View Full Version : United States Files Criminal Charges In Benghazi Attack

08-06-13, 16:42
Several news outlets are reporting the U.S. Justice Department has filed criminal charges against multiple suspects in the attack of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.


The documents are sealed and there is no information currently on what the specific charges are or the identity of the suspects named in the charges.

Pork Chop
08-06-13, 16:46
If they are not named Obama and/or Clinton then it's nothing more than smoke & mirrors.

If only.

08-06-13, 16:52
If they are not named Obama and/or Clinton then it's nothing more than smoke & mirrors.

If only.

Afraid you're going to be disappointed. CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/06/politics/benghazi-charges/index.html) reports:

Federal authorities investigating the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi have filed charges against Ahmed Abu Khattalah, leader of a Libyan militia that officials believe was involved in the assault, people briefed on the investigation said.

Pork Chop
08-06-13, 16:58
Afraid you're going to be disappointed. CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/06/politics/benghazi-charges/index.html) reports:

Federal authorities investigating the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi have filed charges against Ahmed Abu Khattalah, leader of a Libyan militia that officials believe was involved in the assault, people briefed on the investigation said.

Darn it.

You mean they're going through the motions to take attention back off the fact that our own administration was complicit in the murder of an American ambassador?

Say it ain't so.

08-06-13, 17:03
Afraid you're going to be disappointed. CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/06/politics/benghazi-charges/index.html) reports:

Federal authorities investigating the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi have filed charges against Ahmed Abu Khattalah, leader of a Libyan militia that officials believe was involved in the assault, people briefed on the investigation said.

This seems completely out of line with the regime's M.O. I figured they would just execute Khattalah via drone strike without any trial. Why now file charges and then, presumably, try and convict Khattalah? Hmmm? Probably more like how all "good" bad guys shift the focus to a scape goat. This way they can fabricate their story of smoke and mirrors to suit their narrative.

ETA - I just heard Angela Corey will be lead prosecutor.

08-06-13, 17:32
So has a BOLO been put out on Hillary Clinton yet . . .

08-06-13, 17:49
So has a BOLO been put out on Hillary Clinton yet . . .

Un-indicted co-conspirator....

What difference does it make.....

08-07-13, 09:51
Send in the clowns...

08-07-13, 10:10
Symbolism over substance.


08-07-13, 11:54
I'm not looking to excuse any actions on the part of the U.S. government which may have contributed to the deaths of Americans in Benghazi or were intended to mislead the public about the actual events. And I support a thorough and complete investigation to determine who was in the decision-making "chain of command" and to compel them to answer for their actions, or inactions, as the case may be.

But it strikes me as odd that so many folks seem more interested in exacting a pound of political flesh rather than seeing the actual people who coordinated and led the attack on the U.S. Consulate and the CIA annex, killing Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone S. Woods, brought to justice.

Just an observation.

08-07-13, 12:16
I'm not looking to excuse any actions on the part of the U.S. government which may have contributed to the deaths of Americans in Benghazi or were intended to mislead the public about the actual events. And I support a thorough and complete investigation to determine who was in the decision-making "chain of command" and to compel them to answer for their actions, or inactions, as the case may be.

But it strikes me as odd that so many folks seem more interested in exacting a pound of political flesh rather than seeing the actual people who coordinated and led the attack on the U.S. Consulate and the CIA annex, killing Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone S. Woods, brought to justice.

Just an observation.

Because it is an OUTRAGE that Obama and Clinton propagated a lie and covered up the fact that this was a premeditated attack on the anniversary of 9/11, blamed the attack on some random protest of a cheese ball YouTube film that was released a year prior, refusing to send in a QRF, and then having the gall to ask “at this point WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?!”

There was a lot of cloak & dagger stuff going on behind the scenes that we will never know about, like CIA contractors collecting MANPADs and other related arms we gave AQ to overthrow Gaddafi.

Pork Chop
08-07-13, 12:16
I'm not looking to excuse any actions on the part of the U.S. government which may have contributed to the deaths of Americans in Benghazi or were intended to mislead the public about the actual events. And I support a thorough and complete investigation to determine who was in the decision-making "chain of command" and to compel them to answer for their actions, or inactions, as the case may be.

