View Full Version : It's been a while since we had a shooting...

07-27-13, 07:28

07-27-13, 08:10
My money is on, "drug-fueled lover's quarrel among illegal foreign invaders."

But of course, WE'LL all be portrayed as such by the media... :rolleyes:

07-27-13, 10:25
Who is it this time? A White cuban, a white jamacan, a white hispanic, a white puerto rican,? Or is it a white person trapped in a black persons body?

I am thinking this is a trayvon martin revenge thing.... Because if the shooter was white you better be sure Yahoo would have mentioned it 15 times.

Hey liberals..... You still think stand your ground law is a bad idea? I bet any one of the 7 people wished they had been armed and able to fight back.

A lot of interesting comments.

07-27-13, 10:38
Video of SWAT team assault:http://news.sky.com/story/1121092/hostage-deaths-moment-police-killed-gunman

07-27-13, 11:06
Don't worry, we'll have another false flag shooting happening within the next 2 months or so.

07-27-13, 11:50
Don't worry, we'll have another false flag shooting happening within the next 2 months or so.

Or at least these incidents will occur often until Holder and his daddy are out of office.

07-27-13, 14:55
Or at least these incidents will occur often until Holder and his daddy are out of office.

They always do occur though. On the other hand I'm sure they will get sensationalized with hysterical front page reporting with blatant anti-gun agenda with blatant racial overtones until the jokers are out of office.

And probably afterwards as well.

07-27-13, 17:27
Knowing that these things will unfortunately occur in a free society (well, still *mostly* free :rolleyes:), I have long ago made up my mind that I REFUSE to surrender my rights for the acts of criminals or lunatics, however horrendous.





(I think Sandy Hook actually brought it to the brink where a LOT of others have come to the same conclusion I have; the unapologetic "pushback" was actually quite refreshing compared to the usual kow-towing.)

07-28-13, 11:47
Where are Jessie and Al ?? Why are they not in Hialeah shouting about this on national T.V. ? Is our dear leader going to make some other dumb ass statement about these victims ?

Piss on the media.............


07-28-13, 12:13
I'm at a loss here. Who shot whom and why all of the gunfire from the SWAT Team???

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

07-28-13, 12:34
I'm at a loss here. Who shot whom and why all of the gunfire from the SWAT Team???

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."

Looks like a hostage rescue after a gunman opened up in a neighborhood. Details are sketchy at best right now.

Sounds like the team did a good job though.