View Full Version : Disconnector crack?

07-15-13, 21:03
While looking inside my lower, I've noticed a "ridge
" or "crack" along the entire length of the disconnector. If looking at the picture, it is closer to the left hand side. Anybody know what this is or fifty it's something that needs to be replaced? Could have been there the entire time, only 1000rds. on this lower.


07-15-13, 21:07
Completely normal. That's because that part is stamped.

While looking inside my lower, I've noticed a "ridge" or "crack" along the entire length of the disconnector. If looking at the picture, it is closer to the left hand side. Anybody know what this is or fifty it's something that needs to be replaced? Could have been there the entire time, only 1000rds. on this lower.


03-27-14, 14:16
glad I searched before asking. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-GWs6XnoVR4M/UzNqirtx5GI/AAAAAAAAFiA/RqfnwXpkGPo/w536-h790-no/disconnector.png

This is a disconnector out of a ruger.

I know that IG says this is normal, but in the two lowers that I've assembled from Colt parts, and in the different colt rifles that I've owned, I've never seen ridges like this.

Where as the end plate and disconnector in my Ruger are lined with these...along with the disconnector from a DPMS LPK that I have sitting as a spare.

Although normal, would this be considered poorer quality control in the manufacturing process? as opposed to the Colt parts?

03-27-14, 14:29
Perfectly normal. Also seen on receiver end plates.

03-27-14, 14:43
Although normal, would this be considered poorer quality control in the manufacturing process? as opposed to the Colt parts?

Absolutely not poor QC. It has absolutely 0 to do with function and only has to do with looks. Honestly who cares what it looks like, it's inside the lower.

Like markm said, endplates regularly are like this. Most stamped items for guns or not have these exact same marks/ridges. That is just a result of stamping. Sure you can gring/sand them smooth before finishing, but with internal parts, that can then make the part possibly out of dimension.

You would be surprised at how many things have these marks. It's the same as forged parts having forging lines, which ultimately aren't critical to be ground down and smoothed out either.