View Full Version : Illegals chain themselves to White House fence.

09-18-13, 12:06
Why do I get the feeling this will not end with the, play stupid games, win stupid prizes, in this case, being deported.


09-18-13, 12:15
Not a chance. That would require I.C.E. to actually DO THEIR JOB (which they've been ordered not to do).

Fact is they wont touch an illegal unless a violent felony is on the table, and many times that's not enough either.

Its all apart of the plan to bring this country to its knees financially.

09-18-13, 12:54
FK the illegals & FK those who coddle them. Tie them all to the Purple House fence along with their daddy who runs the place & let them starve.

There is a legal process to becoming a US resident/citizen. If you don't want to do it the legal way where the taxpayers aren't burdened by your presence, then go FK yourself. Take your anchor babies with you.

09-18-13, 13:18
Folks let watch the hostile tones in here. I know this is a touchy subject but please keep it civil.

09-18-13, 13:23
FK the illegals & FK those who coddle them. Tie them all to the Purple House fence along with their daddy who runs the place & let them starve.

There is a legal process to becoming a US resident/citizen. If you don't want to do it the legal way where the taxpayers aren't burdened by your presence, then go FK yourself. Take your anchor babies with you.

Strong emotions, but I understand the sentiments.

Ah, my NSA file just got another page in it....

09-18-13, 13:36
I am the first in my family to be born in the USA. My family fled Cuba as political refugees and didn't get any government handouts. They busted their asses and worked hard. I've had family in every conflict and branch of service since Vietnam (including me). We have been business owners, cops, fire fighters, teachers, and stay at home parents.

We love this country and the freedoms it has provided. We have fought, bleed, cried, and died for this country. Our home is this country and no one in my family or I approve of and support illegal immigration. We did it the right and we support those doing it the right way. Those that don't can go suck start a car through the muffler.

09-18-13, 13:36
I will input this hopefully it is not taken in any wrong way, but its a personal experience. My parents crossed over from mexico about 26 years ago. It was easier to cross back then, long story short, its easy to go on a rant about " f illegals" and all that jazz. But if you were to compare even the worst ghetto here in the us to a poor mexican village, youd want to get out ASAP as well. We are truly blessed here in the usa to have all these luxuries (the public schools for example) these are taken for granted everyday.. Its a whole different ball game in mexico. The people are very poor, while the government enjoys life.. That would make any one want to leave where they are and go find a better life.. I am not for illegal immigration. I think everyone should go through the process, but alot of people get desperate.

Yes both of my parents have busted their asses working, damn hard work too. My dad only went to school 'till 4th grade, now, we own a successful carpentry shop and an oilfield services company. We built our business, not the govt.

Ps. No i did not vote for obama, i am an nra member, i am hispanic american, and republican..

09-18-13, 14:10
This has always been so odd to me.

As someone who "grew up" in Florida and in the Marine Corps I always thought hispanics were Republican. In the 2000 and 2004 elections all the Cubans were at the Bush rallys. I was deployed to Iraq in 2008 and watched every Hispanic I knew berate Barack Obama to the point that we almost had black vs. hispanic fights breaking out before the election....I really can't get on to the fabweld's bandwagon. Many of those hispanic Marines crossed the border illegally as children and to this day I would rather have them as neighbors that virtually any born-and-raised American that I know. I'm telling you, those arguments were getting so out of hand that the Battalion CO had to personally come to each FOB just to hand out policy letters and speak to Marines and get them to chill the **** out.

While I now understand not all illegal immigrants are the type that join Uncle Sam's Mexican Clique, I still can't sit here and say that they are a bunch of taxpayer fed and educated leeches on society. They should definitely not be allowed to get here illegally and we need to do some shit to secure the border right ****ing now. But the point is there are millions here and millions of their relatives are voting (D) because that's the party that is going to give them a chance at being an American.

I do not know the solution. But I do know rounding up 10,000,000 Mexicans and sending them back home isn't going to happen.

