View Full Version : F marked front sight base

07-09-13, 23:02
So I was switching out my front sight post the other day and noticed that the interior of the front sight base was coated with rusty colored liquid. I did not ever introduce my gun to water so I have no idea what that could be. The liquid kinda felt like lip balm in my fingers. Anyone know what this is?

07-09-13, 23:24
perhaps a cosmoline-type rust inhibitor? could be a possibility. alot of new guns come coated with protectant. i just purchased a lever action rifle that came with a hefty coat of said type substance. a good cleaning with froglube paste then break-free and all was good. any pictures perhaps? have you tried a search?

07-09-13, 23:36
Yes pictures would be nice.

07-10-13, 15:45
Nevermind. I just contacted the factory and they told me that the parts come covered in that stuff before they are assembled.

07-10-13, 17:17
Iv'e seen that same rust colored protected on the insides of handguns and rifles, its pretty common. I thought it was rust at first too.

07-12-13, 17:16
Here is the pic incase anyone is still interested. The thing wipes off on ear cleaners but re-appears.

07-12-13, 17:28
oh, and the material can only be seen under bright light. The whole FSB is matte black until I shine it with a flash light. Then you can see the rust colored crap and the entire FSB looks dark green. Thought I might as well add.

07-12-13, 18:05
Looks like the packing oil or grease to me. My first issue M4 came covered in the stuff as do the bolts from BCM.

ETA: I had the stuff still seeping out of an M16A2 rear sight years after it had been in the system. Go shoot and have fun.

07-12-13, 18:37
I will.

07-12-13, 23:53
I have 3 BCM BCG's and every single one had what looked like rust or copper on the bolt face along with the bolt lugs.

It was neither. I called them up and they explained what it was.

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