View Full Version : Looks like things have really changed in north Iraq.

08-27-13, 21:38
Video was recently posted. Wish the rest of the sandbox would get their shit together


08-27-13, 21:44
Wow! It's like suburban America.... Well minus the AK's. :rolleyes:

08-27-13, 21:45
The Kurds shouldn't have to call themselves Iraqi. I've obviously never been to Iraq, but it's my understanding that they were civilized up there in the first place, and even for the most part throughout the war.

They remind me of Iranians, in that they're actually very westernized by middle east standards.

08-27-13, 21:52
Video was recently posted. Wish the rest of the sandbox would get their shit together


After *10* years?

More like a generation. Remember Irbil was north of the Green Line, above which Saddam's forces could not go. In addition to "oil for food" money, a boatload of cash flowed into KDP coffers from both legitimate and not-so-legitimate sources.

I was meeting regularly with Kurdish authorities (both KDP and PUK) back in '04, and I loved spending time up there. It was pleasant to see working traffic lights, people walking around carrying shopping bags, etc.

08-27-13, 22:08
After *10* years?

More like a generation. Remember Irbil was north of the Green Line, above which Saddam's forces could not go. In addition to "oil for food" money, a boatload of cash flowed into KDP coffers from both legitimate and not-so-legitimate sources.

I was meeting regularly with Kurdish authorities (both KDP and PUK) back in '04, and I loved spending time up there. It was pleasant to see working traffic lights, people walking around carrying shopping bags, etc.

I did not realize that. I thought the kurds were living in the stone age along with everyone down south.

08-27-13, 22:12
Wow! It's like suburban America.... Well minus the AK's. :rolleyes:

What surprises me is no one is walking into the mall with a bomb vest strapped to their chest and blowing everyone up. I guess they have very tight security.

08-27-13, 22:15
The Kurds shouldn't have to call themselves Iraqi. I've obviously never been to Iraq, but it's my understanding that they were civilized up there in the first place, and even for the most part throughout the war.

They remind me of Iranians, in that they're actually very westernized by middle east standards.

I was completely surprised to see a road sign with the name of New York Ave. It makes me wonder how many Americans go there to visit.

08-27-13, 22:24
This kinda reminds me of movie "War Inc." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9SFoiYIs_4

08-27-13, 22:31
One of my nephews is a Army 2LT. His best buddy and roomie during ROTC was a prior service Army armor SGT. He is a Kurd who grew up in Kurdistan. To him, there is no such thing as northern Iraq. His family moved to Texas when he was 11, he joined the US Army when he turned 18. He's an OEF/OIF vet.

Very sharp young man, great guy, and he did awesome during ROTC and his college work. I think his final GPA was 3.7ish? I've had him over for smoked brisket as well as Thanksgiving dinner. He borrows military history books from my library.

If he's representative of most of the folks from that part of the world, you may consider their feces very well coagulated. I'm proud to have him as a guest in my home.

08-27-13, 22:41
Looks like a neat place to visit

08-27-13, 22:45
What the hell man, I don't even have a Fat Burger.

08-28-13, 10:30
Top Gear (the real UK show and not the one produced in the US) did a Middle East special which featured quite a bit of Kurdistan.

To say that it's hilarious is an understatement.


08-28-13, 10:30
The Middle East as we know it were lines.drawn on a map by drunk English and French officials after WWI. The entire purpose was to keep different tribal groups within the same geopolitical areas to keep them killing each other instead of going after the colonial masters.

Kurdistan and the Kurds as a whole are very educated and westernized people as is the majority of Iran. Both areas can do great. One if the Kurds were allowed to form Kurdistan but Turkey would not be happy since Kurdish lands are in their border. Iran can do will if we supported the uprising in 2009 but Obama sadly appears to be pro Goverment in Iran and didn't lift a finger. If the Iranian youth was abke to overthrow the government then I think there would have been a true Arab Spring.

08-28-13, 19:58
...If the Iranian youth was abke to overthrow the government then I think there would have been a true Arab Spring.

I think you mean Persian Spring. ;)

08-28-13, 20:08
Thanks for that. Its nice to hear a little good news, especially now. I had no idea, though I know the Kurds had their stuff together.

08-28-13, 20:18
This kinda reminds me of movie "War Inc." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9SFoiYIs_4

Haha, I worked on that. :p

08-28-13, 21:54
Haha, I worked on that. :pGood job (I guess), it was a funny movie. Mind if I ask what job was, so I can boast to friends about knowin people in "The Biz".:D

08-28-13, 23:06
Good job (I guess), it was a funny movie. Mind if I ask what job was, so I can boast to friends about knowin people in "The Biz".:D

Sure. I'll PM you. :)

08-29-13, 01:39
I was up in northern Mosul on my last deployment. One patrol we did we went way up north in the mountains to an old air field. On the way there we went through a town and we were shocked as hell to see bars, American style clothing stores and women walking around in jeans and tank tops with curled and highlighted hair like our women. Man some of them looked cute too. It felt like the twilight zone.

My PLT minus a squad were at a CCP with Kurdish army and Iraqi army. I can tell you the Kurds were much more disciplined and trustworthy than the Iraqi's. I remember one day we had an incident with an Iraqi general and his detachment that came to our CCP. They were not aloud to enter for some reason I cannot remember. Our LT and terp along with a few of us were at the ECP talking with the Iraqi general as he was causing problems. Next thing you know the Kurdish army had all roads blocked with a bunch of their soldiers in trucks. For the life of me I can't remember why but I think it had something to do with the Iraqi general harassing Iraqi and Kurdish soldiers around that weren't under his command and he was told by his higher ups he couldn't be there. It was also the Kurdish army's AO. They hated the Iraqi army I can tell you that much.

08-29-13, 03:29
Kurdistan is where people in Iraq go to buy beer.

I second the 'mind blown' by convenience stores, shopping malls and and overall low threat environment they have created for themselves there. They still have major issues, but on the relative scale for the neighborhood, they have their shit together.

08-29-13, 04:20
I remember buying liquor from an actual liquor store in Dohuk. My experiences with the Kurds were very positive.

08-29-13, 14:29
I remember one of my Cat 1 terps in Bucca telling me they should have put Kurdish guards in the internment facilities. They said the chances of riots would be zero since the Kurds would have put up with it for about fifteen seconds before "making the problems stop and going back to sipping their chai tea."

Guy I knew that was in northern Iraq had all the respect in the world for the Kurds. Nice to see they've moved on from the war.

08-29-13, 21:40
I remember one of my Cat 1 terps in Bucca telling me they should have put Kurdish guards in the internment facilities. They said the chances of riots would be zero since the Kurds would have put up with it for about fifteen seconds before "making the problems stop and going back to sipping their chai tea."

Guy I knew that was in northern Iraq had all the respect in the world for the Kurds. Nice to see they've moved on from the war.

Kurds didn't take any sh*t from anyone, especially the IA. They were generally very friendly and always willing to help. Ask a Kurd for a cig, he would give you his whole pack.