View Full Version : Zimbabwe: Last white farmers in Masvingo area under "siege" from Mugabe

04-11-08, 20:06
From: joybells.zw
Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 19:00:05 +0200
Subject: Last White farmers under siege, instigated by Mugabe

Dear Family and Friends,
Well never thought I would have to do this email do not know if it may be my
last from our farm "Chidza".
At 3.30pm today a lorry load of so called Mugabe brain washed "war-vets"
arrived at our gate to take over our land, equipment and pedigree cattle.
This crazy action is occurring in a country where there is v little food
being produced !
It is now 6 pm and they have been singing their war songs at our gate for
three hours, the atmosphere is violent and more and more of them have
We managed to get our daughter Alison and her young son "Little John" into
town and for now it is just John and myself, plus our dogs remaining in the
house on the farm.
They have said that our labour will not work tomorrow . They have demanded
that John must kill them a sheep, which John has flatly refused to do, so
no doubt they will simply kill one for
None of our paid labour will even attmpt to come to work tomorrow either!
Graham Richards who lives south of us is also under siege at the same time
as us, so this siege of the last remaining whites is an orchestrated plan.
The Goddards and Deidricks are in the same boat. They have already taken
over Pa-Nyanda Guest Lodge, and Graham and his wife Callie are now in town.
Alison is at John sisters in Masvingo town and her husband Carl is expected
back from Bulawayo tonight.

Lorna's telephone no. is Zw code 39-264323 ; Ali is on 011216643
Our Phone Landline is 039-266080
Cell Phone Nos. 011-215275 ; 023-258810

Please pass this email on to as many folk as you would like to , this
illegal action must become "known" thru out the world .
If you know of anyone in the Media, please ensure that they become aware
/are alerted to this evil tyrant's actions to keep power at all costs.
We have to let the world know what is happening.
Well done to Zesa. As they load shedded us and I phoned my friend in the
Zesa Faults and he phoned Harare and they have switched us back on.
So for now please keep all of us in your prayers and we will send a follow
up tomorrow if we are able.
Our love to you all.
John and Joy from Chidza.

04-11-08, 22:27
My heart goes out to that poor family. Those savages will take a farm that has no doubt, been successful for generations, and ruin it over night.

04-12-08, 00:45
wow!! nice to see that you give them the benefit of the doubt by giving them a full night to ruin the farm . sounds like they need to pass the ammo !!!

04-12-08, 08:26
As Rhodesia they fed most of Africa, then they become Zimbabwe and cant feed themselves. Absolute lunacy!!

04-12-08, 09:14
This is a topic that's stuck in my craw for a while. How is the theft of property from a racial minority for the benefit of gaining favor for the ruling political party NOT something that the talking heads on the 'news' would be frothing at the mouth over?

04-12-08, 09:41
This is a topic that's stuck in my craw for a while. How is the theft of property from a racial minority for the benefit of gaining favor for the ruling political party NOT something that the talking heads on the 'news' would be frothing at the mouth over?

Hint: Mugabe is black. Victims are white.

04-12-08, 11:43
Call it what you will, but it seems to me that Africa, and Africans, were better off COLONIZED.... The blood shed there could fill a river...


04-12-08, 12:29
Hint: Mugabe is black. Victims are white. Thanks. It was a rhetorical question ;)

Call it what you will, but it seems to me that Africa, and Africans, were better off COLONIZED.... The blood shed there could fill a river...

RmplAfter reading Pelton's The World's Most Dangerous Places, that was my impression as well.

To be fair, I've never visited Africa.
Then again, I've never had hemorrhoids, but I'll take to heart the opinions of those who have had them, which is that they suck.

04-12-08, 17:22
This subject absolutely frustrates me! What can we do to help these poor people?

04-12-08, 19:51
If you try to help the white family the media will take the story and run with it, and label you as a racist. That's what frustrates me.

04-12-08, 19:51
This subject absolutely frustrates me! What can we do to help these poor people?

Send Obama to Africa.

