View Full Version : Rationality Rebooted - news stories about weapons successfully used in defense

07-16-13, 20:56

Monderno posted this on FB, looks like a decent site so far. Thought it might be of interest here, always good to hear such things.

07-16-13, 21:03
Likin what I see so far.

07-18-13, 02:14
There's a new a front we need to contact our reps about. SYG. It's under attack now from all sides.

Mauser KAR98K
07-18-13, 11:11

This happened one county below me (40 minuets away).

Their map does show how much more frequent firearms are used to stop bad guys from winning. Yes, violence was done, to stop a violent crime, but the good people one. This is the message we need to push. Yes, violence sucks, but it is what stops other violence.

07-19-13, 22:31
I didn't know where else to post this.

Locally two thugs tried to rob some people with a fake gun during a home invasion.

Homeowner pulled out a real gun scoring hits on both of them. One he got 5 times.

07-19-13, 22:59
I didn't know where else to post this.

Locally two thugs tried to rob some people with a fake gun during a home invasion.

Homeowner pulled out a real gun scoring hits on both of them. One he got 5 times.

Damn. I wanna know what he/she was shooting.