View Full Version : AAR: 914 Consulting Real World Concealed Carry July 20 Va Beach, VA

07-20-13, 21:48
Who: Chris "Hans" Frank - 914 Consulting
What: Real World Concealed Carry
When: July 20, 2013 - 0830 - 1700
Where: C2 Shooting Center, Virginia Beach, VA

Weather: Sunny, Temp: 93*F, Humidity: Swampy - 72%, Wind: 13 mph

If I recall correctly, this is the first time Chris has offered this course. We started early going over safety, equipment and carry options, initial assessment drills including strong hand and support hand only, and proper drawing from concealment technique. Most of the morning was spent practicing the draw from concealment with a goal of accurate hits on target and the speed that follows proper execution. Slide-lock reloads from concealment were a specific focal point during the morning.

We broke for lunch, which Joe grilled up as is custom, and had a mini-debrief with some Q&A from the mornings drills and instruction.

For the afternoon, we spent most of the time doing shooting on the move drills (forward, backward, diagonal), and 90* and 180* turn drills. We then shot several drills of various scenarios with shoot vs no-shoot targets. An emphasis was continuously placed on real world application throughout. We capped off the day's instruction shooting the Federal Air Marshal Quals and some more debrief.

The class had about 12 running mostly Glock 19s and 26s. There was also a M&P Shield 9mm, an FNX-9, and a 1911 -- if I left yours off, apologies, I'm going from memory. We each shot approximately 250-300 rounds during the day on average. It was a great day and, naturally, everyone had greatly improved from the beginning of the class.

If you attended the class, feel free to post any of your thoughts or items I may have missed in this high-level summary.

07-21-13, 23:02
FozziestBear did a pretty good summary breakdown of the course. A lot students were alumni to Hans' VSM courses. I've personally taken it at least 3 times. When Hans first mentioned this course, I knew I had to work around it so it fit my schedule. I'm really glad to have attended.

Being a non Military/LEO type, the Real World Conceal Carry class was more relevant than ever. What really drove me to this new 914 class offering was my newly acquired M&P Shield 9mm along with a Spectre Koncealment AIWB holster. I'm a Glock guy all around with 3 G17s and 2 G19s. G19 is what I carry on the daily. The Shield I picked for specific outfits during the summer time. Before the course, I've only put a box of 50rds through the gun to check function and accuracy. This class allowed me to take the Shield to the next level.

We've done at least 100 draws from concealment in this one day format. It's safe to say that most of the students did more draws from concealment in that one day than have done in their lifetime. We were all in agreement that ones attire plays a huge role in carrying concealed. These types of classes are great because there's usually a wider variety of pistols, holsters, and carrying options that folks use. Everyone was more than willing to lend each other gear and pistols to try out. No hard malfunctions. For the couple that did happen, it can either be attested to limp wristing or not enough lube.

With this being the first Conceal Carry class that Hans taught, we missed out on a couple of drills he wanted to do. None of them were really ground breaking but more variations of the drills we already ran. The class was straight mechanics and technique. We dabbled a little in mindset during lunch and while jamming mags. A lot of it was carried over from his VSM courses about a lawyer being attached to every round that leaves the barrel and accuracy is paramount. Hans was talking about making this a 2-day course so he could accommodate more stuff he wanted to accomplish.

At the end of the training day, I was happy to have made it out to this course. I definitely got my moneys worth. No matter how often I shoot with Hans during his VSM courses, I always seem to take something away. This class was no different.

Notes to self:

- Arcteryx button up didn't like my aggressive appendix carry draws because I popped two buttons. I'm ok though, I found the buttons. God knows how much those are by themselves.

- My Shield 9mm wasn't consistently going into "safe" when I try to move it up. I just wanted to try it out during some draw strokes. Will investigate further at a later date.

- No malfunctions for 300rds during the course (100 Tula, 100 Brown Bear, 50 Atlanta Arms and Ammo, and 50 Freedom Munitions)

- Pinky finger seems to keep the magazine from dropping free when it comes to subcompacts in general

- I shot the shield surprising well. I really thought there was going to be a huge learning curve compared to my G19. I disregarded sub-compacts all together until I felt a Shield. I'm really happy with the purchase.

- Appendix carry isn't as scary as I thought.



07-24-13, 11:03
It was great shooting with everyone. Nice to see familiar faces from past VSM courses and meeting the new. Hope to shoot with you guys again in the near future!

Everyone loves pictures from courses.

The rest of them can be found on the 914 facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.491347900948941.1073741825.330169260400140&type=3





07-24-13, 15:59
Looking forward to the next time this class is held.

07-26-13, 22:11
Looking forward to the next time this class is held.

Mike, it was a great class. I think you'd love it -- especially the shooting on the move drills in the afternoon.