04-12-08, 20:06
I hope that this gentleman and his family will be safe. And I pray that the other families will be safe as well.And if need be that these hostiles/criminals have to be put six feet under , so be it.But gentlemen PLEASE! No person and I mean no person should be ever ruled by another man or government.No matter how ignorant or uncivilized."SIN" is the root cause of this situation, And as long as we White and Black and every other shade in between tolerate racism and prejudice we will continue to have situations as this.Sorry for the rant

04-12-08, 20:29
can't they get some guns and fight them off ,or at least make a stand .Ak-47s are everywhere in africa .I feel very sad these people have to endure that hate:mad:

Gutshot John
04-12-08, 21:07
One of my best friends growing up was an American kid who had grown up in Zimbabwe, near Harare. I went to visit him for about 6 months growing up and it was an unbelievable experience. We went for a two week trek through his "back yard" (he didn't know where it ended). We saw parts of the jungle that he said no man, white or otherwise, had ever seen.

I remember that each of his neighbors had a rhodesian FAL on hand for every male over 16 years old. It was there that I first learned to love the weapon. Virtually all of them left over from the South African wars of the 60s-70s.

These gentlemen know how to fight and will sell their lives dearly.

04-13-08, 02:24
Send Obama to Africa.

I couldn`t agree with ya more unless ya sent Hitlery with him!

04-13-08, 05:24
Tragically this systematic mini-genocide has been ongoing for years now, while the majority of the world looks the other way. The report above is probably a sign that it's coming to end of this phase, not because the predatory scum are stopping, but because their intended victims are almost all gone now. After all the whites are either dead or exiled, the people responsible will turn on another group, do the same thing, and sooner or later will fight among themselves.

Whether or not the white Rhodesians are armed and capable of mounting a defense is a moot point. They are grossly outnumbered and no one from the outside is going to to do anything to help them.

South Africa is heading the same direction, and again, the world will turn a blind eye as it has so far.

04-13-08, 06:13
Tragically this systematic mini-genocide has been ongoing for years now, while the majority of the world looks the other way. The report above is probably a sign that it's coming to end of this phase, not because the predatory scum are stopping, but because their intended victims are almost all gone now. After all the whites are either dead or exiled, the people responsible will turn on another group, do the same thing, and sooner or later will fight among themselves.

Whether or not the white Rhodesians are armed and capable of mounting a defense is a moot point. They are grossly outnumbered and no one from the outside is going to to do anything to help them.

South Africa is heading the same direction, and again, the world will turn a blind eye as it has so far.

Honestly, I see Europe heading in the same direction as the recent arrivals there gain more political influence. It'll probably happen in my lifetime.

I suspect that America too will eventually head down this road, since hating whites and European culture (even among white people) is chic and having any kind of pride in heritage or semblance of "racial unity" (you know, that thing Obama's pastor was always preaching about, but for black people) is viewed with contempt and immediately labelled as racist, nativist, and ethnocentric (which is incredibly ironic considering how popular Afrocentrism is).

While I was still in college (which now seems ages ago) I had the waspyish of WASP girls I've ever met actually conclude that perhaps whites "deserve" to be "wiped out" and our history denigrated and "erased from the history books" because of our collective "crimes against humanity" and that white Europeans "really didn't accomplish that much anyway." Based on the expressions and nodding heads of many of the other whites in the class, her sentiments were apparently fairly popular. It's like bourgeois guilt applied to an entire race, it's truly terrifying and I think it goes a LOOOONNNNGGGGG way in explaining Obama's popularity with whites.

04-13-08, 09:05
Honestly, I see Europe heading in the same direction as the recent arrivals there gain more political influence. It'll probably happen in my lifetime.

I suspect that America too will eventually head down this road, since hating whites and European culture (even among white people) is chic and having any kind of pride in heritage or semblance of "racial unity" (you know, that thing Obama's pastor was always preaching about, but for black people) is viewed with contempt and immediately labelled as racist, nativist, and ethnocentric (which is incredibly ironic considering how popular Afrocentrism is).

