View Full Version : Some interesting POTUS stats:

08-14-13, 12:30
From Rasmussen 14 August:

Despite the president’s pronouncement of greater “transparency,” only 11% of Likely U.S. Voters think it is now less likely that the federal government will monitor the private phone calls of ordinary Americans. (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/august_2013/just_11_think_nsa_less_likely_now_to_monitor_phone_calls_of_innocent_americans)

The fact that 89% (or more than 90% since the poll is +/- 3%) of the country doesn't trust the POTUS to keep his word is saying something. Actually this just tells me there are 11% of people out there that still drink the cool-ade and would believe anything that comes out of the White House without thinking for themselves. Actually, 11% of likely voters that probably shouldn't procreate but unfortunately have that ability to spawn new generations of voting idiots.

Wondering how Jay Carney will twist these numbers up?


Some other selected stats:

The latest figures include 22% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 40% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18.

Consider the Bush numbers in his final month in office. -30 overall (43% Strongly Disapprove vs 13% Strongly Approve) with a 62% disapproval rate and 35% approval rate. Obama is only 3 points off of Bush's final total disapproval rating when he left the White House. And unfortunately he still has three years to go. Source (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/political_updates/president_bush_job_approval)

Now compare Obama's rates:

47% approval rate, 51% disapproval rate. Statistically, only 11% of the public "Somewhat disapproves" of the job Obama is doing which is a pretty solid "completely disapproves" number of 40%. And even then, 25% of Obama supporters are less than thrilled with his policies (47% overall approve - 22% total approve) (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/obama_approval_index_history)

Bush in his final month had a 13% total approve rating compared to Obama's current 22%, only 9 points off (+/- 3%). Interesting numbers. And potentially telling for the mid term elections next year if his numbers continue to dwindle downward like they have been. If Obama continues to ride the downward trend of approval, his backing in some elections might not be helpful at all.

Or at least we could hope.

08-16-13, 20:39
Here's an interesting article since the Washington Post is notoriously liberal:

Obama vs. Washington Post: Who's Right On NSA Surveillance?