But it strikes me as odd that so many folks seem more interested in exacting a pound of political flesh rather than seeing the actual people who coordinated and led the attack on the U.S. Consulate and the CIA annex, killing Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone S. Woods, brought to justice.

Just an observation.

It's not political.

My opinion, Dave, is that Americans who would let other Americans die, when help was not only available, but begging to go is reprehensible.

Add to that the fact that evidence is bubbling to the surface that it was done by our "leaders" in an attempt to conceal illegal/immoral activities and it just becomes disgusting.

American leadership, allowing our own to die to protect their interests, places them firmly in the category of vile filth just below the scumbags who actually pulled the triggers.

That's not political, it's ****ing criminal.

ETA: moose beat me to it.

08-07-13, 12:33
Fair enough. Read my post. I agree.

But it still strikes me as odd that people choose to belittle efforts to capture and punish the very people who perpetrated the attack.

08-07-13, 12:39
But it still strikes me as odd that people choose to belittle efforts to capture and punish the very people who perpetrated the attack.

I'm pretty sure we all want the blood of those who are responsible for the attack, in fact something should have been done before now as an ambassador is a direct extenstion of our government.

At the same time something should have been done about this "phony scandal" . . .

Pork Chop
08-07-13, 12:40
If I could choose to bring only one to justice, either the traitors or the perpetrators, I pick traitors every time. You may choose differently.

Our people died while these ****s went about their merry day. They are WORSE than the terrorists. If they catch the trigger pullers, great, but that won't make me feel any better about it.

08-07-13, 12:51
If I could choose to bring only one to justice, either the traitors or the perpetrators, I pick traitors every time. You may choose differently.

Our people died while these ****s went about their merry day. They are WORSE than the terrorists. If they catch the trigger pullers, great, but that won't make me feel any better about it.

U.S.government officials, whether in the Pentagon, the State Department, or the White House, that knowingly and willingly failed to act in protection of an American ambassador and other American citizens assigned to a U.S. consulate, should face prosecution.

As for the after-the-fact fiasco, I've come to expect elected officials and appointed top administration officials to spin events in favor of whatever political narrative they are selling that week. In their world, everything is political in nature and is treated as such. I don't have to like it but there it is. I'm open to suggestions on how to remedy that particular problem.

08-07-13, 12:56
My question is:

Is the guy that made the video that started it all included as one of the names of those being charged?

I mean after all, without the video none of this would have happened.

08-07-13, 13:07
Apparently Valerie Jarrett's name is starting to surface:


Seems that Limbaugh floated this out yesterday and now it's percolating. Could she take the fall for this to protect Hillary in 2016?

08-07-13, 14:00
There was a lot of cloak & dagger stuff going on behind the scenes that we will never know about, like CIA contractors collecting MANPADs and other related arms we gave AQ to overthrow Gaddafi.


Fair enough. Read my post. I agree.

But it still strikes me as odd that people choose to belittle efforts to capture and punish the very people who perpetrated the attack.

Because this indictment doesn't begin to establish a pursuit of the truth. No one is being allowed to testify as to what we were really doing that drove the savages off the reservation in Benghazi. No one will actually suffer repercussions for their dirty little war mongering. No one will be sent a clear message to stop diddling the internal affairs of foreign governments.

Simply put, when a dangerous animal attacks you for messing with it, you don't lay all the blame on the animal for doing what nature designed it to do. :mad:

Apparently Valerie Jarrett's name is starting to surface:


Seems that Limbaugh floated this out yesterday and now it's percolating. Could she take the fall for this to protect Hillary in 2016?

Not a chance in hell. Without Jarrett, there is no President Obama. She's the brains of the entire operation.

08-07-13, 14:01
Typical DUMBocrat mentality. Issue terrorists a restraining order... :rolleyes:

08-07-13, 15:33
.....brought to justice.

I hope you mean exterminated with extreme prejuidice. Screw this "trial", "rights", and "lawyers" bullshit. Kill the bastards. :mad:


08-07-13, 17:10
I'm not looking to excuse any actions on the part of the U.S. government which may have contributed to the deaths of Americans in Benghazi or were intended to mislead the public about the actual events. And I support a thorough and complete investigation to determine who was in the decision-making "chain of command" and to compel them to answer for their actions, or inactions, as the case may be.

