View Full Version : Napolitano Resigns

07-12-13, 09:16
FoxNews just announced DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano is resigning.

Looking for additional confirmation.

Looks to be legit. Showing up on multiple sights. Looks like she's headed to California to take over the state university system.

Can Holder be far behind?

07-12-13, 09:22

She'll fit right in in California.

07-12-13, 09:26
All good. Reagrding Holder, I would be concerned who would replace him. I doubt he/she would be much different.

07-12-13, 09:35
All good. Reagrding Holder, I would be concerned who would replace him. I doubt he/she would be much different.

And concurrently, what if Holder is the one replacing Napolitano...

Yeah, that's a scary thought right there.

07-12-13, 10:24

She will just be replaced by another incompetent leftist. Meet the new boss....same as the old boss.

And yeah, where else would a person like her get a job but govt or a CA university?

Perfect fit if you ask me.


07-12-13, 10:33
The way they've handled themselves and represented the Statist agenda in Florida - and the homely big girl look - could it be...

Angela Corley - FL State Attorney

Judge Debra Steinberg-Nelson (Bonus Points for the obligatory liberal hyphenated name :lol:)

07-12-13, 11:01
i heard it on breitbart on XM this morning also, she could be gone today!

also, the Senate is 'posed to start confirmation hearings for ATF Der Commissar this week, also.

07-12-13, 11:07
The way they've handled themselves and represented the Statist agenda in Florida - and the homely big girl look - could it be...

Angela Corley - FL State Attorney

Judge Debra Steinberg-Nelson (Bonus Points for the obligatory liberal hyphenated name :lol:)

ever notice how conservative chicks are the polar opposite? Like the Sunshine State AG, Pam Bondi!

07-12-13, 11:14
I know it boggles the imagination, but she will probably be replaced by someone even more repulsive and power-mad.

We haven't bottomed out yet.

07-12-13, 11:16
I'm up for a trade. We'll take your Napolitano, if you take our Kamala Harris....

07-12-13, 11:17
The way they've handled themselves and represented the Statist agenda in Florida - and the homely big girl look - could it be...

Angela Corley - FL State Attorney

Judge Debra Steinberg-Nelson (Bonus Points for the obligatory liberal hyphenated name :lol:)

Whoa! Give a man fair warning before posting such horrifying monstrosities!

I about pooped myself...


07-12-13, 11:19
Glad to see the that sad excuse for a woman Napolitano go. She was utterly terrible and offensive.

I'm sure the Peoples republik of Kommiefornia will embrace her with open arms. She'll be right at home...

I'm kind of dreading who will be her replacement, but glad she is gone at the same time.

07-12-13, 11:23
Whoa! Give a man fair warning before posting such horrifying monstrosities!

I about pooped myself...


No kidding,,,, throw Hillary and Feinstein in there and you could scar a man for life.

07-12-13, 11:32
No kidding,,,, throw Hillary and Feinstein in there and you could scar a man for life.

You just described a truly frieghtening night terror I had the other night...

In all seroiousness- Clinton, Feinstein, Napolitano and Justice Nelson are truly what nightmares are made of- monsters.

Too bad they aren't figments of our imagination that go away when we wake up...

07-12-13, 11:59
ever notice how conservative chicks are the polar opposite? Like the Sunshine State AG, Pam Bondi!

It's true! The more conservative you become the hotter the chick you get to be! Yeah! I remember reading a study that confirmed this... Here's an excerpt from the study...


"Female politicians with stereotypically feminine facial features are more likely to be Republican than Democrat, and the correlation increases the more conservative the lawmaker's voting record," said lead author Colleen M. Carpinella, a UCLA graduate student in psychology.

The researchers also found the opposite to be true: Female politicians with less stereotypically feminine facial features were more likely to be Democrats, and the more liberal their voting record, the greater the distance the politician's appearance strayed from stereotypical gender norms.

In fact, the relationship is so strong that politically uninformed undergraduates were able to determine the political affiliation of the representatives with an overall accuracy rate that exceeded chance, and the accuracy of those predications increased in direct relation to the lawmaker's proximity to feminine norms.