09-18-13, 14:26
I will input this hopefully it is not taken in any wrong way, but its a personal experience. My parents crossed over from mexico about 26 years ago. It was easier to cross back then, long story short, its easy to go on a rant about " f illegals" and all that jazz. But if you were to compare even the worst ghetto here in the us to a poor mexican village, youd want to get out ASAP as well. We are truly blessed here in the usa to have all these luxuries (the public schools for example) these are taken for granted everyday.. Its a whole different ball game in mexico. The people are very poor, while the government enjoys life.. That would make any one want to leave where they are and go find a better life.. I am not for illegal immigration. I think everyone should go through the process, but alot of people get desperate.

Yes both of my parents have busted their asses working, damn hard work too. My dad only went to school 'till 4th grade, now, we own a successful carpentry shop and an oilfield services company. We built our business, not the govt.

Ps. No i did not vote for obama, i am an nra member, i am hispanic american, and republican..

I get it that we have it good compared to third world countries. I'm first generation in the US as well. My family came from a poor farming community in Greece. They immigrated to the US legally, worked hard, played by the rules, & made a great life for themselves & their kids.

Key part of the story... They immigrated LEGALLY.

I feel bad for the unfortunate people of the world, but not so bad that I desire to finance them. If I don't follow the rules, I go to jail. If illegals don't follow the rules, the gov't gives them a free ride on my dime. Some system we have here.

09-18-13, 14:34
While deporting 10 or 30 million illegals seems daunting, if we don't do something then it sends the message, "Hey if you can make it here we win't kick you out. ".

We should be talking about how to solve the problem in a way that will prevent encouraging future illegals. We already have tried amnesty as far back as Reagan. We know for a fact amnesty does NOT work.

09-18-13, 14:52
I am the first in my family to be born in the USA. My family fled Cuba as political refugees and didn't get any government handouts. They busted their asses and worked hard. I've had family in every conflict and branch of service since Vietnam (including me). We have been business owners, cops, fire fighters, teachers, and stay at home parents.

We love this country and the freedoms it has provided. We have fought, bleed, cried, and died for this country. Our home is this country and no one in my family or I approve of and support illegal immigration. We did it the right and we support those doing it the right way. Those that don't can go suck start a car through the muffler.
Did it the right way? Making it onto US soil?

09-18-13, 15:02
I get it that we have it good compared to third world countries. I'm first generation in the US as well. My family came from a poor farming community in Greece. They immigrated to the US legally, worked hard, played by the rules, & made a great life for themselves & their kids.

Key part of the story... They immigrated LEGALLY.

I feel bad for the unfortunate people of the world, but not so bad that I desire to finance them. If I don't follow the rules, I go to jail. If illegals don't follow the rules, the gov't gives them a free ride on my dime. Some system we have here.

That's the crux of the problem; the free ride. Sure, there are the hard working immigrants. then there are the rest, free-loading, "my kid's born here so I can't be deported" or worse "my illegal kid is entitled the same rights and access to school/college" non-tax paying kinds.

Pay taxes? Fine. Go get your green card and do it right. Don't? GTFO. Leave your citizen-kids if you want; our social net is great (sarcasm intended) for your spawn.

Coming from someone whose grandmother rode past dead bodies during the Mexican Revolution as a child, and didn't get citizenship for 20 years ...

09-18-13, 15:05
They need to chain themselves to a gang, and come re-pave the main thoroughfare on my boro!

"Take that shovel & put 'er to some good use, boy!"

- Slim Pickens, "Blazing Saddles" - 1974 -

09-18-13, 15:09
So--inasmuch as many if not most countries in the world treat their citizens worse than ours does, how many foreigners do you want to absorb?

To make it somewhat more immediate, how many extended family members do you want to move in with you, raid the fridge, sleep on the floor, want handouts, borrow your car, and tell you you are narrow minded and aren't being compassionate enough? And, oh look, another carful just pulled up to the door.

This is not to say that many illegals aren't decent people by any means. But the US has been a patsy and safety valve for corrupt, failed governments for decades. They don't give a damn about their own people and barring major reforms never will. Unscrupulous employers and pandering politicians in the US don't care about those people either except for what they can get out of them.

Be grateful we don't have another Third World country on the northern border...

