View Full Version : Adam Kokesh arrested.

07-09-13, 21:48

This should be interesting. Can't say I am a huge fan of the guy but this may be a legal fight that could help us. Or do us in.

07-09-13, 21:57
Cool. Now they can go after David Gregory.


07-09-13, 22:05
What was the cause of the warrant? Herndon is in Virginia, not the district....

I don't see that the article says he was arrested....he is an idiot...but I am curious to see what the grounds for the warrant were since owning or loading a shotgun on video, possibly in DC, is not a crime in Virginia

07-09-13, 22:38
What was the cause of the warrant? Herndon is in Virginia, not the district....

I don't see that the article says he was arrested....he is an idiot...but I am curious to see what the grounds for the warrant were since owning or loading a shotgun on video, possibly in DC, is not a crime in Virginia

Really? People get arrested across state lines all the time. Like a lot. One jurisdiction obtains a warrant then the other arrests him and he is extradited to the charging jurisdiction.

07-09-13, 23:49
Fascinating...I must have slept through that class in law school

Except it wasn't an arrest warrant

It was a search warrant

Which is why I am curious as to where it was obtained, by whom, and what the probable cause basis was for the warrant

Because, typically, the DC police do not execute search warrants in the state of Virginia

07-10-13, 00:27
You must have missed the US Park Police part too.

07-10-13, 10:34
I'd like to read more information concerning the warrant as well. This has the potential to affect each and every one of us.

07-10-13, 12:24
It was the US Park Police serving the warrant, I haven't seen which court it was issued from, or what the probable cause grounds for the search were

He was arrested following the execution of the search for possession of schedule 1 or 2 drugs, and possession of those drugs with a firearm....

I would be stunned if the drugs were the subject of the search warrant

My guess is they got lucky and found them during the search and popped him

He is being held in the local jail....and I would imagine the park police are turning it over to the local PD

I do think the guy is an idiot, and he is even more of an idiot for having illegal drugs and guns together in his home

But this whole process smells to me

07-10-13, 12:45
My guess is they "got lucky and found them" during the search and popped him

I do think the guy is an idiot, and he is even more of an idiot for having illegal drugs and guns together in his home

But this whole process smells to me

Maybe they got reallllly lucky and "found them". ;)

07-10-13, 12:47
One cannot hope to change laws and not respect the rule of law.

07-10-13, 13:16
One cannot hope to change laws and not respect the rule of law.

Yeah. I mean, what were George Washington, Gandhi, MLK, and Rosa Parks thinking?! Those crazy lawbreakers had no impact on the laws of their time, right?

(and no, that was not in defense of Kokesh; he's a dumbass, attention whore, and only discredits the philosophies he supposedly promotes)

07-10-13, 14:30
Yeah. I mean, what were George Washington, Gandhi, MLK, and Rosa Parks thinking?! Those crazy lawbreakers had no impact on the laws of their time, right?

(and no, that was not in defense of Kokesh; he's a dumbass, attention whore, and only discredits the philosophies he supposedly promotes)

Molon Labe then.

07-10-13, 18:49
Cool. Now they can go after David Gregory.


http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/30-ROUND-AR-APPROVED-JOURNALISTS_zps12a5399f.jpg (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/30-ROUND-AR-APPROVED-JOURNALISTS_zps12a5399f.jpg.html)