View Full Version : DBAL-a2 help required!

08-29-13, 23:10
i just bought a DBAL-a2 and im confused about two things...

1. when i press the "fire" button nothing happens, nether does it turn on or off..why is this?

2. i know that you shouldnt be able to see the IR illuminator or the pointer with a naked eye, but i can see it very brightly, what could be the cause of this?

i have to say im missing the blue safety screw that comes with the DBAL, is it because of that the device is acting funny?

08-30-13, 01:18
here are some pics of the device and the problem of the IR illuminator and pointer...

08-30-13, 07:25
Is it the real deal? There are some clones around. GH

08-30-13, 09:38
Firstly, I really hope you don't make a habit of staring down the bore of firearms-capable laser devices from only zero-to-arms-length distance, unless needing a service dog and a white cane are part of your life-goals. That's a REALLY bad freakin idea.

Realisticaly, it's actually borderline retarded, given that even the good fakes have include detailed reproductions of the warning labels.

In this case, it's that warning-label-y looking thing on top of the device, in your first and second photos, that misleadingly reads "DANGER," and includes a description that probably reads something like "Avoid direct exposure to beam," which is the subject of your third photo, and which is common to all Class 3R and 3B laser warning labels.

Genuinely sorry if that reads as being a bit harsh, but it's absolutely not, because you posted photos of the thing that encourages one to not point it at one's own face...and of you pointing the damned thing at your own face.


...unless your eyesight is #2 or lower on your list of the five senses in terms of daily usage. Short of reading the manual, never again point that kind of laser device in your own eyes, nor the eyes of anybody you may care for in any way. Retinal damage is painless, undetectable except by having specific photos taken of one's retinas by a doctor, and once damaged, the retina not only NEVER heals, what damage is taken can grow over time.

Having said all that...

There's a chance that you purchased a fake. Your photos are stretched out like the beginning/end credits of a 70s kung-fu movie; not busting your nuts over it, just makes it difficult to see some details clearly, but...

...putting aside the fact that you can see the lasers on a supposedly IR setting. HUGE clue...

...I don't think that there's ever been a DBAL variant that didn't have a round, textured, shrouded activation button. Not that rectangular, mostly-flat, unshrouded thing we see in your attached photos.

You're asserting that your FIRE button doesn't work, but if that's the case, how is it that your device is lasing in the last two photos? Are you saying that the thing just starts emitting when you put batteries in it? If so, that kind of primary control feature failure is another HUGE clue. It's possible for that to happen with a real-deal DBAL variant, but pretty highly unlikely.

Other clues: Was that thing supposed to be a new or used device? I ask because, if it was purported to be a new device, I'm pretty sure that those things went away from toolless elevation /windage adjusters some time ago, and current models are all adjustable by flathead tools.

TNVC is a top-notch vendor of the DBAL and other laser devices. Take a look at the DBAL variants they sell to compare/contrast with yours, I think you'll see what I'm referring to: http://tnvc.com/shop/category/long-gun-lasers/page/2/

From where did you purchase that thing? Was it a legit vendor, EGay, or what...?

If a vendor, have you contacted them? If not, you definitely should, because that thing's definitely screwing up, AND it's something we require: https://www.m4carbine.net/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_new_faq_item

4) Contact The Manufacturer or Dealer First – Internet forums have a large global audience and unsubstantiated or ill-informed comments will affect the livelihoods of a lot of hard working people in the industry. If you have an issue with a manufacturer or dealer that you would like to resolve, we ask that your first contact them to resolve it.

That's not to suppress anything, but so that the vendor/manufacturer is given a good-faith opportunity to see to an issue, first. If they fail to respond or to genuinely hold up their end....nobody will put a stop on a legitimate beef with a product. Right now, though, some more answers are needed, and you need to make contact with somebody to start getting them.

If you didn't get it from a reliable vendor, contact Laser Devices, if for no other reason than to help confirm whether or not it's for-real. If it is, and I just don't have the read on all the external configuration changes (very possible), they'll see to your needs.

08-30-13, 12:46
@jsantoro, thanks for your unnecessary long reply :) im not a child nor a retard that i dont know what a laser is or does, that thing was pointed at the camera lens not my eyes.

i can read the label where it says 'warning'..you could have just stuck to the point and dismissed your lecture, save it for someone else.

and thanks again for answering the right questions, please next time just try to answer what is asked of you :)


08-30-13, 15:03
The the laser safety speeches...let's call 'em what they are ;) ...ARE pedantic and preachy, but it's easier to both bear them and give them once one has seen a report about a kid (who had a cert registered to his Page 11 stating he'd gotten all the training he needed to know better) zap his eye with a 250mW one that took the aqueous in his eye from liquid to plasma in less than a blink. And that's only one such incident in 4 years of particular work with this equipment...

Yours, even if fake, won't be THAT potent, but there's also the possibility of greater power output than it ought to have, beam divergence wider than what it ought to be, potential for secondary beams from the emitter.....other stuff that doesn't take direct view of the main beam to cause eye damage.

Others besides the two of us will read this, and the cautions bear repeating, so please don't feel TOO singled out.

And, good lord, no, I'm not enough of a jerk to subject you to all of that jazz and then not at least TRY to get you some usable gouge...

Let us know how it turns out. Knowing how much coin folks drop to purchase those things, I genuinely hope I'm wrong about it maybe being a fake, so that you have some recourse in get it seen to correctly.

09-02-13, 20:04
As a heads up, this guy was asking over on ARF as well and claims he's from Pakistan.