Pamela Bondi eye candy for you obucina ;)



Ooooh, she's likes dogs too! "I like big mutts and I cannot lie"!


07-12-13, 12:18
Dana Perino has a big, goofy dog, too!


07-12-13, 13:13
You know? I much prefer this tangent to the discussion. So here's a link to the "20 Hottest Conservative Women in Media".


My favs :smile:

Jedidiah Bila

Katie Kieffer

Ashley Sewell

Mary Katharine Harn

Monica Crowley

S.E. Cupp

Katie Pavlich

Dana Loesch

07-12-13, 13:16
I won't miss him.

07-12-13, 13:25
Oh all right. In the spirit of "fair and balanced, here's some liberal, granola eating, non-shaving hotness for our left leaning members...

Warning eye bleach may be needed :suicide2:










07-12-13, 13:27
I won't miss him.

Is there anything or anyone from this administration TO miss? They should all resign.

There will be more people graduating from Kalifornia universities with a skull full of mush.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

07-12-13, 13:40
Where is Kimberly Guilfoyle! tis crap, i say.

07-12-13, 13:58
Where is Kimberly Guilfoyle! tis crap, i say.

I shall not consider your objection without a photo... :p

07-12-13, 14:05
I shall not consider your objection without a photo... :p


07-12-13, 14:29
^ Ummm MMM.

Mauser KAR98K
07-12-13, 14:31
Oh all right. In the spirit of "fair and balanced, here's some liberal, granola eating, non-shaving hotness for our left leaning members...

Warning eye bleach may be needed :suicide2:










You, the left will just say that the photos were photoshopped...conservative women are not that pretty. :D

07-12-13, 14:42
The one 3rd from the bottom in the hat could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence. Talk about sum'r teeth.....

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

07-12-13, 14:47
I'm lovin this thread:lol:

07-12-13, 14:48
I'm lovin this thread:lol:

I hope not :(

07-12-13, 15:06
OK.... I have to make a plea to the moderators that all pictures of female liberals be restricted to no more than 10x10 pixels in size.

In other news.... Glenn Beck has hired Laurie Dhue to be the face of The Blaze news ( not the opinion oriented parts he does, but simple factual news ).


07-12-13, 15:11
Oh all right. In the spirit of "fair and balanced, here's some liberal, granola eating, non-shaving hotness for our left leaning members...

Warning eye bleach may be needed :suicide2:

<snipped for ethical, ocular and moral reasons>

This is just so many shades of wrong I don't even know where to begin.

ETA: I'm not sure how that you can have this thread without Megyn Kelly


07-12-13, 15:13


07-12-13, 15:25
This is just so many shades of wrong I don't even know where to begin.

ETA: I'm not sure how that you can have this thread without Megyn Kelly


There's a porn star that's a dead ringer for Megyn Kelly. Steyr, can ya help me out here?

07-12-13, 15:28
This is a gun forum right? So lets get a little more focused mkay?






07-12-13, 15:31
You know? I much prefer this tangent to the discussion. So here's a link to the "20 Hottest Conservative Women in Media".


My favs :smile:

Monica Crowley

S.E. Cupp

I met S.E. Cupp at the Blade show in Atlanta last year. She's that hot in person. She's a petite little thing.

Did you all know that Monica Crowley is sister in law to that left wing alien creature Alan Colmes?

07-12-13, 15:51
There's a porn star that's a dead ringer for Megyn Kelly. Steyr, can ya help me out here?

Don't get my hopes up :D

07-12-13, 15:57
The way they've handled themselves and represented the Statist agenda in Florida - and the homely big girl look - could it be...

Angela Corley - FL State Attorney

Judge Debra Steinberg-Nelson (Bonus Points for the obligatory liberal hyphenated name :lol:)

These two as well as Napolitano and Janet Reno are just ugly dudes in drag, all still very much "pre-op" . . . :bad:

07-12-13, 15:57
This is just so many shades of wrong I don't even know where to begin.

ETA: I'm not sure how that you can have this thread without Megyn Kelly


Here ya go Grand - just for you...





07-12-13, 16:00
Here ya go Grand - just for you...


