View Full Version : 9 dead and 49 wounded in Chicago over the weekend...

07-07-13, 15:09
News article link (http://www.suntimes.com/21170017-761/9-dead-49-wounded-in-holiday-weekend-shootings.html)

When firearms are made illegal, only criminals have firearms...

I recently did a test at Huffington Post in the comments section of several articles. They are really into censoring anything that goes against their anti-gun agenda these days. Have you noticed that whenever a shooting occurs domestically, it's "Gun Violence", and when it occurs overseas it's "X Group commits massacre"?

On the 4th, I commented on an article about the deaths in Chicago (at that time it was only 3 dead and 12 wounded) -

“HuffPo, why not call it gang violence? Is the gun such a target of an agenda that it transcends the importance of the fact that it's perpetrated by gangs? Are gangs not enough of a problem that you've changed the way you describe things in order to highlight what you consider to be a greater and more dangerous issue?”

This generated a lot of "likes / faves". All of my subsequent comments have been censored. Even though I frame them as questions and use NO inflammatory rhetoric or foul language, nor do I mention poverty or race. All I have been asking is basically, "Why is it "gun violence" in Chicago, when the article right next to it says indicates WHO committed the crime? They basically want to take the human part out of the equation and simply blame the guns, unless the crime occurs in a different country. The defensiveness of their tactics is only highlighted by the constant censorship of my simply questioning of the policy. Of course, I'm not trying to argue First Amendment rights or anything when I say "censored", it's just a corporate or editorial policy. But I find it interesting nonetheless.

07-07-13, 15:12
So it was a pretty quiet weekend... that's a sign things are improving right?

07-07-13, 15:38
Shitcago wins again.

07-07-13, 16:05
This generated a lot of "likes / faves". All of my subsequent comments have been censored. Even though I frame them as questions and use NO inflammatory rhetoric or foul language, nor do I mention poverty or race. All I have been asking is basically, "Why is it "gun violence" in Chicago, when the article right next to it says indicates WHO committed the crime? They basically want to take the human part out of the equation and simply blame the guns, unless the crime occurs in a different country. The defensiveness of their tactics is only highlighted by the constant censorship of my simply questioning of the policy. Of course, I'm not trying to argue First Amendment rights or anything when I say "censored", it's just a corporate or editorial policy. But I find it interesting nonetheless.

I used to read some of the comments on HuffPost, however, found I was killing brain cells at a faster rate than my excessive alcohol consumption. Their liberal slant on everything is very well known and those that dare post something contrary to their established doctrine are generally shut down pretty quick.

But on the original subject. It's sad when an American city has more casualties in one weekend than in a war theater where the weapons are often far more destructive. And to think they wanted the Olympics in 2016 to be hosted there. Yeah, that's a great idea.

07-07-13, 16:46
I used to read some of the comments on HuffPost, however, found I was killing brain cells at a faster rate than my excessive alcohol consumption.

Actually reading such mindless tripe can often induce excessive drinking. To think those people really exist within our confine is too horrible to fully take in, so might as well crack open another.

07-07-13, 17:01
And those people vote, often more than once.

07-07-13, 18:00
These deaths are mostly accounted to the never ending drug wars as the west coast cartels pushes to gain control of a mid northern city. Once they have Chicago then they will continue on to expand their territory to the east.

07-07-13, 18:43
And those people vote, often more than once.

Haha. "Early and often."

07-07-13, 20:13
These deaths are mostly accounted to the never ending drug wars as the west coast cartels pushes to gain control of a mid northern city. Once they have Chicago then they will continue on to expand their territory to the east.

.....and will be continuously lumped into the gun violence reports to bring the victims' numbers up to more 'staggering' atrocities for the mass public to digest. No matter if their occupation was illegal. Higher kill rates reinforce their agenda.


07-07-13, 20:23
Chiraq(Chicago/Iraq). The model of Liberal lead Politicians and policies.

07-07-13, 23:27
These deaths are mostly accounted to the never ending drug wars as the west coast cartels pushes to gain control of a mid northern city. Once they have Chicago then they will continue on to expand their territory to the east.

Latin Kings, Vice Lords and a few LA offshoots have been there for decades. The only thing that has changed is what was once mostly confined to projects became city wide when Section 8 became a free "rent check."

07-08-13, 02:39
The Chicago crime wave continues yet all We the People are going to see on the MSM this week is the Zimmerman trial, the blatant hypocrisy of it all . . .

07-08-13, 06:43
This generated a lot of "likes / faves". All of my subsequent comments have been censored. Even though I frame them as questions and use NO inflammatory rhetoric or foul language, nor do I mention poverty or race. All I have been asking is basically, "Why is it "gun violence" in Chicago, when the article right next to it says indicates WHO committed the crime? They basically want to take the human part out of the equation and simply blame the guns, unless the crime occurs in a different country. The defensiveness of their tactics is only highlighted by the constant censorship of my simply questioning of the policy. Of course, I'm not trying to argue First Amendment rights or anything when I say "censored", it's just a corporate or editorial policy. But I find it interesting nonetheless.

HuffPo is terrible about cherry-picking their comment sections to promote their editorial slant and they have gone into hyperdrive on the gun-control issue. Arianna rivals Bloomberg in her anti-gun zeal.

07-08-13, 11:53
These deaths are mostly accounted to the never ending drug wars as the west coast cartels pushes to gain control of a mid northern city. Once they have Chicago then they will continue on to expand their territory to the east.

Hmmm...drug war starting to not make sense huh?

The cartel issue is only part of the equation in Chicago. Chicago has had skyrocketing murder rates for decades, poverty, proximity and race being major motivating factors. Blacks and hispanics fighting, blacks and blacks fighting, all over their gang turf. All motivated by money, petty disputes and drug turf. One of my co-workers lived in a bad neighborhood in Chicago for about four months before he went to college, he was mugged about twice a month. He stopped carrying money altogether, only writing checks to pay for things. There were two shootouts inside his apartment complex during his stay. Said it was scarier than his time overseas in Rwanda during college.

07-08-13, 12:31
I think this is where Bloomberg needs to send his travelling circus...

07-08-13, 14:05
Soon enough the whole country will look like Chicago.

Hope and change!