View Full Version : Recall of Giron and Morse vote set for September 10th...

09-06-13, 09:47
The recall vote for Morse and Giron is set for September 10th.

If you know anyone in Colorado who lives in district #3 (Giron) or #11 (Morse) please get the word out and have them spread the word to their community so we can gain momentum against the tyrannical democrats here in Colorado.

If you have a few bucks to donate to the cause you can do so here:

Thanks for everyones help!

We have to win this fight and send a clear message to politicians that WE THE PEOPLE are truly the ones in power and they MUST represent us or perish.

Pork Chop
09-06-13, 10:29
I really hope this is successful for you guys.

Thanks for the update. Good luck.

09-06-13, 14:14
High turnouts reported in early voting for Colorado recall, amid gun bill fallout


09-06-13, 14:59
This will be a relatively significant outcome for the whole nation.

Will irresponsible lawmakers be held accountable for their actions, or can the progressives pass stupidity with impunity?

Either way it goes, it will help bolster the efforts of one side or the other. I'm pulling hard for a victory in the Constitutional Liberties camp.

09-06-13, 15:08
We are pulling for the recall efforts to be successful. Those elected officials need a reality check.

Good Luck to you CO folk. Hit 'em hard.

09-06-13, 15:17
The people of CO need to get the vote out like no tomorrow and send a HUGE message. I know that long term it will fall on deaf ears, but still worth it.

09-06-13, 19:45
I was discussing this over dinner with a family member. The national implications of this recall election are going to be tremendous. No matter how the chips fall, this will receive a lot of attention.

09-06-13, 22:33
Good luck, folks! I've been watching and praying for you guys.

Remember, every vote for the recall is a vote for freedom, and a knee in Baron von Bloomberg's groin! :D

09-08-13, 12:53
Good Luck!!!
Caught a bit on news just now and it sounds like early turnout numbers are higher than expected.

09-08-13, 13:02
This is definitely a step in the right direction.

All of these anti-gun democrats need a swift kick in the ass.

09-08-13, 17:58
Link to the story:


Hope everything works out for the best for you guys behind the lines. Maybe it'll set a trend in motion for other States to follow.

09-09-13, 19:51
Keep the rest of us updated as things progress tomorrow!

09-10-13, 00:34
The Libs are playing VERY dirty on this one. I've heard reports of buses bringing in early voters with a promise of free meals, voting based on affidavits from people who "intend to move into the district within the next year", plans to legally challenge an unfavorable result, and overall stench of corruption.

If this goes Morse's way, I call shenanigans.

09-10-13, 00:48
I honestly did not expect any less from our opponents, but it still makes me angry to hear that is happening.

Good luck with the voting tomorrow, we're all rooting for you folks up there!

09-10-13, 05:23
All the best today, for sure we are all watching the outcome.

dang, didn't realize an affidavit of ones intention to move within the year would entitle one to vote.

09-10-13, 05:33
Where are these affidavits? Ill gladly sign one and send that shit in if I can.

That's some BS tho.

09-10-13, 06:29
This is definitely a step in the right direction.

All of these anti-gun democrats need a swift kick in the ass.

I was thinking they need a swift kick in the bow and not the stern.

Good luck Colorado. I hope you can take your state back.

Pork Chop
09-10-13, 07:04
Where are these affidavits? Ill gladly sign one and send that shit in if I can.

That's some BS tho.

I was thinking this also. What a steaming crock of shit. I've never heard of that being allowed. I can't believe it's even legal.

09-10-13, 07:45
I could sure use a Nanny Bloomberg tantrum about now. Prayers and support out for you Colorado folks!

09-10-13, 08:49
Is there anywhere to watch this live feed? Like a local TV station with streaming coverage?

Not looking for google search results, something you would suggest would be much better.

A good radio station or podcast would be just as good.

kdvr just had a report

09-10-13, 09:59
Is there anywhere to watch this live feed? Like a local TV station with streaming coverage?

Not looking for google search results, something you would suggest would be much better.

A good radio station or podcast would be just as good.

kdvr just had a report

This site says it will have live coverage from 2:00 PM- 5:00 PM today...


Here is another that has live streaming of the polling itself:


Here is a link regarding the democrat sponsored election reform law allowing just about anyone to vote in the recall:


Here is another article about the new law Hickenlooper signed (Giron sponsored) allowing just about anyone to vote in recall elections, and now Hick is whining about it; too bad he didn't listen to his constituents before signing the law into place.


