View Full Version : Something We Need To See More Of: Larry Elder On CNN's Morgan Yesterday

07-18-13, 09:53
Knew the name but not the message. I'm impressed to say the least and most here will be too. It will also give those who feel the country is slipping from our grasp a ray of hope.


"It's outrageous to act as if black America should fear some non-black guy stalking some black kid at night. The likelihood of a black person being killed by a non-black person is extremely remote which is why this is became a big national issue in the first place, Piers.

Also note that very early on Mr. Elder (who is black) clarifies that blacks make up 12% of the population yet are responsible for 50% of it's violent crimes. Then he narrows that down to men at 6%, then narrows even further to younger black men as 3% of the population being responsible for an unbelievable 50% of it's violent crimes.

And people wonder why many of us are becoming deeply frustrated. Simply incredible.

07-18-13, 10:35
LOL, Elder all up in his biz, fillibusterin and such.

Morgan basically fillibuster's every guest on his show and then has the gall to be upset when someone returns the favor. :D

07-18-13, 11:34
Why so hard to say that Rachel is not intelligent?

She speaks "Hatian Kreyol (or Creole), Spanish and English"

The last one is debatable.

The MSM is incredible. They are trying to turn Rachel into some kind of polymath now. WTF.

When is the announcement for her Nobel Prize?

07-18-13, 13:55
LOL, Elder all up in his biz, fillibusterin and such.

Morgan basically fillibuster's every guest on his show and then has the gall to be upset when someone returns the favor. :D

Agreed it was good to see him get a taste of his own medicine, but it was even better to hear such obvious truth so well stated by one of those we need to deliver the message.

07-18-13, 14:24
Yea, verily...

...deliberately trying to drag a stupid pissing contest from one thread to another simply shows one's unfavorable committment to stupid pissing contests.

Let it go.

07-18-13, 14:44
Yea, verily...

...deliberately trying to drag a stupid pissing contest from one thread to another simply shows one's unfavorable committment to stupid pissing contests.

Let it go.

I suppose you're right. At least it awakened my realization that instead of seeing the depth of my avatar's unique, humorous aspects some people just see someone taking a crap.

May need to look for another for that reason alone. Terrible I tell you. :mad: