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07-07-13, 14:22
I checked out the ARPA website and FB page.

I smell a rat.


07-07-13, 19:14
Quote from the article: "And in its statement of principles, ARPA says that it “seeks to work with state and local governments to help establish effective training and licensing programs designed to increase public safety while protecting eligible citizens’ rights to keep and bear arms.” "

As soon as I read this, I knew it was a bogus anti- gun organization.

07-07-13, 22:29
Sensei and LittleLebowski did some digging on the first group, if I remember correctly. You might reach out to them, and have them look at this.

07-08-13, 00:35
Interesting articles. Their FB page is saying all the right things but something about the group is pegging my radar.

07-08-13, 01:51
Quote from the article: "And in its statement of principles, ARPA says that it “seeks to work with state and local governments to help establish effective training and licensing programs designed to increase public safety while protecting eligible citizens’ rights to keep and bear arms.” "

As soon as I read this, I knew it was a bogus anti- gun organization.

I know what you mean.

I'm getting a "We're not going to take your guns.You can still have any gun you want.As long as it's on the Government Approved List and you have the right License" vibe from this.

07-08-13, 08:57
Very milquetoast stance on things. Whois shows the site registered to Peter Welland of Spicegrove, TX.

07-08-13, 10:32
They promote for S.A.N.E. gun ownership. So they are another bogus anti-gun group camouflaged as pro-gun. Comment on their FB page and let them know you know.

07-08-13, 19:50
What the hell? I believe the guy wrote an interview with himself. Surely this is satire:


You'll have to edit the URL. Don't want them finding this as a referrer.

These folks aren't condescending at all:

Q: I don’t know, Peter. Being associated with any known anti-gun group, even a little bit, and even if they started off with sincerely good intentions, is still heresy-bordering-on-treason in a lot of people’s minds.

PV: I realize that. However, that’s exactly why I wanted to start The American Rifle and Pistol Association in the first place. It was and is not intended to be yet another “me too” echo of every other gun-rights organization out there. It is meant to be an online forum, a public square where true deliberation and debate can take place in an atmosphere of civility and reason for people who care about owning and using guns, regardless of whether they are for or against any aspect of doing so.

Q: With no name-calling, guilt-by-association, slanderous accusations, and unsubstantiated ad hominem attacks?

PV: No.

Q: Well, where’s the fun in that?

PV: Excuse me?

Q: Oh, Peter, don’t be so naïve and such a Pollyanna. Without baseless accusations, malignant cynicism, and malicious speculation, all garnished with a generous measure of cyber-bullying thrown in from self-appointed all-wise bloggers camped out in their mothers’ basements typing away with Cheetos-stained fingers, half of what’s posted on the Internet would disappear.

PV: Maybe so. But we don’t have to encourage it. As I said, R+P is all about building a member community, actively participating in it to exchange firearms-related knowledge and expertise, and fostering an intelligent conversation about improving public safety among those we expect to act like adults.