View Full Version : Barack Hussein Obama: World Opinion Of USA Now Equals That Under Bush.....

08-26-13, 16:58

Since assuming the presidency,, President Obama has made improving the United State’s image abroad a high priority for his administration. But the nation’s popularity worldwide is now as low as when President Bush left office in 2009.

In fact, negative views towards the U.S. are so pervasive that the country presently ranks second most unpopular in the world – just ahead of Iran - and less popular than rivals Russia and China.

U.S. popularity declined seven percentage points – from 47 to 40 percent – from last year, according to a poll released last month by the BBC.
- See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/bbc-poll-world-s-opinion-us-lowest-bush-presidency#sthash.mfctDtyh.dpuf

Do you think it matters one jot to the NDS faithful, that their boy has so soured the world on the USA, while at the same juncture, the hated GWB had at least earned us respect, and instilled fear in the hearts of our enemies?

08-26-13, 17:03
Do you think it matters one jot to the NDS faithful, that their boy has so soured the world on the USA, while at the same juncture, the hated GWB had at least earned us respect, and instilled fear in the hearts of our enemies?


At least GWB said what he was going to do and did it. Even if his policies were unpopular, he could be counted on to follow through.

This administration is a lot like the kid in class who talks big and then disappears when it really counts. Make enough great speeches and then never follow through, the world stops giving a shit about your speeches.

08-26-13, 17:06
Atleast GWB (as wrong as he may have been on some things) did what he did and believed in what he was doing because of convictions and his love for America. Current POTUS? Sure, he has convictions but unfortunately all of his seem hell bent on destroying the country out of hate. Sooo yea...

08-26-13, 17:30

Sorry mate, "national democratic socialist!" The Democrats have for the last 100 years, postured themselves as "not" being politically Marxist/Fascist, which is now a well known lie.