View Full Version : New EDC/Haley D3 question

08-14-13, 16:39
Hey all,

I'm looking to buy my first serious EDC flashlight. I've been carrying different Streamlight Stylus type lights for years and, while they generally serve my purposes, I'm sure I'll need a brighter/stronger light for Travis Haley's Handgun/Vehicle/Darkness class in november. I figure now is as good a time as any to upgrade. I have a few surefires that I use for weapon lights and as far as the handhelds go I like the EB1, EB2, and E2DL. The ultras are cool too but the bezel's are all way too thick for pocket carry. My only real confusion is which switching system to roll with. Press Low, press harder to HIGH with the twisty? Or the clicky that starts on high and then bounces to after being clicked again within two seconds? Please help!