the individual mandate is still a go even though Obamacare was you know designed to be governments gift to the American people... :rolleyes:


A Treasury Department official who declined to be named confirmed to MailOnline on Tuesday that the Obama administration will not begin enforcing employer mandates in the Obamacare law until 2015 - one year later than originally planned - and pinned that change of direction on a combination of politics and economic realities in the marketplace.

Mark Mazur, the Assistant Treasury Secretary for Tax Policy, announced on the agency's blog that the administration 'will provide an additional year before the ... mandatory employer and insurer reporting requirements begin.'

The blog post explained that the delay was intended to leave time to simplify reporting requirements and give companies time to adapt.

But the Treasury source said the extra year will give the White House an extra year to persuade health insurers to participate in the exchanges that make up the backbone of the Affordable Care Act.

The revised timetable, the source added, will also push back the final implementation of Obamacare's penalties past the 2014 midterm elections, providing Republicans fewer chances to highlight the law's potentially harmful effects on businesses' bottom lines.

The Obama administration's new schedule means business won't be penalized immediately for failing to enroll all their workers in health plans and report the results to the federal government, Bloomberg News was first to report.

The Affordable Care Act includes financial penalties on companies that fail to comply if they employe 50 or more people. The Treasury Department is involved because the Internal Revenue Service, a Treasury sub-agency, will be tasked with enforcing the law and assessing those penalties.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2354135/Treasury-Department-source-Obamacare-employer-mandate-wait-2015-Democrats-breathing-room-2014-midterm-elections.html#ixzz2Y0y8Whca

07-03-13, 16:28
"I think what will happen is more people will migrate out of the employer-based health insurance and into the exchanges," Dean said on CNBC's "Squawk Box," suggesting a shift toward a single-payer health-care system, in which the government, rather than private insurers, pays for all health-care costs.


I think I heard that somewhere before.


07-03-13, 16:53
So...if it wasn't good for next year, why is it good for 2015?

Yep...because it's POLITICALLY inviable...jeez why can't people see thru this? The free shit Army is blind, deaf AND dumb...

07-03-13, 18:55
So who ever takes office in '16 (provided we make it that long) will inherit this steaming pile to deal with.

07-03-13, 19:21
So who ever takes office in '16 (provided we make it that long) will inherit this steaming pile to deal with.

And they'll get elected by blaming Bush for it.

07-03-13, 20:01
And they'll get elected by blaming Bush for it.

And then say the only way to fix is single payer, which was the plan all along. But I think the saddest aspect of this is that most people still aren't going to see it for what it is. Just smoke and mirrors.

07-04-13, 08:11
And then say the only way to fix is single payer, which was the plan all along. But I think the saddest aspect of this is that most people still aren't going to see it for what it is. Just smoke and mirrors.

Yep. Btw, you only get a subsidy, if you qualify, if you buy insurance through the exchanges. I'm sure in a couple years you'll see a government option in the exchanges to come along and save the day (that's artificially suppressed) until its the only option left.

07-04-13, 11:04
It's totally written to force a single-payer system (the government); always has been. The Emperor has no clothes...

07-04-13, 11:25
Of course they have. They are counting on the short term memory of the average American. It will be someone elses problem to deal with. Anything else would be political suicide.