View Full Version : Democrats Anti gun manual exposed

08-22-13, 13:04
From the American Thinker
seems like these slimy scumbags took a page out of Saul Alinsky
and trying to use arguments to manipulate the ignorant masses

08-22-13, 13:17
Thanks for posting this.

08-22-13, 13:44
Thanks for posting this.

No problem just read and spread it around like wildfire to every pro gun person out there we need to make everyone aware

08-22-13, 13:46
I mean its not particularly surprising to see it, but someone who's good at this kind of thing needs to have consolidate a rebuttal manual.

08-22-13, 14:02
Ummmm, yeah....Facts? I don't think they know the meaning of that word.....

Alex V
08-22-13, 14:18
Did Goebbels write this ****ing thing? Holy shit!

08-22-13, 14:49
I'm not so concerned about the serious gun owner like most on this forum, its the average Joe Shmo who's on the fence or the Fudds who " Nobody needs an AR 15 to kill a deer" crowd that I'm more concerned with.

08-22-13, 14:58
I mean its not particularly surprising to see it, but someone who's good at this kind of thing needs to have consolidate a rebuttal manual.
I agree but they aren't very logical and are going for an emotional attack on the sheeple which always seems to work on idiots

08-22-13, 15:06
Well now.. that will make you rage in the morning.

Not anything new though I suppose. What's really sad is that there are so many people who can be so easily manipulated.

08-22-13, 15:26
Well now.. that will make you rage in the morning.

Not anything new though I suppose. What's really sad is that there are so many people who can be so easily manipulated.

Well, they were dumb enough to give BO 2 terms

08-22-13, 16:48
I started a thread about this last month, and am glad it is come up again.


I have an ultra-liberal cousin I regularly debate via F-book; he declined engagement on this one when I sent him the link. The main point is advising people to use emotion and to claim moral authority while avoiding "wonky" statistics when arguing for more gun control. Since facts and reason have no place in the decision making process. :angry:

08-22-13, 16:51
I started a thread about this last month, and am glad it is come up again.


I have an ultra-liberal cousin I regularly debate via F-book; he declined engagement on this one when I sent him the link. The main point is advising people to use emotion and to claim moral authority while avoiding "wonky" statistics when arguing for more gun control. Since facts and reason have no place in the decision making process. :angry:

I suppose one positive of all this is that atleast the enemy actually concedes the point that facts and reality are against them.

08-22-13, 16:55
I suppose one positive of all this is that atleast the enemy actually concedes the point that facts and reality are against them.


08-22-13, 16:59
Seems relevant


08-22-13, 17:19
Ummmm, yeah....Facts? I don't think they know the meaning of that word.....

So, why do police in Chicago need Assault weapons, if there are, by law, no guns in Chicago to start with? pfffft!

08-22-13, 18:36
Awesome, thanks for the post.

08-22-13, 19:07
So, why do police in Chicago need Assault weapons, if there are, by law, no guns in Chicago to start with? pfffft!


Also, this just goes to show how easy it is to manipulate people.

I wonder if an actual Police State is much more appealing?

No, it is just that people cannot imagine the US becoming a Police State, most have never witnessed anything like that- including myself. Therefore, it cannot ever happen to us, and it will never. So, I will just watch TV and do whatever Fox tells me. :rolleyes:

08-22-13, 20:18
So, why do police in Chicago need Assault weapons, if there are, by law, no guns in Chicago to start with? pfffft!

Oh no, no, no. When the police have them they are "patrol rifles". They are only evil assault rifles when in possession of the unwashed masses.

You cannot have any kind of debate with a liberal minded person on a topic where you differ unless you admit going in that your ideals are fundamentally flawed. This is why douche canoes like Piers Morgan gets all huffy and resorts to sandbox 101 name calling when he loses the argument. Which is all the time.

08-22-13, 20:50
This is their plan....


This scumbag needs to spend the rest of his days in prison.

08-22-13, 21:29
Cliff Notes version:

Be all heart and no head.

08-23-13, 01:56
I'm going to attempt to read all the way through this paper, hopefully without loosing too many brain cells.