These moronic Democrats are showing a clear pattern. Ignore constituents, take money form out of state intrest groups, lie, cheat and whine. Repeat.

These democrats are ****ing filthy nasty little dicks. They pass laws that they know they can take advantage of, and then when the have the hindisght to relalize it could be bad for them they bad mouth their own ****ing laws. IDIOTS!

I thought it was more than coincidence seeing a bunch of New York plates on cars here in CO over the last few days...

There are reports of New Yorkers being bussed in to skew this recall effort. All one need do is live in Colorado for 22 days and sign an afidavit stating your "intent" to move to the distrcit to be able to vote in this recall. Just an intent...

Indeed if the recall is unsuccesful- shenanigans...

Cross your fingers everyone, say a prayer, send good energy or vibes or whatever you can do. We HAVE to win this one- the whole nation is watching and anticipating the results of this recall effort!

09-10-13, 10:49
Good luck guys.

09-10-13, 13:57
Good luck and don't forget to vote!

09-10-13, 17:31

College kids dropping off 10 "hardship" ballots each and pulling up pro-recall yard signs on private property, presumably employed for $60/hour. Can't ask for ID or clarification on who the ballots are from, apparently, based on our voting laws here.

It doesn't get much lower than this. WTF is going on here? How the hell can anyone trust ANY election results anymore? Is this a damn banana republic?

09-10-13, 17:56

College kids dropping off 10 "hardship" ballots each and pulling up pro-recall yard signs on private property, presumably employed for $60/hour. Can't ask for ID or clarification on who the ballots are from, apparently, based on our voting laws here.

It doesn't get much lower than this. WTF is going on here? How the hell can anyone trust ANY election results anymore? Is this a damn banana republic?

Wow! How enraging. I cannot emote how angry I am at the stinking Democrats and the filthy politics/tactics they have brought here.

I've not trusted elections fully for a long time, but this is a new low indeed. :help:

I am incredibly anxious to see the results of this recall- now more than ever.

Fvcking democrats, progressives and liberals are a LITERAL plague on this state. They have pushed too far too many times.

09-10-13, 18:40
Wow! How enraging. I cannot emote how angry I am at the stinking Democrats and the filthy politics/tactics they have brought here.

I've not trusted elections fully for a long time, but this is a new low indeed. :help:

I am incredibly anxious to see the results of this recall- now more than ever.

Fvcking democrats, progressives and liberals are a LITERAL plague on this state. They have pushed too far too many times.

It's pretty phoquen vile and disgusting, but conservatives will never win if the other side is free to cheat at will, with no one being held accountable. Without that, unless we play the same game/tactics, and level the playing field, we're done...national elections included. A law should have been passed to make it a crime to take money from those who do not live in the state or country. Having the moral high ground doesn't cut it any more when it comes to politics when people turn a blind eye to the other side's corruption. I hope CO can get at least one of those brain dead liberals out.

09-10-13, 19:39

...and pulling up pro-recall yard signs on private property...

Intolerance of someone who thinks differently will not be tolerated.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

09-10-13, 19:55
It's pretty phoquen vile and disgusting, but conservatives will never win if the other side is free to cheat at will, with no one being held accountable. Without that, unless we play the same game/tactics, and level the playing field, we're done...national elections included. A law should have been passed to make it a crime to take money from those who do not live in the state or country. Having the moral high ground doesn't cut it any more when it comes to politics when people turn a blind eye to the other side's corruption. I hope CO can get at least one of those brain dead liberals out.

So why don't we? Were going to be demonized and vilified anyway.. If they raise a sting and want to change laws because republicans start playing dirty then good! their only shooting themselves in the process..

09-10-13, 20:06
Can anyone in CO give an idea of how it's going?What's the feeling on the ground?

I saw a report that more Democrats then Republicans have voted,but it didn't say which way they were voting.

Democrats are gun owners too I guess.

The report also said that Giron might barely survive but that Morse is toast.

09-10-13, 20:58

Nothing is certain yet, we all know the dems like to wait until the end of the election to see how many votes they need to "find" but Senate President John Morse is losing his recall vote (meaning he is going to be recalled) by 5% right now.

The other race only have <1,000 votes in and is too early to tell.

09-10-13, 21:23
Merging this thread with an existing thread in the regional subforum for Colorado, thusly allowing folks with no GD privs to post.

