View Full Version : NFL "Player of the Year" 2013...

09-08-13, 21:09
Danny Trevathan loses TD in premature celebration; teammate injured in aftermath (http://nfl.si.com/2013/09/06/danny-trevathan-premature-celebration-denver-broncos/)



This guy is everything I despise about professional sports. In his haste to perform the Curly shuffle in the end zone and get some "all about me" camera time this retard dropped the ball without provocation before it crossed the plane of the end zone, and the ball eventually rolled out of the end zone for a touchback. The Ravens then drove 80 yards for a touchdown.


This is what happens when you make retards into celebrities and millionaires. You can bet if he was being paid no more than the average construction contractor he'd have his head out of his ass on focused on the game rather than making sure he has his end zone "choreography" worked out.

Well now he is famous and just about everyone in the sports world knows his name, just not quite like he was hoping.

Can you imagine doing everything it takes to make it to the NFL and beating all the odds only to have some jackass like this on your team?

Army Chief
09-08-13, 22:06
Don't necessarily want to focus on the one-guy, one-incident aspect here, as I'm guessing he got the point when all was said and done; that said, I would certainly agree that the culture of professional sports had bred a lot of this banality.

It does seem to manifest itself more readily among certain players in certain sports for whatever reason, but taken as a whole, I'm still left to wonder why anyone would choose look up to these guys as they do, much less pay them half of what they earn. Just a reflection of our infatuation with entertainment and escapism, I suppose.

I do appreciate a good ballplayer, of course. I just have no use for the egos and attitudes. Apparently, you can think just as highly of yourself as you like, provided you have enough money.

Maybe I just need to get rich. ;)


09-09-13, 00:45
He's got my vote for 2013 Player of the Year.

09-09-13, 06:00
I don't think this is the first time something like this has happened. I vaguely remember seeing a highlight reel years ago with a montage of similar antics. I'm sure it won't be the last time we see this happen.

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09-09-13, 08:19
Put a dog shock collar on him and play "Where's the line".

I like the comment by the announcers "Hand the ball to an official".

Premature celebration

09-09-13, 08:32
He's a rookie player that just bagged an interception off the Superbowl Winning Chump Joe Flacco, it would have been his first TD as a NFL player. Got a little excited.

Whats with all the hate towards professional sports here lately? They are paid the amounts they are because we as fans pay to see them play.

If you don't like pro sports then don't watch and don't bitch, easy enough.

And yes, I'm a Bronco's fan.

09-09-13, 08:37
He's a rookie player that just bagged an interception off the Superbowl Winning Chump Joe Flacco, it would have been his first TD as a NFL player. Got a little excited.

Whats with all the hate towards professional sports here lately? They are paid the amounts they are because we as fans pay to see them play.

If you don't like pro sports then don't watch and don't bitch, easy enough.

And yes, I'm a Bronco's fan.

"Lately"? It has been like that here since I joined. Bring up the NBA and see how many haters come out of the woodwork. :help:

09-09-13, 08:47
"Lately"? It has been like that here since I joined. Bring up the NBA and see how many haters come out of the woodwork. :help:

Basketball sucks, just not as much as soccer though. :D

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Pork Chop
09-09-13, 08:48
Personally, I can live with end zone celebration.

This was definitely funny and a little pathetic, but I find excitement and celebration to be part of the game if its tasteful and doesn't get into taunting.

What I can't stand is the tolerance of thugs and criminals in pro sports. If Victor Cruz wants to salsa dance in the end zone I'll watch and laugh, but the second these guys are involved in a shooting or fail a drug test or whatever, they need smacked down hard.

For the record, if I had the talent to pick six ANY pro QB in prime time, during my rookie opener, I'd probably have acted like a retard too. Doesn't make it any less funny, though. :)

Pork Chop
09-09-13, 08:50
Basketball sucks, just not as much as soccer though. :D

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09-09-13, 08:55
Personally, I can live with end zone celebration.

This was definitely funny and a little pathetic, but I find excitement and celebration to be part of the game if its tasteful and doesn't get into taunting.

Yeah, I agree. I enjoy Pro football. I'm not a freakshow fanatic that knows all the stats. Just a Sun afternoon, beer drinking kinda fan. Whenever I see someone pull this kind of stuff, I just say to myself "Ha, Ha you knucklehead. That's what you get." Unless it's the Packers, then I get pissed & start bitching at the TV.

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Gutshot John
09-09-13, 09:01
Used to be a diehard Steelers fan, and this season's bad start notwithstanding I've totally given up on professional football. It's just too much money and too many overpaid assholes (Ben ****ing Roethlisberger). I grew up with Chuck Noll who pretty much instituted the endzone celebration rule in the NFL and he was a class act. His famous quip was "act like you've been there before."

The people who obsess over fantasy football make it even worse. I'm sticking to college ball from now on.

Professional sports has become another sad symbol of how crass this culture has become.

Hockey so far seems somewhat immune but I'm sure that will change. I've always hated the game basketball.