When I get famous one of these days, she's going to be the only person I allow to interview me. Well, at least one of the first. :D

07-12-13, 16:39
I'm just happy she's not coming back to AZ...

07-12-13, 16:48
For any of youse guys who listen to XM, I typically bounce between 125, 84, and 37 most of the day. The Blaze covers much of the news updates on 125. I heard the second update a little earlier, Big Sis is going to be Pres of the Univ of California.....the whole. damn. thing. The entire 10 campus university system. For anyone is the Peoples Democratic Republik of Kalifornistan, my condolences.

07-12-13, 17:15
Pres Obama is worried that there may be some flooding this fall, so he is moving a dyke from DC to California.

07-12-13, 17:18
As bad as Napoleonitano was, I'm very worried about who Valerie Jarrett might pick to replace her. It may be another case of "I miss Bill". :(

07-12-13, 17:23
I'd hit it. Wait...I meant Hillary. No, no, I meant the Zimmerman trial judge.

07-12-13, 17:34
As bad as Napoleonitano was, I'm very worried about who Valerie Jarrett might pick to replace her. It may be another case of "I miss Bill". :(

If either Holder or her gets it then it wont be long before we see tracked vehicles rolling down Main St.

07-12-13, 17:44
I just cant get over who her X was ?

Where is Kimberly Guilfoyle! tis crap, i say.

07-12-13, 17:45
She'll just be replaced by someone far worse. That's how they operate.

07-12-13, 17:49
Bet she turns the university into a illegals only school no white kids allowed ! Could be close to that now knowing cali !

Unless she is the new mascot ?

07-12-13, 19:26
Don't get my hopes up :D

As Steyr is MIA on this one, I was forced to do my own research.

Mia Malkova

The sacrifices I make you for you people!

07-12-13, 19:49
What a loss to the planet.

07-12-13, 20:01
She made America safer! By bringing us the following:

Overseas contingency = combat operations/war

Fort Hood shooting = Workplace Violence.

Declaring if you are one of the following: Defend the US Constitution, a Christians, TEA Party members or returning Veteran, you are a domestic terrorist.

What a brain dead hand puppet of this administration, good riddance. Someone much worse will occupy the office. I can see eric holder or van jones being appointed or even valerie jarrett, heaven forbid...

07-12-13, 21:59
What a brain dead hand puppet of this administration, good riddance. Someone much worse will occupy the office. I can see eric holder or van jones being appointed or even valerie jarrett, heaven forbid...

Eric Holder...maybe. Not sure if he can get Senate approval, but probably a front runner. He does give up a lot from his current position, but if they fill the AG with some tool puppet, he effectively runs both departments.

Van Jones. Maybe. Still fairly controversial and probably not going to get Senate approval.

Valarie Jarret. Probably not a contender since she has way more power as a "special advisor" and pulling strings behind the throne.

Or there is an unknown, which is potentially a huge problem and shift in power.

I'm still wondering why all the sudden she is heading off to greener pastures. There really is no good reason to give up her position since she is relatively safe for the next three years. Just kind of sudden.

07-12-13, 22:11
Eric Holder...maybe. Not sure if he can get Senate approval, but probably a front runner. He does give up a lot from his current position, but if they fill the AG with some tool puppet, he effectively runs both departments.

Van Jones. Maybe. Still fairly controversial and probably not going to get Senate approval.

Valarie Jarret. Probably not a contender since she has way more power as a "special advisor" and pulling strings behind the throne.

Or there is an unknown, which is potentially a huge problem and shift in power.

I'm still wondering why all the sudden she is heading off to greener pastures. There really is no good reason to give up her position since she is relatively safe for the next three years. Just kind of sudden.

Another scandal pending? I see a familar "out" for tainted statist members. Retire, take a position at friendly corp./state, hang/fade-from-memory for a couple of years and then re-enter your party's hierarcy.

07-12-13, 22:18
She needs to go! We need to demand resignations of all these liars and bullies. Alexander, Holder, all the way to the top need to be fired and stop collecting a paycheck on our tax dollar.

