View Full Version : A small guide to identifing a helicopter mom.

Mauser KAR98K
07-18-13, 21:23
You've heard about them, but have you seen them? Granted, it is hard to find one even flying, but when on the rare occasion you happen to spot one, it is a mind blowing sight.

Helicopter parents; more notably for this post, a helicopter mom.

They don't make a sound, though when their offspring reach of age, they are generally deaf of the world around them. Some how the parents put their rotors in whisper mode, but the device seems to malfunction for their young.

Let us note of a prime example of a helicopter mom giving an after action debriefing to WXIN, Shanin Watts (spelling).


Notice her facial expression. It is clear she adapts the old school pilot persona, as it seems she might prefer Ray-Bans over Oakleys while piloting. Notice the squinting in her eyes, and the crease marks around her eye sockets. Any pro who wears Ray Ban aviators glasses knows the draw backs that if the sun is high above the Ray-Bans fail. Oakleys however...

Anyways. During Watts' (spelling) after action debriefing, we can gauge the type of aircraft she is rated for. She annouces she has five offspring, and the influx of her voice and condescending demeanor indicates she flies a MH53 Pav-Low, shown below.


It is unknown if she is IFR/VFR qualified, however, her nonchalant, and sure persona she gives might indicate she is rated for both with some flight hours under NODs.

Most of these mom-pilots are very vulnerable as most of them fly unarmed, or without escort, relying comms and a QRF response.

Now you know how to identify a helicopter mom.

07-18-13, 21:28
Why is it that most libtard vids have comments and voting disabled?

The LEO was a voice of reason though.

07-18-13, 21:32
So who was the jack-off that thought it would be a good idea to get a cup of coffee and then lay his pistol and mag out on the table?

There's stupid running in both directions here.

07-18-13, 22:06
"Comments disabled" means that you can't win the debate, so you don't even try. Epic Fail.

07-18-13, 22:23
How would these idiot women even know if someone were carrying concealed or not? Where did that picture come from?

What sort of upside down logic tells someone its better to be standing amongst a bunch of unarmed helpless victims vs. good guys that are armed and able to stop a criminal attack?

The bleating sheep in this country are starting to reach a deafening pitch...

07-18-13, 22:44
This just had to be in my city.. I can't believe this lady said she "doesn't feel safe" around someone with a gun. Like a criminal or someone without a license is going to walk into a place like Starbucks open carrying or concealing and plop it on the table. God damn kidding me lady?

Sheep.. :nono:

07-18-13, 23:04
I sure do hope that captain pissed off the open carriers. They are the real enemy here:D

Mauser KAR98K
07-18-13, 23:13
I sure do hope that captain pissed off the open carriers. They are the real enemy here:D

Sounds like he was pleadingto them so some skilled helicopter pilot didn't get her flight-suit in a wad. :rolleyes:

...I guess my attempt at humor didn't work. Damn.,.:suicide:

Don Robison
07-18-13, 23:17
Helicopter mom, she's got 5 kids, more like clown car mom.

Nice picture of a Pave though and we wouldn't have let her fly one. :D

Mauser KAR98K
07-19-13, 00:25
Helicopter mom, she's got 5 kids, more like clown car mom.

Nice picture of a Pave though and we wouldn't have let her fly one. :D

Nah, she needs it. She fast ropes them into soccer so she can fly off and get her nails done and go on and on about how she is the best crusader for the kids.

07-19-13, 01:46
Helicopter Moms in action!

07-19-13, 04:14
Why is it that most libtard vids have comments and voting disabled?

They're right and everyone else is wrong

07-19-13, 09:05
The time for debate is over, the time for action is now. This is for the children and 97% of experts and a majority of people (they talk to) demand that a comprehensive plan by instituted by the govt (not the evil private sector) to solve this problem.

That is the same line used for 95% of progressive issues.

07-19-13, 10:03
So who was the jack-off that thought it would be a good idea to get a cup of coffee and then lay his pistol and mag out on the table?

There's stupid running in both directions here.

No it wasn't stupid if it was done by a Liberal. It got the desired results.

07-19-13, 10:05
So who was the jack-off that thought it would be a good idea to get a cup of coffee and then lay his pistol and mag out on the table?

There's stupid running in both directions here.

Are you sure that is what happened? Anybody with an agenda could take that picture at home using a Starbucks cup and napkin.

07-19-13, 10:13
I stand corrected. My bad.

I thought some open-carry zealot had laid out his weapon to make a point and that's what started the whole kerfuffle (it would not be unprecedented, as some open-carry types have done some pretty stupid shit and done more harm than good).

If it was just a "set up" by the anti-gunner moms to create more controversy than **** 'em.

07-19-13, 10:13
I'm actually beginning to think they actually went into SB and staged it themselves.

Einstein is often attributed with saying the most powerful thing in the universe was compound interest.

It still is..... but now they call it social media...... When will the non-Liberals wake up....


Mauser KAR98K
07-19-13, 11:12
I'm actually beginning to think they actually went into SB and staged it themselves.

Einstein is often attributed with saying the most powerful thing in the universe was compound interest.

It still is..... but now they call it social media...... When will the non-Liberals wake up....


Gotta love this civil rights infraction:

Starbucks tells employees: “Partners may not have or possess any weapon while in a Starbucks store, plant or on other Starbucks property. Starbucks takes its rules regarding workplace health, safety and security very seriously.”

So even if they guy is not working at his stiore, but goes into a Starbucks and has a ccw, he can not because he is employed?

ETA: Thank God TN passed their new law that people can keep their personal weapons locked in the car, but they need to fix it to where their employers can't fire them if they are caught.

Oh, and it is all about control. Liberals that love Starbucks want to make it a liberal paradise for themselves and hamper people's rights in doing so. Typical liberal POS.