The more you know about the whole sordid business the more you will feel the need for a bath. Learn too much about it and you may never feel clean again.:angry:

Edward Abbey once observed that we should give every illegal (yes, ILLEGAL) we sent back a rifle and a case of ammo to use against his government.

He had a point there.

09-18-13, 15:10
Their plight will be felt by the progressives and will be the first group to be granted immunity, green cards, the whole 9 yards.

09-18-13, 15:10
Did it the right way? Making it onto US soil?

Flew into Miami International Airport in May of 1961 and applied for Refugee Status at customs. Once that hurdle was clear they applied for US Citizenship and played by the rules much like the folks fleeing the USSR, DDR, and other communist nations.

They didn't sneak past USCG and try the game of wet foot dry foot. They went through US Customs at an International Airport and pleaded for political refugee status and later went through the legal alien and citizenship process.

09-18-13, 15:35
Can we just leave them chained to the fence and let mother nature run it's course?

Frankly, none of the discussion means squat until/unless we STOP THE FLOW AND CLOSE THE BORDER (which is what Republicans tried to do). Will we ever be able to ship all those here illegally back? Strongly doubt it. But we cannot even BEGIN to deal with it until the illegal flow STOPS.

09-18-13, 16:35
Can we just leave them chained to the fence and let mother nature run it's course?

Frankly, none of the discussion means squat until/unless we STOP THE FLOW AND CLOSE THE BORDER (which is what Republicans tried to do). Will we ever be able to ship all those here illegally back? Strongly doubt it. But we cannot even BEGIN to deal with it until the illegal flow STOPS.

Exactly. But stopping the flow is the least addressed element of any proposed plan. Even if such a law were passed we see the admin will not enforce it.

09-18-13, 19:36
This has always been so odd to me.

As someone who "grew up" in Florida and in the Marine Corps I always thought hispanics were Republican. In the 2000 and 2004 elections all the Cubans were at the Bush rallys. I was deployed to Iraq in 2008 and watched every Hispanic I knew berate Barack Obama to the point that we almost had black vs. hispanic fights breaking out before the election....I really can't get on to the fabweld's bandwagon. Many of those hispanic Marines crossed the border illegally as children and to this day I would rather have them as neighbors that virtually any born-and-raised American that I know. I'm telling you, those arguments were getting so out of hand that the Battalion CO had to personally come to each FOB just to hand out policy letters and speak to Marines and get them to chill the **** out.

While I now understand not all illegal immigrants are the type that join Uncle Sam's Mexican Clique, I still can't sit here and say that they are a bunch of taxpayer fed and educated leeches on society. They should definitely not be allowed to get here illegally and we need to do some shit to secure the border right ****ing now. But the point is there are millions here and millions of their relatives are voting (D) because that's the party that is going to give them a chance at being an American.

I do not know the solution. But I do know rounding up 10,000,000 Mexicans and sending them back home isn't going to happen.

Cubans fleeing communism have virtually nothing in common with Mexicans jumping fences for free services and shit.

09-18-13, 19:52
Mexicans jumping fences for free services and shit.

some of them do actually come to better themselves you know. the ones who are demanding free shit are the moochers.

09-18-13, 21:07
some of them do actually come to better themselves you know. the ones who are demanding free shit are the moochers.

Yes, and those would be the ones who come here from Mexico LEGALLY. I know lots of them, I often frequent their businesses.

There are also certainly Cubans who come here with less than honorable intentions.

My purpose wasn't to suggest all Cubans are good and all Mexicans are bad, I was simply contrasting two "common" examples to note the difference.

Most ILLEGALS all generally have the same problems in common. But that won't prevent them from getting some kind of Presidential "courage" award.

09-18-13, 21:35
Na man i mean there is some illegals who honestly just want a better life here, but they dont mooch for it. Theyre rare, but theyre out there.

09-18-13, 22:27
Na man i mean there is some illegals who honestly just want a better life here, but they dont mooch for it. Theyre rare, but theyre out there.

I know many people who just want a better life. They include some...

drug dealers
loan sharks
corrupt politicians

And except for their crimes, "some" may be decent people only seeking a better life than they would have otherwise. But that doesn't suddenly make them not criminals.

