View Full Version : Reverse of Zimmerman...And Other Inconsistencies and Ironies

07-18-13, 22:55
Sorry if this is a repost:


Almost crazy how similar the circumstances and ages were.

07-18-13, 23:02
From what I've read about this incident I'd say he was justified, just as the jury did. Skin color is irrelevant.......like it should have been in the Zimmerman case.

07-18-13, 23:09
I agree 100%. Just funny how it didn't see thousands of hours of national news coverage, multiple speeches from the president, threats of Federal prosecution, death threats and mass protests/civil unrest.

Wonder why?

07-18-13, 23:26
Cant wait till libs have %100 of what they want its going to be such a beautiful loving country where everything is fair and balanced ! Free health care nobody has to work everyone is in shape and no pollution no crime etc.. :)

07-18-13, 23:39
I agree 100%. Just funny how it didn't see thousands of hours of national news coverage, multiple speeches from the president, threats of Federal prosecution, death threats and mass protests/civil unrest.

Wonder why?

I really wish (yeah, I know.....shit in one hand yada yada) some of these high-profile pundits/talking heads would play up this case to show the absurdity of the reaction to the Zimmerman verdict.

Take away names, ethnicity, race, gender, whatever. Lay out a generic case with specific actions taken by all involved. Then ask your average "offended" person what they think. Guaran-freaking-tee you they'd say "It was whitey killin' a brotha!" WRONG!!! Then, once the facts are revealed ask them what they think of the verdict that they had previously bad-mouthed. "Uh, well, uh......."

07-19-13, 00:03
Try this one...


An unarmed white man (Patrick Lavoie) confronted a black man (Cleveland Murdock) because he thought Lavoie was tailgating him in traffic.

Lavoie never touched Murdock but Lavoie was being aggressive and threatening and tried to open the door of Murdock's vehicle. Murdock shot and killed Lavoie and you never heard one word about the Florida Stand Your Ground case.

Had Lavoie been black and Murdock been white the case would have exploded since Lavoie never even physically touched Murdock as in the Trayvon Martin assault on George Zimmerman.

And just for the record, I fully support the shooting because I agree it came under the protection of Stand Your Ground and I'm not a racist.

07-19-13, 02:27
The racial bias and hypocrisy is rampant, all part of yes an . . . agenda.

Since the George Zimmerman / Trayvon Martin incident there has been at least three similar shootings where the "child" attacker was white and the older victim was black . . . all ignored by the MSM and the DOJ. IMHO ALL the shootings to include the Trayvon Martin one were good shoots.

In other news . . .

Wis. man, 76, guilty in fatal shooting of teen

07-19-13, 04:21
I remember this happening just before I got out to BCM last summer. It was so clearly stupid that he should be fried.

The racial bias and hypocrisy is rampant, all part of yes an . . . agenda.

Since the George Zimmerman / Trayvon Martin incident there has been at least three similar shootings where the "child" attacker was white and the older victim was black . . . all ignored by the MSM and the DOJ. IMHO ALL the shootings to include the Trayvon Martin one were good shoots.

In other news . . .

Wis. man, 76, guilty in fatal shooting of teen

07-19-13, 06:10
It is a well played ploy. You don't hear anything about the criminal ATF, IRS, or NSA any more do you????

Nope, its nothing but skittles and hoody bullshit, mission accomplished.

07-19-13, 08:29
I remember this happening just before I got out to BCM last summer. It was so clearly stupid that he should be fried.

It gets worse. Spooner's lawyer plans to call a psychiatrist to the stand for the second phase of the trial that will testify the defendant has a mental illness. Guess what that illness is - wait for it, waait for it, waaait for it. His client suffers from "anger issues." So it appears that we are now decriminalizing the actions stemming from antisocial personality disorder out of a misplaced sense of moral relativism.

This is not a new phenomenon. We see parents bringing little Johnny to the hospital ER to get a pill because he gets angry. Well folks, there is no such thing as a pill to treat asshole, nor is there one called "Mom" or "Dad."

Alpha Sierra
07-19-13, 08:34
Try this one...


An unarmed white man (Patrick Lavoie) confronted a black man (Cleveland Murdock) because he thought Murdock was tailgating him in traffic.