While I was still in college (which now seems ages ago) I had the waspyish of WASP girls I've ever met actually conclude that perhaps whites "deserve" to be "wiped out" and our history denigrated and "erased from the history books" because of our collective "crimes against humanity" and that white Europeans "really didn't accomplish that much anyway." Based on the expressions and nodding heads of many of the other whites in the class, her sentiments were apparently fairly popular. It's like bourgeois guilt applied to an entire race, it's truly terrifying and I think it goes a LOOOONNNNGGGGG way in explaining Obama's popularity with whites.

My god, I have no idea where to start on the ignorance stated by that girl!!!Just like most of the people that I deal with on a day to day biases it shows a true lack of understanding of the real facts of history and how it relates to today. Something to consider though, is that historically the right gets pushed only so far for so long and then it swings back and with a vengeance, and a lot of bad things happen the other way. It is so sad that we as humans cannot learn from the past mistakes.

04-13-08, 09:43
My god, I have no idea where to start on the ignorance stated by that girl!!!Just like most of the people that I deal with on a day to day biases it shows a true lack of understanding of the real facts of history and how it relates to today. Something to consider though, is that historically the right gets pushed only so far for so long and then it swings back and with a vengeance, and a lot of bad things happen the other way. It is so sad that we as humans cannot learn from the past mistakes.

I don't think the pendulum is really going to swing back in terms of race relations.

The Left orchestrated and continues to foment the racial discord so as to advance its collectivist agenda, but I don't think they realize that the blacks, browns, and yellows they stirred up using racial politicking don't make a distinction between the "good" (progressive/populist/leftist) whites and the "evil KKK racist" (every non-leftist) white. This is evidenced quite clearly by people like "Reverend" Wright.

Do all black or browns view whites as evil? Certainly not. Do even a majority of blacks or browns view whites as evil? I seriously doubt it. The problem is the example of Nazi Germany where the actual percentage of true Jew/Slav/whatever haters capable of herding innocent, starving people into death chambers was statistically insignificant, but the majority of Germans who were indifferent (but would have objected to wanton slaughter) remained silent during Hitler's rise to power. They did so because while he was a hatemongering jackass, he did serve the greater interests of many Germans. It may take a few generations before a black Hitler arrives, but I see the same level of acceptance/indifference for intolerance of whites in today's political and academic elite as was present in those same elites toward Jews in the 19th Century (and using language that is eerily similar).

I hate to say, but I really don't see a future for white European civilization much beyond the next century. We brought it unto ourselves over petty politics. White leftists help create the conditions by forwarding crackpot theories that basically blame whites for all the world's ills and by enabling black and brown hatemongering Hitlerists through moral equivalence, or worse, outright approval. They did so to gain a voting edge over their political/cultural rivals. And white conservatives are so afraid of their own shadow regarding race relations that they refuse to put up much of a fight for fear of alienating non-whites (which is strange considering that it has historically been the right that supported civil rights and the left that worked to oppose them).

Whites have, in a truly odd twist of fate, created the conditions of their own extinction and Rhodesia and South Africa are the test labs.

We can only pray that "the truth will out" and work toward some semblance of rational racial discourse, though at this point, I don't see either being at all likely.

04-13-08, 10:19
Send Obama to Africa.
...thanx, but prefer Marines...http://emoticons4u.com/smoking/rauch06.gif

04-13-08, 22:00
can't they get some guns and fight them off ,or at least make a stand .Ak-47s are everywhere in africa .I feel very sad these people have to endure that hate:mad:

The farm family almost certainly have guns (and probably grenades and some heavier stuff)--that is likely why the "soldiers" didn't just come on in. Most of the farms in Zimbabwe/Rhodesia already had "grenade traps" built into the windows (keeps grenades from going off inside the house), modifications to the house to stop bullets, armor installed under their landrovers, etc. But in the end, if you are going to fight, you had better win.

In Zimbabwe, some of the white families are sixth generation in Africa, but it doesn't matter. I hope they are able to get out. They really have no other viable option. I don't consider "fight and die" a viable option.