Pork Chop
09-09-13, 09:09
Hockey so far seems somewhat immune

That's because it's completely irrelevant.


09-09-13, 12:31
"act like you've been there before."

Sums it up nicely.

I'm sure there was a time when professional sports were "mostly" populated with respectable individuals who didn't try and act like "rock stars." But that hasn't been the case for a long time and I have no time for the Kanye Wests who can run fast and catch a ball.

09-09-13, 14:45
As a Bronco fan this pissed me off to no end to see him do that. I clowned Desean Jackson of the Eagles for the same thing years ago as I can't stand show boating. This guy had done some good things to this point but this one move lost a LOT of respect from me.

09-09-13, 14:47
He's a rookie player that just bagged an interception off the Superbowl Winning Chump Joe Flacco, it would have been his first TD as a NFL player. Got a little excited.

Whats with all the hate towards professional sports here lately? They are paid the amounts they are because we as fans pay to see them play.

If you don't like pro sports then don't watch and don't bitch, easy enough.

And yes, I'm a Bronco's fan.

Apparently not that big of a Bronco fan because he's not a rookie... this is his second season.

09-09-13, 14:56
Professional Athletes, especially NFL players, are nothing more than overpaid cry-babies. This is why I refuse to spend any of my hard-earned cash on any game or memorabilia.

09-09-13, 16:00
Apparently not that big of a Bronco fan because he's not a rookie... this is his second season.

Still a rookie in my book.

09-09-13, 16:02
Still a rookie in my book.

Yeah... except he's not. ;)

09-09-13, 16:13
As a Bronco fan this pissed me off to no end to see him do that. I clowned Desean Jackson of the Eagles for the same thing years ago as I can't stand show boating. This guy had done some good things to this point but this one move lost a LOT of respect from me.

While I'm still an Eagles fan to a large extent, the likes of a Jackson and Vick on the team accompanied by free agency in general makes it feel like 100 years from the glory days of the late 80's/early 90's. Still with the new coach tonight's game is one of the more anticipated around here in some time.

As far as the blatant haters, personally I ignore them when the rhetoric goes beyond acknowledging that there a few bad apples in the group and rises to sheer viscous disdain for professional sports in general. Often, but not always, this stems from personal insecurity.

09-09-13, 16:21
While I'm still an Eagles fan to a large extent, the likes of a Jackson and Vick on the team accompanied by free agency in general makes it feel like 100 years from the glory days of the late 80's/early 90's. Still with the new coach tonight's game is one of the more anticipated around here in some time.

As far as the blatant haters, personally I ignore them when the rhetoric goes beyond acknowledging that there a few bad apples in the group and rises to sheer viscous disdain for professional sports in general. Often, but not always, this stems from personal insecurity.

Agreed and I have no idea why these people insist on going into threads they have no interest in to make sure we all know they have no interest. Good for you. If I spent time going into EVERY thread on the intrawebz that I'm not interested in to say I'm not interested I wouldn't have a life at all. Perhaps that's their situation?

09-09-13, 16:49
As far as the blatant haters, personally I ignore them when the rhetoric goes beyond acknowledging that there a few bad apples in the group and rises to sheer viscous disdain for professional sports in general. Often, but not always, this stems from personal insecurity.

I would suggest that currently it is the opposite and rather than a few "bad apples" when it comes to the NBA, NFL, etc. the decent guys are solidly in the minority and I genuinely feel sorry for them.

Not everyone is the Dennis Rodman extreme end of the spectrum (although that is a very blatant example of the problem), but plenty of guys who only have a college degree because they can run fast and catch a ball and far too many with criminal pasts and tendencies.

Part of this may come from the fact that FL probably is right up there with CA for "gang banger" mentality players. The rest are simply Kanye West mentality jerk offs.

And these opinions aren't a result of any insecurities.

09-09-13, 17:29
I would suggest that currently it is the opposite and rather than a few "bad apples" when it comes to the NBA, NFL, etc. the decent guys are solidly in the minority and I genuinely feel sorry for them.

Not everyone is the Dennis Rodman extreme end of the spectrum (although that is a very blatant example of the problem), but plenty of guys who only have a college degree because they can run fast and catch a ball and far too many with criminal pasts and tendencies.

Part of this may come from the fact that FL probably is right up there with CA for "gang banger" mentality players. The rest are simply Kanye West mentality jerk offs.

And these opinions aren't a result of any insecurities.

Actually the primary reason I included "but not always" was due to your relatively documented participation in martial arts, seemingly as a genuine enthusiast. And seriously I very much get your gripe with the idiot who needed to make a narcissistic scene when he should have been paying attention to his job on the field. Guys like him have diminished my interest tremendously, especially with the likes of a Desean Jackson on our team.