Lavoie never touched Murdock but Lavoie was being aggressive and threatening and tried to open the door of Murdock's vehicle. Murdock shot and killed Lavoie and you never heard one word about the Florida Stand Your Ground case.

Had Lavoie been black and Murdock been white the case would have exploded since Lavoie never even physically touched Murdock as in the Trayvon Martin assault on George Zimmerman.

And just for the record, I fully support the shooting because I agree it came under the protection of Stand Your Ground and I'm not a racist.
Not busting your balls but.....

I think you got your names and descriptions mixed up. Let me try to fix it so that it makes sense.

Fixed it for you

07-19-13, 09:11
"Will the members of the M4Carbine White Guilt group please meet your party in this thread?"

07-19-13, 11:10
Wonder why?

http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/2102/vu0u.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/46/vu0u.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

07-19-13, 12:37
Not busting your balls but.....

I think you got your names and descriptions mixed up. Let me try to fix it so that it makes sense.

Fixed it for you

Thanks, corrected.

07-19-13, 15:17
I remember this happening just before I got out to BCM last summer. It was so clearly stupid that he should be fried.

Just to be clear since in my last post I talked about various shootings, yes the guy in WI WAS NOT a good shoot. If he had thought the kid burglarized his home and had video evidence of it after the fact he should have called the authorities and pressed charges. The really f'ed up part is people have actually compared this to the Zimmerman case claiming that Zimmerman should have been found guilty when the 13 year old in WI never touched the old dude. You just can't make this shit up . . .

It gets worse. Spooner's lawyer plans to call a psychiatrist to the stand for the second phase of the trial that will testify the defendant has a mental illness. Guess what that illness is - wait for it, waait for it, waaait for it. His client suffers from "anger issues." So it appears that we are now decriminalizing the actions stemming from antisocial personality disorder out of a misplaced sense of moral relativism.

This is not a new phenomenon. We see parents bringing little Johnny to the hospital ER to get a pill because he gets angry. Well folks, there is no such thing as a pill to treat asshole, nor is there one called "Mom" or "Dad."

When I first heard about this story I wondered if this guy might have dementia or alzheimers given his age. Not that would excuse his act.

07-19-13, 15:19
There are cases for and against for both black and whites. One NY man (whose last name is White) shot a drunk belligerent White youth and he was found guilty.

Another 71 yo 160 lb black guy was found guilty in Tampa, FL for shooting a 240 lb 41 yo white guy who was physically assaulting him.

Who the Hades knows what happened in ANY & ALL of these cases?


Don't do shit that will see you in a court room. The truth is often not on trial, it's the presentation of the evidence.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

07-19-13, 15:26
There are cases for and against for both black and whites. One NY man (whose last name is White) shot a drunk belligerent White youth and he was found guilty.

Another 71 yo 160 lb black guy was found guilty in Tampa, FL for shooting a 240 lb 41 yo white guy who was physically assaulting him.

The problem however is that it was the Tryavon Martin shooting that is being played out before We the People.

Who the Hades knows what happened in ANY & ALL of these cases?


Don't do shit that will see you in a court room. The truth is often not on trial, it's the presentation of the evidence.

I have said this before and will say it here as it applies, I can think of no greater fear than to have my life in the hands of a jury . . .

07-19-13, 15:39

I have very close friends/family who live in Seminole County, FL. Doing some snooping this information came up - not the tweets - but the facts behind the tweets.

As I've been saying (not here) he's not clean despite the initial investigators stating (QUOTE) "he's squeaky clean".

Add the as yet unresolved allegations (that came out about the same time as the shootings - before it made national media, btw) of sexual molestation against one of his cousins.

We are being set up (on multiple levels), in my honest opinion:

Blacks & Whites
Self Defense Laws
Shooters who seemed to overwhelmingly ID w/ Zim w/o knowing his background.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

07-19-13, 15:53

Don't do shit that will see you in a court room. The truth is often not on trial, it's the presentation of the evidence.

So are you suggesting that If I'm being violently attacked and my head is being beaten against a sidewalk and I believe my attacker is now going for my gun I shouldn't do anything to protect myself because a bunch of racially motivates assholes might decide to turn a self defense situation into a civil rights show trial?