09-10-13, 22:04
I must say I am amazed. Historic events happening in Colorado. I can't congratulate you folks enough, and thank you for all your efforts. This is more than a statement solely directed toward Colorado Senators. You've made many of us around our nation quite proud. I'll sleep well tonight.

09-10-13, 22:31

Live results. Giron race looking much better for the side of good as Morse concedes.

09-10-13, 22:39

Live results. Giron race looking much better for the side of good as Morse concedes.

I'll just leave this here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6RoOwSKI7M

09-10-13, 22:46
I'll just leave this here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6RoOwSKI7M

I thought that was going to be Morse conceding.

I want to see that.

56.9% yes and 43% no for Giron as of 10 min. ago.

09-10-13, 22:51
Excellent! This is the kind of reminder that helps and causes those in tough states to quake in their boots.

I realize that this is at the state level, but Harry Reid(as much as I hate him) knew this was coming, and did as much as he could to keep it off the main stage without truly throwing the bird in Obama's face.

There are very few people that deserve to remain in office after the next go round. Between Syria, gun control, obamacare, taxation, and the NSA we need a hell of a lot of new faces in both parties.

09-10-13, 22:53
So why don't we? Were going to be demonized and vilified anyway.. If they raise a sting and want to change laws because republicans start playing dirty then good! their only shooting themselves in the process..

It will eventually get down to an all out Chicago style political brawl. They're already doing it. Our side needs to learn it. We can start by having a wall to wall smear campaign by organizing sub groups in a layered offense as they do (conservative ACORN, SEIU types), besides having the cops arrest anyone who steals signs off of private property and voter fraud to the fullest extent of the law for starters.

09-10-13, 22:54
He can read that message in Morse code. Haha! I wonder if Bloomberg is going to ask for his money back.

Heavy Metal
09-10-13, 23:14

09-10-13, 23:30
"Free Colorado" has such a sweet, wonderful ring to it tonight. :)

Terrific work, gentlemen. I am so very happy and proud for you. You took a very real and important step towards fighting oppression tonight.

And a very big Bravo Zulu to Magpul, for showing such leadership!

09-10-13, 23:30
"Can you hear me now?" !!!!

Awesome win guys!... Congrats... send Mojo to Virginia in Nov. we need it.

09-10-13, 23:40
While a nice victory...We haven't won yet. The draconian laws are still in effect. Keep fighting brothers!

High Tower
09-10-13, 23:41
This is excellent news!

Hopefully it is just a start to send the commies packing.

09-10-13, 23:44
I'm actually surprised that Giron lost by such a huge margin here in Pueblo.

I hope that the anti-gunners are taking note across the country tonight. Go against what your constituents want and lose your seats.

09-10-13, 23:44
Both districts at 100%, both recalled!


Awesome job guys!

09-10-13, 23:55
Very pleased to see the results of this.

Hopefully it's the first step in the right direction for Colorado.

09-10-13, 23:56
Let's keep it up guys. Let's really let em know who's ralllyin for rights

Dead Man
09-10-13, 23:58
Let's hope this breaks the great barrier of apathy and starts a wave across the whole country.

09-10-13, 23:58
Outstanding results, Coloradans! Bloomberg and Obama can choke on their stunning defeat, and all their sycophantic followers in state legislatures will think twice before voting next time.

09-11-13, 00:11

09-11-13, 00:18
So what exactly does this mean? Did both of them lose their seats in the state senate?

09-11-13, 00:21
So what exactly does this mean? Did both of them lose their seats in the state senate?

Yep. They're done and toasted. The two Republicans running received 100% of the replacement ballots or whatever they're called.

09-11-13, 00:23
Congratulations Colorado!!

09-11-13, 00:28
fellow Coloradoan's please remember that we need to keep up the momentum into 2014 and piss on hickenloopers parade even more. the more we kick them in the teeth the harder for them to ignore us:angry:

09-11-13, 00:30
Now let's hope the Sheriffs can get the stupid laws overturned.

The Denver post is lamenting that use of recalls over policy, not to remove a corrupt politician. What can be more corrupt than going against the wishes of your constituents, with poorly crafted laws, pushed thru with no real debate, at the behest of out-of-state money?

Too bad it seems that Syria is overshadowing this, or is the MSM going to keep it quiet.