09-09-13, 17:33
oh well, Broncos still beat their ass

09-09-13, 17:37
Actually the primary reason I included "but not always" was due to your relatively documented participation in martial arts, seemingly as a genuine enthusiast. And seriously I very much get your gripe with the idiot who needed to make a narcissistic scene when he should have been paying attention to his job on the field. Guys like him have diminished my interest tremendously, especially with the likes of a Desean Jackson on our team.

We're on the same page.

And just so we are clearer, when it comes to guys who play football for places like West Point, I have a completely different opinion of those individuals.

09-09-13, 18:49
oh well, Broncos still beat their ass

That was beyond as ass beating. That was just an embarrassment for the Superbowl CHUMPS.

09-09-13, 19:00
Still better than this:


09-09-13, 19:02
Still better than this:


I can't believe I used to route for that guy when he was a Husker and even defended him when he first came into the league. Now, I don't defend him anymore because he's just a thug who obviously learned nothing of sportsmanship while at the University of Nebraska.

09-09-13, 19:08
I can't believe I used to route for that guy when he was a Husker and even defended him when he first came into the league. Now, I don't defend him anymore because he's just a thug who obviously learned nothing of sportsmanship while at the University of Nebraska.

My only hope is that the rest of the league self-polices and ends that thug's career before he hurts anyone else.

09-09-13, 19:09
Still better than this:


So basically #90 just deliberately dove into that guys legs without regard for that players knees (most common sports injury)?

09-09-13, 19:13
So basically #90 just deliberately dove into that guys legs without regard for that players knees (most common sports injury)?

Yep, and in a position where the block wouldn't change the play at all. That dude had no hope of catching the ball carrier, so there was no reason to hit him, much less with a deliberately injury-producing hit. Suh is well known for that kind of cheap brutality.

Gutshot John
09-09-13, 19:24
Suh is well known for that kind of cheap brutality.

Suh makes Conrad Dobler look like Mr. Rogers.

Pork Chop
09-09-13, 19:30
I can't believe I used to route for that guy when he was a Husker and even defended him when he first came into the league. Now, I don't defend him anymore because he's just a thug who obviously learned nothing of sportsmanship while at the University of Nebraska.

Absolutely agree.

How one of the most respected players in Nebraska history could become known as the dirtiest player in the NFL is mind boggling.

Suh is such an amazing athlete, too. He does not need to pull the crap he does.

09-09-13, 20:19
Absolutely agree.

How one of the most respected players in Nebraska history could become known as the dirtiest player in the NFL is mind boggling.

Suh is such an amazing athlete, too. He does not need to pull the crap he does.

There is the problem right there. He can get away with it so he does. The guy should simply be blacklisted from all professional sports and telling stories of his "glory days" while working at the local car dealership.

But people elevate football players to such a high standard that this kind of behavior and worse result in little more than financial penalties. And across the country kids learn an important lesson, that sportsmanship is not valued above winning the game and getting paid.

09-09-13, 20:25
When I was young I watched pro football every weekend. The 70s to me were the golden age of the NFL. Plenty of hard working athletes to follow. I could care less about pro ball now. It is disgusting.

09-09-13, 20:55
Two weeks ago I was eating BBQ at this gentleman's restaurant, and had an opportunity to shake his hand and chat for a few moments.


A very nice fellow, and quite pleasant to young and old alike. He certainly had a presence on the field, too. While I was there, he took time to talk to a young boy who was playing junior high football, about how to watch a quarterback. The young fellow paid rapt attention, and thanked him for the tips.

There's some classy folks out there from days of yore, and I bet there are really sharp young men in the league today. It's just a lot harder for them to get press, acting like a real leader, and not a follower.

Oh, and if you do get to Randy White's place, try the smoked chicken or ribs. Highly recommended.

09-09-13, 21:45
There is the problem right there. He can get away with it so he does. The guy should simply be blacklisted from all professional sports and telling stories of his "glory days" while working at the local car dealership.

But people elevate football players to such a high standard that this kind of behavior and worse result in little more than financial penalties. And across the country kids learn an important lesson, that sportsmanship is not valued above winning the game and getting paid.

Bingo. But they make so much money, the league will never truly discipline them. They have to sink to Hernandez' level and actually kill someone before they're cut loose. Michael Vick, Ray Lewis, Plaxico Burress, they're all shitheels, but they bring in the fans so they're kept.

09-09-13, 22:07
Michael Vick, Ray Lewis, Plaxico Burress, they're all shitheels, but they bring in the fans so they're kept.

Actually they put up numbers and win games. I don't care how many people are popular with fans, winning is winning. I remember when Vick went away. I immediately predicted his return to the NFL as my colleagues told me how wrong I was and how he was finished. Someone, somewhere, needs a QB who can win…

Vick has a job. Tebow doesn't. Guess who sold more jerseys.

09-09-13, 22:10
"Lately"? It has been like that here since I joined. Bring up the NBA and see how many haters come out of the woodwork. :help:
As my dad always says, there would be a lot of tall garbagemen if we didn't have the NBA. :D

Sports stars are usually. Self centered. Especially in the nfl.