But it strikes me as odd that so many folks seem more interested in exacting a pound of political flesh rather than seeing the actual people who coordinated and led the attack on the U.S. Consulate and the CIA annex, killing Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone S. Woods, brought to justice.

Just an observation.

Define "brought to justice".

08-07-13, 17:33
Symbolism over substance.


Just like Fast & Furious.

08-07-13, 19:44
Gotta love the Obama/Holder method. They will either find 100 ways not to call a spade a spade for reasons known only to them or they'll have a drone blow you and everyone else up in the building while you sleep.

The charges are BS.

08-08-13, 00:46
I want us out of the entire Middle East nightmare unless it's absolutely necessary. I want those responsible overseas to be killed, no BS, no trial, etc.. if we have proof or they are known terrorists they need to go.

Then I want the incompetent people starting with the President, former SecState Hillary Clinton and others to be put on trial.

08-08-13, 01:52
I'm not looking to excuse any actions on the part of the U.S. government which may have contributed to the deaths of Americans in Benghazi or were intended to mislead the public about the actual events. And I support a thorough and complete investigation to determine who was in the decision-making "chain of command" and to compel them to answer for their actions, or inactions, as the case may be.

But it strikes me as odd that so many folks seem more interested in exacting a pound of political flesh rather than seeing the actual people who coordinated and led the attack on the U.S. Consulate and the CIA annex, killing Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone S. Woods, brought to justice.

Just an observation.

Dead on. Politics needs to stay out of these investigations and let truth come out not the politically slanted version.

08-08-13, 02:49
Dead on. Politics needs to stay out of these investigations and let truth come out not the politically slanted version.

Politics has EVERYTHING to do with it . . .

As it was sitting liberal Democrat politicians (POTUS and SECSTATE) who are responsible for refusing a QRF, covering up the fact we were there recovering weapons WE GAVE terrorists (AQ), and blamed the assault on our embassy and the subsequent murders of our Ambassador and warriors on a random protest of a year old "anti"-muslim low budget documentary.

08-08-13, 09:34
While we DO need to see those that planned and initiated the attacks brought to justice....we ALSO need to investigate WHY there was no help sent.

We also need to investigate why the incident was blamed on a YouTube video and THOSE people that created this falsehood ALSO need to be brought to justice. An innocent man sits in jail...his life ruined...because of this lie.

The people that were responsible for NOT responding ALSO need to be brought to justice.

The people also deserve to know what the hell was going on over there, because our tax dollars are going to fund these activities.

Yes...it is ALL ABOUT politics. A huge reason they did not send help, blamed it on a video and now are hiding those that were there on the scene.


08-08-13, 10:27
Dead on. Politics needs to stay out of these investigations and let truth come out not the politically slanted version.

How, exactly?

Every indication is that an investigation wasn't allowed to take place for political reasons. Freaking CNN was on the ground in the facility before the DOJ was. Three weeks before an FBI boot hit the ground in Benghazi if I'm not mistaken. Literally everything about the aftermath of this incident has been politicized by the administration, to include the ironic step of accusing anyone who points that out of politicizing it.

ETA: CNN, once again, beat the government to the punch by publicly interviewing the suspect before this action was taken. How is anything the government does with respect to this case supposed to be taken seriously?

08-08-13, 10:32
Dead on. Politics needs to stay out of these investigations and let truth come out not the politically slanted version.

Politics is THE reason for this entire sordid affair. Simply issuing worthless indictments almost a year after the fact isn't good enough. :(

08-10-13, 04:56
Afraid you're going to be disappointed. CNN (http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/06/politics/benghazi-charges/index.html) reports:

Federal authorities investigating the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi have filed charges against Ahmed Abu Khattalah, leader of a Libyan militia that officials believe was involved in the assault, people briefed on the investigation said.

And they could file charges against us supporting the Salafists who destroyed their nation, murdered their leader and sons.

This is stupid.

Smoke and mirrors.

It was an intel function like I suspected; Obama's Bay of Pigs, if you will.

"One cannot awaken a man who pretends to be asleep."