View Full Version : Message to the president

08-17-13, 20:14
Saw this on a decal in the back window of a pick-up driving in Staten Island today and the more I read it the more I am impressed with the simplicity and importance of its message:

"Dear Obama,
Don't spread my wealth,
spread my work ethic"

Now comes the tough part;

How do we even begin to get that portion of the 47 million welfare/benefits recipients that are perfectly capable of working to actually earn their own living before the system collapses on itself entirely?

08-17-13, 21:23
It has taken an entire generation to raise our current group of self-entitled Americans who do not believe in personal responsibility (and want the government to be their nanny).

It will take at least that long to reclaim that ground, and that's even IF we are ever able to convince our children that there is value in personal responsibility and delayed gratification.

08-18-13, 15:35
It has taken an entire generation to raise our current group of self-entitled Americans who do not believe in personal responsibility (and want the government to be their nanny).

It will take at least that long to reclaim that ground, and that's even IF we are ever able to convince our children that there is value in personal responsibility and delayed gratification.

I've felt right along that the only conceivable way that will ever happen is via a hard reset of some sort.

08-18-13, 19:41
Saw this on a decal in the back window of a pick-up driving in Staten Island today and the more I read it the more I am impressed with the simplicity and importance of its message:

"Dear Obama,
Don't spread my wealth,
spread my work ethic"

Now comes the tough part;

How do we even begin to get that portion of the 47 million welfare/benefits recipients that are perfectly capable of working to actually earn their own living before the system collapses on itself entirely?

You will basically have to cut them off at the knees. No other way really. Why would anyone want to get a job and have to of up with other people's shit all day if they dont have to?? We have eliminated all motivation to get off the tit. No stigma of having to use food stamps cause well give you a debit card. Hell they don't even have to go get their free money. The debit card is auto refill.

Make it a bigger pain in the ass to live on the tit and they will get off. Continue to make it easier and easier and they won't. Guess which way we are going??

08-19-13, 03:22
New sig line!

08-19-13, 05:47
How do we even begin to get that portion of the 47 million welfare/benefits recipients that are perfectly capable of working to actually earn their own living before the system collapses on itself entirely?

COLD TURKEY... when the gummint finally defaults with fiat currency on its debt... soon... :mad:

Straight Shooter
08-19-13, 08:10
You just put into words, more succinctly than I ever could, EXACTLY
what I have felt for a long time now. Decades really.

08-19-13, 10:23
Just look at unemployment benefits. You have people complaining that 99 weeks aren't enough. Since I was 16 I have never been unemployed more than two months, let alone two years. I understand that some people have not been able to find anything in their field. I know a few people that are in that boat, but there are jobs that can be done. Both of my friends realized that they would have to move on, and start fresh. It sucks, but there's an honest days work to be done for an honest wage. When I got laid off at 18 from one job I was applying the next morning even with a two months severance. I simply knew I wasn't going to come in as CEO, I was gonna be handed the grunt work and had to do it. Sucked, but me and the other people there were in it together, and if I didn't bust my ass I would watch them be promoted over me.

08-19-13, 10:46
I was also reminded of the sign in Yellowstone Park that says,

"Please do not feed the bears or they will forget how to fend for themselves"

I am quite sure that a tremendous number of people have long since stopped teaching their "cubs" how to get a job and instead have given them lessons on how one does not have to work and can get all that they need "for free".

A generation or two of this and there's no turning back; short of the "hard reset" mentioned earlier.

08-19-13, 17:12
This shit is irreparable. The gov't has created a monster and they will reap what they've sewn. We all will. As the career welfare recipients breed like rabbits, their offspring will learn that the gov't is responsible for their health & welfare.

Ever notice whenever a "Cut" needs to be made in the system, it's never from the welfare class? They'll cut the military, police, punish the elderly on SS, but they won't mess with the "Free ride" class. It's because they know that monster they made will burn the country to the ground, or at least attempt to. I guarantee you, if it gets to the point where the country has a true financial collapse (Which should be any day now), the welfare class will be the last one to get cut.

08-19-13, 17:31
IMO, there is no peaceful recovery from the state we are in.

I don't mean that specifically in terms of "Revolution!!!!" That is only one of a few ways.

1. The system will collapse under its own weight, and the resulting chaos will be terrifying. Serious national strategic and security problems will arise, and the US will probably never really recover.

2. The system corrects and reduces/removes the benefits that have become expected by huge swaths of the population. This will probably result in riots as not only the FSA gets involved, but also those who have otherwise become dependent on the system (pension, .gov medical, etc). I would expect reprisals against the "1%."

Honestly, I look at it as rearranging furniture on the deck of the Titanic. Our international peers and near-peers are chomping at the bit to replace us on the world stage. They don't have to do it militarily as long as they got us by the nuts economically. All they have to do is squeeze.