View Full Version : Holder's Plan To "Under Report" Drug Crimes...

08-13-13, 17:13
In order to avoid mandatory minimum sentences Holder has a plan. He is going to openly "fudge the numbers" so that drug dealers no longer meet mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines.

This is because it takes lots of jail space to lock up criminals and segments of the population say they are being unfairly targeted by "mandatory minimum" drug laws.


I hope they will extend the same courtesy to bank robbers so they are only charged with simple theft rather than grand larceny. Maybe we can lower age of consent to 6 years of age so we won't have to lock up as many child molesters.

08-13-13, 17:26
Considering is has not allowed the FBI crime stats to be released since his appointment as AG, God only knows all what numbers he has cooked.

08-13-13, 18:15
"I got yer crime stats right here American public!"

http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u31/SlappyThePenguin/ericholder.jpg (http://media.photobucket.com/user/SlappyThePenguin/media/ericholder.jpg.html)