View Full Version : CMMG is sticking up for Colorado

08-19-13, 15:22
From an email sent out today from CMMG:

Colorado Legislator Recall

Colorado Citizen Protecting our Constitution is campaigning to recall Colorado Senators Angela Giron and John Morse and they need your help. Colorado has had sweeping legislation aimed at disabling their citizens Second Amendment rights go into effect this July and CCPOC wants to recall those law’s biggest supporters, Senator Angela Giron and Senator John Morse. With your help CCPOC can send a message to the state of Colorado, and the country, that laws like bans on magazine capacity over 15 rounds and background checks for every firearm transfer are not tolerable.

CMMG has recently made a significant donation to Colorado Citizens Protecting Consitution and are asking our customers to donate as well. The recall election is to be held September 10th so we must support these recall campaigns and get the word out quickly.

By contributing at least $5 to the campaign and using the donation code: CMMG you will be entered in a drawing with a chance to win a new CMMG rifle.

Your contribution will be used for flyers and handouts to voters. Help keep the campaign office running for volunteer phone calls, radio ads and direct mail to gun owners. Every penny helps.

Please contribute today at:



PO Box 369

Fayette, MO 65248

Tel: (660) 248-2293

08-19-13, 16:32
Not the biggest CMMG fan but good on them!

08-19-13, 17:51
CMMG might as well burn that money and flush the ashes down the crapper.

Don't know if you've been to boulder recently, but is a mixing pot of trendy liberalism/communism.

Its pretty sad to see how brainwashed those poor folks are...

08-19-13, 18:01
CMMG might as well burn that money and flush the ashes down the crapper.

Don't know if you've been to boulder recently, but is a mixing pot of trendy liberalism/communism.

Its pretty sad to see how brainwashed those poor folks are...

No, common man. The defeatist attitude is usually reserved just for CA (It's ok. We're used to it);). CO still has a chance to turn this mess around. At least try.

When we visit CO, we only spend time in the Highlands Ranch area where my wife's family is. I haven't been to Boulder or Denver, but I imagine they're ****ed up like any big city with the lib's & such.

08-19-13, 18:02
CMMG might as well burn that money and flush the ashes down the crapper.

Don't know if you've been to boulder recently, but is a mixing pot of trendy liberalism/communism.

Its pretty sad to see how brainwashed those poor folks are...

As if Boulder and the stinky communist twits that live there represent all of Colorado?

Don't know if you've been paying attention to anywhere outside of Boulder, but we have (2) recalls moving forward for vote on Sept. 10th with VERY strong chances of success.

Outside of Boulder/Denver/Pueblo the whole state is as RED as can ****ing be.

People in Colorado- even a LOT of Democrats (FYI) are pissed at Hickenlooper and the states legislature for several reasons, but mostly the gun laws Bloomberg & CO paid Lickenpooper to pass- not to mention his legislation increasing energy costs for rural Coloradoans so Denver/Boulderites could save on energy bills.

I've talked to as many Republicans/Libertarians that are pissed off at Hickenlooper and the state legislature as I have Democrats.

Lot's of Democrats in Colorado are more conservative than liberal and firearms enthusiasts to boot.

We are fighting tooth an nail for freedom and liberty here. It isn't a waste of time for CMMG or anyone else for that matter to support us and our battle for what is right, it is a waste of time for people to deride us, our fight for what IS RIGHT and those lending support to us.

I appluad CMMG, any orginization or individual who helps out with this fight and any fight for liberty across the country.

If you think this is a "CO only" fight, you are missing the forest for the trees my firend. We are the test state, if the test is successful, they will import similar movements/laws to a state near you. Count on it!

We are going to take this state back, idiot ****ing hippies be damned. Boulder is a nightmare- they do not represent me or the rest of this fine state...

08-19-13, 18:30
If you guys were to form North Colorado I would consider moving there in a heart beat... just saying.

08-19-13, 18:40
As if Boulder and the stinky communist twits that live there represent all of Colorado?

Don't know if you've been paying attention to anywhere outside of Boulder, but we have (2) recalls moving forward for vote on Sept. 10th with VERY strong chances of success.

Outside of Boulder/Denver/Pueblo the whole state is as RED as can ****ing be.

People in Colorado- even a LOT of Democrats (FYI) are pissed at Hickenlooper and the states legislature for several reasons, but mostly the gun laws Bloomberg & CO paid Lickenpooper to pass- not to mention his legislation increasing energy costs for rural Coloradoans so Denver/Boulderites could save on energy bills.