More importantly, for every illegal that comes to this country that prevents our country from accepting a legal immigrant who had taken the time, money and effort to do things correctly.

You might find some illegal immigrant who is one of the nicest people in the world, volunteers at soup kitchens and watches out for the neighborhood children the fact remains that individual cut in front of the line of those coming here legally and quite possibly prevented their ability to do so as our country can only accept X number of immigrants and illegals negatively impact that number.

Everyone wants a better life, that includes those who are born here and those who come here legally.

09-18-13, 22:34
ICE under Obama has deported more people than all other POTUS combined.

09-18-13, 22:43
ICE under Obama has deported more people than all other POTUS combined.

You got numbers for that?

I know Bush Jr. was Mr. Amnesty and I don't think there has ever been a serious push to address the issue (even Reagan thought he'd "fix things" with a blanket amnesty), but say more than all other President combined is a serious statement.

How far back are you going with that? Or was it just a general statement that I am taking too literally?

09-18-13, 22:46
On M4C, with all the talk about special operators and end user experience on the M4 and this gun or that gun, here is a topic that is actually in "my lane", I just don't even know where to begin.

Just know that the "border" in one area is not the same as the "border" in another, even within the border states. I just find it funny when people say we need to shut down the border without realizing how ridiculous that statement sounds to someone with my position and knowledge. Crossings can be minimized but they cannot be stopped. Furthermore, the immigration issue cannot be discussed without also discussing the war on drugs issue, or how our legal system operates for that matter, among many other things.

EDIT: SteyrAUG, don't forget to include murderers and child molesters on your list.

09-18-13, 22:50
You got numbers for that?

I know Bush Jr. was Mr. Amnesty and I don't think there has ever been a serious push to address the issue (even Reagan thought he'd "fix things" with a blanket amnesty), but say more than all other President combined is a serious statement.

How far back are you going with that? Or was it just a general statement that I am taking too literally?

On a per capita basis yes. Overall Total No. My Bad.

Bush43 is leader at 2M for 8 years in office, Obama is 1.5M after 4.


09-18-13, 22:54
I know many people who just want a better life. They include some...

drug dealers
loan sharks
corrupt politicians

And except for their crimes, "some" may be decent people only seeking a better life than they would have otherwise. But that doesn't suddenly make them not criminals.

More importantly, for every illegal that comes to this country that prevents our country from accepting a legal immigrant who had taken the time, money and effort to do things correctly.

You might find some illegal immigrant who is one of the nicest people in the world, volunteers at soup kitchens and watches out for the neighborhood children the fact remains that individual cut in front of the line of those coming here legally and quite possibly prevented their ability to do so as our country can only accept X number of immigrants and illegals negatively impact that number.

Everyone wants a better life, that includes those who are born here and those who come here legally.

yea i agree with you 100% bro. haha my aunt & uncle are here visiting from mexico (yes they have visas ) and we were discussing said event. when I asked them for their reaction they said: "well those idiots are stupid for simply giving themselves away like that!" of course they're going to get arrested!! :lol:

09-18-13, 23:28
EDIT: SteyrAUG, don't forget to include murderers and child molesters on your list.

They are not on the list because it is impossible to be one and be an otherwise decent person.

09-18-13, 23:34
Some illegal are mixing their "privileges" with what are American Rights.

If you are not documented = illegal = deportation.

If you are documented = legal = stay and enjoy America.

Not put that Non-English sign and flag, because that system didn't work for you then, it will not work for you now. Hence, you migrated = moved from where you came from. Stop trying to tell Americans we have to learn your language and system, because we don't have time for your system and your flag and your language.

Its hard enough for most Americans to accept Yuengling is the oldest brewery, now we have to learn that system you think is so great that you left on your own fruition.

09-19-13, 00:19
Right, what I meant was they are amongst those that claim they are looking for a better way.

09-19-13, 15:03
Generally speaking each and every person who comes to the states wants a better life for themselves and their family. It's how they go about getting that better life that makes the difference. Some choose crime, some choose hard work others choose living on the backs of others (including their fellow countrymen doing the hard work).