09-11-13, 00:34
MSM won't say much at all. They have no desire to give people in other states any ideas about removing the people they fought so hard to get elected...

09-11-13, 00:55
Way to go guys!

I was surprised that Morse race was SO close - 51-49. For sure he will run again and the antis will certainly flood his district with monies.

Cylinder Head
09-11-13, 01:10
So excited about these recalls!!! It shows what can be done when people get off their couches and stand up for their rights!!

09-11-13, 01:55
Bahahahaha Bahahahaha Bahahahaha hilarious

Im ecstatic right now. This damn near brings a tear to my eye. Righteous indeed

09-11-13, 02:05
Just goes to show us that every single vote counts. I hope that everyone remembers this in the next elections.

09-11-13, 05:02
Thankfully, light at the end of the tunnel!

09-11-13, 06:03
Well done Colorado. This is some Hope and Change I can get behind.

Who's next? Keep the momentum going.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

09-11-13, 06:06
Bravo Zulu Colorado!

Don't think of this as the end to a problem, but the beginning of wresting control of our country from the extreme liberal left.

Let's keep up the momentum!

Larry Vickers
09-11-13, 06:15
Well done and Congrats to all in that state that are pro 2A and respect the constitution - well done !!!

09-11-13, 06:43
Good job, Colorado.

I've been following this one closely even if it meant reading comment threads at the Denver Post.

I would really like to have a clip of Darrell Hammond as Sean Connery saying, "Suck it, Bloomberg."

09-11-13, 07:06

09-11-13, 07:20
That is excellent news CO. That is a great push back. About time there was a political victory that actually feels like a victory, rather than a "whew, glad we squeaked by" that leaves folks looking over their shoulder until the next barrage. I'm real happy for you guys. Keep it rolling. Next step, get those dirty laws off the books.

09-11-13, 07:26
Good job, Colorado.

09-11-13, 07:45
MSM won't say much at all. They have no desire to give people in other states any ideas about removing the people they fought so hard to get elected...

Ain't that the truth. I was reading online about the recalls last night and most of the reports were about the turnout and political makeup of the voters, the fact that outside money was a factor and that this was an unprecedented event in CO and even perhaps the US.
What I didn't find while reading was the reason behind the recall. They glossed over that pretty much. Seemed to me the "reporting" was much like a mid-term paper from someone who hadn't been paying attention in class, full of words but not much content.

09-11-13, 07:52
Very nice guys, well done. Now we all need to keep the momentum going.

09-11-13, 07:55
Its a huge victory for sure but the battle is far from over.

As for the laws on the books that will need to be dealt with next but for the record haven't pretty much all of the states sheriffs come and have so no you can go pound salt as far as enforcement goes.

In NYS that is pretty much the collective sentiment that is beginning to be voiced in ever increasing strength. Basically just a big F U to Albany.

09-11-13, 08:14
To me this is really important for the 2014 midterms. Just like '94 reverberates even today about the AWB causing dems to loose the house, I think too this will be a boogey man for dems.

Hopefully it will make them 'gun shy'. In reality I think it make the progressives hide their agenda even better. I'd look for them to try to skip the legislative process and we'll see more attacks from environmental and bureaucracy like the new NFA proposed rules. Hard to trace the finger prints on that.

Actually, that is kind of funny about finger prints.

Those two got the 21st century version of tarred and feathered...

09-11-13, 08:52

For those worried about the MSM covering this, don't worry. It is getting play on NPR. Over the course of the week it will get additional coverage. They will talk about it on the Sunday talking head shows.

The Dems in Washington are well aware of what just happened. The NY Sheriff's are also a concern.

Guns can be a big winner for 'our' side in 2014. The NRA is already ramping up a PR campaign. Dems know this is a losing issue for them and we need to place it front and center in the public eye.

09-11-13, 08:52
Sincerest congratulations to our Colorado residents. Unfortunately such a thing could never yet be possible in states like mine, but where we go from here as a national whole is anybody's guess.

In some sad way, should we survive Obama he may be just what was needed to wake up the complacent masses. Add to that a couple of terrorist strikes in the US, increased threat levels abroad or a financial collapse and all sorts of people might finally recognize the fundamental need to own a firearm.

Or maybe not.

09-11-13, 09:37
Giron was quoted after losing the recall as saying, "We will win in the end because we are on the right side."

This self-righteous cunt...