Moon Doggie
04-13-08, 22:59
can't they get some guns and fight them off ,or at least make a stand .Ak-47s are everywhere in africa .I feel very sad these people have to endure that hate:mad:

I have a Friend that Lives in South Africa
The Black Government is taking the Guns from Whites, it takes 5 years to get a Gun Permit over there and now the Black Govt. will not even let them fill out NEW Permits :mad: and these Guns that the Permits are expiring on WILL be confiscated
The Whites are allowed to have ONLY 250 Rounds of Ammo, PERIOD, and that is for ALL Guns, hell I have 500 12 Gauge Shells alone
My Friend fought in the Wars over there when he was younger, and now he is going to lose it all.
He also Proclaims the Night of a 1000 Knives is about the Deal in Place with a Certified Crook/Killer, Nelson Mandela, the Deal, supposedly, is that when Nelson Mandela Dies, the Blacks/Natives are supposed to Kill ALL White People ?
And Communism is gaining a very strong Foot Hold in South Africa also.
He is a Professional Predator Hunter, the White Sheep farmer over there is losing Livestock very rapidly now, because the South African Govt. is cutting back on the Permits, the Govt wants the White People to just up and leave, then they won't have to deal with "Whitey" to much in the end.
My Friend and some of his "Co-Workers" have stashed quite a bit of Ammo, Gas and Food away, but he says that with what they have been hording, they can still only Hold Out for 4-6 Days, his Family and Friends Families think that IF they can hold out 4-6 Days, that the British Government and US Government wil come to their Aid, but my Friend knows better, and he has already stated that he WILL take many of the "Natives" with Him.
It gets Worse by the Day over there.
Their "Leader" and other New Black Govt Officials actually put ads out and word of Mouth Ads out that tells these "Savages" that all they need to do is have Sex with an Infant, and they will be cured of Aids.
My Friend also states that what WE see in the Press and on TV News is only the tip of the Iceberg.
Is my Friend Full of Shit ? I guess only time will tell, he tells me that U.S. Citizens really DON'T know how well we have it here and I take this to Heart
But I also tell him that the U.S. of A is also Falling apart, the entire World is tearing apart at the Seams.
Sorry to be so long winded, but just thought I would pass this on
Moon Doggie

04-14-08, 08:39
I hate to say, but I really don't see a future for white European civilization much beyond the next century. ....... And white conservatives are so afraid of their own shadow regarding race relations that they refuse to put up much of a fight for fear of alienating non-whites

I think there is a future, but only if we stop playing "the game". Political correctness is just a tool to coerce people into adapting themselves, professionally and even privately, to conform with someone else's ideas.

Lefty guilt mongers only have power as long as white people respond with guilt ridden submission over things they had nothing to do with. I think race realtions have improved because of time and interaction - not because someone legislated it.

Remember Trent Lott? He makes on off-hand comment no rational person would consider racist and got hosed. He went on BET and apologized his butt off, humiliating himself in an effort to appease people who simply can not be appeased. He should have said "That's ridiculous and I'm not dignifying it with further discussion. Next question." But he chose to play, and he paid.

Bottom line is that white people get off on the nobility of accepting responsibility for your actions - anyone's actions - even something that happened hundreds of years ago. There is power in this twisted dynamic and the left uses this power and the right is complicit - indeed, it wouldn't even exist if we didn't allow it. Just like the hollow and useless crusades of the left - it's all about feeling good about yourself, not the real causes or the real consequences of your actions.

04-14-08, 11:31
Why would he not leave earlier knowing this was coming sooner or later? Having said that if he decided to stay he should have been prepared for what is to come. I would be damned if my last option was an email asking the world to help, because that shit aint gonna happen.
I hope he finds a way out of that mess alive.

Good luck fella.

04-14-08, 12:42
I read Alexandra Fuller's "Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight" about growing up in Rhodesia and "Scribbling the Cat" about an RLI soldier who converted to Christianity and runs a banana farm in Zimbabwe.