I've talked to as many Republicans/Libertarians that are pissed off at Hickenlooper and the state legislature as I have Democrats.

Lot's of Democrats in Colorado are more conservative than liberal and firearms enthusiasts to boot.

We are fighting tooth an nail for freedom and liberty here. It isn't a waste of time for CMMG or anyone else for that matter to support us and our battle for what is right, it is a waste of time for people to deride us, our fight for what IS RIGHT and those lending support to us.

I appluad CMMG, any orginization or individual who helps out with this fight and any fight for liberty across the country.

If you think this is a "CO only" fight, you are missing the forest for the trees my firend. We are the test state, if the test is successful, they will import similar movements/laws to a state near you. Count on it!

We are going to take this state back, idiot ****ing hippies be damned. Boulder is a nightmare- they do not represent me or the rest of this fine state...

I hope you guys win and I think money needs to be sent your way. I also think however each state stands on its own. No way would Alaska pass laws like that or Texas its a different political make up.

08-19-13, 19:07
Pueblo and the Springs are the People's Republic of Boulder...

08-19-13, 19:20
I hope you guys win and I think money needs to be sent your way. I also t. E unk however each state stands on its own. No way would Alaska pass laws like that or Texas its a different political make up.

I used to say the same about Colorado brother. Seriously believed it. Look where CO is now...

All it takes is an infusion of idiots and out of state cash.

I can't speak for Alaska, but Texas is a strong candidate for the left/progressives to go for next.

The fight is OURS as brothers/sisters and country men.

We divide ourselves enough over petty issues; if we truly united to fight for one another- we would be UNSTOPPABLE in our persuit to uphold our rights.

This is not a single state issue when New York politicians and money is buying other states legislature and pushing laws that are damaging to our rights.
States no longer stand alone when other states are influencing legislation across the country.
State lines should not separate us in spirit.

08-19-13, 20:30
As a gun owner living in Texas, I am happy to see CMMG do this.

And as a gun owner in Texas, I have sent money to help with the Colorado recall efforts. I also sent money to California, that helped elect a pro-gun state Assemblyman.

I'm never writing off any state or it's people - ever. I'm also not taking anything for granted here.

Ben Franklin was a wise old fellow. "We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."

High Tower
08-19-13, 20:31
I was torn on this issue for awhile and part of me thought ya'll should of voted, etc and you got whatcha had coming. But now I fully believe Colarada needs to be the line in the sand on this. New York and California are pretty well flushed, but Colorado and a few other states that are still circling the rim can be recovered. I applaud CMMG and others who are taking the fight to the enemy. A message needs to be sent to these traitors that the corrupted view of a few cannot be forced to control the lives of the majority.

08-19-13, 21:47
The union guys in Pueblo who vote for Giron have to figure out if they have more in common the Boulder Progressives and Bloomberg or other gun owners....

08-20-13, 10:24
Hey anyone can do what they want to do with their own money (well as long as the Feds are ok with it). I'm not telling anyone what to do with their own money.

BUT these people are gone. The ENTIRE front range are brainwashed, liberal, hippy-wannabes, collectivists.

Go to any restaurant and you'll walk out thinking "what the f**k is wrong with these people?".

They are the poster children for Agenda 21, plain and simple.

I just hope/wish the Greenies stay in Colorado. Because we damn sure don't want them here.

08-20-13, 13:24
I just hope/wish the Greenies stay in Colorado. Because we damn sure don't want them here.
You know the drill: "Hope in one hand & shit in the other."
Unless you get involved, you're state will eventually be on the chopping block. IDGAF what state, eventually your turn will come. Whishing the libs won't infect your state isn't good enough. I never wanted libs to legislate guns out of my hands, but they did. Now there are so many of them here, it's going to be almost impossible to turn the tables in CA. I know, I know, "Well CA is different". Well we used to be a free state as well. No state is immune from this cancer.

With all that's going on & has been going on for decades regarding anti-2A legislation, I can't ****ing believe people still don't take this shit seriously. Keep a close eye on Texas in the coming years. With the way things are going there, you'll see the transition right before your eyes. Being that TX is a border state & all the CA business relocating there, well you get the picture. I guess some people would rather learn the hard way.

08-20-13, 13:45
Hey anyone can do what they want to do with their own money (well as long as the Feds are ok with it). I'm not telling anyone what to do with their own money.

BUT these people are gone. The ENTIRE front range are brainwashed, liberal, hippy-wannabes, collectivists.

Go to any restaurant and you'll walk out thinking "what the f**k is wrong with these people?".

