View Full Version : Does anyone else lube their action exclusively with grease?

07-12-13, 00:53
I was discussing lubes and stuff (after having bought a small bottle of EWL 2000 to try out) on a thread on Facebook when one of my friends mentioned that he exclusively lubed his carrier with grease.

I know he shoots often (once told me he's got to reloading presses permanently affixed in his kitchen) and ended up linking me to an older post of his about the topic.


I thought it was really interesting. I am in all honestly still newish to the AR thing (I can't say I've put 300 rounds through the rifle yet even) so I don't have too much experience with extended round counts. I just keep the action really wet as I've learned on this site that ARs are supposed to be run wet (or that they like to be run wet). However, I have found out that it often gets really messy; oil leaks all over the place and accumulates in certain spots AND it lifts carbon and makes it into some sort of rudimentary ink which stains things including clothing.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has experience using grease instead of a thinner lubricant. I still can't get over the fact that he doesn't use that much product.

07-12-13, 01:05
This has been discussed plenty of times before. It does nothing at all other than make those who don't like the "springy" sound happy.

07-12-13, 01:13
I use grease on the carrier and bolt. I use rem oil on other parts, but I think it evaporates fast.

07-12-13, 01:34
been using it for a few years - no problems.

lucas red tacky

07-12-13, 02:06
Saw a video on YouTube from a guy named James Yeager and he was using wheel bearing grease only for his AR.

07-12-13, 02:28
Use TW-25 on the LR components and SLIP 2000 EWL on all the BCG parts, never a problem. I've read on this site that many use synthetic motor oil, never used it myself as my lube setup has worked very well for my 2 DI and 1 piston guns, but might be worth a try if you're shopping around.

07-12-13, 03:11
I'm not a fan of using grease on components exposed directly to the environment (open dustcover for example). It clings to dirt and particles and that's undesirable. It's just my opinion of course. As far as oil weeping and making a mess and whatnot...no offense but it's an AR bro. These things are meant to be shot hard, fast, and wet. If you that doesn't agree with you then you've got the wrong gun.

07-12-13, 05:12
Saw a video on YouTube from a guy named James Yeager and he was using wheel bearing grease only for his AR.

Oh dear lord, do not mention that guys name. As for the OP I grease for storage and oil when running.

07-12-13, 07:37
....which is discussed in this and any number of other threads found by conducting a Search for "lubrication," or similar.

If join-dates or post-counts indicate anything worthwhile at all, it's who shouldn't be unable/unwilling to conduct a Search for such a simple thing as lube.