Would you offer that same recommendation to a middle aged black man who is being attacked by a violent 17 year old white kid?

07-19-13, 16:05

I have very close friends/family who live in Seminole County, FL. Doing some snooping this information came up - not the tweets - but the facts behind the tweets.

As I've been saying (not here) he's not clean despite the initial investigators stating (QUOTE) "he's squeaky clean".

Add the as yet unresolved allegations (that came out about the same time as the shootings - before it made national media, btw) of sexual molestation against one of his cousins.

We are being set up (on multiple levels), in my honest opinion:

Blacks & Whites
Self Defense Laws
Shooters who seemed to overwhelmingly ID w/ Zim w/o knowing his background.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

Boy that's some damning shit alright...

I dont miss driving around scared to hit mexicans walkin on the side of the street, soft ass wanna be thugs messin with peoples cars when they aint around (what are you provin, that you can dent a car when no ones watchin) dont make you a man in my book. Workin 96 hours to get a decent pay check, gettin knifes pulled on you by every mexican you run into!”

He doesn't miss thugs and mexicans who engage in criminal activity. Amazing. If that doesn't make him a racist killer out looking for an innocent victim nothing does.

Here's more, he's happy his ex didn't **** him over financially.

Im still free! The ex hoe tried her hardest, but the judge saw through it! Big Mike, reppin the Dverse security makin me look a million bucks, broke her down! Thanks to everyone for checkin up on me! Stay tuned for the A.T.F. charges……

My god I bet he eats live babies for lunch.

But yet there is more. Seems he's thankful that he didn't get set up on what may be some completely BS charges.

2 felonies dropped to 1 misdemeanor!!!!!!!!!!! The man knows he was wrong but still got this hump, Thanks to everyone friends and fam, G baby you know your my rock!

And that's EVERYTHING, that's ALL THEY GOT.

A hispanic male who is sick of Mexicans who **** with him, his property, etc. If that doesn't make him the Grand Dragon of the Spanish KKK I don't know what does.

Add to that he's a man who is thankful he didn't get completely ****ed over and taken to the cleaners by his ex. Jesus christ that is 75% of most of the men I've ever met.

This is nothing compared to the "death threats" and "racial comments" posted by the average Trayvon supporter on THEIR facebook page.

This is the most pathetic attempt at a witch hunt I've seen in a long, long time.

Alpha Sierra
07-19-13, 17:16

I have very close friends/family who live in Seminole County, FL. Doing some snooping this information came up - not the tweets - but the facts behind the tweets.

I'm sorry but you don't have shit worth two nickles there.

07-19-13, 18:09
Maybe, maybe not. Had you heard anything about any of it prior to this?

No, not at all.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

07-19-13, 18:13
Maybe, maybe not. Had you heard anything about any of it prior to this?

No, not at all.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

I heard he paid his light bill late one month and nobody in the media has the courage to report that damning evidence either.

There are also unconfirmed allegations he once called somebody an "asshole" in traffic. The more I learn about this guy the more I've convinced there are bodies buried somewhere.

This can't be his first time.

08-05-13, 19:16
They beat him because he told someone at school they offered to sell him drugs. This happened in Florida on July 9th and amazingly has received no major press. Go figure.


I know some will think this isn't an ideal thread but unfortunately we don't live in an ideal world. Bottom line is that while these things happen they shouldn't be deliberately ignored.

08-06-13, 08:55
Maybe, maybe not. Had you heard anything about any of it prior to this?

No, not at all.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

Who cares? I don't really see what he said as all that wrong, just the way he said it. I live in South Texas, and certain groups are known for commuting certain types of crimes with certain weapons.

Besides, where were all the pics of Martin when he was older than 12? Where was the info about the drugs, the tools Martin carries and so on.

There was a thread recently about an article hat broke down the crime by the percentages. It was very telling.

I know when I walk down the street whether on my time or at work, alone or with family, I I profile everyone I see. Whether it's the young Hispanic or the white dude that looks like a meth addict.

People can call it what they will. I don't HATE anyone because of skin color/ethnicity, but I certainly weigh the risks when I see people dressed a certain way.

I can always apologize later if it's that offensive (though they'd likely never know), but I can't take back ignoring the concerns and being harmed or having a family member harmed because I refused to cross the street because I didn't want to offend someone I don't know.