My thinking while reading these books was, in the case of this one particualr family, Holy crap! What kind of nut would willingly move his wife and kids to a mine-ridden war zone? Obviously, many whites were there prior to the insurgency, but some moved down there during the war for the promise of land.

The other thing I took from the books was that Fuller and, I presume, others view themselves as every bit as African as the blacks.

I think this, plus the fact that they put in the work to develop land no one else had any practical interest in and now suddenly, under threat of violence, they have to relinquish what they worked for. According to the aforementioned Pelton, Mugabe's "war veterans" are armed thugs who were scarcely walking when the conflict in question occurred.

Personally, I would have left. If you are a single guy, you can grow your beard out and run around the jungle shooting trespassers. With a family, other less exciting priorities come to the fore.

That's me however, and I admire their sand in staying on their property. An arms cache would be a good idea. this has been going on for decades and as someone else said, the world doesn't give a rusty you know what.

04-14-08, 18:04

I hate to say, but I really don't see a future for white European civilization much beyond the next century. [QUOTE]

I have thought this at times my self. But I do think that at somepoint "white European civilization" will pull out of this self induced nose dive, my question is how bad and how much shit is it going to take before it happens. A concern of mine is that whenever it happens we will go too far the other way.

Moon Doggie
04-14-08, 20:16
Why would he not leave earlier knowing this was coming sooner or later? Having said that if he decided to stay he should have been prepared for what is to come. I would be damned if my last option was an email asking the world to help, because that shit aint gonna happen.
I hope he finds a way out of that mess alive.

Good luck fella.

Where are these People supposed to Go ? they are AFRICANS and most of them do not know Anything but Sheep farming, most of these
"White Africans" have no marketable Skills, my Friend Kills Jackals for a Living, he can do nothing else, same with the Sheep farmers, they Have no Skills and no where to go.
The White People made SOUTH Africa a Marketable Country and made that Country what it was Before the Blacks could wreck the Country worse !
Now the Natives that Can't Read, Write, Add OR Subtract are going to take over because they think they can Run South Africa better than the White Farmers or Business Men can, so they are "Reclaiming" their Land and Heritage (What Ever) back, and they do NOT care who they Kill or How bad they Damage things, these People are STILL Savages, and they will Kill and Rape whom ever gets in their Way!
Maybe they will have a Civil War like the one Brewing in Iraq, and they can wipe each other out, Hell they have a Good start already
Moon Doggie

04-14-08, 20:42
most of those folks but back some R-4's, Mag-58's, and FN FAL's from back in the good old days. I'd like to think they will hammer as many as possible on the way out. Sad to say it but we aren't to far behind them.They were sold out long ago,we get sold out a little bit everyday. Before to long their won't be much left to sell..

04-14-08, 21:46
Where are these People supposed to Go ? they are AFRICANS and most of them do not know Anything but Sheep farming, most of these
"White Africans" have no marketable Skills, my Friend Kills Jackals for a Living, he can do nothing else, same with the Sheep farmers, they Have no Skills and no where to go.
The White People made SOUTH Africa a Marketable Country and made that Country what it was Before the Blacks could wreck the Country worse !
Now the Natives that Can't Read, Write, Add OR Subtract are going to take over because they think they can Run South Africa better than the White Farmers or Business Men can, so they are "Reclaiming" their Land and Heritage (What Ever) back, and they do NOT care who they Kill or How bad they Damage things, these People are STILL Savages, and they will Kill and Rape whom ever gets in their Way!
Maybe they will have a Civil War like the one Brewing in Iraq, and they can wipe each other out, Hell they have a Good start already
Moon Doggie

Just to be clear,I dont believe what is happening to him is "right" but choices for him look rather shitty at this point. I should'nt Monday morning quarter back him but, I think he should have either gotten out or have been prepared for the zulu:eek: attack that is surely coming now.
I really think that getting out what he could earlier would have been the best choice, even if he manages to fend them of for a while I don't think he would be able to outlast them for any length of time.
Is there any realistic help anyone could arrange for him at this point?

I feel bad for the guy to be in a situation like that, it really irks the shit out of me.