09-11-13, 09:39
Giron was quoted after losing the recall as saying, "We will win in the end because we are on the right side."

This self-righteous cunt...


I saw that and I was like wtf really? Bitch you just got fired because you were on the WRONG SIDE :eek:

09-11-13, 10:10

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a staunch supporter of stricter gun laws, donated $350,000 to Morse and Giron. Billionaire philanthropist Eli Broad gave a separate $250,000 check to help the legislators, while Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) repeatedly issued fundraising calls for Giron in emails to her supporters. The Denver Post reported Monday that those in Morse and Giron's corner had collected nearly $3 million, while proponents of the recall raised about $540,000.

Outfundraised 6:1 and the pro-liberty movement still won.

Good on you Colorado.

09-11-13, 10:14
"Voter Suppression"? Only if you count suppressing our civil rights..

Find a new job bitch.

09-11-13, 10:16
"Voter Suppression"? Only if you count suppressing our civil rights..

Find a new job bitch.

"Anonymous" canvassers were reporting to HuffPo that "large men in vans" were suppressing anti-gun voters.

I'm going to call up The Blaze and report that "skinny men in Prius'" were suppressing pro-gun voters.

09-11-13, 10:35
"Anonymous" canvassers were reporting to HuffPo that "large men in vans" were suppressing anti-gun voters.

I'm going to call up The Blaze and report that "skinny men in Prius'" were suppressing pro-gun voters.

Funny stuff.

09-11-13, 11:06
This is a huge victory for CO and the rest of the nation.

Now to keep the momentum going into the next election cycle and turn CO red once again! Not to mention repeal the anti-rights/gun laws that were rammed down our throats.

These Democrats fought a dirty filthy fight, out spent us 11:1, slung so much poop and the voice of reason and what is right still won out!

Even in Pueblo where the unions control the vote and Democrats vastly outnumber republicans and libertarians- Giron lost and was recalled.

I knew it would come down to the union vote in Pueblo and this time they decided that their rights were more important than voting Democrat. AWESOME!

I cannot tell you folks how happy I am that we have won this small battle, how appreciative I am for all of the support and how empowered I am to fight these idiots tooth and nail to get the state back!

Let this be a lesson to everyone that a dedicated group of people with a clear goal and motivation to ACT can and WILL get just about ANYTHING accomplished, even when faced with opposition that outspends, cheats and lies.

Everyone across the nation- please write your local Democrat "representatives" TODAY and share this with them. Make them take note of this and force them to see what happens when the governed are not represented.

The fight continues, but this is one hell of a victory to take a moment and embrace/enjoy!

I am very hopeful this will be a rallying/turning point for CO, that more Coloradoans have seen the visciousness that a democrat legislature is willing to let loose on their constituents.

We have got a lot more battles to fight here in CO and nationally, let this act as a reminder that we need to ACT and keep motivating eachother to get off our collective asses, organize with one another and get into the game to win it.

Take the fight to them; show them our teeth are much larger and sharper than they believe and we will NOT be goverened by despots and tyrants who refure to listen to the will of the people.

Another smaller victory in all of this is the amount of money Democrats spent/wasted on this, that will now not be spent in the next election cycle campaigns. In a way, we won more than we realize with this one.


09-11-13, 11:13
Don't let the door slap you on the ass on the way out..

Still, only got to recall 2 of the 5 they were after and still a dem majority. The laws still stand until the next cycle. I believe THIS issue might be the one that causes a turnover in power....

09-11-13, 12:20
Congrats Colorado, awesome news! Next to repeal all those antigun laws on the books. I hope this momentum continues throughout the nation. Well Done!:cool:

09-11-13, 12:23
This is good news but its not over until they get the gun laws repealed.


09-11-13, 12:23
We need to pry the Democratic party from the Progressives hands. Progressives traded on the 'liberal' name until they ruined that and now they are jerking the Democratic party towards a collectivist vision of the nation where the lazy take from the producers while people who really need help don't get enough assistance.

Hard working Americans need to wake up to what is happening in their party as the condescending Progressives tell them how to live their lives and what is best for them.

09-11-13, 12:28
I find it so interesting how the left is totally against these recalls (watch CNN for 5 minutes, you'll see) yet they were totally for the recall of Governor Walker.

09-11-13, 12:52
We need to pry the Democratic party from the Progressives hands. Progressives traded on the 'liberal' name until they ruined that and now they are jerking the Democratic party towards a collectivist vision of the nation where the lazy take from the producers while people who really need help don't get enough assistance.

