View Full Version : Paul Sharp MDOC June 7-8 2014 Pittsburgh PA

08-03-13, 20:49
Hot off the press and ready for enrollment !

Paul Sharp
Multi Disciplinary Optimization Couse (MDOC)
June 7-8 2014
Pittsburgh PA

Course cost is $350
Email me directly for enrollment shawn@anti-fragile.net


Paul Sharp is a police officer with 16 years experience. His current assignments are patrol, SWAT and training. His past assignments have included resident officer, undercover narcotics detective and neighborhood response officer.

Paul has graduated from numerous firearms and tactics courses and is an Illinois State firearms instructor, defensive knife instructor, defensive tactics instructor and is the lead pistol instructor for his agency.

Paul has been recognized as an instructor in the Filipino Martial Arts and Jeet Kune Do concepts as well as Mixed Martial Arts and holds a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Having competed at a professional level in Mixed Martial Arts and Boxing, Paul is uniquely positioned to coach others from knowledge and experience. Paul has also been recognized as an instructor in DR Middlebrooks Fist-Fire shooting system as well as mid-west regional director for SBGi.

Paul has been featured in several national and international magazines for his part in developing a systematic approach to integrating and instructing Mixed Martial Arts and combative sports for those working in a weapons based environment.

The Multi-Disciplinary Optimization course is a 16 hour focused overview of skill sets used in the Extreme Close Quarters Environment. Some of the topics to be covered in the course include:
Expanded principles of initiation and escape
Attached striking
Expanded in fight weapons access (IFWA)

Equipment Required: Comfortable clothes, wrap-around eye protection, mouthpiece and cup, training drones of preferred carry tools.

Equipment recommended: Any training drones of EDC tools the student may have, along with their standard everyday carry gear, such as holsters or magazine pouches. A “red” or “blue” dummy gun is acceptable.

There are a limited number of lockers available on site but NO LIVE WEAPONS ARE PERMITTED IN THE TRAINING ENVIROMENT.

This course is mildly anaerobic in nature and the student should come with the understanding that they will be subjected to mild to greater than mild impact as part of the coursework.

08-04-13, 14:45
Don't know Paul at all but from what I've seen from FB, the guy has a pretty good sense of humor too. Seems like an all around good guy.

Cecil Burch
08-05-13, 11:52
Don't know Paul at all but from what I've seen from FB, the guy has a pretty good sense of humor too. Seems like an all around good guy.

Paul is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable trainers you will ever meet. From H2H to shooting, not only has he been "been there, done that", he knows how to teach it. What's more, he genuinely cares that people actually get better.

And yes, he has an awesome sense of humor.

He's not as good looking as I am, though.

09-02-13, 09:01
Pauls interview on Ballistic Radio

09-02-13, 13:19
Pauls interview on Ballistic Radio

I love John's work on Ballistic Radio, and catch it every week. Thanks for letting people know about this resource, Shawn. There's some terrific insight in the previous podcasts as well.

09-05-13, 16:13
yeah guys, Im ****ing amped for this class !

I got to train with Paul while he AI for Southnarc at EWO a while back, and hes a great guy. Funny, good hearted, and scary capable of physically removing your head from your neck and shoving it down your throat :)

Theres some great stuff hes been starting to put out online recently too


An adaptive, never give up mindset is developed through experience. You develop a large reservoir of will by doing things regularly that build your ability to suck it up and drive on. Going for a run when you don’t want to, eating or not eating certain foods, or lifting a metric ton of weight are simple everyday all day ways to exercise your will to do what you need to do even when you don’t want to. For really digging deep though, I’ve found there must be an element of pain associated with failing. Sure, unracking 600 pounds and dropping below parallel then grinding your way back to standing is scary. All kinds of things can go wrong but once you do it your mind is opened to just how strong you could be and you have an incredible surge in self-confidence. The process you go through to get to a 600 pound squat will make a significant deposit in the mindset account. Other ways to develop an adaptive indomitable mindset would be boxing, wrestling, Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu, rock climbing, rappeling, motocross or racing of any type, sky diving…, essentially anything that involves you wondering if; A) can I do this? B) am I going to die? Once you’ve been in enough situations where your survival was almost completely in your own hands there will be few things you’ll encounter where you won’t have the confidence in yourself to firmly believe that you will always find a way out. I’ve learned more about an agile, adaptive and never give up mindset while practicing a climber rescue then I ever learned in any lecture on mindset. The penalty in failing was great and the ability to calm myself, work through each problem presented while fatigue mounted taught me many more lessons about embracing the suck, being adaptable and driving on than anything I’ve ever read or heard on the topic.

02-25-14, 22:00
hit me up to enroll !