View Full Version : Brad and Angelina?

07-08-13, 22:55
Is there any reason not to like these two? I generally like their films, and I have never seen a political statement from either of them that pissed me off.

I don't follow E! too much, but whenever I see them on TV, they are basically just talking about helping out kids in other countries.

Have they done any Sean Penn/Clooney type of silly shit that would give me a reason not to see their films, or are they just good folks?

I've heard they shoot quite a bit, and was just wondering. I want to see World War Z pretty bad.

07-08-13, 23:10
You mean Brangelina?

07-08-13, 23:13

07-08-13, 23:40
all you need to know (http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/01/brad-pitt-angelina-jolie-meet-obama-in-oval-office/)

07-08-13, 23:48
all you need to know (http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/01/brad-pitt-angelina-jolie-meet-obama-in-oval-office/)

Maybe. GWB has met with Obama many times, but I don't think that necessarily means they are in cahootes. Are you saying that ANYONE who has visited the White House since 2008 is a traitor?

07-09-13, 00:01
Why not help some kids in THIS country?

07-09-13, 00:15
Why not help some kids in THIS country?

Agreed. But I still have a hard time disliking someone just for helping foreign children.

07-09-13, 00:25
I believe that Angelina has publicly stated that she has the weapons and the training, should anyone come after her or her children (or Brad), she will shoot them in the face. Repeatedly, if necessary.

07-09-13, 00:34
From what I've read they are both very pro-gun, avid shooters, and actually have their own private range in Louisianna. I believe they are both politically conservative.

07-09-13, 00:38
Somebody pinch me. Cuz I dreamed I was reading a thread on M4C about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. :)

07-09-13, 00:39
They have the very best of everything, why would anyone not like them...

07-09-13, 01:03
Agreed. But I still have a hard time disliking someone just for helping foreign children.

Because celebrities usually do it to promote the "less fortunate/more entitlement" philosophy of socialism and / or because it's fashionable.

I'm not trying to hate them, I just usually don't care for celebrities anymore than any other person.

07-09-13, 04:17
Somebody pinch me. Cuz I dreamed I was reading a thread on M4C about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. :)

Me too, I thought there for a second that I entered some parallel universe when I logged on that took me to TMZ. :eek:

Alpha Sierra
07-09-13, 04:26
They have the very best of everything, why would anyone not like them...

Your statement does not compute.

07-09-13, 06:40
Why like them?

1. Gia. All kinds of naked Angelina with Sapphic love scenes. Nice.
2. With the whole breast cancer thing she didn't whine or do the talk show circuit. She took care of it, did the right amount of public stuff because of her notoriety, and moved on.
3. They aren't scientologists.
4. I thought she was a globe-trotting baby snatcher till I saw her talk about refugees and she seems to be more than your normal Hollywood publicity seeker.
5. Brad is a good old boy from Missouri. Doesn't stop Cheryl Crowe from being a libtard, but I think it is more to his core.
6. Did I mention Gia?

07-09-13, 06:41
I dont support really radical left folks if I never supported left hollyweird types I could never see anything :)

Alex V
07-09-13, 07:47
If u find the movie entertaining, go see it. Who cares what the political leanings of the actors are? Seriously, if you were to live your life dealing with only people of the same mentality as you, it would get fairly difficult pretty quick no?

I'm an Architect, I am surrounded by a world as liberal as you can imagine. If I chose jobs base on the political ideals of the firm owner or co-workers I would never work. Why should you only go see films by conservative actors? You would almost never see a movie in that case lol

Clooney is a douce, but he made some movies that I won't stop enjoying just because he is a douce. Never liked anything Penn was in so I'm safe there :-)

Alex F
07-09-13, 07:53
Angelina's father is damned good people.

I understand that she and Pitt are conservative types who fly under the Hollywood radar for the most part.

07-09-13, 08:59
Somebody pinch me. Cuz I dreamed I was reading a thread on M4C about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. :)

Bingo. This B.S belongs on the TOS.

07-09-13, 09:05
GD has hit a new low.

07-09-13, 10:09
Perhaps I should clarify.

I think Angelina Jolie is beyond hot. I could stare at that woman all day long.

And I think Brad Pitt is a damn fine actor.

