View Full Version : QE to continue.

09-18-13, 17:43
Surprise. Surprise.


09-18-13, 22:22
Dow jumped up a ton when the announcement was made.

Kinda wish they'd just run out of money and we could get this show on the road. The EBT cards flashing zero is the only way anything will ever change.

09-18-13, 22:38
They need to start weening the system off it....

09-18-13, 22:40
They need to start weening the system off it....

But that's the whole point. Like an individual on welfare getting free money - the entire US economy has become dependent upon the Fed pumping $85,000,000,000 a month into the economy.

09-18-13, 22:42
The economic cocaine fairy continues to sprinkle stimulation all over the economy.

Even Viagra says that if you take too much you can go blind and after keeping things up too long, you have to go and get it deflated..

09-18-13, 22:50
The worst thing is that every dollar they print lowers the value of every dollar that came before it.

09-18-13, 23:58
Today was another example of why I am working to be completely self sufficient in the event it all comes crashing down. Today just shows that they will keep inflating that bubble without a second thought.

09-19-13, 07:41
Bubble, bubble; toil and trouble.

09-19-13, 10:08

And your avatar is eroding my soul a little more each time I see it.

09-19-13, 10:19
How else could they keep the charade going?

How else could they keep the bread and circuses crowd from tearing this ****er down? Gotta prop up the FSA some how...

QE WILL continue until the downfall of the USA- that's exactly what it's meant to do.

Which shouldn't be all too long now with how our "leaders" are running the country into the ground with such bravado.

Economists are fortelling of a massive wealth destruction, credit downgrade and inflation that IS coming. It has been in the making for years, it will decimate this country and the nation so we are on a "level playing field" with the rest of the worlds nations.

The pieces of the puzzle fall into place and get clearer and clearer each day.

09-19-13, 10:22
The economy has not come back as strongly as the Fed was hoping. They want the economy to go gangbusters so they can sell off their debt they purchased before inflation hits. It's not going to happen...in the mean time the stock market will remain artificially inflated and housing prices will continue their slow but steady increase. Until the bottom falls out of it all and we are all in a really bad world of hurt. This will not be fun!

09-19-13, 10:40
The economy has not come back AT ALL when you really look at it.

How else can you say it is a "comeback" when you create 160k jobs last quarter but 300k left the workforce?

They tout the Dow and the stock market gains but didn't the markey gains look good before the big crash in the 1930s? I believe it did. Sorry...but the Dow Jones alone is NOT an indicator that things are getting better.

Big media and the Regime are lying to the public about the economy. Anyone that refutes their lies is marginalized as a kook or some sort of doomsayer.


Big A
09-19-13, 10:44
So is this foretelling that there is a deal on the debt ceiling/sequester, or will be shortly?

09-19-13, 13:00
Their only hope is that the economy starts growing at a rate where it can sustain itself without the bump from the Fed every month. Each time they refuse to pull the bandaid off they make it worse rather than better. The markets get to the point where they just expect it to continue on in perpetuity, and the reaction to a cessation will be simple more and more dramatic.

09-19-13, 13:28

09-19-13, 13:56
Most of the jobs created this year have been part time jobs. These count as jobs created in the crazy world of government math.

The workforce participation rate is as lower than it has been since Jimmy Carter. This is not a good sign. I worry about my 401k and the direction of the countries irresponsible fiscal policy.

09-19-13, 16:19
How's that hope and change?


09-19-13, 16:22

Normally people say, "those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it." But in this case I'd say those that know history are purposely repeating it.

09-19-13, 16:34
This confirms they can't ween the system off it. It's only a matter of time before the floor falls out.

The car was headed for a cliff and instead of hitting the brakes, we're stomping the gas.

09-19-13, 17:26
gold and silver jumped in price

09-19-13, 18:12
Normally people say, "those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it." But in this case I'd say those that know history are purposely repeating it.

Bingo, all by design.

09-20-13, 11:58
Today was another example of why I am working to be completely self sufficient in the event it all comes crashing down. Today just shows that they will keep inflating that bubble without a second thought.

This is inevitable. Record numbers of Americans are "Prepping" for such a crash due to our financial problems. As the analogy goes "If your toilet is overflowing, do you call a contractor to raise the ceiling height in your home to allow more room for shit, or do you call a plumber to unplug the toilet?"

It makes you wonder with all the combined years of education these scumbag politicians have between them, how could they FK things up so badly? I'm no genius, but I keep my debt to a minimum. In fact the only debt I have is my mortgage. The only explanation I see is that our debt problems are engineered. They have to know the consequences of their actions.