View Full Version : AAR - PFT 3 Day Advance Handgun

07-23-13, 14:41
Another GREAT course by Pat Goodale and his staff http://www.pgpft.com/

PFT’s Advanced Handgun Course: Prerequisite - PFT's Defensive Handgun I and II or other school's equivalent.
Alderson WV
Friday/Saturday/Sunday 19-21 July 2013.

- Warm-up/Skills Review
- Close Range Engagement
- Movement and Use of Cover
- Moving Targets/Moving Shooter
- Situational Drills
- Room Combat (Low Light Shooting House)
- Vehicle Based Drills
- Trauma Care
- Backup/Alternate Gun Use
- Interactive Scenarios
- Barrier Penetration/Ballistic Evaluations
- Skills Testing (PFT Standards and Pars)

Shooting from a moving vehicle (VERY CHALLENGING) - student in front passenger seat and another behind him with an instructor sitting to your left. Dang, those bad guys lived for another day.

Stationery vehicle drills - with moving targets both vertically & horizontal.

Car jacking - student is forcefully removed from the vehicle. Once they bounced you along the ground a few times, you had to recover and shoot the bad guys.

Car ambush - student driver and passenger, required to initially shoot from the window and one student at a time exit the vehicle and shoot vertically moving targets from the rear of the vehicle. My cousin baptized the roof of the vehicle, by skipping a round across it.

Gun Free Zone - the bad guy started shooting in a gun free zone and you had to move from cover to cover to retrieve your firearm from your car. When moving from cover to cover, well aimed pellet rounds were hitting your bode. :( Yes, we were wearing a helmet with face mask.

Great Trauma Care class, following the classroom presentation, we practiced on our-self and others. It is now my opinion that everyone should have a Combat Application Tourniquet in his range bag, backpack, vehicle, etc. along with a trauma dressing. Following link is an example of a tourniquet. http://www.f3tac.com/tourniquet-cat-1006076/

Many drills shooting support and non-support hand while moving.

Barrier Penetration/Ballistic Evaluations of ones carry ammo – learned that my, 9mm 124gr +P+ Penetrator Buffalo Bore ammo https://www.buffalobore.com/index.php?l=product_detail&p=225 isn’t worth the money. Shooting through a windshield (from the inside) it penetrated but fragmented into two pieces on exit. Same thing when shooting through a car door. Didn’t penetrate a Level II Vest, on the other hand it penetrated 6” of wood intact and took out the target.

Room Combat in the shoot-house was really interesting, especially with low light.

Backup/Alternate Gun Use – Only one guy had an ankle holster (J-Frame .38) and the rest of us had pocket firearms. During these drills, I learned that my Kel-Tec .380 with Talon Wallet Holster (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqQxA9jBaWg) is one awesome pocket firearm.

08-06-13, 13:16
My CCW instructor, a Raleigh County Sheriff's Office lieutenant, said that after training with instructors from across the US that Pat Goodale was one of the finest he had ever worked with.

08-09-13, 13:28

Thanks for the kind words. I am glad to hear that you enjoyed the course and walked away with some new knowledge. Hope to see you on the range again soon.

Stay safe,