View Full Version : Chicago: We're number one!!!

09-19-13, 14:01

Statistics released by the FBIearlier this week show that Chicago passed New York as America's murder capital in 2012 despite the Windy City only having a third of the Big Apple's population.

The FBI recorded 500 murders in Chicago in 2012, up from 431 in 2011. New York reported 419 murders in 2012, down from 515 the year before.

One third the population(that equates to approximately 6,000,000 fewer residents)of NYC. National democratic socialism sure is the bees knees....

09-19-13, 14:08
No, you don't see. Chicago's laws are working, it's the fact that all the places AROUND Chicago don't have the same laws and so the criminals venture into Chicago to do some murderin...

09-19-13, 14:58
Time to hold a parade!! Can paint targets on the back of the the marching band too!! Bet we don't hear much about this on the news.

On a more humorous note, have a friend who is from there who went up to visit family last year, the night then rolled in and were walking into the hotel they heard gun fire followed by tires squealing then a couple minutes later police sirens. Talk about a welcome home.

09-19-13, 15:00
I remember the good old days when NYC had 2000 plus per year.

09-19-13, 15:08
number 1 with what? murder, corruption, socialism, general crime, violent crime, filth, shitty roads, shitty corrupt legislators....or all of the above? **** CHICAGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Breacher 217
09-19-13, 15:34
Here's a pic of my favorite T-shirt.


09-19-13, 15:45
#1 in political corruption as well!


09-19-13, 15:57
#1 in political corruption as well!


I like the part about voting out the lying scumbags. Like there has been a legit election in this state in 70 years. Please. These Illinois dems and Chicago machine dems have this place so wired. Come on, Jesse Jackass Jr won his last election despite not running a campaign because he was too busy faking insanity for his corruption indictments. Vote them out? Really.

Last election the husband of my state rep was right there in the parking lot not 50 feet from the door talking to folks before they went in to vote. He tried to approach me but when I reminded him what he was doing was illegal he got all pissy. Illinois politics...

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

09-19-13, 17:11
This is the home of our sitting President. Hmm . . . shocked I am not.