View Full Version : Florida OC vs LEO -- you won't believe it

09-16-13, 15:26
By OC, I mean Open Camera


"The crime is people were in fear"....

09-16-13, 17:27
awesome !
this is exactly what I was hoping for and would start happening

going around saying they felt threatened by things !
hope they do the same at walmarts and say I fear that guy is a gang member ! just like they use the idiot excuse when trying to hassle OC folks
well you caused a disturbance and someone called in they felt threatened !

cant believe how sheep like people have become ! then again some dumb animals are jittery even around the sheep/goats herder ! of course in some parts they have good reason !

09-16-13, 19:19
That guy cracked me up when he asked the cameraman if he seemed threatening. Haven't I been polite?... He looks like Paulie Walnuts from the Sopranos, lol.... that's all I could think of.

I was waiting for the scene to cut to night time and the cameraman being whacked in the head with a pipe then all the officials sitting around a table eating pasta.

Aside from the cop that simply thought he was cool, that one guy in the office was a real a-hole... when the guy said so you can video us but we can't video you, the lady looks over like .... "I think he got you there boss"

No one was ever threatened... the guy in the hallway even said... you can't video because we have a regulation.... He never said anyone was threatened.

I think this was a sequel and Paulie Walnuts had got his little rule book out and decided he was going to define a threatening group. I'm pretty sure this was somewhat rehearsed by "Little Heavy" and "Big Little Heavy"..... both of those guys have been eating too much of that Cuban pork from the looks of them and I think they cooked this one up too.

It's a sad state of affairs that's for sure. These are adults.....

Lady in Office - Let her run the show any way she likes ( by law of course ). She probably knows more about where things are and what goes on than anyone there and can get people in and out within minutes.

Office Boss Man - sole proprietor of a miniature golf course. He clearly wants to be boss and I doubt anyone likes having him as a boss. Sounds like something he could grow into over time. Something that would challenge him.

Camera Guys - Make music videos... it probably pays a lot better.

Big Black cop - give him a promotion, if he's had to work with Paulie Walnuts for long he deserves one.

Girl cop - she actually probably likes what she does. Get her a better boss. One with a brain.

Paulie Walnuts - Get him a job traveling around the country having his picture taken for various police department's promotional literature. All he need do is dress up and smile.

Little Heavy and Big Little Heavy -- Man, I don't even know if Will Brink could save those guys... they might as well just keep on washing down the pork with multiple cervezas until the big gavel drops on 'em.

Now what to do about Obama and Holder......