Wish me luck!

08-23-13, 08:05
I don't know why Pro-gunners aren't using the same book. It freakin' works and could sway the sheeple back on our side. It's time to say F**% logical arguments, they aren't winning us the war except with the 2% that use logic and common sense to make decisions.

08-23-13, 13:02
I just hope everyone reads and passes it on to other pro gun people and learn their tricks so we can try and defeat them.

08-23-13, 14:09
I don't know why Pro-gunners aren't using the same book. It freakin' works and could sway the sheeple back on our side. It's time to say F**% logical arguments, they aren't winning us the war except with the 2% that use logic and common sense to make decisions.

For the same reason we never seem to be able to fight dirty on a national level or anywhere in between. Taking the moral high ground is great and but the general voting populace as stupid and seems easily coerced by negativity. It works, simple as that.

That an other more disruptive means are not allowable yet... lol

08-23-13, 16:34
How about sending this to anti-gun people as well? i would think that being thought of as so easily manipulated and basically stupid might just be insulting to some. If I were to see such simple methods were being used in an attempt to sway my opinion on something I would be pretty angry and embarassed.

08-23-13, 21:04
How about sending this to anti-gun people as well? i would think that being thought of as so easily manipulated and basically stupid might just be insulting to some. If I were to see such simple methods were being used in an attempt to sway my opinion on something I would be pretty angry and embarassed.
That would require logic and rational thinking 2 things they're incapable of.

08-24-13, 14:10
I have been reading from the link to the actual 80 page manual. It is nearly unbelievable. It is a play-by-play on what to say, how to say it, when to say it, who to say it to...

Whole section on instructions for taking advantage of an "incident". I cannot believe someone actually came up with this whole "coaches guide to anti-gunning".

I am rarely surprised by things anymore, bu this did it today.

08-24-13, 14:58
What really infuriates me about the anti gun movement is how anti intellectual and anti education they really are. They don't want people getting education about guns, they want them in the dark and scared. This is how the dark ages of gun knowledge began.

08-25-13, 14:58
What really infuriates me about the anti gun movement is how anti intellectual and anti education they really are. They don't want people getting education about guns, they want them in the dark and scared. This is how the dark ages of gun knowledge began.
Very true. I always said liberals are the most closed mined people you'll ever meet.

08-25-13, 15:50
I have been reading from the link to the actual 80 page manual. It is nearly unbelievable. It is a play-by-play on what to say, how to say it, when to say it, who to say it to...

Whole section on instructions for taking advantage of an "incident". I cannot believe someone actually came up with this whole "coaches guide to anti-gunning".

I am rarely surprised by things anymore, bu this did it today.

The statists and socialists always put their plans to paper first. There is no haphazard thinking or planning. It is always strategic to orchestrate the promotion and then reinforcement of their ideas or will. This isn't a surprise. There are no accidents or tragedies for them, only opportunities created by crises.

Whether it is Marx/Engels, Lenin, Mao, Hitler, Alinsky, or Obama - they always tell you what they want to do before they do it. There are no surprises with the current crop of pseudo-intellectual leftists and statists . Their standard playbook has been published, and their intellectual ancestry is easy to trace, as is their current strategy to predict. Right now, we are just repeating other moments of history, as human nature dictates we will.

The current problem is that the opposition to them is "surprised" when they do what they have stated that they will do. Read Obama's books, papers published, etc., and those of his associates, mentors, and collaborators and you won't be surprised by anything except the stupidity of those who elected him.

I am "surprised" that your average Obama voter can actually dress themselves and find their way out of their homes in the morning. I am not surprised that they buy these lies.

08-25-13, 16:30
Very true. I always said liberals are the most closed mined people you'll ever meet.

It's not really a matter of right vs. left. It's a function of the mindset of prohibition. In order to ascribe to the "all Xs are bad, anything to do with X is bad, and all Xs should be abolished" doctrine, you have to be something of an unbalanced extremist. This is true across the nutjob spectrum.

08-30-13, 12:39
Don't need guns when you are a subject in the New World Order. Plain and simple why don't people get it?