I'll also say, it pisses me off to no end when a white kid is beaten on the bus by three black kids or a white baby is shot in the face in his stroller by two black kids and nobody mentions a damn thing about it in the liberal media. It's sickening and time we started standing up for true equality. The white male is profiled more than most notice, sadly it's done publicly and nobody says a damn thing

When we break it down by percentage, it's really hard to ignore the facts. The percentage of Hispanic and black men that commit violent crime is what it is. How the hell someone calls research and those that acknowledge it as "racist" is completely beyond me and truly sickening.

08-08-13, 05:01
It is a well played ploy. You don't hear anything about the criminal ATF, IRS, or NSA any more do you????

Nope, its nothing but skittles and hoody bullshit, mission accomplished.

What I have been insinuating but too many "took the bait", apparently.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

08-08-13, 11:16
It is a well played ploy. You don't hear anything about the criminal ATF, IRS, or NSA any more do you????

Nope, its nothing but skittles and hoody bullshit, mission accomplished.

It's interesting, that the alternative media who are supposedly on our side fed into the distraction hook line and sinker just like the leftist media did. I hope that they'll have the sense to hop right back to the ATF, IRS, and NSA and force the lapdog media back on topic like they did the first time.

08-08-13, 12:49
Naah, because they were able to come up with this latest thing in Yemen -- a major attack "averted" because of all the communications monitoring going on.

Keepin' 'Merica Safe! See? See this good reason we have for our warrantless domestic spying?

08-08-13, 15:03
"Will the members of the M4Carbine White Guilt group please meet your party in this thread?"


08-08-13, 22:03
The bus beating is finally being acknowledged. Some of you can knock FOX all you want but while imperfect they're extremely important overall to our nation at this critical time. Not just because of this story but because of countless others they have covered when no other major network would.


08-09-13, 10:57
The bus beating is finally being acknowledged. Some of you can knock FOX all you want but while imperfect they're extremely important overall to our nation at this critical time. Not just because of this story but because of countless others they have covered when no other major network would.


Gotta love Allen West's comments about Sharpton, Jackson, the NAACP and all the other "Trayvon" supporters out there.

This little gem made me laugh:

Rev. Dr. Manuel Sykes, president of the St. Petersburg chapter of the NAACP, told FoxNews.com his group is aware of the bus beating and is monitoring it closely.

“We would want to see if any and all information out there has determined if there are any disparities,” he said.

As if MORE evidence is needed. The three little punks are caught on video! The NAACP sure as hell didn't wait for more information in the Zimmerman case before the evidence showed he wasn't guilty of murder.
Oh, wait...I forgot its ok when blacks beat or murder whites. They get a pass from so called civil rights "leaders".

08-13-13, 23:17
I'd like to start a new term:

"New Racism"

It isn't the "Old Racism" where black people were lynched, denied voting rights, treated like second class citizens. This isn't getting your head bashed in for sitting on the wrong seat on the bus or being hit with fire hoses. Thank God those days are behind us.

This "New Racism" isn't a darkness in the hearts of white American's it is the mental illness of minorities who can't give up their victimology and the progressives who can't forgive themselves, or anyone else, for acts decades in the past.

I can think of three very recent examples.

The first is President Obama and his harrowing tales of being followed by mall security or hearing car doors lock when he walked by. OH THE HUMANITY!! How did he ever survive such torture? If that is the extent of the 'racism' that you have experienced, welcome to being a teenager in America.

The second, also involves Obama. The recent uproar over the rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask and having a broom as a 'tail' is all that is needed to prove a rodeo is just cover for a KKK meeting. Never mind that the rodeo clown wore a Bush mask back in the 90s. Never mind that the broom isn't a 'tail' the broom is used to 'prop' up the masked 'dummy' that then starts to run when the bull comes. With out the mask and the broom, the bit doesn't work. But progressives and minorities see nothing but abject racism when the reality is that this is the "New Racism" of inferring the ugliest of thoughts on others with no actual facts.