I know absolutely squat WRT their personal character, political leanings, etc.

I just never expected to see a thread dedicated to them on this forum. Color me surprised. That's it.

07-09-13, 10:17
Bingo. This B.S belongs on the TOS.

Finally some rational thinking in this thread.

07-09-13, 10:20
I would bet that one reason Brad and Angelina have NOT helped kids in America and done so in other countries is because it is easier to "help" them in other nations than here.

How so?

Well, Oprah Winfrey was asked in several interviews, why she chose to raise money and build that huge, nice all girls school in South Africa, instead of her native Chicago. Her answer was that the amount of red tape, runaround, delays and palms to grease in order to do this in Chicago (or other major US urban cities) was immense and too much of a hassle!

Yes....she said that the public school systems and local govts made it damned near impossible for her to do what she did in South Africa. She knew that would be a major criticism of her work so she addressed it first. Odd that she loves big govt and Obama when it is that type that promotes and grows this type of bureaucracy.

I also know several couples that have adopted children in recent years. All have gone outside the US to adopt. Why? our govt and system makes it too damned expensive, elaborate and a hassle. So thees couples adopted from countries like Russia and India.

So I would bet that Brad and Angelina would have LIKED to help kids here...but the system makes it damned near impossible to do so.

Not an expert...but this is an educated guess based on what I know.


07-09-13, 10:31
Maybe. GWB has met with Obama many times, but I don't think that necessarily means they are in cahootes. Are you saying that ANYONE who has visited the White House since 2008 is a traitor?

I thought this thread was a joke, I mean the most superficial interwebs search would have answered this question.

If you're really that lazy how about this? (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Barack_Obama_presidential_campaign_endorsements,_2012#Actors_and_actresses)

To answer you question about my opinion though... any one that hangs out with Obama is pretty much a traitor in my book. I guess if there was someone who visited the WH on official business but WASN"T an appointee, maybe not if you had some award to accept that might make the country proud?

07-09-13, 10:58
Both POS worked for them. Will not anymore.

VOTE w/ your hard earned money. The majority of celebs should keep their Pie-holes shut about Geo-politics, Political issues as they truly know squat. There are a few that get it. Bruce Willis, Harrison Ford, John Voight, Vince Vaughn all do to name a few there are others.

They are elitists in reality & be careful of what is written as it is not exactly the truth or reality. Same as Stallone. Research her involvement w/ UN, UNESCO, US AID etc.

07-09-13, 11:23

07-09-13, 11:32

Sorry, any support for Obama nullifies any "pro-gun" quote you're gonna find. Just like Sea Penn, they are for guns for them, not for you.

07-09-13, 11:37
Sorry, any support for Obama nullifies any "pro-gun" quote you're gonna find. Just like Sea Penn, they are for guns for them, not for you.

I don't know about that.

07-09-13, 12:10
I don't know about that.

And that's one of the bigger problems at issue.

People read some drivel that appears to be legit w/o doing the full research (Ignorance) of the facts underlying & then people think they know or perceive it to be true when the reality revealed from the research shows it to be false.

They are elitist's period & think the actual laws don't apply to them because they are used to people sucking their holes. I'm not protecting celebs for $25.00 an hour for that kind of work & intensity w/ all that liability hanging out there. Not worth it just like Stallone.

Chuck Norris legit.

Brangelina not legit.

People need to really stop hero worshipping (funding) the phoney's in Jollywood & use their critical thinking skills w/ these celebrities.

Figure it out...

07-09-13, 12:16
I do remember this. Pretty awesome:



07-09-13, 13:16
And that's one of the bigger problems at issue.

People read some drivel that appears to be legit w/o doing the full research (Ignorance) of the facts underlying & then people think they know or perceive it to be true when the reality revealed from the research shows it to be false.

They are elitist's period & think the actual laws don't apply to them because they are used to people sucking their holes. I'm not protecting celebs for $25.00 an hour for that kind of work & intensity w/ all that liability hanging out there. Not worth it just like Stallone.

Chuck Norris legit.

Brangelina not legit.

People need to really stop hero worshipping (funding) the phoney's in Jollywood & use their critical thinking skills w/ these celebrities.

Figure it out...