They are the poster children for Agenda 21, plain and simple.

I just hope/wish the Greenies stay in Colorado. Because we damn sure don't want them here.

Yep. You're right EVERYONE in Coloradois a liberal. :rolleyes:

They didn't stay in Kommifornia once they ruined it. You think they'll stay here?

NO state is immune. The game changed, get in the ****ing game or watch it all fall down.

Colorado is what Texas IS going to be like within 5-10 years. Bank on it.

You can have your "hope"; won't mean shit when the winds change...

I cannot believe people stilk think " no it cant happen to me, not here; we're different". That type of thinking is shit/ignorant, always has been and always will be.

Thinking you are immune is head in the sand thinking.

08-20-13, 14:11
[QUOTE=a1fabweld;1725530]You know the drill: "Hope in one hand & shit in the other."
Unless you get involved, you're state will eventually be on the chopping block. IDGAF what state, eventually your turn will come. Whishing the libs won't infect your state isn't good enough. I never wanted libs to legislate guns out of my hands, but they did.

Are you saying in your state, you (I'm assuming you are a non felon) cannot own a gun period? This is how I read your statement.

08-20-13, 14:16
[QUOTE=THCDDM4;1725547]Yep. You're right EVERYONE in Coloradois a liberal. :rolleye:

Colorado is what Texas IS going to be like within 5-10 years. Bank on it.

Why ask anyone to waist their money with your guaranteed outcome?

08-20-13, 14:28
The 15+ round mag ban is really a semi-auto ban. The AG and Governor even had to write statements saying that it isn't so- but those are not actually legally binding on any court- so just by their saying that it shouldn't apply actually means that someone could interpret the law to mean that any removable base plate mag is illegal.

Texas is next.

It doesn't matter how many gun guys or conservatives you have, it is the ratio off good guys to ass hats. CA has a huge number of conservatives, but more ass hats than pegs to hang them on. The same can happen in Texas.

I do think that CO will shift back because of the strong Libertarian bent here- not just in the Libertarian party, but more the mindset. The GOP has hacked off the Libertarians in the past and the Dem line has appealed to them. When all this progressive BS takes effect, the Libertarians will move back.

08-20-13, 14:30
The 15+ round mag ban is really a semi-auto ban. The AG and Governor even had to write statements saying that it isn't so- but those are not actually legally binding on any court- so just by their saying that it shouldn't apply actually means that someone could interpret the law to mean that any removable base plate mag is illegal.

Texas is next.

It doesn't matter how many gun guys or conservatives you have, it is the ratio off good guys to ass hats. CA has a huge number of conservatives, but more ass hats than pegs to hang them on. The same can happen in Texas.

I do think that CO will shift back because of the strong Libertarian bent here- not just in the Libertarian party, but more the mindset. The GOP has hacked off the Libertarians in the past and the Dem line has appealed to them. When all this progressive BS takes effect, the Libertarians will move back.
In raw numbers how many libertarians are there in Colorado? Nation wide they seem to have almost no power when it comes to winning elections or even swaying the vote.

08-20-13, 14:51
You can have your "hope"; won't mean shit when the winds change...

I cannot believe people stilk think " no it cant happen to me, not here; we're different". That type of thinking is shit/ignorant, always has been and always will be.

Thinking you are immune is head in the sand thinking.

Trust me, I'm aware. The swarm of granola crunching, wispy bearded, tie die skinny jean wearing, greenies flock here like they have no place else to go during the summer time. The only hope is that the wind and winter are harsh enough to scare their pansy asses back to CO every year.

I know your answer is to throw money at some politicians to try and solve this problem. The main flaw with that option, is the politicians are the ones promoting the liberalism/agenda 21.

The only thing that's going to change these morons point of view is for them to see the liberals true agenda....authoritarianism. Which is just over the horizon. Until then, enjoy.

Of course they'll probably think that's trendy too, because they're complete morons.

08-20-13, 15:20
Why ask anyone to waist their money with your guaranteed outcome?

Never asked anyone to "waste" their money. Do with your money as you please. If you see donating money to fight the anti-gun movement as a waste, then by all means spend it elsewhere.

I wasn't quite clear I guess. The caveat being "if action is not taken/gun owners do not unite and go on the offensive".... Colorado is what Texas will look like in 5-10 years...

Nothing is gauranteed- except that the anti-gun folks will continue this assualt on our rights and lifestyles. But you can be damn sure if people are complacent and think "Never will happen here, we're different, can't happen to me, etc" and do not actively fight- it will be all but guranteed we will lose these battles in the long run.