Hard working Americans need to wake up to what is happening in their party as the condescending Progressives tell them how to live their lives and what is best for them.

This. It's not so much Dem vs. Rep as it is Statist vs. Individualist. We need to get the latter back in control of both parties.

09-11-13, 13:03
This. It's not so much Dem vs. Rep as it is Statist vs. Individualist.

Exactly. Not all Dems are bad and not all Repubs. good.

09-11-13, 13:06

Outfundraised 6:1 and the pro-liberty movement still won.

Good on you Colorado.

Love how the headline is "Major Victory for the NRA." Wasn't "major victory for the Colorado voters who've been ignored by their elected officials." Had to draw the NRA name in. But then again, it is the Huffpo and they are always on the side of gun rights :rolleyes:

But the money thing is scary. Had this been in a general election, that kind of funding could have tipped the balance towards an opponent. Lucky for this one it was more or less a single issue recall (although I get the impression Giron was ignoring her constituency long before this recall vote) and it came out on the side of the Constitution. But really, way too close in the Morse recall and I'm not totally comfortable with the numbers in the Giron vote unless the "Yes" votes are above 60%.

Either way, a day to celebrate and then getting back to the grindstone. Before trying to get the gun laws repealed though, I personally would be calling my representatives about voter reform. The nonsense about the two kids dropping off random ballots needs to have a stop put to it right quick. Getting back your rights is important, but keeping the elections fair and within the law is even more so.

09-11-13, 14:10
Happy day here in Colorful Colorado!!!

Although listening to Morse's concession speech made me want to pull my car over and vomit on my way to work this morning.

09-11-13, 14:47
We should start calling Universal Background checks "pre-registration".

DD- be happy, it sounds like Morse doesn't get it. Go ahead, run that pony in the ground.

09-11-13, 23:08
I love how people who are upset say that Democracy shouldn't suffer at the hands of special interest groups when that is EXACTLY what happened when Bloomberg and his special interest group bought influence and legislation that violated the rights of CO citizens in the first place.

Here's to hoping that the stupid magazine ban can be overturned.

09-12-13, 01:30
It's starting.

09-12-13, 01:59
It's starting.

I guess some of these guys are too young to remember 1994 and the wicked backlash in Congress. Hope Bloomberg wrote them a big fat check to violate peoples rights, it was their severance.

09-12-13, 08:21
I'd love to see Hickenlooper go next.

09-12-13, 09:12
I'd love to see Hickenlooper go next.

Damn right, chickenpooper was a huge mistake for CO.

2014 is going to be an interesting year for politics in CO. I for one have an optimistic view of getting this magazine ban overturned and having our constitutional rights restored. I honestly think it will happen in the next 2-4 years.

09-12-13, 09:21
I love how people who are upset say that Democracy shouldn't suffer at the hands of special interest groups when that is EXACTLY what happened when Bloomberg and his special interest group bought influence and legislation that violated the rights of CO citizens in the first place.

Here's to hoping that the stupid magazine ban can be overturned.

They simplify forget to qualify.

"Democracy shouldn't suffer at the hands of special interest groups I disagree with."

And hear, hear on the legislation overturn.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

09-13-13, 17:15

Giron was defeated not by elite Republicans and nefarious NRA bigwigs, but by a former Clinton supporter/police chief/campaign neophyte and a couple of upstart citizen activists who make a living as plumbers.

Grassroots organizers in both Pueblo and El Paso counties with little to no previous electoral experience researched the state constitution's recall provisions and put in the hard nose-to-the-ground work of gathering thousands of petition signatures in a brief period. They did their homework, adhered to the law and made their voices heard. As I've reported in my column over the past several months, it was a David vs. gun-grabbing Goliath battle from the start.

Only after the local citizens got the ball rolling—catching flack from establishment GOP types who initially opposed the disruptive process—did national organizations weigh in with help. And the campaign cash they provided was still no match for nosybody Bloomberg, Vice President Joe Biden (who personally lobbied state Democratic legislators) and their gun control-freak company.

A rare bit of supremely good news...

09-14-13, 13:17
This is hilarious..... :D


Colorado's historic recall of two state legislators who backed new gun restrictions may have national repercussions, as advocates say the effort will make it harder to revive stalled efforts in Congress to tighten firearm laws.