07-12-13, 22:21
There is a reason
Heard from a few places this reason:

If Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid carries through with his threat to change filibuster rules via a majority vote next week using the so-called “nuclear option”, Obama in theory would have major leeway to install a new Homeland Security secretary and circumvent GOP opposition on the Senate floor, giving the president the ability to make his choice knowing full well that he doesn’t need to attract any Republican support to confirm the nomination.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/07/janet-napolitano-resignation-senate-filibuster-94085.html#ixzz2YtNPqKrh

I'm still wondering why all the sudden she is heading off to greener pastures. There really is no good reason to give up her position since she is relatively safe for the next three years. Just kind of sudden.

07-12-13, 23:51
Judge Debra Steinberg-Nelson (Bonus Points for the obligatory liberal hyphenated name :lol:)

Holy crap is that a reincarnated Chris Farley?

07-13-13, 00:12
Holy crap is that a reincarnated Chris Farley?

The sad thing is Chris Farley is um, "prettier" . . .

I posted this in the Zimmerman trial thread:

The Honorable Debra Nelson:
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/debranelsonchrisfarley2_zps3953052d.png (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/debranelsonchrisfarley2_zps3953052d.png.html)

Chris Farley's SNL GAP Girl:
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a144/AKS-74/debranelsonchrisfarley3_zpscee60bee.png (http://s10.photobucket.com/user/AKS-74/media/debranelsonchrisfarley3_zpscee60bee.png.html)

07-13-13, 00:28
They're still winning...

07-13-13, 01:24
The sad thing is Chris Farley is um, "prettier" . . .

I posted this in the Zimmerman trial thread:

Uncanny if you ask me.


07-13-13, 04:00
There is a reason
Heard from a few places this reason:

If Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid carries through with his threat to change filibuster rules via a majority vote next week using the so-called “nuclear option”, Obama in theory would have major leeway to install a new Homeland Security secretary and circumvent GOP opposition on the Senate floor, giving the president the ability to make his choice knowing full well that he doesn’t need to attract any Republican support to confirm the nomination.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/07/janet-napolitano-resignation-senate-filibuster-94085.html#ixzz2YtNPqKrh

Checked the link and nothing really revealing about why she might be resigning all the sudden. Nothing on the horizon so far for scandal purposes (that we're aware of at least) and I don't think the NSA/Snowden thing touched DHS.

Again, just kind of sudden you know? Good position, she didn't appear to be in bad health, at least not bad enough to keep her from taking a senior position at a large college. I understand she was bad, but...

Sometimes it's better to deal with the devil you know.

07-13-13, 04:04
? who knows but the theory above could be a reason ?

she did not just do it for no reason ? IMHO at least its like chess they did not just send a pawn out without thinking a few moves ahead kinda thing

Checked the link and nothing really revealing about why she might be resigning all the sudden. Nothing on the horizon so far for scandal purposes (that we're aware of at least) and I don't think the NSA/Snowden thing touched DHS.

Again, just kind of sudden you know? Good position, she didn't appear to be in bad health, at least not bad enough to keep her from taking a senior position at a large college. I understand she was bad, but...

Sometimes it's better to deal with the devil you know.

07-13-13, 07:35
I'd heard big sis drowned! :eek:


I heard she was found face-down, in Ricki Lake... :jester:

07-13-13, 08:34
ever notice how conservative chicks are the polar opposite? Like the Sunshine State AG, Pam Bondi!

Yeah I know....but she was part of the cluster**** that was the removal of Norm Wolfinger and installation of Angela Corey in the Zimmerman case.

07-13-13, 15:07
I won't miss him.

Hahahahahahaha! Seriously though I agree that Conservative women are way more visually appealing than granola munching, teva sandal wearing leftists.

Must be the price the left's women pay for committing blasphemy against the free people of this nation.

07-13-13, 16:07
Yeah I know....but she was part of the cluster**** that was the removal of Norm Wolfinger and installation of Angela Corey in the Zimmerman case.

Now here is a thought, what if those in power are wanting/causing civil unrest in the wake of the Zimmerman verdict. We already know that Holder has had the DOJ's CRS down their throwing napalm on the fire. Barry would want someone "special" at the helm of DHS when certain EO's are green lighted and a "national state of emergency" is declared. Big sis just isn't up to par.

I know we all remember the MRAPs and HP ammo.