Is it that hard to understand death by a thousand cuts? The leftists/progressives are on a freaking crusade to remove guns from our culture. They are playing the long game, their strategy is to take what they can get when they can get it.

Would you disagree that their strategy has paid off greatly over a long period of time?

How about our strategy of give money to the NRA and call our "representatives"? That paying off- in the grand scheme/long game in your opinion?

Look where we are nationally with gun laws- just go back and look at all of the legislation, see the cycles and how the anti-gun movement has slowly gained steam- we have all lost our rights because of it.

Only in the moments when we all are outraged and stand together do we ever make any headway. Do we ever stop damaging legilsation from moving forward.

For **** sake man- the right to carry a frirearm is no longer a right anymore, it is a permission. EG- concealed carry PERMITS and either open carry being outlawed or frowned upon (Even by ****ing firearm rights enthusiasts on this very forum!) to the point of it being a bad idea that will get you stopped/into a discussion with law enforcement at the very least- unless in the woods/bush.

We didn't get here by the leftists just up and usurping these rights in one fail swoop; they chizzled away over decades.

The same thing is happening at the state level, buy a legislature to pass laws when the timing is right. Pass a law here or there to limit capacity of magazines. Use buzz words and media propaganda to brainwash people into thinking guns are evil.

They are so callous as to use the blood of children and rape people with their own emotions to push their agenda forward. They ruin one economy and get a bunch of BS laws passed in a state and then send their sheep/hordes on to the next. They WILL keep PUSHING.

Until we as gun owners unite and organize to go on the offensive and actively support one another- we are destined to a death of a thousand cuts.

Regardless of if you actively fight them or not, the anti-gun idiots will continue to actively fight you.

08-20-13, 15:43
Trust me, I'm aware. The swarm of granola crunching, wispy bearded, tie die skinny jean wearing, greenies flock here like they have no place else to go during the summer time. The only hope is that the wind and winter are harsh enough to scare their pansy asses back to CO every year.

I know your answer is to throw money at some politicians to try and solve this problem. The main flaw with that option, is the politicians are the ones promoting the liberalism/agenda 21.
The only thing that's going to change these morons point of view is for them to see the liberals true agenda....authoritarianism. Which is just over the horizon. Until then, enjoy.

Of course they'll probably think that's trendy too, because they're complete morons.

Skinny jeans is a sure sign of both brains being small and useless. If you get my jist...

My answer is not to JUST throw money at politicians- that will however always be a part of the equation as I am sure you well know.

My answer is to strengthen our ranks, educate those who are on the fence and those who are in the "main stream media" bubble.

Bring more people into shooting sports, organize our efforts so we can act in concert, stop hiding in our homes and get our asses on the front lines of every battle.

If all of us as firearm enthusiasts stood up for one another ALL THE TIME, we would be basically unstoppable.

Whenever we as a group are outraged enough to light a fire under our collective asses, we crush whatever opposses us. But we sit back and relax afterwords instead of pushing forward on all fronts.

08-20-13, 23:07
[QUOTE=a1fabweld;1725530]You know the drill: "Hope in one hand & shit in the other."
Unless you get involved, you're state will eventually be on the chopping block. IDGAF what state, eventually your turn will come. Whishing the libs won't infect your state isn't good enough. I never wanted libs to legislate guns out of my hands, but they did.

Are you saying in your state, you (I'm assuming you are a non felon) cannot own a gun period? This is how I read your statement.

No I'm not a felon. I don't even have a seat belt ticket on my record.

We can own some guns. We have some of the highest gun regulations in the nation. For instance, we have to register handguns currently, we will have to register long guns as of the first of 2014, we have a "Roster of approved handguns" which means we can only own certain handguns, we have an "Assault weapon" ban, some cities require ammo registration, magazines over 10 rounds are banned, 50BMG rifles are banned, no SBR's, no suppressors, no FA permits, certain guns are banned by make & model, no threaded barrels on pistols, and a bunch of other bullshit. So yea we can have guns, but not like most of you guys in normal states. I've been harassed by LE agencies from both the state and federal level because of perfectly legal firearms purchases I made in the past. Being a firearms enthusiast in CA and enjoying our hobby is a lot of ****ing work. In my range bag I carry legal documents, proof of purchase receipts, letters from LE, and some other shit every time I go to the range just to cover my ass in the event some ignorant cop wants to ruin my life over a magazine lock or some crap.

Oh and the antis are currently trying to ram about a dozen more anti 2A bills down our throats as we speak. We should know by mid Sept if they pass. So far it ain't looking good.