View Full Version : US to close all embassies this weekend, worldwide!

08-02-13, 00:40

We have instructed all U.S. embassies and consulates that would have normally been open on Sunday to suspend operations, specifically on August 4,” a senior State Department official said Thursday night. “It is possible we may have additional days of closing as well.”

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/01/us-to-shut-down-american-embassies-around-world-as-terror-threats-grow/#ixzz2amsbvUfC

Hmm, this is what happens when half of the world laughs at you....while the other half plots your demise...

08-02-13, 00:49
So how often do you think this happens? Seriously??? Do we have any idea or indication if this is the first time such an action was taken?

If you read the article you notice that on two continents (pretty big area) embassies are shut down on Sunday anyway.

I'm just curious if this is the first time our nation has done this. Somehow I doubt it.

08-02-13, 01:04
So how often do you think this happens? Seriously??? Do we have any idea or indication if this is the first time such an action was taken?

If you read the article you notice that on two continents (pretty big area) embassies are shut down on Sunday anyway.

I'm just curious if this is the first time our nation has done this. Somehow I doubt it.

Probably more often than is advertised but still this sounds more like "hey we don't know what the hell is going to happen so lets just try this and hope nothing bad occurs"

Army Chief
08-02-13, 09:11
Likely just an abundance of caution in an attempt to avoid potentially having two running embassy scandal stories in the news at once, since we still can't seem to get many straight answers on Benghazi.


08-02-13, 09:37
Likely just an abundance of caution in an attempt to avoid potentially having two running embassy scandal stories in the news at once, since we still can't seem to get many straight answers on Benghazi.


Exactly. This is preventative maintenance against Benghazi part 2.


08-02-13, 09:49
What kind of threat can only occur this Sunday, and not be postponed till Monday or the following Sunday?

08-02-13, 10:44
So- let me see if I have this correct...

We get intel that there may be a possible attack or enemy activity somewhere in the muslim world.

Instead of quietly shutting down shop in said countries- the story is provided to the main stream media for all of the world to see and if there was a plot and conspirators, they now can adjust their plans...

Anyone else having a WTF moment here?

08-02-13, 12:04
So- let me see if I have this correct...

We get intel that there may be a possible attack or enemy activity somewhere in the muslim world.

Instead of quietly shutting down shop in said countries- the story is provided to the main stream media for all of the world to see and if there was a plot and conspirators, they now can adjust their plans...

Anyone else having a WTF moment here?

I get them all the time. A public announcement could induce a lot of chatter/ activity that would illuminate the parties involved.

08-02-13, 12:41
I'm having a WTF moment.

08-02-13, 13:39
What an excellent way to get the MSM to talk about possible terror attacks rather than the failings of our government. Neva ben dun befo. ;)

08-02-13, 13:41
The terror manual clearly states that no embassy, foreign or domestic, can be attacked while the "Closed for undetermined safety reasons" sign is prominently displayed.

Very similar succcess rates when compared to the wildly effective, CONUS-only "Gun Free Zone" signage.

08-02-13, 13:46
What youtube video is responsible for offending the mooselimb to mount the next attack on a U.S. embassy?

Btw, didn't you know that the bengazi situation was only a fabricated scandal?

08-02-13, 13:51
I hope the Marines weren't told to "go somewhere else" too....By treaty, that's United States soil and should be defended accordingly.

08-02-13, 19:23
What youtube video is responsible for offending the mooselimb to mount the next attack on a U.S. embassy?

Btw, didn't you know that the bengazi situation was only a fabricated scandal?

Correction "Phony" scandal. Get inline with the talking points ;). The fuhrer (sp) demands it.


08-04-13, 09:49
These embassy closures border on a complete farce. Apparently they have absolutely no idea where or how any attack will occur, so they tell everybody to run for cover. Really goes to show that we're in control out there.

What I heard is that the "chatter" was unusually candid and expressed enthusiasm for something pending, which is quite the opposite of the norm. So with that one of the first things to come to my mind is that it's a bluff to test our resources and we fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Army Chief
08-04-13, 10:39
Correction "Phony" scandal. Get inline with the talking points ;). The fuhrer (sp) demands it.


Not being critical, but you missed a perfectly good opportunity to use an umlaut there.

Bummer. ;)


08-04-13, 11:34
These embassy closures border on a complete farce. Apparently they have absolutely no idea where or how any attack will occur, so they tell everybody to run for cover. Really goes to show that we're in control out there.

What I heard is that the "chatter" was unusually candid and expressed enthusiasm for something pending, which is quite the opposite of the norm. So with that one of the first things to come to my mind is that it's a bluff to test our resources and we fell for it hook, line and sinker.

It would slow an attack because the full barrier plan at all the Inman standard building would be in effect.

An attack like Jedah would be much hard to execute.

08-04-13, 12:29
Compared to mine...i bet the wtf moment factor over there has a much higher chingon factor.:) Talk about rattling the cage!!

Must take a huge amount of resources...apologies, but have they set a time table to get everyone home or are most emabasy personell getting re-assigned?? Do we have any idea of how many American/friendlies are vacationing across this vast region?? I just got that ugly punch in the gut feeling the heats gonna turn up...why in the world would they not attempt to do this in a more casual discrete fashion?? Mind boggling.

here's my whole wtf...I'm mad at the in your face withdrawl cuz it added too must attn/danger to our people and those assigned to protect them. I gotta admit I would love to see the expressions on some of those foreign faces when the last adios is said...admit i kinda dig saying adios. One less issue for the warriors to worry about.


08-04-13, 13:17

Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard and regular commentator at Fox news, has said the closing of U.S. embassies in 21 countries is a sign of weakness on the part of the U.S. and suggests capitulation to al-Qaeda.

He may be partly right, but chances are that the closing of the embassies auger something far more ominous. The shutdowns may be a sign of an increased conflagration in the Middle East and Northern Africa. We may be looking at the onset of World War III.

And more...

All the above is to say that the probable reason for the closure of the U.S. embassies is that the hostilities in the area have reached such proportions that the civil wars afflicting the area are no longer containable in any meaningful way. Further, al-Qaeda and its ilk, not long ago described by the current U.S. administration as completely defeated, have doubtless metastasized to such a degree that they feel safe to attack Big Satan in its most vulnerable outposts -- outposts that have long been islands of diplomacy that is no longer possible.

The vanishing of the Western centers of diplomacy in the Middle East and northern Africa may mean that the West has been warned -- perhaps by Israel? -- and finally sees that there is no diplomatic solution possible, regardless of the present posturing of the so-called "peace talks" between Palestinians and Israel. The "peace talks" probably should be regarded as a complete charade, kept up to the bitter end while the entire area is about to go up in flames as America exits stage left.

08-04-13, 13:20
“We are concerned about surgically implanted devices,” said. “These are guys who have developed the techniques to defeat our detection methods.”

That's comforting.

The official also said authorities were stunned that the group broke “operational security” — meaning they talked likely knowing it would be picked up by intercepts.

appeared to have a media plan for after the attack.


Maybe it's so Obama can say "I told you so" after the fact?

The whole deal seems strange from all angles ... and... I don't trust Obama at all, so who knows what the hell could really be going on.

08-04-13, 13:23
That's comforting.


Maybe it's so Obama can say "I told you so" after the fact?

The whole deal seems strange from all angles ... and... I don't trust Obama at all, so who knows what the hell could really be going on.

It would make sense that, as of right now, the administration would want a big, bold, loud endorsement of the FISA courts and their illegal wire-tapping and data-mining efforts.