View Full Version : Be a space ranger:

07-09-13, 20:38
While I've always been kind of a space freak and believe America should be leading the world in space exploration and colonization, this one has me kind of scratching my head...


Two House Democrats have proposed legislation that would establish a national historical park on the surface of the moon to mark where the Apollo missions landed between 1969 and 1972.

Okay, for posterity sake and not disturbing the sites, maybe. Enforcing it? Spending the time creating a bill that other nations will just ignore? And doesn't this specifically violate The Outer Space Treaty (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_Space_Treaty) by making a national claim on a celestial body?

So will these two nitwits not have to increase NASA and Department of the Interior funding for enforcement of said park?

Hey, if it all pans out, someone can be the first to officially claim the title of "Spacebourne (Park) Ranger." :D

07-09-13, 20:50
Maybe now I can finally find a use for this patch . . .

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/spaceshuttledoorgunner_zps42eb7a5c.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/spaceshuttledoorgunner_zps42eb7a5c.jpg.html)

07-09-13, 21:21
Just think, the view would be spectacular! Ah, but didn't all the moon landings take place on a sound stage in Nevada? Shouldn't be too hard to get funding for that location.

High Tower
07-09-13, 21:42
At least we should be able to carry concealed. Although you would have to check your piece while on the shuttle ride. :D

07-09-13, 22:30
Two House Democrats ...

There's your problem. :laugh:

07-10-13, 04:11
Really?? THAT'S what they're focused on in DC? What a bunch of morons. :suicide2:

07-10-13, 07:07

I'd totally apply for this, wonder what the weapons systems will be...

07-10-13, 08:48
I definitely don't see this being a grade 5 or even grade 7 position :p

That and TDYs would be a major pain in the ass.

07-10-13, 09:00
Ever since I heard about one Shuttle mission that included, of all things, an experiment involving observations of changes to the the sexual habits of tsetse flies, when conducted in micro-gravity...

(I only WISH I was making that up)

...the only thing worthy of note in regard to space is that the Canadian guy currently aboard the space station kinda looks like the guy constantly screaming "Maaaaaaaars!!" in that Archer episode.



07-10-13, 09:13
While I do agree that preserving the artifacts from the moon landing is important - there are domestic issues which need to be settled first. One thing I do know for sure - if we as a race don't find a way to colonize other planets/galaxies/solar systems, then we will be all be doomed one day. If not by overpopulation, then by natural disaster. NASA may have been conducting seemingly frivolous experiments in space, but at least they were doing it on their own spacecraft instead of hitching rides with the Russians.... I bet my poor old grandfather is rolling over in his grave.

07-10-13, 09:26
Roger Wilco

07-10-13, 10:09
I just want to know what the pay will be.


I'd totally apply for this, wonder what the weapons systems will be...

07-10-13, 15:23
I just want to know what the pay will be.

Actually, wondering if it's only $3.50 a day per diem and if you get to keep your BAS/BAH while deployed.

Gives a whole new meaning to "hardship duty pay."