View Full Version : No words can express the sheer hypocrisy of this image...

07-04-13, 11:43
And to celebrate the 4th of July, of all things. Do people have no limit of depth to their stupidity?


Artist: http://www.etsy.com/people/sharpwriter

07-04-13, 11:49
Alligator? Or am I just overthinking this. If Monica were that thin, we might not have had to worry about Hillary and Bill staying together.

07-04-13, 11:56
That fellow did similar portraits of most of the famous and/or recent presidents. He did one with Reagan riding a Velociraptor while firing an HK MP7 at some unknown foes, and he did one with TR fighting a grizzly bear inside a burning forest.

07-04-13, 12:04
Why wouldn't you attribute this image so that we know who to avoid?

Heavy Metal
07-04-13, 12:15
Ronald McDonald has his right flank!

07-04-13, 12:26
Bill Clinton, Forty-Second President of the United States ... "There is nothing wrong in America that can't be fixed with what is right in America."

Well...we should get right on that....

07-04-13, 12:26
Why wouldn't you attribute this image so that we know who to avoid?


07-04-13, 12:31
That fellow did similar portraits of most of the famous and/or recent presidents. He did one with Reagan riding a Velociraptor while firing an HK MP7 at some unknown foes, and he did one with TR fighting a grizzly bear inside a burning forest.

There's several leftists/progressives posting this image as a 4th of July salute on Facebook and other social media. It's disgusting and insulting, making light of those that have fought for our freedom while painting Clinton as a hero when he's the one who wanted to ban the very weapons that he's using to fight with (in respect to the photo).

07-04-13, 13:55
It's disrespectful. :mad:

07-04-13, 13:56
Yeah, completely absurd. Everyone knows Monica wasn't anywhere close to being that hot. Clinton was famous for scoring in the 6-7 range despite the fact that he was a President.

07-04-13, 13:57
It's disrespectful. :mad:

It's got a UFO in it, it's as much respect as Clinton deserves.

07-04-13, 13:58
I can't say for certain, I'm not an expert or anything, but I think it might be some form of subtle "mockery." Clinton's fly is down, Ronald Mcdonald is in the background, Monica posed clinging to his leg, (obviously post-production-enhanced) and there's an alligator with a nuke at his feat.

The only one who knows for sure is that Alligator. Was he drugged with sodium barbitol before the bomb was strapped on? Was the Alligator acting of his own accord and the photo staged? Or, was this just a casual tax payer-funded photo session on some "any day" on the White House' back lawn?

If there's one thing that remains a mystery, it's how key witnesses of strange events surrounding American politicians have the tendency to vanish into thin air.

This photo was taken off Bikini Atoll:

http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r173/aries14482/6a12cf7b-2570-49eb-baee-5f3b676c00f9_zps48c44873.jpg (http://s144.photobucket.com/user/aries14482/media/6a12cf7b-2570-49eb-baee-5f3b676c00f9_zps48c44873.jpg.html)

One thing is for certain in my mind at least: that gator isn't talking any time soon.

07-04-13, 14:21
Thanks! This makes a great lock screen for my iPad. :)

Some things you just have o laugh at.:lol:

07-04-13, 15:26
Of course it is mockery and satire of Clinton -- how could anyone look at that image and not tell that?

07-04-13, 15:40
Of course it is mockery and satire of Clinton -- how could anyone look at that image and not tell that?

Exactly. I think it's hilarious! Notice that his zipper's undone. Hah!

07-04-13, 15:46
The artist is Jason Heuser known as SharpWriter over on Deviant Art. That Clinton work is entitled "The Lady Killer". :lol:

Here are some of his better works.

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/george_washington_zombiehunter_by_sharpwriter-d3blw90_zps6498a1de.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/george_washington_zombiehunter_by_sharpwriter-d3blw90_zps6498a1de.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/ronald_reagan_riding_a_velociraptor_by_sharpwriter-d55rsh7_zps44455ca4.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/ronald_reagan_riding_a_velociraptor_by_sharpwriter-d55rsh7_zps44455ca4.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/john_f__kennedy_alien_hunter_by_sharpwriter-d4pkjm8_zps8decd3b9.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/john_f__kennedy_alien_hunter_by_sharpwriter-d4pkjm8_zps8decd3b9.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/Thomas-Jefferson-is-badass.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/Thomas-Jefferson-is-badass.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/Teddy-Roosevelt-is-Badass.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/Teddy-Roosevelt-is-Badass.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/FDR-is-Badass.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/FDR-is-Badass.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/Andrew-Jackson-is-Badass.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/Andrew-Jackson-is-Badass.jpg.html)

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/abe_lincoln_riding_a_grizzly_by_sharpwriter-d33u2nl_zps7dfe1954.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/abe_lincoln_riding_a_grizzly_by_sharpwriter-d33u2nl_zps7dfe1954.jpg.html)

He also has some of Nixon and Obama . . .