Closing the border is an idiotic concept. No matter how big a wall you build someone will tunnel it of jump it or whatever it takes. Just ask the east Germans how well securing the iron curtain worked vs how man resources they consumed.

IMO the biggest issue we have is that the illegals have access to benefits, jobs, education... Those are 90% controllable yet we refuse to do so. If we did the reward for crossing illegally would diminish while trying to come here legally would have more rewards. We do not have a big enough stick to truly control the border. Even if we did we don't have the balls to use it. Maybe stop with the stick and go for the carrot. Come here legally and you'll have all the rewards that your hard work can garner. Come here illegally and you'll starve.

Make it financially beneficial for LEO agencies to go after and find illegals working and collecting benefits. Raise the fines and collect them from people and companies who hire illegals. None of this is rocket science, but it does take leadership willing to do the right thing instead of the politically expedient thing.

09-19-13, 15:47
Generally speaking each and every person who comes to the states wants a better life for themselves and their family. It's how they go about getting that better life that makes the difference. Some choose crime, some choose hard work others choose living on the backs of others (including their fellow countrymen doing the hard work).

Closing the border is an idiotic concept. No matter how big a wall you build someone will tunnel it of jump it or whatever it takes. Just ask the east Germans how well securing the iron curtain worked vs how man resources they consumed.

IMO the biggest issue we have is that the illegals have access to benefits, jobs, education... Those are 90% controllable yet we refuse to do so. If we did the reward for crossing illegally would diminish while trying to come here legally would have more rewards. We do not have a big enough stick to truly control the border. Even if we did we don't have the balls to use it. Maybe stop with the stick and go for the carrot. Come here legally and you'll have all the rewards that your hard work can garner. Come here illegally and you'll starve.

Make it financially beneficial for LEO agencies to go after and find illegals working and collecting benefits. Raise the fines and collect them from people and companies who hire illegals. None of this is rocket science, but it does take leadership willing to do the right thing instead of the politically expedient thing.

The concept is not idiotic. And a LOT more people would have left East Germany if they COULD have, so their wall served their purpose. You forget the carrot and the stick already exists, except the willpower to use the stick does not exist...

09-23-13, 13:02
Compare the Berlin Wall and the resources it took to man, patrol and maintain it and scale that to the southern border of the USA you'll soon realize that a wall is symbolic at best. Heck how are you going to build a wall around the other means of illegal passage: boats??

There are better sticks and carrots to use that are far more effective.

I do agree with you 100% though - it's not tools we are lacking, but the will to use the ones in our hands.

09-23-13, 13:29
The Obama administration in its first term deported more illegal aliens than did Bush in two terms. ;)

Will that trend continue to these folks? Of course not...they'll be put up as heroes and an example of how "comprehensive immigration reform" would help passionate people with grievances.

Off topic...why is "comprehensive" the catch phrase of late when referring to bad laws?

09-23-13, 14:32
Strong emotions, but I understand the sentiments.

Ah, my NSA file just got another page in it....

it would only be ironic in light that you write your own nsa file... here... because they record all the traffic.

09-23-13, 14:58
I like how a fellow shooter buddy of mine has to spend 3 years getting a visa (Russian) and 16 years getting his citizenship all the while being a practicing anesthesiologist. Meanwhile some guy can cross a border and start laying brick.

Or how a world class Korean flute player can't even get a visa besides a student visa where she cannot work legally.

The system is garbage and needs fixing.

09-23-13, 16:56
Furthermore, the immigration issue cannot be discussed without also discussing the war on drugs issue, or how our legal system operates for that matter, among many other things.

The war on drugs and illegal immigration go hand in hand now. There are certainly illegals from countries other than Mexico however.

I like how a fellow shooter buddy of mine has to spend 3 years getting a visa (Russian) and 16 years getting his citizenship all the while being a practicing anesthesiologist. Meanwhile some guy can cross a border and start laying brick.

Or how a world class Korean flute player can't even get a visa besides a student visa where she cannot work legally.

The system is garbage and needs fixing.

The variations in fixing the system differ dramatically, though, from fixing only the legal portion of it to blanket amnesty and wide open borders.