Paula Deen, is more reviled than James Deen the porn star and more unbecoming, co-star of Lindsay Lohan. Go to Google and put in "Deen porn" and you don't get links to James Deen the porn star but to Paula Deen... Thank God there is no Paula Deen porn though. Paula Deen years ago used a word that Jay-Z has worn out and gets removed from civil society. Trying to kill people with fatty foods got her in hot water. It boiled over only when she used the n-word.

I didn't want to go off on the Deen tangent, but my real third example is Oprah's recent indictment of the country of Switzerland as the Nazi's last hold out. Get this. Someone had the audacity to offer to show her some less than $40,000 purses and the Oprah took this the only way a rational person would- a direct attack on her as a proud black woman and affront to all minorities! Call in Al Sharpton for the boycott! It turns out that Oprah asked how much the bag was. The first rule of being rich and buying luxury items that even people who live in trailer... excuse me "pre-manufactured housing" know is "if you have to ask how much" you can't afford it. Rather than let Oprah stand there and try to figure out how to get out buying a $40k hand bag the clerk asked if she would like to look at some cheaper bags, like a $30k or even a $10k bag..... I'm sure the stores selection went directly from $40k handbags to used salvation army bag that came with a free hat and a bowl of soup...

Well, it kind of backfired on Oprah. The Europeans don't have this 'white guilt' and progressive self-censoring that makes us kow-tow to 'discriminated against' minorities. The owner of the store has been perfectly willing to call bull shit on Oprah's story.

Leave it to a boutique purse store manager in Europe to show more back bone than pretty much everyone in America when it comes to helping our minority citizens get off the victim pity party.

08-14-13, 00:00
I'd only add that the racism isn't "new."

Black racists have been hating "whitey" for a long time now and with acts just as violent.

The KKK blew up a church, black racists took over Cornell University at gunpoint and held everyone hostage until they were able to successfully change the curriculum forever.

The KKK is no longer blowing up anything, universities everywhere have bowed to the terrorists demands of black racists from almost a half decade ago.

This includes changes that allow actual terrorists such as Bill Ayers and Ward Churchill to become professors at universities.

08-14-13, 00:17
White people don't get helped or asked to leave high end stores everyday. There was a scene in Pretty Woman about what happens if you look like you can't afford it. And guess what? Not everyone in the rest of the world knows who wealthy Americans are.

I've been to Switzerland, and you can walk by a watch shop with a 100k watch in a window display case. If I walked in, and asked to see it, I'd probably get the same treatment even though I'm blonde and blue eyed. I can't waltz into the Aston Martin dealer down the road, and plunk my butt down in one.

But of course when that happens to her it can't be because of anything else but racism. I don't know how she was dressed at the time but I saw a picture of her in Zurich and unless you knew who she was you'd never think she is a billionaire.

Last point, its extremely rude to bust out with racism accusations or poor service claims when she didn't even bother contacting them first. The owner of that chain was at Tina Turner's wedding where Oprah was the next day. If it bothered her that much she could have had a 2 minute face to face chat in private with the owner. Instead she chose to make extremely inflammatory accusations and blindside them with her claims which is a pretty low class move. She may be a billionaire but that doesn't mean she handled the situation well.

08-14-13, 00:31
Oprah is as racist as they come and she's the worst kind of racist, the kind who believes positive or benevolent racism is possible.

And this just in...


08-14-13, 00:52
Very well written. I agree with your stance.

08-14-13, 02:12
Oprah . . . LOL! I haven't heard of that story before now but my sides are hurting. P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C . . . :rolleyes:

I'm still waiting for here to answer for the sexual abuse of African girls at her all girl "charity" school she created in Africa. I always thought she was just running a brothel. Oh and when is she going to come out of the closet already?

08-14-13, 05:50
Very well written. I agree with your stance.

Yep, very good post.

08-14-13, 06:44
Whe in doubt (or if you're a jackleg preacher short on 'walkin' around money' :rolleyes: ), just sing out!


08-14-13, 07:54
I always point out to anyone that wants to bring up slavery and racism that my family came here from Poland and germany to escape hitler and some of the nazis in ww1Some of the ones that didnt ended up in concentration camps or died fighting the nazis. You can take that bullshit and shove it up your ass. I have nothing to do with it.