Straight Shooter
07-04-13, 15:55
This is THE most ridiculous shit to get your drawers in a wad over, considering the country as many of us knew it, is dead.
I don't celebrate this country today....I mourn it. :(

07-04-13, 15:59
An alligator with a nuclear bomb, now that's cold-blooded.

07-04-13, 16:01
I don't celebrate this country today....I mourn it. :(

Well, aren't you just the proverbial ray of sunshine...

Mauser KAR98K
07-04-13, 16:12
I checked his Deviant account. He has the OP's picture posted but titled "Clinton 3D," as a spoof for Duke Nukem. That is bloody brilliant.

I can really hear Slick Willie quoting The Duke:

"Baby, you make me wish I had three guns."


07-04-13, 16:19
The saxophone slung across his back, the infamous cigar in his breast pocket, the GLOCK 18, AA-12 . . . and smoking a joint! :lol:

Edit: Notice the UFO flying in the background and the alien head on the ground? Or how about Ronald McDonald!

Heavy Metal
07-04-13, 16:21
I can't say for certain, I'm not an expert or anything, but I think it might be some form of subtle "mockery." Clinton's fly is down, Ronald Mcdonald is in the background, Monica posed clinging to his leg, (obviously post-production-enhanced) and there's an alligator with a nuke at his feat.

The only one who knows for sure is that Alligator. Was he drugged with sodium barbitol before the bomb was strapped on? Was the Alligator acting of his own accord and the photo staged? Or, was this just a casual tax payer-funded photo session on some "any day" on the White House' back lawn?

If there's one thing that remains a mystery, it's how key witnesses of strange events surrounding American politicians have the tendency to vanish into thin air.

This photo was taken off Bikini Atoll:

http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r173/aries14482/6a12cf7b-2570-49eb-baee-5f3b676c00f9_zps48c44873.jpg (http://s144.photobucket.com/user/aries14482/media/6a12cf7b-2570-49eb-baee-5f3b676c00f9_zps48c44873.jpg.html)

One thing is for certain in my mind at least: that gator isn't talking any time soon.

The Alligator is obviously James Carville.

07-05-13, 01:24
This is some petty shit to cry over.

07-05-13, 11:22
I am not sure why this seems to offend people.

This is an art form called 'post-modern' or 'low-brow art'.

Check it:



Army Chief
07-05-13, 11:30
As with most art, it would help to have some idea behind the artist's motivations and inspiration, as these range the full spectrum from hilarious to offensive, and I suppose it would be useful to know what was actually intended.

Taken at face value, the guy is good, has some clever ideas, and seems to have a firm grasp on the power of symbolism. Anybody that portrays Bill with an open zipper and puts the Gipper astride a bad-arse velociraptor can't be all bad. ;)

My name is Jason Heuser, I'm an Artist, I like history and drawing weird things. I also like eating applesauce.

What's more American than applesauce, really? :D


Heavy Metal
07-05-13, 12:26
Can anyone photoshop Vince Foster's head in front of the G18?

....and Ron Brown on that UFO?

07-05-13, 12:29
Can anyone photoshop Vince Foster's head in front of the G18?

....and Ron Brown on that UFO?

Now that's funny! You guys should send those suggestions to the artist.

07-05-13, 14:38
Dang it! She's looking good in that picture.

Yet another chick I passed on in my 20s that decades later is looking totally hot.

07-05-13, 18:53
I think it's funny!

07-05-13, 20:00
Artist comment: Bill Clinton is a red blooded American. He likes guns, burgers, and women. When those are threatened by any foe foreign or domestic he will take up arms to defend them.

It's just nonsense art as he perfects his craft.