In April, federal legislation expanding background check requirements for gun buyers fell five votes short in the Senate, despite political momentum from last December's massacre at a Connecticut elementary school.

Gun control backers say they have yet to win a single new Senate supporter, and many worry that the muscle shown by pro-gun groups and voters last week in Colorado will make it even harder to find converts.

"The NRA does its job better than our side does our job," said Jim Kessler, a co-founder of Third Way, which advocates for centrist Democratic policies. "They know how to influence and intimidate elected people." BAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAAHAHA

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., who was representing Newtown, where 20 first-graders and six school staffers were gunned down, in the House at the time of the shooting, said "the results of the recall were not good news."

Minutes after the Senate rejected the new background checks on April 17, President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., pledged to continue the fight.

Democrats and gun control lobbyists, however, don't expect Reid to bring the bill up again until next year at best, not until he has found enough additional votes to have a strong chance of prevailing.

That means the Dec. 14 anniversary of the school shootings probably will pass without a fresh Senate vote. Some gun curb advocates have hoped to use the widespread public attention that anniversary will receive to schedule a new vote by then.

"My advice to Reid is, if there's any indication of change or movement in a positive direction, we should consider it. But so far I've not seen that," said Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., his party's chief Senate vote-counter. Ya dam right!!

Colorado voters last Tuesday removed two Democratic state lawmakers from office -- Senate President John Morse and Sen. Angela Giron -- and replaced them with Republicans who are gun-rights supporters.

The two Democrats had supported expanded background checks and limits on ammunition magazines. Colorado enacted those measures following Newtown and a July 2012 rampage in an Aurora, Colo., movie theater that left 12 dead and 70 wounded.

The recall drew national attention and became a proxy fight between gun control and gun rights forces. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an advocate for stricter gun laws with his group Mayor's Against Illegal Guns, contributed around $350,000 to the two Democrats. The NRA spent roughly the same amount opposing them.

Overall, reported contributions to Morse and Giron totaled around $3 million, giving them a 5-1 advantage over recall supporters. Yet foes of the two state senators found enough angry voters to prevail.

NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam played down his group's role. He noted the overall spending disparity and saying his organization participated only after being asked to by local gun-rights advocates.

"It sends a strong message that grassroots still matters, and voters trump Bloomberg and his money," he said of the vote, echoing a theme the NRA has used before against the wealthy New Yorker.

Mark Glaze, executive director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, said the NRA "cherry-picked" two vulnerable legislators to target. He said his group's spending in those races underscored its commitment.

"Legislators who take risks to keep the public safe are going to have every resource they'd ask for to defend themselves," he said. Again, Hilarious....

Former Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter, a Democrat, said his state's recall votes meant little for U.S. senators pondering their stance on guns. He said the recall movement tapped into public unease with a broad Democratic agenda "that may have drifted too far to the left," including enactment of civil unions for gay and lesbian couples and in-state tuition for college students in the U.S. illegally. So its not the fact that they wanted to further eviscerate the 2A but its because the voters in CO hate LGBTs and illegal foreigners...

Murphy and other gun control supporters such as Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, say that with polls showing wide approval of background checks and groups like Bloomberg's spending large sums, the NRA's potency has been weakened.

Even so, Senate talks have proceeded intermittently as supporters of the background check language written by Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., seek five more votes.

Background checks, aimed at weeding out criminals and the mentally unstable, are required for buyers obtaining firearms through licensed gun dealers. The defeated legislation would have expanded that to sales at commercial venues like gun shows and the Internet.

Participants say they have explored ways to keep the NRA neutral, including exempting gun show sales or letting buyers conduct their own background checks online. Gun control advocates objected that such concessions go too far. Participants spoke on condition of anonymity after agreeing their names wouldn't be attached to discussions of private conversations.

Asked if such changes would keep the NRA on the sidelines, Arulanandam said, "The NRA remains opposed to expanding a broken system on background checks, period." Four Democrats opposed broadening background checks: Max Baucus of Montana, Mark Begich of Alaska, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota and Mark Pryor of Arkansas. Others opponents wooded by advocates include GOP Sens. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire and Arizona's Jeff Flake.

Asked if the Colorado recalls made him less likely to switch, Flake said last week, "I was not prone to do so. I'm comfortable where I am."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/14/gun-control-advocates-say-colorado-recall-stifling-effort-in-congress/#ixzz2etM073on