View Full Version : Free Flow of Information Act, Dems and Protection of Bloggers

08-05-13, 14:22
Seriously, at what point do we pillory these idiots on the capitol steps? :mad:


However, in today’s world, the definition of the word “journalist” means different things to different people, and two powerful Senators, Dianne Feinstein and Richard Durbin, say journalists only should enjoy extended First Amendment protection if they work for traditional media outlets on a paid basis.

The Free Flow of Information Act was introduced earlier this year by Senator Charles Schumer, who had introduced a similar bill in 2009 with the late Senator Arlen Specter. Back then, Feinstein and Durbin wanted strict definitions of the word “journalists” after the WikiLeaks story broke.

Their current amendment to the bill poses the same questions.

“This bill is described as a reporter shield law — I believe it should be applied to real reporters,” Feinstein said last week. “The current version of the bill would

Words simply fail me at this point...

08-05-13, 14:24
If only we had real leaders instead of phony politicians....

Want to bet the Dialy Koz guy would get credentialed and the Drudge guy wouldn't.

08-05-13, 14:44
They want to shut down talk radio, Drudge, and the pajama bloggers.

08-05-13, 15:19
They want to shut down talk radio, Drudge, and the pajama bloggers.

Yep. They want to shut down anyone who isn't on their payroll spreading their agenda and lies.

This is all beyond sickening.

Why we all aren't standing on the steps of every capitol accross the country demanding these idiots put a stop to this tyrannical madness we've been hit in the face with and enduring over the last couple decades is beyond me.

I think enough of the nation has been lulled into a deep sleep and the rest of us are awake, but waiting- for what I don't know; this is all so crazy everyone should be taking action and fighting this with every ounce we can muster...

As a nation, we are so ****ed right now. The PTB almost have us in checkmate...

08-05-13, 15:22
Edit disclosure... OP, I changed your thread title to accurately reflect thread content, enhance later searching ability, and improve site civility. FYI

08-05-13, 15:41
Whether they are trying to impose restrictions on "the shoulder thing that goes up" or "an interconnected series of tubes," the majority of elected officials in Washington are so ignorant of the subject matter under discussion that it numbs the mind.

It's like someone asking me to write a repair and service manual for an Apache helicopter or software code for the NSA's next encryption-decoding program. Our elected officials are so out of their depth they are incapable of making sound decisions and are at the mercy of whatever staffer or lobbyist is selected to spoon-feed them their talking points.

08-05-13, 16:12
It's like someone asking me to write a repair and service manual for an Apache helicopter or software code for the NSA's next encryption-decoding program.

Being that you told us you voted for Obama there is certainly no need to explain that you can't be trusted with understanding even remotely complicated things in general.

Ok, ok...:D

In all seriousness I do agree that many of them are without question completely out of their respective leagues and all of us are likely to suffer even more as a result.

08-05-13, 16:45
Being that you told us you voted for Obama there is certainly no need to explain that you can't be trusted with understanding even remotely complicated things in general.

Ok, ok...:D

In all seriousness I do agree that many of them are without question completely out of their respective leagues and all of us are likely to suffer even more as a result.

Hey, I voted for Bush, too, so you might be on to something. :)

08-05-13, 17:13
Edit disclosure... OP, I changed your thread title to accurately reflect thread content, enhance later searching ability, and improve site civility. FYI

Copy 5X5. I was just SUPER pissed when I read that article. :D