08-14-13, 08:12
I always point out to anyone that wants to bring up slavery and racism that my family came here from Poland and germany to escape hitler and some of the nazis in ww1Some of the ones that didnt ended up in concentration camps or died fighting the nazis. You can take that bullshit and shove it up your ass. I have nothing to do with it.

My dad's family came from Finland, with relatives in the Soviet Union. I hear you.

Great post. It seems the only people who cry racism today are the ones to whom it benefits the most.

Amp Mangum
08-14-13, 09:08

08-14-13, 09:38
White Americans have been sucessfully programmed by the press and the 'victimization' crowd to feel 'guilt' (and therefore, compensate) for ANYTHING that might REMOTELY be construed to resemble racism. I too 'cringed' at the Obama rodeo clown, because I've been programmed to do so. It would be fine it if were a GB mask, but an Obama mask? Oh, the horror! In the press, black racism frequently gets a 'pass', as if whites today have to 'make up for something'.

What the Black community fails (with a few exceptions) to see is that this 'victimization' as propogated by Jackson/Sharpton/NAACP is actually holding Black people back from making the most of their god-given talents. And, he who CONTROLS the dialog (Jackson/Sharpton/NAACP) controls the MONEY (which is what it's REALLY all about). I'd really like to see Al Sharptons tax records from when he was a 2-bit street preacher that looked like a pimp who pimped Tawana Bradley to make up that entire rape story (to get HIS name in the news) to now; and Jesse Jackson's (we've already seen his son's) while he was spending his organization's dollars on his mistress in DC (and they STILL idolize him).

I was in a predominately Black Catholic Church last week for a funeral of a friend's (Black, and one of the most decent, upstanding and honest men I know) son who died of brain cancer soon after graduating from the US Naval Academy...While the service was a little different than my wife's church, it was familiar. I felt no hate towards me; people were very polite. Although it's reason was tragic, it was a nice service. It seemed that the shared belief in a higher power overcame the color of the skin. A shame it's not like that in other situations. We don't HAVE to dislike/distrust each other, but it became more readily apparent that the distrust is being FUELED by victimization crowd..

I'm NOT going to feel guilty for telling a black kid to pull up his damn pants he looks like a fool, because I'd tell a white kid the same thing. The only way to stop is to not give in and speak up when the 'victimization' crowd screams "racist!"; point out instances when the hypocrits run their mouth, and personally do your very best to treat a person with regards to their actions and character vs. the color of their skin.

08-14-13, 10:02
What you are witnessing is the end of truly free speech in America.

The left knows that like gun rights...they just can't take this part of the Bill of Rights out all on their own without huge backlash. So instead, they will "decide" in the court of public opinion what their opposition can and cannot say.

They will make an example out of anyone they deem to be "unacceptable" and ruin their careers, reputations and livelihoods. They will do this in the name of the agenda...not because anyone was truly offended or if the offender actually said what they were accused of saying.

This will go on until it has become the acceptable way American society works. Much like how Josef Goebbels showed photos of rats with the word "jew" or with the image of a Star of David. That way...after a while...most Germans thought of varmints when they saw the Star of David or saw the word' Jews."

It is clever and it works...that is why the progressives use this tactic.

If we allow this to continue, the left will have won and they will not need a Constitutional Convention to alter the Bill of Rights or anything that daunting...they will have altered our free speech without a law passing or a shot being fired.

Sad...isn't it?


08-14-13, 10:33
Whe in doubt (or if you're a jackleg preacher short on 'walkin' around money' :rolleyes: ), just sing out!

'Racism' should be the new "Hitler" when it comes to debating. First person who says it, loses....

08-14-13, 21:31
Naah, because they were able to come up with this latest thing in Yemen -- a major attack "averted" because of all the communications monitoring going on.Reminds me how much I miss the reports of Kim Jong Il's golf outings. "Another hole-in-one guysssssssssss!"

08-14-13, 21:45
What you are witnessing is the end of truly free speech in America.

Ben Carson Makes Obama Sit Through the Longest 27 Minutes Of His Presidency

“PC is dangerous,” Carson said. “In this country, one of the founding principles was freedom of thought and freedom of expression. (Political correctness) puts a muzzle on people. We have imposed upon people restrictions on what they can say, on what they can think. And the media is the largest proponent of this, crucifying people who say things really quite innocently.” ~ Dr. Ben