In this instance, I don't see that it really matters. Either way, I don't care enough to do any research to see if that's really true or not.

07-09-13, 13:49
U.N. loving, globalist, pinko-commie trash....

As far as I'm concerned that ugly whore can go back to sucking face with her brother.

And I really couldn't care less was Pitt does...

07-09-13, 14:17
I'm not protecting celebs for $25.00 an hour for that kind of work & intensity w/ all that liability hanging out there.

Twenty-five an hour? I would hope most pay more than that to qualified individuals for heaven's sake.

Anyway I thought we just had a "let's pretend this never happened" thread. What the hell is going on out there with you people?

07-09-13, 15:12
I have to admit, I was more than a little surprised when I saw this thread here.

07-09-13, 15:18
In this instance, I don't see that it really matters. Either way, I don't care enough to do any research to see if that's really true or not.

And therein-lies the problem the dismissiveness & apathy. Rather than doing the work to substantiate your opinion or back it up, you would rather post an false article or rather then learn from someone here whom is an asset trying to help you. Instead, as predicted & typical you are dismissive & won't take ownership. No worries, no need to reply I get you.

07-09-13, 15:20
U.N. loving, globalist, pinko-commie trash....

As far as I'm concerned that ugly whore can go back to sucking face with her brother.

And I really couldn't care less was Pitt does...

This is spot on.
Bradgelina is just along for the rides & have someone who won't take his OWN $.

07-09-13, 15:34
And therein-lies the problem the dismissiveness & apathy. Rather than doing the work to substantiate your opinion or back it up, you would rather post an false article or rather then learn from someone here whom is an asset trying to help you. Instead, as predicted & typical you are dismissive & won't take ownership. No worries, no need to reply I get you.

If it was something that mattered I'd feel differently, but I've never cared about celebs and still don't so it's not worth it to me. It's not like they're running for public office or something.

07-09-13, 15:40
You've completely missed the point that was explained.

They are elitists and though they may not be "Running for public office", they sure as shit financially support the bullshit that is happening in this country and globally.

If you did a bit a research I'd bet you'd have a different view of Hollywood.

Then again, maybe not.

If it was something that mattered I'd feel differently, but I've never cared about celebs and still don't so it's not worth it to me. It's not like they're running for public office or something.

07-09-13, 15:49
You've completely missed the point that was explained.

They are elitists and though they may not be "Running for public office", they sure as shit financially support the bullshit that is happening in this country and globally.

If you did a bit a research I'd bet you'd have a different view of Hollywood.

Then again, maybe not.

What is my view on Hollywood? Since you know, please explain it to me.

07-09-13, 16:04
It was meant in general terms. I'm not a psychic. I was pointing out that you were dismissive and didn't care about the information that was being pointed out.

What is my view on Hollywood? Since you know, please explain it to me.

07-09-13, 16:27
It was meant in general terms. I'm not a psychic. I was pointing out that you were dismissive and didn't care about the information that was being pointed out.

Maybe I can word it better then. I understand exactly what you and Voodoo are talking about, but this issue in particular doesn't matter a whole lot to me so I didn't care to research how much of the article was true. Sometimes I will, sometimes I won't. Although I very likely do not agree with some of their positions, its probably not enough to make me not see a movie if it looks good to me.

07-09-13, 16:29
Thank you for your explanation.

Maybe I can word it better then. I understand exactly what you and Voodoo are talking about, but this issue in particular doesn't matter a whole lot to me so I didn't care to research how much of the article was true. Sometimes I will, sometimes I won't. Although I very likely do not agree with some of their positions, its probably not enough to make me not see a movie if it looks good to me.

07-10-13, 20:30
Yeah, I could have chosen a less-gay thread title. Celebrities are discussed at length in our GD, so don't act like I'm turning this into the Cosmo forum, you "go to TOS" tough guys.

In the end, this was a question about an actor (it's hard to separate him from his spouse) who makes a lot of great movies and me not wanting to support someone who is actively trying to destroy our rights.

I'm sorry for those of you who got so butt-hurt about it. Perhaps you could use it as an opening to post in our current "pet peeves" thread :rolleyes:

Thank you to those who actually provided insight. I learned a few things.