View Full Version : Wal Mart Colt M4

Line Rider
08-25-13, 09:01
The other night I was in my local Wally World cursing thru sporting goods. I noticed that they had the Colt M4's with Mag-pul furniture for $995. After waiting 15 minutes for the keeper of the keys to show up, I looked it over hard. Nothing looked out of place with it.

Is there anything wrong with any of this gun? I mean a finish blem or etc.

08-25-13, 09:09
Same quality carbine as any other Colt. I wouldn't consider finish blems when evaluating a rifle.


08-25-13, 09:09
Nope, exactly the same Colt 6920 as sold anywhere else.

If the MagPul version is for that price, I would buy it. They're currently going for 1169 most everywhere else.

08-25-13, 09:39
For that price, my first post in this thread would have been "Damn couch is too short & lumpy for sleeping but I got a new Colt!"

08-25-13, 10:42
No, now go buy it and enjoy:D

08-25-13, 11:00
Nothing wrong with it, buy it. As for finish blems... who cares unless its going to be a safe queen? Sure if its new, I understand you want it to be "pristine" but for the price, I'd buy if I was looking for another.

Big A
08-25-13, 11:07
It's the exact same as the one sold at your LGS. There are no special Wal-Mart Colts. They are to the same specs as any other because they're from the same factory as all the others.

Now go back there and buy that sumbitch! :D

08-25-13, 11:34
Hell Yeah! I wish my LWM had one in stock for that price
!I'd go buy it right NOW!

08-25-13, 11:40
You know I hate to go to Walmart for most anything but when it comes to engine oil and guns they have the best deals around.

08-25-13, 12:04
Topic has been discussed a few times already.
Go buy it.

08-25-13, 14:22
Walmart sells more quality American products than our local hardware stores do here in gunnison. Gotta love the free market. I'd rather let a few Bangladeshi factories burn than stand on a battlefield next to a fellow citizen wondering if he'd stab me in the back to make a few bucks on 22LR. Kinda makes me wonder where things changed when you go into a local shop and they ramrod you without a second thought then talk about how they care so much about our country.
Not to get off the subject but I'd buy two!

08-25-13, 14:25
Use the orange search button at top- Walmart Colt.